Indigo-E.T. Connection

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Indigo-E.T. Connection Page 8

by Marshall Masters

  By virtue of their natural gifts, Indigos are the ones who will be most able to speak on our behalf with extraterrestrial races, which we framed using Kenny Rogers's song, The Gambler.


  You got to know when to hold ‘em...

  We can afford to be vulnerable with mentor races. That is, when they choose to let us find them. Or to quote an old adage that grew out of Eastern philosophy centuries ago, When the student is ready, the teacher appears.


  Know when to fold ‘em.

  Hopefully they will see Indigos as being the good child exceptions of a predominately bad child species. Ergo, we can only vulnerable with parental races to a point, and only for so long.


  Know when to walk away.

  The minor exploiters will avoid Indigos in general and use non-Indigos to censure, diminish, and isolate Indigos wherever possible. For Indigos and non-Indigos alike, the message is the same with lesser exploiters. Be neither their unwitting dupes nor their victims. Just walk away.


  ...and know when to run.

  The major exploiters will recognize indigos as running counter to their interests. Given a free hand, they will immediately destroy Indigos as a matter of course, if the parental types give them a free hand to do so.

  All humans, regardless of their gifts, can only rely upon greater exploiter races to bring death and suffering; and in most cases, we will most likely not see them coming until it is too late.

  At this point, any Indigo reading this book should be pretty well set. Thanks to the material covered up to this point, we all know whom to avoid and whom to dialogue with using our communicator and listener rules. So, bring those extraterrestrials on! We're ready!

  Uh? right?

  WRONG! Everything up to this point has addressed the typical issues we use to frame encounters with other humans. Who are they? Are they a threat? How can I communicate effectively with those who do not present an immediate threat?

  Why? The whole focus so far has been on understanding them within the framework of us. The big problem with this half-cocked assumption is we'll learn when we make full contact with extraterrestrial races. Sure, what we learn about them may amaze us, but what we learn about ourselves from them will kick our collective legs out from under us! If we do not handle that well, we may allow ourselves to become a subservient or dependent race. Not good!

  OK, you say. I hear what you're saying, I still pride myself on having an open mind. I can deal with it, so bring it on. Can you really?

  Remember the Biblical adage, Pride goeth before a fall.

  The Fallacy of the Open Mind

  The term open minded is nothing more than a self-deluding, intellectual dildo used by those unwilling to admit being transfixed by their external orthodoxies in much the same way that a deer is paralyzed by the oncoming headlights of a speeding car. This is because the very term open minded admits the fallacy of thought that binds our present day world together, a human world that is shaped by external orthodoxies and codified belief systems that supposedly answer all the basic questions for us.

  Another way of explaining it is that the term open minded is an admission that you are willing to step out to the edge of your belief system for a peek, and nothing more. If you are not an Indigo, and you are shocked by what you see, you'll likely retreat to the core of your now-failed belief system, hoping for the same feeling of sureness as before.

  On the other hand, if you are an Indigo, you'll want to get closer to whatever it is, just to know it. Like a mountain climber that sets his eyes upon a perilous summit, Indigos must go to it, simply because it is there.

  Indigos do this because they possess the ability to find and recognize inner knowledge-knowledge that just feels right—knowledge that never has to run the gauntlet of a mind-bending peer review process designed to keep one marching faithfully amongst the ranks of like-minded true believers.

  Now for a moment of honesty.

  If you possess the natural gifts of an Indigo to find and recognize inner knowledge, then you already have a sense of where this is going; and you also know that it will be an affirming journey.

  If you choose to take this journey, you also know that it is a one-way trip.

  Your journey, should you choose to embark upon it, will depart from the nagging inconsistencies of the external orthodoxies our civilization uses to shape your life and meander through a lonely and seemingly random pattern of inner knowledge whistle stops.

  And: what of the destination?

  At the end of the track, beyond the hills and plains of conventional thought, there may be a true and profound contact event with an extraterrestrial race-or not. Either way, your life will be far richer in the long term, despite whatever hardships you may encounter during your journey.

  As the famous Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu (570-190 BC) aptly phrased it, A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.

  Prepare yourself.

  * * *

  Internal Knowledge

  Up until now, this entire book has offered affirming and possibly valuable insights for any reader. However, for the true Indigo this book now begins to drive to the real crux of this entire dialogue. Formal species-to-species contact though the Indigo-E.T. Connection.

  Why Indigos

  The majority of humankind already accepts UFOs as a real phenomenon, yet few dare speak openly about their own personal sightings or encounters. This is because they fear the inevitable immediate backlash of brutal, pre-programmed peer condemnations and scathing public humiliations.

  Likewise, it is agreed by most that our governments have been in contact with one or more extraterrestrial races for decades. Consequently, a seemingly inexhaustible supply of leaked contact grist continues to find its way into the numerous conspiratorial millstones spinning at the lunatic fringes of our societies.

  However, all of this peer pressure and conspiratorial speculation actually annoys the intellect of true Indigos, like outdated elevator music pouring out of a broken loud speaker. So why are they annoyed?

  Our mainstream society uses this contact cacophony to deflect attention from the inner truths we all know: we've never been alone nor shall we ever be alone. Why? Because it allows the mainstream to focus on the institutional rails to which it tethers its day-to-day material hopes and aspirations. If history teaches us one thing, even well-constructed follies cannot last.

  When formal species-to-species contact is finally made, that which extraterrestrial races reveal to us about them shall fill us with awe; and whatever they reveal to us about ourselves will no doubt shock the mainstream, but not Indigos. Why?

  We know that over 99 percent of all the species that have inhabited this planet are now extinct. However, what makes us different from virtually most if not all of these now fossilized life forms is that in the last few thousand years, humanity has come to realize it could happen to us as well. For some reason, we simply woke up one day and smelled the coffee of our own mortality.

  Perhaps it was this crucial realization that awakened a long-buried element within our own genome, in what some learned scientists jokingly refer to as junk DNA, because they cannot see any logical use for it. Others though, are beginning to wonder if that junk DNA may be a precious gift from the life-nurturing forces of the cosmos which has spawned the evolution of life on this planet and elsewhere.

  If this is the case, as this author firmly believes, then humanity is once again moving towards another pre-destined date with evolution, and that conclusive harbinger event shall be witnessed through the coming connection between Indigos and extraterrestrial races. This is because Indigos are more than what humanity was, but not quite yet what humanity shall become.

  In a manner of speaking, Indigos are trans-humans, because they are the species bridge between today's Homo sapiens and tomorrow's Homo superiors. If you're a true Indigo, then you already
know this, and the responsibility of this role is not something you cherish. Yet, you know that you were born with a service-to-others destiny; and should you choose to accept that responsibility, you will endure and shoulder whatever personal burdens you encounter to help humanity cross through the cusp of this evolutionary event to a new and better life.

  However, any true Indigo who shirks or denies this destiny will suffer the perpetual taunts of this intractable, lifelong nagging question: Am I a waste of life?

  This is why a true Indigo's sense-of-self and sense-of-mission can only be suppressed by medieval-minded experts-experts who dispense abuse and death from their well-stocked cabinets of life-threatening behavioral drugs, with what appears to be the best of intentions.

  Yet regardless of how much abuse is meted out, true Indigos will always know that they are not the chosen few of a deity with questionable human attributes, but rather, that they are the simple cogs helping to turn the evolutionary cosmic wheel of life. This is why they instinctively seek oneness with that very same force; and why, given their druthers, they would rather it not happen on their watch, so that they can live a quiet and contented life, filled with personal exploration, companionship, and love.

  If the big whatever never happens, the Indigos of today, regardless of their age, will find it spiritually painful to abandon their service-to-others mission in life for short-term material gains that come at the price of one's ethics, legal or otherwise.

  Just as most salmon fall prey to the forces of nature in their upstream struggle to spawn, not all Indigos shall cross the coming cusp of evolution. Nor shall all those who do, lead in service-to-others. Yet, it will only take a successful few, and those who follow shall live freely in a marvelous celebration of life and purpose.

  Like all births, the arduous process of crossing the cusp of evolution shall be painful, messy, and fraught with danger. For the successful few who will lead, their service-to-others mission will require a steady hand, and the ability to navigate the differences between foibles of humanity's external orthodoxies and the gift of each person's own inherited internal knowledge.

  When Will the Role of Indigos

  Be Fully Recognized?

  A common thread that weaves it way through secular and non-secular prophecy is that life as we know it will cease to exist, which is often dismissed by the unimpressed as meaning the end of life, period. This is a false assumption.

  When prophets and visionaries tell us that life as we know it will end, they are referring to the civilizations which humankind creates-not to humankind itself. In essence, they're telling us that not only will our cities crumble, but that the beliefs that power our external orthodoxies will also crumble. After that, we're either stumbling around like torpid idiots or killing other torpid idiots for whatever they happen to have in their pockets.

  Consider that throughout recorded history, humankind has persistently clung to an Earth-centric view of itself. This is why our planet is divided, re-divided, sub-divided and so forth into arbitrary nation states that always seem to exist worlds apart from each other. What does make this possible is humanity's Earth-centric paradigms, or the rose-colored glasses through which a fortunate few always view the manner in which they subjugate the less-fortunate many. Making this work is simple. Just create borders, boundaries, oceans, and external orthodoxies and voila, you have a service-to-self structure that services you first.

  However, the view from space is that there is only one world and it is dominated by only one ocean. This then begs the question: will humanity continue to cling to its Earth-centric view after coming into full species-to-species contact with extraterrestrial races?

  The answer to that question is that the question itself is pointless! If you can no longer ignore the sheer mountain of evidence that Earth is being visited, then yes, we're already in contact with extraterrestrial races. Well, Hello! we're not thinking like a species yet, so this means that we're still clinging to our Earth-centric paradigms.

  This is why the nations’ governments find it so easy to suppress information about extraterrestrials and why so many continue to be silent about their own personal sightings or encounters, because they fear the brutal humiliation which will inevitably come at the hands of their Earth-centric indoctrinated masses.

  So then, what will it take before Indigos are fully recognized by society in general?

  Simply put, it will require that life as we know it to cease to exist. Either this will happen as the result of man-made disasters such as war, a global natural catastrophe such as a large impact event, or a catastrophic string of regional natural disasters.

  What is more likely is that it will be a combination of two or more of the above; but whatever the cause, the effect will still be the same: life as we know it will cease to exist, and along the way, the religious, national, and political orthodoxies that have shaped our daily lives will crumble along with the civilizations they helped to define.

  During this transition, the majority will continue to follow that which they understood down through the crumbling decline. Others will not only seek new leadership, but a place apart from those who persist in clinging to the crumbling orthodoxies for safety.

  These independent souls will be drawn to new kinds of leaders. Many of these new leaders will be Indigos, and it will be because of the very reasons why many people gravitate towards Indigos in the first place; their inner voices tell them that it is safe to do so.

  So then, what shall be the role of Indigos in leading humanity through yet another predictable birthing pain in the timeless and ongoing cycle of life, destruction, and creation? In order to properly delve into answering these questions, let us begin with a large step backward, away from the tree line so that we may broaden our perspective of the forest.

  We Are All Imperatives of the Universe

  In 1971, the respected television and radio host Les Crane received a Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Recording for his voice-over reading of Desiderata; a poem alleged to have been found in a Baltimore church in 1692. In its day, Crane's reading of the poem (which was set to a brilliantly gifted and inspiring musical score) immediately captured the attention of a troubled and war-weary American public. In particular, one stanza stood out from the rest:

  You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;

  you have a right to be here.

  And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

  Many of those who listened attentively to Crane's reading had also believed the myth that Desiderata was a centuries-old poem of unknown origin. However, it was actually written by lawyer Max Ehrmann, sometime between 1906 and 1927 in Terre Haute, Indiana.

  In the true universal sense, his words continue to ring true save for ?you have a right to be here. Herein, Ehrmann reveals the Earth-centric bonds of his own judicial orthodoxy, where humanity freely debates whether rights are given by God, or by God's own creations to each other.

  However, were Desiderata to be edited for a universal view, it could possibly read this way:

  You are an imperative of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have the obligation to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

  If you did not notice the word imperative, please reread the paraphrased stanza once again, because imperative is an extraordinarily humanly powerful adjective with a dual-edged meaning; one that comes much closer to the reality of the situation, than rights.

  When used to express something that is necessary, the term imperative refers to that which is critical, crucial, essential, indispensable, inescapable, insistent, urgent, and vital. This usage makes it a virtuous definition of our very existence in the universe.

  However, when imperative is employed in the authoritative context, it defines aggressive, commanding, dictatorial, domineering, harsh, imperious, lordly, and overbearing human behaviors. Unfortunately, thi
s Earth-centric view is why our civilizations perpetually fail.

  Why Our Civilizations Fail

  We think of ourselves as the masters of all that we see, yet in reality, we are as fragile as the soap bubbles we blow so as to delight our young. Nevertheless, history is replete with one failed civilization after another where each could not imagine the unimaginable, until events had passed the point of no return.

  No matter what language, art, science, sociopolitical science, or other enduring achievements these fallen civilizations leave behind, they all have a common point of failure: They were all based on an authoritative context of the imperative-a model that is inherently flawed with dissonance because it mandates the subjugation of the majority by the dominance of an elite few.

  No matter how much promise these authoritative civilizations show as they ascend, they are all destined to become so preoccupied with their own inflexible material and egotistical machinations that they inevitably blind themselves to the internal and external forces of change, which come like the wind. Consequently, as they age, they become like old trees that can no longer bend to the winds of change, and so shatter and fall.

  Many of these civilizations fall because they allow power and wealth to become so concentrated in the hands of the ruling elites that their subjugated masses revolt so as to redistribute their poverty equally with their former masters. Or, the subjected masses no longer possess the will to defend their way of life from the predations of other civilizations.

  Other civilizations are simply ground apart in the natural engine of life where long periods of gentle quiescence are routinely abbreviated by short punctuations of extreme catastrophic violence. For these unfortunates, their failure has less to do with the actual catastrophe, and more to do with the authoritative preoccupations that caused them to squander their chance to see a looming catastrophe in time.

  That being said, most civilizations fail as a result of the almost continuous deadly negative feedback loops of natural and manmade disasters; and it is this fate which shall most likely define humanity's next failure as well, if the ancient prophecies are to be believed. The signs are there and yet we use conjecture and debate to ignore the dramatic perturbations we are now witnessing happening to every major body in our solar system.


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