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Page 20

by A. C. Bextor

  I don’t allow myself to give in to her annoyance. “We’re here now. That’s what matters.”

  She moves slightly and sighs with exhaustion. I feel my cock twitch with her movement and she giggles.

  “Not so funny, sweetheart. You’re done for tonight.”

  “You finger-fucked my ass!” she exclaims, looking to the wall beside us.

  “Your ass fucked my finger, Em.” She’s making it difficult to hold in my smirk.


  “With you, yes.”

  I hear her yawn; she needs to sleep.

  After I’ve carried her to the bedroom to lay her down, I slide in next to her, tucking her body close to mine. “Get some rest. You’re exhausted.”

  “Thank you,” she breathes, putting her head on my shoulder before she adds, “for everything you are to me.”

  “We’ll get her back, and she’ll be with us for good,” I say, referencing Casey.

  Her breath hitches, but she makes no move to look at me. “And because you’re so certain, I believe you.”

  “I want her here.”


  “With us, Em. I know you’ve said before you want her. I’m involved now. I know her. I want you both with me.”

  She hesitates for a second then I hear her whisper, “I want that, too. More than anything.”

  In that moment, my resolve strengthens beyond any measure I thought possible.

  “I love you. I’ll do everything I can to keep her safe.”

  I don’t know how much time I have left until Casey’s life goes from being in jeopardy to being taken out of my hands. The plan needs to be formed, and we need to move on this quicker than I had anticipated.

  Finally lifting from her position, she leans her body a breath away from mine and places her hands on my face with care. “I don’t have the words . . .”

  “You don’t have to say anything, Em. I already know,” I tell her before closing my eyes and kissing her lips gently.

  It isn’t until then that she finally lays her head back down and quietly falls asleep.

  I’ve got to find out what Aimes and Lelow are up to then help move forward with their plan. I realize Aimes is good at what he does on the front end, and Low handles what he does behind the scenes, but they’re only two people. Hearing him tell me he’s calling in favors has me nervous.

  Since meeting Hoss’ crew, each new person I meet has me nervous.

  We need to move on this now. Failure isn’t an option.

  To be continued September 2015.

  More about A.C. Bextor

  More information regarding the release of TRUTH, Book Two in the Vengeance Duet can be found at the following A.C. Bextor sites:

  Facebook page

  Facebook author page







  Paul and Dallace—I love you. Thank you for hanging with me this summer while I finished DIRTY. I missed a lot of softball games and tournaments, shopping trips, and yet you’ve both been so supportive because you knew what this particular series meant to me.

  Ashleigh Grapeness: Book One is done. ONWARD! Now, stop texting, “Write, bitch. Write.” And . . . with any luck, Book Two will be as fast-paced as Book One and we won’t have 1,287 versions to weed through. GAWD!

  Dana: Thank you for all your editor’s touch changes before it went for final read. I’ve told you thank you so many times I fear it’s lost its meaning, but it’s important you know how appreciative I am. I know you’re busy with your company, but you took the time to help with Max. This book was a LONG time coming, so I hope it’s everything you thought it would be!

  Melissa: Thank goodness you’re stronger than I deserve for you to be. I haven’t broken you yet, but I’m afraid there’s still time!

  J.C. aka Ms. T. Thanks for alllll your help in helping me market DIRTY. I will never be able to express my gratitude enough. I hope you know how appreciative I am for all the pointers you’ve given.

  Denielle: I think you’re nuts, you get that right? Thanks for pimping the ever lovin’ hell out of DIRTY. Now I’ll try to get you what you think you deserve in return. Goodness help me, I’m goin’ in. I’ll be breezy.

  Lara: Thanks for the help with the blurb. I hate writing them, and you sooo aced it!

  Owen: Sorry about the throat comment and I hope you’re feeling better.

  Beta Readers!

  Ashleigh, Dana, Melissa, Amber, Sam, Alesha, Julie, Jos, Keri, Tracy, and Chris.

  This project wasn’t something you were ready for. With little warning and even less knowledge of what it was about, you delved in like champs and got your hands “DIRTY” (Yeah, I said it). Thank you for sticking with me through yet another project. I appreciate each of you so much.

  Bloggers: I never have enough words of appreciation for all of you. The hard work you put into reading, reviewing, and then promoting any author’s work doesn’t go unnoticed. Thank you so much for your willingness to help.

  To the ladies who make up the Lights of Peril group: Thank you for all your book recommendations and your postings of whatever you find that the rest of us enjoy—hot men with tattoos never hurt anyone’s feelings. I love them, please keep it going.

  Proof Reader: Danni Werner—Thank you, as always, for being the extra set of eyes to ensure the script is clean! I can’t express my gratitude enough!

  Between the Sheets Promotions: The release day blitz, cover reveal, and blog tour was so easy! You guys are so helpful and amazing. Thank you!

  Mary, Elizabeth, Connie, and Denielle: So much pimping! Seriously awesome. You have all of my gratitude and appreciation. Your enthusiasm to spread news of DIRTY’s cover and release went well beyond any thank you I could offer!

  The team that makes it all so pretty!

  Editing by: Hot Tree Editing Services

  Formatting by: Champagne Formats

  Cover art by: Rebel Edit and Design

  Cover model: Tommy Barressi




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