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An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride: Volume 4

Page 3

by Fuminori Teshima

  I hate to admit it, but this sorcery is even artistic... Nephteros, who studied sorcery under Archdemon Bifrons, was unable to mimic it. It truly was the crystallization of Zagan’s power. She was unintentionally fascinated by it.

  A large number of sorcerers were bustling about in a hurry within that beautiful barrier. They were likely Zagan’s subordinates, and each and every single one of them failed to notice their master’s enemy in the skies right above them.

  If she just threw down her ‘package’ like this, then she could take off, but...

  “Urgh...” Nephteros felt a wave of bloodlust strike her body as she mulled over her thoughts. Looking down at the castle below her feet, she spotted an elderly man barking orders at the sorcerers. If she remembered correctly, he was a former Angelic Knight named Raphael.

  Well, an Archdemon wouldn’t employ only fools, I suppose.

  Since he’d noticed her, she had no other choice. Nephteros unleashed her mana, which made the barrier oscillate slightly. Even if Zagan far surpassed her as a sorcerer, it was an enormous barrier that covered not only a castle, but an entire forest. Due to its massive size, the parts of it that could be compared to a person’s joints were rather brittle. And so, there were definitely ‘gaps’ that most enemies would be unable to sense.

  By making the barrier vibrate, Nephteros brought such a ‘gap’ to the surface. And just like that, she wove her way through it and descended toward the castle.

  The sight of her figure as she unleashed a wave of mana and brazenly broke through an Archdemon’s barrier was simply sublime. However, sweat crept up on her face instead of a satisfied smirk.

  Faster! I have to get through before the barrier changes! Nephteros knew she would be caught in the barrier if the wind even shifted ever so slightly. After all, getting through his barrier was much like threading the eye of a needle, so even a gentle quiver would result in her failure.

  She couldn’t afford to be impatient. However, she had to struggle to get through even a second sooner. And as she battled against the powerful barrier, Nephteros finally realized what a terrifying enemy Archdemon Zagan was.

  Before long, the other sorcerers began to raise their voices upon spotting her.

  “Y-You’re Bifrons’...!” “What are you planning now!?” “Calm down! This one’s sorcery is powerful. If you carelessly pick a fight, she’ll turn the tables on you.”

  Nephteros landed in front of Raphael, barely sparing the sorcerers who were making a ruckus a glance.

  The one with the most power in this place... is this guy, huh? Nephteros didn’t think he was stronger than her. However, he was someone that Zagan kept at his side. She couldn’t afford to be lax.

  Gazing at him, Nephteros formed a somewhat strained smile and shook back her silver hair in an overbearing manner. And then, she took on a resolute attitude and informed him of something rather shocking.

  “Um, I came to return Zagan’s mantle, but...”

  At that, everyone present let out a sigh at once.

  “That’s freaking misleading. If you’re gonna do that, then just come in through the door like normal!” “Now that I think of it, she was just that kinda girl, huh?” “Mmhmm. She can’t just honestly give her thanks or anything, can she?” “Is it that? Is she finally admitting she wants to get along with little Nephy?” “Well, with how kind Nephy is, she’ll definitely want to spend some time with this one.”

  Eventually, the sorcerers each returned to their work as if they had lost all interest in her. Nephteros shot a glance toward the sorcerers who were saying whatever they pleased, but even as she kept a composed expression, the tips of her ears were dyed red and quivering about.

  After Raphael looked her over with a cold, calculated gaze, he abruptly turned his back on her.

  “Follow me.”

  She wanted to return the mantle in a hurry and scurry back home, but her pride wouldn’t allow her to turn her back here. And so, Nephteros reluctantly followed Raphael.

  The place he led her to seemed to be a parlor. Raphael pulled out a chair and urged Nephteros to take a seat before going on to briskly prepare some beverages. Shortly after, he presented her with some tea that gave off a relieving scent.

  “Have a drink.”

  “Ah, thanks...”

  Nephteros unintentionally ended up bowing her head as she responded. Raphael’s courteous actions had caught her off guard. After that, Raphael muttered something as he lined up some cookies to go with the tea.

  “I’ll tell you this before you say anything, but my liege is currently absent.”

  “Huh, he’s not here?”


  Unable to hide her bewilderment, Nephteros questioned him again.

  “Then... Um... What is this...?”

  “I was commanded to give you the minimum amount of hospitality.”

  “Didn’t he mean... to intercept and attack me?”

  “You fool. My liege is a gentleman. He would never allow a guest to leave empty-handed.”

  Unable to understand what he was saying, Nephteros simply began blinking rapidly as her ears quivered lightly.

  “But, just earlier, did you not direct your ire toward me when I was above the castle?”

  “If someone suspicious was directly above you, would you not be on guard?”

  “Suspicious, you say... Haven’t we met before?”

  “I am not a sorcerer. There’s no way I can distinguish someone’s face at such a distance,” Raphael replied, shaking his head all the while.

  “That’s, um... Sorry. I didn’t notice...”

  “It is not something for you to pay any mind. More importantly, drink the damn tea before it gets cold.”

  “Thank you...” Nephteros’ face remained bewildered as she raised her teacup.

  For the time being... I’m their enemy, right...? It’s not like Master Bifrons apologized to them or anything...

  Nephteros’ master was someone who would rather just up and die than bow their head to another. Bifrons was a being who would never apologize.

  Though perhaps that was just normal for Archdemons, so Zagan understood. Was that why she was being treated with such kindness? Did he truly mean to entertain an enemy, not strike them down?

  Nephteros tried a bite of one of the cookies in front of her as she mulled over such thoughts.

  “This... is delicious...”

  “...Has it caught your fancy?”

  “I suppose it has... Did you make these?”


  Nephteros unintentionally let out a sigh. She thought that perhaps they were poisoned or something, but they were just normal, delicious cookies. Both the cookies and the tea were so delicious that Nephteros was left earnestly perplexed.

  How did such a beastly man manage to make these...?

  Raphael’s face was terrifying enough to spur sorcerers to rush in and attack him out of fear. She couldn’t possibly imagine him making sweets in the kitchen.

  Nephteros didn’t know a thing about baking sweets, but she had no confidence that she could make such delicious ones even if she did. On the other hand, she thought about making something terrible to harass Bifrons, but that Archdemon would surely see through her plans right away, so any effort would be in vain.

  Nephteros made sure not to let any crumbs fall down on Zagan’s mantle, which she had on her lap as she chewed on some cookies, and continued questioning Raphael.

  “Where did Zagan go?”

  “Lady Nephy’s hometown. I’ve heard it takes a whole day to reach on the wings of a dragon. They’ll be back in three days at the earliest, but I’m unsure when they plan to return.”

  “Is that so...” Nephteros stared down at Zagan’s mantle.

  What should I do? Even though I came all the way here, just leaving the mantle and taking off is kind of silly, isn’t it...?

  Having said that, it was too far away to just chase after him. In the worst case, they could even pass each oth
er by. If that were to happen, she would be even more laughable. And while she was worrying about what to do, her teacup emptied.

  Shaking her head at Raphael, who was offering to refill her tea, Nephteros stood up from her chair.

  “I’ll come again.”

  For the time being, I should at least give my thanks for last time in person.

  During the incident on the boat, Zagan had saved Nephteros’ life, but she had never properly thanked him. Also, thanks to the ‘souvenir’ that he gave her, she was even able to torment Bifrons. There was also the matter of his mantle, but she thought properly conveying her gratitude for such things was the most important part.

  If I don’t, then one day I’ll end up like Master Bifrons...

  Casual indifference may have been normal for sorcerers, but her feelings of wanting to reject becoming that kind of person were at the forefront of her mind.

  “Wait. I have something to hand over to you. You may wait there for a moment,” Raphael called out to Nephteros, stopping her in her tracks as she turned to leave.

  “Huh...? Understood,” Nephteros replied, then lounged about until Raphael’s return.

  “You may take these with you,” Raphael said upon his return.

  “What are they?”

  Raphael held out a package. It was small enough to snugly fit into Nephteros’ hand and was tied up with an adorable ribbon.

  “They’re just leftovers. Don’t pay it any mind and just take them.”

  “By leftovers... do you mean more of the cookies I just ate?”

  Raphael responded with an exaggerated nod. It seemed he had heard Nephteros muttering about how they were delicious, so he prepared them for her as a souvenir.

  His kindness tugged at Nephteros’ heartstrings. It felt like she was being toyed around with right until the very end.

  “If it is alright with you, will you come with me?” Nephteros recalled the girl who held out her hand to her as she said those warm words, then shook her head to clear out the memory.

  I was the one who chose not to join her...

  Did she not choose to stay under Bifrons’ service?

  “I’ll... come again,” Nephteros curtly replied, affirming her resolve as she walked away.

  After reaching the entrance hall, she strolled out toward the grounds. On the way, she passed by several sorcerers, but unlike before, none of them were the least bit hostile. It seemed they recognized Nephteros as a guest now.

  Taking a fleeting glimpse behind her, Nephteros spotted Raphael waving his hand to her with a stern expression on his face. And she unintentionally waved back at him.

  What exactly am I doing here...? Nephteros was unable to explain her own actions, but oddly enough, that didn’t feel bad. And as she tried to leave the peaceful atmosphere of Zagan’s castle that she had gotten completely absorbed in, another sorcerer came flying toward her from the forest.

  “Shit, shit! That asshole Zagan’s leaving me out of the fun stuff again! Why am I the one stuck with protecting that crybaby? Dammit!”

  What’s with this punk...?

  He looked to be around twenty years old, with unkempt hair and large shadows under his eyes. He was a skinny and tall figure with gaunt cheeks that gave off an unhealthy impression. There were also many ornaments hanging around his neck, and they jingled about as he walked. She believed he was a sorcerer, but Nephteros did not know him.

  That man was Barbatos. As a matter of fact, Nephteros had actually met him once, but things were so hectic back then that she didn’t remember him at all. In an attempt to keep from getting involved with him, she walked off of the path. However, Barbatos simply stared at her fixedly.

  “Huh? Wait, aren’t you that elf from Bifrons’ ball!?”

  “...Who are you?” Nephteros knit her brows, but the man didn’t pay that any mind and began talking to her.

  “What’s this? Did you come to kill that asshole Zagan? Well, too bad! That jerk ran off somewhere with his bride again. Kah! Looks like you wasted your time coming here, huh?”

  “No, that’s not really true...”

  The cookies and tea were both delicious, and she even ended up being given a souvenir. Frankly, she was glad to have a reason to come again.

  Unfortunately, Barbatos just kept chattering on, and as Nephteros began walking again in an attempt to escape him, he just followed along.

  What’s with this guy?

  “If you’re looking for Zagan, it seems he went to Nephelia’s hometown. Why not deliver any complaints you have yourself?” Nephteros snapped at him after a while in order to drive him off.

  She felt bad about forcing such an annoying man onto Zagan, but she could not endure his prattling any longer.

  “What’s that? By Nephy’s hometown, you mean the hidden elven village, right? I see... He’s going that far just to get his hands on a new power, huh? That’s why he left me behind!” Barbatos exclaimed, his eyes shooting wide open as he took in Nephteros’ words.

  Nephteros hurriedly distanced herself from him as he repeatedly stamped his foot into the ground.

  With this, I can finally return home... Nephteros felt a sense of relief at last, but Barbatos ended up ruining that by saying something completely unpredictable.

  “I’m going after that asshole Zagan. You’re planning to do the same, right? I’ll take you with me, then.”

  “No, I’m not really...”

  “Damn, that means I need to bring the crybaby along, too. Man, what a pain.”

  At that moment, Nephteros finally realized one of her faults. Now that I think of it, I don’t know how to deal with people who don’t listen to others at all.

  Her master, Bifrons, was one good example, and this man was another. She never had the opportunity to strike up a conversation with people other than Bifrons, so that flaw made sense.

  Sadly, that weakness was coming back to bite her now. Despite her objections, she ended up getting dragged into Barbatos’ little expedition.

  And just like that, Nephy’s dark counterpart ended up hot on her trail, running headfirst into a situation that had absolutely nothing to do with her.

  Chapter II: Love the Girl Dear to You, and She Will Love You in Return!

  “W-Wait just a moment. Falling... I’m falling!” Gremory screamed in a hoarse voice. Ever since this morning, she had taken on the form of an old woman.

  Zagan and the others were currently riding on the back of a dragon, soaring through the sky. The scenery beneath them changed with the flow of the clouds. Right as they saw a forest spreading out below, in an instant, a desert would appear, and next, a magnificent canal.

  “Are you alright, Miss Gremory?” Nephy called out to the old woman in a worried voice.

  “Keeheehee, you elves are such kindhearted creatures! Mmm, how comforting. I’m alright... Ah, sorry, no, maybe I’m not.”

  Zagan let out a sigh, resigning himself to his fate, as he grabbed the old woman who looked to be on the verge of fainting by the nape of her neck and pulled her back up.

  The beautiful green dragon turned her head and pointed her amber eyes to those on her back.

  “Should I... slow down a bit?” Foll’s voice rang out. This green dragon with feathers similar to those of a bird was Foll’s original form. She still had a petite figure for a dragon, but even so, her body was far larger than a carriage, and when she spread out her wings, she was about as large as a cabin.

  A lion running through the sky drew near the tip of Foll’s nose. It was Kimaris.

  “No, it’s alright. Miss Gremory is just bad with heights. Even if you change your speed, she’ll just say the same thing,” he said.

  “That so?” Foll said, then faced forward as if having lost any concern for the old woman. After that, she picked up her pace.


  “If you were going to kick up a fuss, then you should have just obediently ridden on Kimaris’ back,” Zagan said, grimacing at the old woman screaming right next
to his ear.

  Zagan was at the center of Foll’s back, Nephy was to his left, and Gremory to his right. Though, since Gremory had given up on staying stable with her own strength, Zagan was holding her up by the nape of her neck. Add in Foll and Kimaris, and there were five of them on the trip.

  Zagan had imagined this as a family trip with his bride and daughter, but Gremory had grumbled until he was forced to take her along. Thanks to her, Kimaris ended up joining them, as well.

  “That’s unreasonable, Sir Zagan. Sure, I’m confident in my speed, but only when I’m on my own. Lady Foll’s ability to transport passengers far surpasses mine.”

  Foll’s flight speed was astounding. What would normally take a horse-drawn carriage three days only took her an evening. It seemed the only race that could fly at such high speeds while carrying people were dragons.

  “Well, I get that much, but wouldn’t it be better if she took on a younger form?” Zagan questioned.

  It seemed she was shaking like a leaf in the wind in her old form. Even if sorcerers could manipulate physical abilities, an aging body still took its toll. It was obvious that a younger body contained more power.

  “This form is the lightest, you hear!? An old woman has more power than a young girl, you hear!? If I’m heavier, then flying would just be harder!” Gremory glared at Zagan, seemingly on the verge of tears as she said that.

  “I’ll fly... a little slower.”

  Well, setting aside whether an old woman had more power than a young girl, Gremory seemed to be trying to lighten Foll’s load in her own little way. Once that became apparent, Foll consciously slowed herself down.

  “Why are you so desperate to tag along with us...?” Zagan asked in a bewildered tone.

  “Keehee, why do you think I’m following and serving you? Is it not obviously because as long as I’m in your service, I can observe dragons and elves all I want? If these two are going, then there’s no meaning in just waiting behin— Eeeeeek!?”

  Gremory was a sorcerer who researched the simple yet difficult to understand nature of immortality, so it was only natural that she had her eyes on races like elves and dragons, who possessed perpetual youth. And it seemed she came along to observe Nephy and Foll.


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