Our Kind of People
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Black Bourgeoisie (Frazier)
Black Enterprise magazine
Black Entertainment Television
Black Four Hundred
Black Ice (Cary)
Black Summit ski vacation
Bond, Anita Lyons
Bond, Candace
Bond, Horace Mann
Bond, James
Bond, Julia
Bond, Julian
Bontemps, Arna
Booker T. Washington High School (Atlanta)
Booker T. Washington High School (Memphis)
Booth, Alma Roulhac
Booth, Christopher
Boschulte, Pearl
Boston University
Boulé (Sigma Pi Phi)
membership in
organization and history of
programs of
white members
see also names of specific cities
Bousfield, Midian
Bowman (E. G.)
Bowman, James
Boxill, Hester
Boyce, Berecia Canton
Bradley, Roland
Bradley, Tom
Branch, Addison
Branch, Barbara Ford
Branche, George, Jr.
Branche, George, Sr.
Brannen, Barbara
Brannen, James
Brazeal, Aurelia
Brazier, Arthur
Brearley School
Brice, Carol
Brimmer, Andrew
Brimmer, Esther
Brisbane, Kathryn
Brisbane, Philippa
Broderick, Cecil
Broderick, Mercedes
Bronx School of Science
Brooke, Edward
Brooklyn Polyprep
Brown, Abena Joan
Brown, Alma
Brown, Bill
Brown, Calvin
Brown, Charlotte Hawkins
Brown, Corinne
Brown, Eleanor DeLoache
Brown, Jacquelyn
Brown, Joisanne
Brown, Joseph
Brown, Joy San Walker
Brown, Leslie
Brown, Lulu Belle
Brown, Nelson
Brown, Ron
Brown, Sannagai
Brown, Sidney
Brown, Virginia
Brown, Willie
Brown University
Brown v. Board of Education
Bruce, Blanche K.
Bruce, Josephine Willson
Bryant, Heather Bond
Bryant, Peter
Bryn Mawr College
Bullock, George
Bunche, Ralph
Bundles, A’Lelia Perry
Bunn, Hazel
Burnette, George
Burns, Khephra
Burton, DeWitt
Burton, Gail
Busby, George
Busby, Pamela Campbell
Busby, Rose
Bush, George
Butler, Broadus
Butler, Henry
Butler, Lillian
Butler University
Butts, Calvin
Byas, Andrew
Byas, Arthur
Byas, James
Byas, John
Byas, Orphelia
Byas, Thomas
Bynoe, Peter
Cain, Herman
Calhoun, Thomas
Calvary Episcopal Church (Pittsburgh)
Camp Atwater (Massachusetts)
Campbell, E. Simms
Campbell, Emmett Cadwalader
Campbell, Liz
Campbell, William
camps, summer
Camp Timanous (Maine)
Canaan Baptist Church (Harlem)
Canady, Hortense
Cardozo, Francis
Carnegie, Andrew
Carter, Ariana
Carter, Harold
Carter, Jimmy
Carver, George Washington
Carver Federal Savings Bank
Cary, Lorene
Cash, James
Cass Technical High School (Detroit)
Catholic University
Cave, Vernal
Central High School (Philadelphia)
Chaplin, Keith
Charleston, South Carolina
Chatman, Eleanor
Chatman, Eric
Cheek, James
Chenault, Cathy
Chenault, Kenneth
Chicago, Illinois
Boulé chapter
churches in
debutante cotillions
DuSable High School
Girl Friends chapter
Hyde Park
Jack and Jill chapter
Links chapter
Royal Coterie of Snakes
South Side
Chicago Defender
Children’s Defense Fund
Chisholm, Shirley
Chisum, Melvin Jackson
Chong, Rae Dawn
Christian, Spencer
Christmas, Lawrence
Chung, Connie
Church, Mary
Church, Robert, Jr.
Church, Robert, Sr.
Church, Roberta
Citizens and Southern Bank and Trust Company
Citizens Trust Bank
civil rights movement
Claiborne, Daniel
Clanton, Erma
Clark, C. Warfield
Clark, Doris Stewart
Clark, Johnnie
Clark, Savanna
Clark-Atlanta University
Clarke, Richard
Clarke, Savannah
Clarke, Teresa
Clayton, Xernona
Cleveland, Ohio
Clifford, Maurice
Clifford, Patricia Johnson
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Chelsea
Coalition of One Hundred Black Women
Cobb, Tim
Cobb, W. Montague
Co-Ette Club
Cohen, Vincent
Colbert, Alberta Campbell
Colbert, Craig
Colbert, Doris
Colbert, Frank
Cole, Johnetta B.
Cole, Michelle
Cole, Nat King
Cole, Thomas
Coleman, Alex
Coleman, Carol
Coleman, Donald
Coleman, William
Collegiate School
Collier, Barbara
Collins, Cardiss
Columbia, South Carolina
debutante cotillions
Jack and Jill chapter
Smart Set chapter
Columbia University
Law School
Columbus, Ohio
Comer, James P.
Community Finance
Comus Social Club
Congressional Black Caucus
Congressional Country Club (Washington, D.C.)
Connors, Cathy Lightbourne
Connors, John
Continental Societies, Inc.
Conyers, John
Cook, George W.
Cook, Janice
Cook, John
Cook, Mercer
Coombs, Fletcher
Cooper, Albert
Cooper, Ann Murray
Cooper, Armstead
Cooper, Carolyn
Cooper, Ed
Cooper, George
Cooper, Lisa
Copeland, Deborah Fitzgerald
Cornell University
Cornwell, Don
Cornwell, Sandra Williams
Correct Thing, The (Brown)
Cosby, Bill
Cosby, Camille
Cosby Show, The
cotillions, see debutante cotillions
Count Basie
Cousins, Zeta
Couze, Robert
Cox, Iris Bell
Crim, Alonzo
Crockett, George
Crump, Boss
Curry, William
Curtis, Bill
Custis, George Washington Parke
Custis, Maria
Custis, Mary
Daley, Richard J.
Daley, Richard M.
Dallas, Texas
Dalton, Amy
Dalton, David
Darden, Norma Jean
Dartmouth College
Davenport, Elvin
Davis, Algenita Scott
Davis, Allison, Jr.
Davis, Altovise
Davis, Benjamin
Davis, General Benjamin
Davis, Benjamin O., Jr.
Davis, Benjamin O., Sr.
Davis, Dedra Gourdine
Davis, Donald
Davis, Ed
Davis, Gordon
Davis, Marjie
Davis, Mary-Agnes Miller
Davis, Milton
Davis, Ossie
Davis, Sammy, Jr.
Dawson, William
Day, Thomas
DeBerry, William
debutante cotillions
see also names of specific social groups and cities
Dee, Ruby
Dejoie, C. C.
Dejoie, Paul Hipple Vitale
Delany, Barbara Collier
Delany, Harry
Delany, Hubert
Delany sisters
Deltas (Delta Sigma Theta)
as key sorority
membership in
Dench, Louise
Denison, Franklin A.
Dennard, Belle Brooks
Dent, Alfred
DePriest, Oscar
Detroit, Michigan
Black Bottom-Paradise Valley
Bloomfield Hills
Boulé chapter
Chicago and Boston Boulevards
churches in
Co-Ette Club
Dearborn versus
debutante cotillions
Girl Friends chapter
Grosse Pointes
Indian Village
Jack and Jill chapter
Links chapter
Palmer Woods
riots of
Russell Woods
Sherwood Forest
Detroit College of Law
Detroit Country Day School
Detroit Free Press
Detroit Pistons
Detroit Plain Dealer
Dibble, Eugene
Dibble, Hillary
Dickens, Helen
Dickerson, Diane
Dickerson, Earl B.
Dickerson, Katherine
Diggs, Charles, Jr.
Diggs, Charles, Sr.
Diggs Funeral Home (Detroit)
Dillard University
Dinkins, David
Divine, Father
Dobbs, John Wesley
Dobbs, Mattiwilda
Dole, Bob
Dole, Elizabeth
Doley, Harold
Doley, Helena
Doll League
Dortch, Thomas
Douglas, Earl
Douglass, Charles
Douglass, Frederick
Drew, Charles Richard
Drew University
Driskell, Edwin
Du Bois, W. E. B.
Duchin, Peter
Dudley, Edward, Sr.
Dudley, Rae Olley
Dukette, Gwendolyn
Duke University
Dunbar, Harry
Dunbar, Paul Lawrence
Dunbar High School (Washington, D.C.)
DunCombe, C. Beth
Dunning, Joe
Durham, Charles
Durham, Vivian Patton
DuSable, Jean-Baptiste
DuSable High School (Chicago)
Dykes, Eva
Dymally, Mervyn
E. G. Bowman
Early, Elizabeth Graham
Early, Robert
Ebenezer Baptist Church (Atlanta)
Ebony magazine
Edelman, Marian Wright
Edison, Thomas
Edley, Christopher
Edwards, Barbara Anderson
Edwards, Mildred Johnson
Eisenhower, Dwight
Ellington, Duke
Elmwood Cemetery (Memphis)
Emmanuel Episcopal Church (Memphis)
Emory University
Epps, Charles
Espy, Michael
Essence magazine
Ethical Culture School (New York City)
Evans, Eva
Evans, Herbert
Evans, John
Evans, Leonard
Evans, Maudelle Bousfield
Evers, Myrlie
Ewing, David
eye color
Farmer, Nancy
Farr, Mel
Fauntry, Walter
Fay, Toni
features, sharp
Field, Marshall
Fieldston School (New York City)
Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church (Washington, D.C.)
First Congregational Church (Atlanta)
First Fifty Years, The (Roulhac)
Fisk University
graduates of
organization and history of
Fitzgerald, Ella
Fitzgerald, William
Fleary, George
Fleming, Harold
Flip Wilson Show, The
Forbes, James
Ford, Emmett
Ford, Harold, Jr.
Ford, Harold, Sr.
Ford, Henry
Ford, James
Ford, John
Ford, Newton
Ford (N. J.) Funeral Home (Memphis)
Forster, Cecil
Forster, Jacqueline
Forty Club
Foster, Henry
Foster, St. Clair
Fourth Presbyterian Church (Chicago)
Francis Parker School (Chicago)
Franklin, Aretha
Franklin, Benjamin
Franklin, John Hope
Franklin, Shirley
see also Alphas; Kappas; Omegas
Fraunces, Samuel
Frazier, E. Franklin
Freedmen’s Aid Society
Freedom National Bank
Friendship Baptist Church (Atlanta)
Frye, Grace
Fulbright Scholars
Fulcher, Malcolm
Funderberg, Owen
Galloway, John
Gantt, Harvey
Gardner, Edward
Garfield, James
Garvey, Marcus
Gasby, Don
Gaskill, Myrtle
Gates, Henry Louis
Gatling, Luther
Gault, Ron
Gaye, Marvin
Georgetown Day School
Georgetown Law School
George Washington University
Gershwin, George
Gibbs, Buddy
Gibbs, William
Gibson, Karen
Gibson, Truman, Jr.
Gibson, Truman, Sr.
Giddings, Paula
Gilliam, H. Arthur
Gilmore, C. Tyrone
Giovanni, Nikki
Girl Friends, Inc.
debutante cotillions of
membership in
organization and history of
see also names of specific cities
Girls High School (Brooklyn, New York)
Givens, Robin
Gloster, Hugh
Glover, Frank
Glover, Hamilton
Glover, Nancy Tappes
Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Company
Goldston, Nathaniel
Goodin, Michael<
br />
Good Shepherd Congregational Church (Chicago)
Good Times
Gordon, Alexander
Gordon, Chester
Gordon, Levi Preston Morton
Gordy, Barry
Gore, Al
Gosnold, Bartholomew
Gossett, Dykema
Gotham Hotel (Detroit)
Grace Baptist Church (Mount Vernon, New York)
Graham, Donald
Graham, Earlene
Graham, Richard
Granger, Lester
Grant, Henry Fleet
Grant, Henry Lee
Grant, Marcus
Graves, Antoine
Graves, Barbara
Graves, Earl
Graves, Nancy
Gray, Hazel Thomas
Gray, Julius
Gray, William
Great Lakes Insurance Company
Green, Katie
Greenberg, Jack
Greene, Charles
Greene, Richard
Groton School
Groves, Helen Hayes
Groves, Wesley
Guinier, Clotilde
Guinier, Doris Cumberbatch
Guinier, Joshua
Guinier, Lani
Gumbel, Bryant
Guy, William
Hairston, Edward
hair texture
Hale, Lorraine
Hale, W. J.
Hale House
Hall, Anthony, Jr.
Hall, Prince
Hamilton, Eleanor
Hamilton, G. P.
Hamilton, George
Hamilton, Grace Towns
Hampton Institute
Hampton University
Hansberry, Lorraine
Hansberry v. Lee
Harper, Marge
Harris, Chester
Harris, Ethel Ramos
Harris, Jean
Harris, Patricia Roberts
Harrison, Varnelle
Hartfield, Robert
Hartfield, Ronne Rone
Harvard Club (New York City)
Harvard University
graduates of
Law School
Medical School
Harvey, William
Hastie, William Henry
Having Our Say (Delany sisters)
Hawkins, Margaret Roselle
Haydel, C. C., Jr.
Haydel, C. C., Sr.
Hayes, Frances
Hayes, Sylvia
Hayes, Taylor
Hayes, Thomas H., Jr.
Hayes, Thomas H., Sr.
Hayes, Tommie Kay
Hayes (T. H.) Funeral Home (Memphis)
Hefner, Edwina
Hefner, James
Heidelberg, Karen
Height, Dorothy
Henriques, Al
Henriques, Judy
Henry Luce Scholars
Herenton, Willie
Herndon, Alonzo