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Slide (Boosted Hearts Book 3)

Page 16

by Sherilee Gray

  Hugh shook his head. “I asked, she said it wasn’t him. She’d tell me if it was.”

  “You sure about that?” Adam fired back.

  “I practically raised Lucy. You think I don’t know my own damn sister?”

  Adam stared him down. “I think you’re delusional, that’s what I think. I don’t think you know her as well as you think you do.” Jesus. Seriously? Stop fucking talking.

  Hugh’s eyes narrowed. “You seem to be taking an awfully big interest in Lucy all of a sudden.”

  “I’ve known her nearly her whole life.” He was growling now. Hugh’s suspicion pissed him off; the fact that he didn’t seem to be happy over Adam’s interest more so. Which was messed up when it was more than founded. And it wasn’t like Adam would expect anything but displeasure from Hugh and Joe if he they ever thought he was getting too close to Lucy. He was showing his cards here, big time. He needed to pull back.

  “Good thing your opinion doesn’t mean shit when it comes to my sister, then, huh?”

  “Jesus, let’s all take a breather and break this up,” Joe said beside them. “It’s too early for this drama.” He unlocked the main garage door and rolled it up. “I think Adam’s right about one thing, though.”

  “You do?” Hugh said.

  “Maybe we should back off a bit. If we keep pushing, she’s just going to push back harder. Let’s step back for a bit. I’m sure she’ll get sick of serving drinks soon enough and go back on her own.”

  Hugh rubbed his beard. “You might be right, I guess.”

  Adam wanted to simultaneously smack them both upside the head and ask where she was working. Also, why the hell she wasn’t home this early in the morning. But Hugh was already suspicious. The guy was like a vicious guard dog when it came to his family, his baby sister especially. If he thought his player of a friend was sniffing around her, the guy would lose his mind.

  He’d always known it, but seeing it, even if it was just a hint, didn’t feel great. They were his best friends, brothers in all ways but blood, but he wasn’t good enough for their sister. Hugh was right, of course. Still, it had the effect of being lopped off at the knees. It fucking cut.

  Adam kept his mouth shut after that and got to work, anything to distract him from wanting to ask about Lucy, from thinking about her—wanting her.

  It wasn’t working.

  ~ * ~

  “Slow down, sunshine, or I’ll be carrying you out of here.”

  Adam ignored Joe and finished off his whiskey, signaling the bartender for another.

  “Okay. Time for a little girl talk.” Joe spun in his seat and rested his chin in his hand. “Talk to Uncle Joe. What’s going on?”

  “I thought this was girl talk? Wouldn’t that make you Aunt Joe?”

  “You’re not too pissy to backchat, which means this—whatever’s got your panties in a wad—can’t be that serious.” He tapped his chin.

  “Why the fuck are you staring at me like that?” Adam snapped.

  “I’m looking for clues.”

  “On my face?”

  “You have stress lines, and you’ve shooed away every chick that’s come circling. Not the usual for my skirt-chasing friend.”

  Adam growled.

  “You, ah…” He tilted his head, eyes dropping to Adam’s dick. “You pick something up?”

  Adam was halfway drunk, so his mind wasn’t quite as quick as usual. “What?”

  “You know, you got the clap?”

  “The clap?”

  Joe shrugged.

  He thought Adam had an STI? Wow. No wonder Hugh nearly punched his lights out for just asking about Lucy. Did they truly think he was that irresponsible? Had he given them cause to think differently?

  “No. I do not have the fucking clap,” he ground out. “Why the hell are you here again? Don’t you have a woman waiting for you at home? I’m sure she’s missing you.”

  Joe shook his head. “Nope. I’m here for you, man. You were there for me when I was going through all my drama with Darcey. I’m here for you.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with me.”

  Joe sat up straighter, eyes narrowing like Hugh’s had this morning. “It’s a woman.”


  “It is. You like someone!”

  “I like someone? You weren’t joking about the girl talk, were you?” He tried to play it off, but his heart started beating harder and his mouth was suddenly dry as a damn desert. “Can I get a drink?” he said to the barman when he walked by.

  The drink was in front of him a minute later, and during those sixty seconds, Joe hadn’t said a word, just watched him like the main attraction at the zoo.

  Finally, his friend said, “Where’d you go?”

  “Pardon?” Adam knew exactly what he meant.

  “You had a few days off. Where’d you go? Who went with you?”

  “I went to visit my cousin, you know that.” He took a deep pull of his drink.

  “Something happened to you when you went away. Come on, spill.” Joe spotted someone over Adam’s shoulder and lifted his hand. “Luce!”

  Adam stiffened. “Lucy?”

  Joe didn’t hear him because he was too busy hollering his sister’s name. Then Lucy was there, at Joe’s side.

  “What the hell do you want?” she hissed. “This is only my second night. You’ll get me fired.”

  She didn’t look at Adam. Didn’t acknowledge him at all. It pissed him off. He wanted her to fucking look at him.

  “Congratulations on the new job,” he murmured, trying to get her to do just that.

  Even though it was noisy, she heard him, like even though she pretended not to see him, she’d been fully aware, focused on him the whole time.

  “Luce, look at Adam and tell me there isn’t something different about him,” Joe said before she could answer.

  Her brows flew up. “You called me away from my tables for that? I don’t have time for this.”

  Joe had his arm around his sister’s shoulders now and he tugged her closer, planting a sloppy kiss on her cheek. “Humor me.”

  Her eyes darted Adam’s way then back to Joe. “He looks the same as he always does.”

  Adam could see the vein in her neck fluttering like mad, could see her chest rise and fall rapidly. It was hard, but he kept his ass planted on the seat and didn’t stand up and yank her out of her brother’s arms and into his. He wanted to kiss her, feel those lush, soft lips under his one more time. Wanted to feel the heat of her skin burning him through his clothes, and out of them.

  “No, look at him properly,” Joe was saying. “I think he’s met someone.”

  Lucy’s shoulders stiffened. “I wouldn’t know.” She jabbed her brother in the side and he let her go.


  “Don’t be a baby.” She backed up. “You two have a good night.” Her eyes slid back to Adam’s. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  “That doesn’t leave much!” Joe called after her.

  But she was already gone, walking into the crowd.

  ~ * ~

  Lucy did her best to ignore Adam. Easier said than done when she was positive she could feel his eyes on her, following her around the bar. This being her second night on the job was hard enough without him sitting there all damn night. She felt overly aware of her body, the way she moved around the room, the way she smiled and laughed, talked. In the past, at family get-togethers or at the garage, she could hide behind the animosity they fired at each other—but not anymore. Now she knew what it felt like to be desired by Adam Grady. And though she knew crossing that line was a serious mistake, she wanted him still.

  Damn Joe for bringing him there.

  She’d hoped to avoid him for a little longer at least. Yep, total coward. She’d even gone as far as staying in a cheap hotel last night so she wouldn’t see him at the garage this morning. Not something she should be spending her dwindling savings on. Thankfully, she was now making money again. Next step wa
s finding a place away from her brothers, and Adam. A place with very low rent. There had to be a place, right? Somewhere that wasn’t falling down around her ears, infested with cockroaches, or in the worst part of the city.


  She delivered her drinks, and then took an order from the guys at the next table. They were a bit rowdy, out for a good night, teasing and flirting with her. They weren’t being assholes; they were kind of funny, actually, so she teased and laughed back. Plus, that was part of the job, right? She needed the tips if she wanted to get out from under Hugh’s massive oppressive thumb. She was still chuckling when she turned to head back to the bar to fill their drinks order. Without wanting them to, her eyes drifted back to where Adam and Joe had been sitting. Joe was nowhere to be seen, but Adam—he was out of his seat, eyes locked on the guys behind her.

  His gaze slid to her. Her breath jammed in her throat. His eyes were dark, stormy, teeth gritted.

  What the hell was going on?

  She forced herself to look away and hand over her order. Adam was at her side a second later, looming over her. He leaned in, lips brushing her ear, and she froze, couldn’t move—God, couldn’t think.

  “What did they say to you?” he rasped.

  The hair at the back of her neck lifted, her lips suddenly tingling. The urge to turn in to him and press her mouth against his, to kiss the stubbornness right out of them, was hard to resist.

  Then his words registered and she spun to face him. “What?”

  The muscle in his jaw jumped. “You heard me.”

  “Whoa.” She held up her hands, heart pounding, and pissed off, so damn pissed off. “We’re not doing this.” She jabbed him in the chest. “You are not doing this.”

  His eyes shuttered. “Do what?”

  “This male territorial bullshit. We both knew what we were doing, and now it’s over.”

  “I thought I knew, but then you got on a bus and left.” His hand snaked out, fingers fisting her shirt at her waist. “You left and we still had a night, Lucy. You took that away from me.”

  His face was so close, his ragged breaths brushing her cheek. She could feel herself weakening. Why was he saying these things?

  “I couldn’t…I knew I…”

  “I’m sorry,” he rasped. “I said things I shouldn’t have. I acted like an asshole. I just…the idea of someone hurting you…” His mouth pressed against her temple. “I lost it. I’m sorry.”

  Having him this close, touching her, hearing the hot rasp in his voice…God, her body went up in flames. She wanted to twist toward him and wrap her body around him and never let go. Let him carry her out of here and lose herself in him, screw the consequences. But that wasn’t going to happen, it couldn’t happen. Carrying on like this was not only reckless but just plain stupid, and she was done thinking only of herself. Of not thinking about who her careless choices might affect.

  So instead of pressing closer, she gently pulled back, putting some distance between them. “Look. It’s…it’s fine. Let’s just forget any of this happened, okay?” Even as she said the words she didn’t believe them.

  “’Cause it was a mistake, right?” His jaw was hard again.

  “Yes,” she whispered. She doubted he heard her over the loud music, but he’d seen her answer on her lips.

  He took a step closer. “Maybe I don’t want to forget—”

  “You ready to leave?” Joe said to Adam, appearing suddenly at their sides.

  She spun to face her brother. Shit. He was still in the bar? She’d assumed he’d left. He could have seen her and Adam.

  “You two look like you’re having a serious conversation.” Her brother’s gaze slid between the two of them.

  She shook her head, forcing a sardonic grin. “Adam was being his usual douchey self.”

  “And your little sister is being a brat,” Adam said, catching the lifesaver she’d thrown. Thankfully Joe didn’t seem to pick up on the total lack of enthusiasm behind his words.

  Joe snorted. “You two need to sort your shit out, seriously. You need to be more like me. I don’t even know how I do it sometimes. So many hats. So many. Model citizen, devoted boyfriend, sex god…”

  Lucy punched his arm. “Stop there before I throw up in my mouth.”

  “You’re right. There can only be one sex god. Trying to be like me is an impossible goal that will only set you up for failure.”

  She gave her brother a shove toward the exit. “I have drinks to deliver. Leave already.”

  Joe smacked a kiss on her cheek, patted her on the head, and glanced at Adam. “Let’s roll.”

  Adam didn’t take his eyes off her as he dipped his chin.

  Then they walked away, and she couldn’t take her eyes off Adam, couldn’t look away until he disappeared out the door.

  She dragged in a sharp breath, only realizing she’d been holding it while she watched him leave.

  What the hell was she going to do?

  Chapter Seventeen

  This wasn’t going to be painful at all.

  Adam shut his car door and walked up to Hugh and Shay’s front door. The sun was beating down on the back of his neck, but that wasn’t why sweat trickled between his shoulder blades. He’d tried to get out of the barbecue lunch, but Shay had insisted. How did you turn down Shay, sweet, pregnant Shay? It was impossible. She’d batted those lashed, offered up one of those famous open smiles, and he’d said, “I’ll be there.”

  The idea of seeing Lucy again was equally thrilling and pure torture. At least she was out of the apartment above the garage. She’d moved into Shay’s old trailer a couple of days earlier. Hugh was being weird about it. Not happy that Shay had made it easier for Lucy to stay instead of going back to school. Adam had hoped the old adage out of sight, out of mind would be the case. Well, at least make his life a little easier, since seeing her every day had been agony. Of course, that hadn’t been the case, and now he was supposed to sit in the backyard with her and pretend he didn’t want her, that it wasn’t taking everything in him not to pull her into his arms, bury his nose in that sexy spot between her neck and shoulder, and demand she give him the night she denied him when she’d gotten on that bus.

  He thrust his fingers through his hair. Who the fuck was he kidding? He wanted more than one night.

  He wanted more than just sex.

  But he couldn’t have it.

  There was no point denying it. He wanted every part of her. Wanted her to relinquish everything that was Lucy Colton to him. The secret places of her soul that she’d never revealed to another person. But to deserve that, he’d have to do the same, and that wasn’t something he could give, to anyone.

  “You going in? Or are you going to stand there all night staring at the door handle?”

  He spun around as Lucy came up the stairs toward him. His heart fired off one heavy beat that sucked the oxygen from his lungs. Jesus. She was beautiful. She had on a green sundress, a shade that matched her eyes. Her legs and arms were bare, dark hair a soft tumble down her back. It hurt to look at her and not be able to touch.

  Lucy stayed several feet away, but that did nothing to stop the electricity firing between them. No, it seemed to intensify with every passing second. Her eyes lifted, connecting with his, and his gut tightened, his groin growing heavy.

  Goddamn it.


  The woman moved as fast as a bolt of lightning. Striding past him, she pushed the door open before he knew what she was going to do. “We’re here!” she called into the hall, cutting him off completely.

  He wanted to wrap his arm around her waist and haul her back out, drag her up against him, and make her talk to him, look at him. He wanted another glimpse of the woman she’d shown him when they were on the road. He didn’t want to go back to the way they’d been before, carrying on like there wasn’t this huge thing between them. Trying to pretend nothing happened.

  After he’d seen her working in that bar, he hated the way he’d felt
having to keep his feelings for her hidden from Joe. Trying and failing to ignore the deep sense in his gut that Lucy was his. That those feelings he had that felt so fucking huge meant nothing and would come to nothing was too much to bear.

  But he couldn’t leave things like this. If nothing else, they needed to at least clear the air.

  Lucy wasn’t going to give him a damn inch, though.

  “We’re out back!” Darcey called.

  Lucy raced off ahead of him, and was out the kitchen door and stepping into the backyard before he’d shut the front door. Talking wasn’t going to happen today, not when she was going to run every time they were in touching distance of each other, and not in front of all these people.

  He cursed under his breath and went out to join them, but pulled up short when he saw the yard. It’d been decorated with flowers. They were everywhere. And there was an arch set up, covered in roses near the back. He walked over to Joe, who was standing with Hugh, who he also noted looked kind of pale.

  “What’s going on? Everything okay?”

  Joe glanced at Adam. “Hugh’s getting married.” He patted his brother on the back. “Now he’s having second thoughts…ow!”

  Hugh scowled at his brother. “I’m not having second thoughts. Idiot.”

  “Hang on…what?” Adam shook his head like a cartoon character. “I thought…fall…autumn leaves and all that shit.”

  “I said that to throw you off,” Hugh said.

  “Yeah, ’cause me and Adam were totally on wedding watch.” Joe shook his head. “Every day Adam would walk into work and say, ‘I wish they’d set a date already.’ Ow! Goddamn it. Quit hitting me.”

  Hugh shoved Joe and took a deep pull of his beer.

  Adam clapped Hugh on the back. “Why the nerves?”

  “I hate being the damn center of attention, you know that. Neither does Shay. That’s why we went with the whole surprise thing. Kept it small, just our friends and family, yanno?”

  “Yeah, of course.” Adam glanced around the yard. Hugh’s mom was there, Darcey’s little brother Noah by her side, and Shay’s friends from the trailer park and a few other people he didn’t recognize. Lucy was over talking to Shay’s old neighbor, now her neighbor, Edna. Lucy looked fucking gorgeous.


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