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Royal Heir 2: A Bad Boy billionaire Romance

Page 4

by Tawny Amaya


  I held onto her as we exited the car that had come to pick us up from paradise, guiding her back to her room, her heels in her hands. “I had a wonderful time,” she was saying as we approached her suite. “Thank you, Erik.”

  I looked down at her and shook my head. “I don’t want this night to end.”

  Carrie glanced at her closed door before looking back up at me. “Well I would invite you in, but you’re not king yet, and I am still certain your father could have me killed with a snap of his fingers.”

  I chuckled. My father would never have anyone killed, especially not her. “Come on.”

  “Where are we going?” she asked as I pulled her through the doors and into my own set of suites. “Is this your suite?”

  I watched as she took in the elaborate surroundings, dotted with personal effects from my military days and soccer matches in the past. “You’re the first woman to see it.”

  “You’re kidding,” she said, arching a brow. “Surely you’ve used this room to impress a woman before.”

  I shook my head, pulling her against me. “I haven’t, but if it’s working with you, I might use it in the future.”

  Carrie grinned and hit my shoulder playfully. “What are we going to do in here?”

  “I can think of a thing or two,” I said, pressing a quick kiss to her lips before releasing her. “But I do remember food being on the list.”

  “Pizza,” she sighed happily, walking through the living room and into my bedroom. I watched her go, thinking how deliriously happy she made me whenever she was around. Carrie was my balm, my ground when I needed it the most.

  “Oh my god! You have the biggest bed ever!”

  I laughed and picked up the phone, ordering a pizza and some drinks before throwing in some ice cream for good measure. I hadn’t lied to her. She was the first woman to come into my personal domain, and I didn’t feel weird about it.

  It felt, well, like coming home.

  Chapter 9: Carrie

  I woke up deliriously happy.

  Stretching, I looked around Erik’s bedroom suite and was unable to wipe the big ole smile off my face. Last night had been fabulous, and I was renewed with hope that we could do this. We could be together.

  Throwing back the covers, I started to pick up my dress, glad that Erik had given me a pair of his sweats and t-shirt to put on. The last thing I wanted to do was to be caught sneaking back into my room in my dress, especially with his father’s rule. I didn’t want to do anything to piss off the king.

  Not since I was in love with his son and new future king of Maltan.

  Shaking my head, I gathered up the rest of my things, looking back at the bed with some longing. After some of the best pizza and ice cream sundaes, I had ever put in my mouth, Erik and I had watched a movie on the TV mounted in his room, just cuddling in the bed, as regular couples do. It had been nice to melt away the worry, our titles (or lack thereof), and just be a couple.

  And the sex that followed hadn’t been half bad either.

  Giggling like a teenager, I walked out of the suite and down the hall, hoping that no one was watching me escape the prince’s suite. Erik had left before dawn this morning pressing a kiss to my forehead saying that he had an early meeting that he must be at.

  I had wanted nothing more than to pull him back in that big bed and have my way with him, but knew he was nervous about the upcoming week ahead. I mean, I would be freaking out.

  As I turned the corner, I was surprised to see Jeanie’s door partially opened, watching as the guard she had pointed out the other night sneaking out, his boots in his hands and a grin on his face. I stepped back in the shadows so he couldn’t see me, waiting until he disappeared before I knocked on Jeanie’s door once, then twice.

  The door opened a second later. “I knew you couldn’t stay away.”

  “I knew you couldn’t resist,” I said wryly, her eyes widening as she saw me standing there.

  Jeanie gave me a once over at my attire, my dress balled up in my hands and grinned, propping herself up against the doorframe. “Apparently I wasn’t the only one enjoying myself last night then.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I am here to do that. You are not.”’

  “Says who?” she laughed. “Go get dressed. It’s beach day, remember?”

  I stuck out my tongue and moved down the hall to my suite, giddy with excitement from both my night with Erik and because of the day that Jeanie and I had planned. It was time to do some relaxation.


  Two hours later, I pushed my glasses up on my nose and sighed, feeling the warm tropical sun soak into my bared skin. Now, this was the life, laying on a comfortable beach chair by the ocean, a cold drink in my hand. Maltan was starting to grow on me.

  “Oh my god, you need to see this.”

  I looked over at Jeanie, who was holding up her tablet. “What’s the celebrity news this time?”

  “Not the celebrity news,” she said pushing the tablet in my direction. “You.”

  I frowned as I took the tablet, tilting it to remove the glare from the screen. It was a picture of Erik and I arriving at the gala last night, not touching but the look on my face, well, it was clear I was in love with the man.

  What they didn’t know was what had happened in the back of that limo before we had arrived.

  Is this the new queen of Maltan? The headlines read. Rumor has it that the future King of Maltan has found his queen. Carrie Wallace is a twenty-six-year-old hotel worker from New York City. Sources close to the palace says she is a personal guest of the prince, having met on his extended US trip last month.

  “They might as well print my address,” I muttered, reading the rest of the guesses in the article as to if the prince would truly marry a hotel worker. “Here.”

  Jeanie took the tablet back and looked over at me. “Do you think that he’s going to propose before you leave?”

  I burst into laughter. “Propose? I mean we barely know each other.”

  “So?” Jeanie shrugged. “It’s clear that you and he are meant to be together Carrie. I mean, you do still love him, right?”

  “O-of course I do,” I answered, feeling the warmth creep into my body. “But we’ve only known each other for a month. I’m sure he’s not thinking long term already.”

  “I don’t know,” Jeanie countered, sliding her tablet into her bag before replacing her sunglasses back over her eyes. “He’s about to be king. Every king needs a queen and frankly my friend, I would jump at the chance if I had him looking at me like he does you.”

  I blew out a breath, staring out over the ocean. I mean, we hadn’t discussed any long-term commitments, not like marriage. I had my life in another whole country.

  But it didn’t stop me from thinking about becoming Erik’s wife.

  Not queen of Maltan that would just be an added bonus.

  Could he be thinking about the same? “But I have to go back in two weeks,” I finally said.

  Jeanie laughed. “Do you really? What’s holding you there? Your job? Me? Honey, I’m telling you, don’t let this opportunity slide by once it presents itself. You might not get another shot.” She then picked up her glass, saluting me. “Besides, I like the perks.”

  I picked up my glass, clinking mine with hers. Jeanie was right on that account.

  Chapter 10: Erik

  “Furthermore, do not forget to bow to your father after you accept the coronation scepter. Bowing is a true sign of respect.”

  I grinned at my father as we walked behind the master of ceremonies, wondering what the bald, little man would do if I gave my father a high five instead. Master Reginald was all about pomp and circumstance for this coronation day, and while I appreciated the significance, some of the rules were downright absurd.

  Like I really would trip the king on his way off the throne. Maybe when I was ten for good laughs, but not now.

  “Thank you for your service master Reginald,” my father was stating as we reached the end
of the great hall where the ceremony was to take place. Invitations had gone out, hand-delivered this morning and I expected by nightfall, the media would get wind if they hadn’t already. The next forty-eight hours were going to be rough on me and anyone that was associated with the throne. “Anything else?”

  “No, your majesty,” he said, bowing deeply. “I shall prep the prince again tomorrow.”

  I nearly choked on my sigh, giving the man a small nod instead. “I shall be ready.”

  His gaze narrowed but he said nothing as he walked away, his shoes clicking on the polished floor. My father turned toward me once we were alone, a smile on his face. “He’s quite the stern gentleman.”

  I chuckled, clasping my hands behind my back. “I fear that if I do anything but what he says, he might call for my beheading.”

  The king waved his hand at me, winking. “Nonsense. We haven’t beheaded anyone in quite some time.” Reaching under his arm, he produced today’s paper, one that I was sure he had to whack me with in case I acted up today. “I’m certain you hadn’t seen this then.”

  “Seen what?” I asked, accepting the paper and unfolding it. It was a picture of myself and Carrie exiting the limo last night, with her walking right behind me as I waved to the crowd. The headlines were quite an eye catcher, and I couldn’t help but laugh. “Queen, huh?”

  “Word is out after all,” he said. “Is this what you had in mind when you brought her here, son?”

  I folded the paper and tucked it under my arm, regarding my father. “I’m not sure. I wished to see her again, but I certainly didn’t mean to cause this ruckus all because I am being crowned.”

  My father gave me a wry smile. “I believe you knew exactly what you were doing when you invited our dear Carrie to join us.”

  I felt a calm steal over me as I heard the endearment in his voice. He approved of my choice, whatever deep I chose for this to go between us. “Do you think mother would have liked her?”

  His gaze grew wistful, as it always did when he thought of my mother. Even after all this time, I knew he loved and missed her. “Of course,” he said. “She would have enjoyed having a daughter in law. Even before you were out of diapers, she talked about your future, the grandchildren you would bestow upon us.” He sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. “I just, I wish she could be here, now, to see what is about to take place. She would be so proud.”

  I reached over and gripped his shoulder lightly, feeling the bones through his layers of clothing. My father was not getting any younger, and this position had truly started to wear him down over the last few years. It was time for me to step up and take over, anyone would agree with that statement.

  But take Carrie on this journey with me as well? After the comments that were made last night, I had thought about it a great deal, knowing our appearance would have the media in a frenzy. No doubt the vultures were even aware of her job back in New York and how we had met.

  It was yet another hazard of being a royal or even associated with one. My life, there wasn’t much that the country didn’t know about me. After all, I had practically grown up in the limelight. There were videos of my first day of school, my first lost tooth, the time I had stepped on my father’s robes and nearly toppled him and the rest of the parliament like dominoes.

  But I was used to it, and she was not.

  “Come with me, son,” my father finally said, motioning toward me. I followed him out of the great hall and down the side hall that was normally reserved for the royal family to make grand entrances.

  And quick getaways.

  We followed it all the way to my father’s private apartments, which was like stepping back into the past. In his place were things that had been passed down for generations, such as the first newspaper proclamation of the king of Maltan, framed above the desk from the first king of Maltan. While some of the more historical things had been sent to the museum a while ago, my father had chosen a few pieces to stay in the king’s chambers. “I assume you will want to make plans for your stay here,” he said, looking around the apartment he had called home for the last sixty-five years.

  I shook my head. “No, this is your space. I have my own.”

  “But this is where the kings before us have rested their head for generations,” he argued.

  I reached over and gripped his shoulder, looking into his eyes. “And they will continue to do so. I do not need to move in here.”

  His eyes misted for a moment before he turned away, clearing his throat. “Well now since we have that settled, I have something else for you.”

  “Father,” I started as he walked over to the painting of my mother, carefully pushing it aside to reveal the wall safe hidden from view. “I don’t need for you to give me anything.”

  He ignored me, moving the dial carefully until the safe popped open. “Oh, it’s not for you,” he said after a moment, pulling out a small box. “Use it as you wish.”

  I grinned as I laid eyes on the box, my insides churning at the possibility. Was I ready?

  Chapter 11: Carrie

  I sighed as I leaned back against the rim of the tub, lifting my leg in the air to watch the bubbles slide off in rivulets. After our beach day, a bath full of wonderful smelling bubbles was in order, and I had probably spent more time than I probably needed to in this tub.

  But the water was still warm, and I had absolutely nothing to do other than enjoy the fact that I was not paying the water bill. With the music from my playlist playing in the background, it was almost perfect.

  Idly I wondered what my prince was doing at the moment, hoping that I would see at least a glimpse of him today. I knew he was busy with the coronation plans, but it didn’t mean I didn’t want to see him.

  Closing my eyes, I allowed my worries about what was going to happen melt away. I could deal with this. Erik was going to be fine and if I did go home after this month was over with, it was going to be fine. There had not been anything set in stone, anything to say that I even needed to think about staying, but the thought of leaving him. Well, needless to say, I didn’t like the thought.

  “Now this is a sight I could get used to.”

  I opened my eyes and turned my head, my mouth curving into a smile. “Do you have free range to enter anyone’s suite whenever you want?”

  Erik chuckled as he pushed away from the doorframe, a sexy grin on his face. “Actually, I do. I own the building or will in a few days.”

  “I imagine Jeanie got a kick out of your visit then,” I teased as he came closer, my body already starting to heat under the water, but not from its temperature.

  Erik’s eyes sparkled as he stopped a few feet from the tub, looking down at my bubble covered body. “Oh, I’m selective with the suites I visit.”

  “That’s good to know.”

  He watched as I lifted my leg out of the water once more, rubbing the bubbles off my skin. “Apparently, I need to invest in a larger tub,” he murmured. “Do you think I can fit?”

  I laughed, looking at his tall, muscular form. “I don’t think so. Don’t you dare attempt to ruin my bath.”

  “Alright,” he laughed, holding up his hands. “I did knock by the way.”

  I arched a brow. “Sure, you did.”

  Winking, Erik leaned down and brushed his lips against mine, a single taste of what I knew lay under his suit. “I want us to go on a date today.”

  I sat up quickly, water sloshing over the rim and splashing on his polished shoes. “Really? Just the two of us?”

  He nodded, his eyes drifting down to my now bared breasts, the nipple puckering from the coolness of the bathroom. “Though if you want to, we can spend the day here as well, in the bed. Naked.”

  “Not even close,” I answered with a laugh, splashing water his way. “A proper date. I don’t think we’ve ever had one before.”

  “Me neither,” Erik admitted, walking toward the door. “There’s going to be some ingenuity in getting out of here without being noticed. After a
ll, you are splashed all over the headlines now.” I laughed again as he walked out of the bathroom, nearly giddy with excitement. Sure, we had the beach sex last night, but a date? We hadn’t had a date since we met. It would be like we were, well, a regular couple.

  I couldn’t wait.


  An hour later, I followed Erik down a rather tight hallway, my elbows brushing the sides of the wall as we walked. “Are you sure this is going to work?”

  “Trust me,” Erik said as he walked ahead of me. “I’ve done this a few times before. It’s a piece of cake.”

  A piece of cake. More like some kind of broken law to allow a royal to go without his detail. Still, Erik was attempting to stay as incognito as possible, a ballcap on his head pulled low, his normal suit replaced by a pair of jeans that had me staring at his butt more than once.

  I too had dressed like I was up to no good, a ballcap on my head as well, though I felt as if there was a big sign on my back, blaring lights waiting to give us away.

  We reached the end of the hallway and Erik forced open the door, pushing against some invisible force before the night air rushed in, the salty smell of the ocean filling the space. “Where did you take me?” I asked as he crossed the threshold. “Down a drainage pipe?”

  His chuckle was my only reply as I stepped out into the night, seeing that we are just outside the sea wall that covered the back side of the palace grounds. “Not exactly. I believe this used to be a smuggling route, but I have yet to prove it.”

  “How fitting,” I replied as Erik closed the door shut, wiping his hands on his jeans. “Goods aren’t the only thing that can be smuggled apparently.”

  Erik grabbed my hand and pulled me along an overgrown sand covered path, away from the palace. “You worry too much. It will be fine. The worst thing they can do to me is follow me around.”

  “Well I could be thrown in jail you know,” I added as we rounded the corner and headed up a flight of stairs to street level. “Do you have dungeons? I’m sure you have dungeons.”


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