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Nero (Scifi Alien Romance) (Cosmic Champions)

Page 6

by Luna Hunter

  Nero is waiting for me on the other side… so why am I so nervous? My heart is pounding like a drum, my palms sweaty, my stomach filled with flutters.

  It’s like I’m a lovesick teenager.

  But, I am furious with Nero! Or, at the very least, I should be. Because of him, the general threatened me with treason. Yet, try as I might, I can’t be mad.

  I’m actually happy to see him.

  After taking a deep breath to calm my jangling nerves I step into the dimly lit room.

  Nero Octavius is sitting on the other side of the metal table, waiting for me. The chair he’s on looks too small for his large frame. Our eyes meet, and a current of electricity runs through me.

  At that moment, I feel so many things at once.

  Relief, for getting to see him one more time.

  Happiness, for the way his eyes light up when he sees me.

  Arousal, when I recall how close our bodies were, how close my lips were to his, how large his manhood grew in front of my very eyes…

  And last but not least, I feel anger at him for putting me in this situation. Why do I have to fall for a freaking wanted alien warrior? Why does nothing ever come easy?

  The door slams shut behind me.

  We’re all alone.

  “Nero,” I say, clearing my throat. “You’ve got a lot of nerve, you know.”

  He raises his eyebrows. “Why is that?”

  I sit down across him, folding my arms over my chest. Bowers assured me that he’ll be listening to our every word. He expects me to grill the warrior mercilessly, but no matter what I say or do, I don’t think the general will be satisfied. After all, he wants to learn what foreign government Nero’s working for.

  I don’t think Nero is working for anyone.

  I don’t think he’s human.

  I don’t think he cares one lick about humanity… except for me.

  “For putting me in this situation,” I say. “You couldn’t just let me walk away, hm?”

  A cocky smirk forms on Nero’s face. Already my anger seeps away, to be replaced by swooning. Damn it. How is he so handsome?

  “You mean you don’t like it down here?”

  He gestures towards the cold, bleak walls of the cell.

  “You don’t enjoy the picturesque view?”

  “Not at all.”



  A fist pounds on the metal door from the outside. That must be Bowers, telling me his patience is running thin. He doesn’t want to hear us flirt, he wants answers.

  Answers I can’t give him.

  “Right,” I say. “They want to know who you are, and where you’re from.”

  “And why would I answer them?”

  “Because if you don’t, they’ll be charging me with treason.”

  Nero frowns, and it makes my heart throb a bit faster.

  “How is that?”

  “They think I’m working with you, since, you know, you specifically requested my presence.”

  Nero chuckles.

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “I know that. You know that. But they don’t, so please, do me a favor, and answer my questions.”

  Nero leans forward, resting his arms on the table. I can’t help but admire his muscled forearms.

  “And if I don’t… what will they do to you?”

  “I don’t know. And I don’t intend to find out.”

  “Whatever it is,” Nero whispers, “I won’t let them.”

  Our eyes linger on one another for a moment, a moment which seems to drag on, a moment in which time itself seems to stand still.

  I believe him.

  With my whole being, I believe him. I can see in his eyes that he’ll fight for me, that he’ll bleed for me.

  That he’ll die for me.

  The intensity is addictive — and a bit frightening. I promised myself I wouldn’t fall for a warrior… but I’m doing exactly that.

  There’s little else I can do when face-to-face with such raw, unbridled power.

  Nero leans back, and the moment ends.

  Right. Focus.

  “Please tell me your full name.”

  “Nero Octavius,” he says.

  Finally, a straight answer!

  “Where are you from, Nero?”

  “The planet Elba.”

  “Where is that?”

  “In the Idriana system.”

  “And just for the record, we have never met before today, correct? Before we picked up your pod?”


  The door bursts open and General Bowers strides into the room. “Bullshit!” he thunders. “Bull! Shit!”

  “What now?” Nero sighs. “Can’t you see we’re in the middle of a conversation here? Is this how you treat all your guests here on Earth? Rude.”

  I nearly bust my gut laughing as Bowers grows redder and redder, his mustache bristling with rage.

  “You’re no alien,” Bowers barks. “Those don’t exist! You’re not from Elba-fuck-knows-where from the Indri-get-the-fuck-out-of-my-face-ana system! You’re some genetically modified super soldier, created by some insane dictator who thinks he’s god himself! Admit it!”

  Nero leans back in his chair, completely at ease. “If you’ve already made up your mind, then why even ask?”

  “Then, then… how come you speak English, huh?!” the general snaps, pointing his finger at Nero. “Got you! If you’re really some alien, you’d speak some weird gobbledygook!”

  “How would you know what aliens speak?” Nero asks. “I thought they didn’t exist.”

  Exasperated, the general reaches for his gun. Nero shakes his head.

  “How did that work out for you last time?” he says calmly. “My patience is running thin. This time, I won’t deflect it into the ceiling. You’ll be eating that bullet yourself.”

  “Is-is that a threat?!”

  Nero stands up, and the general backs up against the wall, looking up at Nero’s massive frame with a look of absolute terror on his face.

  “It most certainly is. In fact, I think we’re done here. You’ve brought me what I wanted. Now, get out of my way.”

  Nero grabs my hand.

  A shockwave travels through my frame. Instantly my heart rate shifts into a higher gear. I’m what he wanted? I’m happy, yet at the same time, a tiny bit annoyed.

  After all, I’m not just some piece of furniture he can claim!

  “Don’t I get a say in this?” I say.

  Nero turns back to me, and for a split second I can see surprise on his face, for the very first time, as if the thought hadn’t even occurred to him.

  As if my lust and admiration for him is written all over my face, as clear as day.

  Perhaps it is.

  After that brief moment where his shields seemed to be down, his cocky attitude appears once more.

  “You prefer to stay here?”

  “Of course not, but—”

  Our discussion is cut short when a soldier runs into the room, panting, his eyes wide and crazy.

  “Sir, General Bowers, sir!”

  “What is it? Spit it out, boy!” the general answers.

  “The station is under attack sir!”

  The general utters a stream of obscenities.

  “Impossible,” he bristles. “Who is it?”

  “We don’t know, sir!”

  A cold shiver runs down my spine.

  House Bruttius.

  They’re back to take Nero away from me.

  They can’t!

  There’s so much more I want to learn about him, about his kind, his culture, his history. I want to know what’s his favorite meal. I want to know how well he can dance.

  I want to know what his hair looks like in the morning when he wakes up next to me.

  In that moment, I make a choice: To hell with fear.

  I can’t deny my own feelings for a moment longer. When I’m with Nero, I feel alive. I feel wanted. I feel valued
. I feel beautiful.

  Yes, he’s an alien warrior. Yes, he’s in terrible danger… but nothing worth having ever comes easy.

  I want to make the most out of every moment we spend together.

  General Bowers curses and he runs out the room, slamming the cell door shut behind us.

  I’m alone with Nero — for what could be our final moments.


  The human female in front of me trembles. She glances up at me, her big brown eyes filled with tears.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, placing my hand on her lower back.

  “They’re coming for you,” she whispers.

  She wraps her arms around my waist, resting her head against my chest.

  “You don’t know that,” I say, though I don’t fully believe my own words. Magnus Bruttius is definitely coming for me.

  I don’t know when, but that he’s coming, is certain.

  I hold the human female tightly, enjoying the sensation of her body pressing against mine. Her scent fills my nostrils, making my heart race so quickly I’m sure she can hear it.

  Am I being foolish? Gaius fell, Romulus fell, all because of me… yet here I am, pledging my life to this female. If I couldn’t protect them, why would she be any different?

  For her sake, I ought to push her away. I ought to show her I’m a beast, a monster, unworthy of love… but I’m too selfish for that.

  I enjoy the feeling of her body pressed against mine too much.

  “I thought you didn’t want to come with me?” I whisper.

  She looks up at me, a small smile on her lips.

  “You know as well as I do that was a lie.”

  Victoria presses her cheek back against my chest, closing her eyes. “I’m just not yours to command.”


  My fingers itch to grab a fistful of her behind, to smack her ass, to make her mine, body and soul. Nothing would give me more pleasure than to see this proud, strong woman completely submit.

  But now is not the time.

  I tilt Victoria’s head up and force her to look me in the eyes.

  “This is not the end,” I say.

  “How do you know?” she says. Her voice is on the edge of breaking. “I can’t… I don’t want to lose you.”

  “You won’t.”

  I lean down and kiss her.

  For a moment, there is nothing else except for her soft lips, her warm mouth, her wet tongue.

  My heart grows so much it feels like it might burst. More emotions than I’ve ever felt, than I ever thought possible, wash over me like a tidal wave.

  My fingers grip her tightly, one hand resting on her lower back, the other hand cradling the back of her head.

  Our tongues explore each others, slowly and gently at first, passionately a moment later.

  The power, the pure energy soaring through my veins at this moment is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I have found heaven, and it is in my mate’s mouth.

  After a moment, Victoria pulls back.

  “Footsteps,” she whispers.

  I hear it now too — the kiss had taken up all of my attention. I turn around, shielding her body with my own.

  The door swings open.

  Bowers stands in the opening, his face pale. It looks like he just saw a ghost.

  “You,” he says. “They want you!”

  Chapter Nine



  No no no.

  They want him.

  I won’t let them have him.

  I won’t.

  He’s mine.

  I only just discovered how good of a kisser he is.

  In fact, my insides are still tingling. My heart is still racing, my stomach is still fluttering, my core is still burning intensely.

  I am still walking on air.

  He can’t be wrestled from my grasp now. That is just too cruel. I am used to disappointment, but this is not just unfair.

  This is cruel.

  That kiss lasted only a moment, but it felt like a lifetime. It felt like my life changed, right in that instant. There was a life before that kiss, and there is life after it.

  And that post-kiss life is supposed to be filled with babies. With night after night of passionate sex. With days where we do nothing but explore each other’s bodies, learning what the other one likes best, and them driving them absolutely mad with our newfound knowledge.

  That’s what I imagined in that moment when our lips touched, when his tongue brushed against mine.

  I could see our house — a small cottage in the woods, which Nero built with his own two hands — and our children — two boys and a girl. It was so real it felt like I was gazing into the future, like I could reach out and stroke their soft cheeks, like I could run my fingers down the wall where we’d measure their heights every year on their birthdays…

  And now that vision disappears like a puff of smoke.

  “Who wants me?” Nero says calmly.

  I wrap my arms around his waist, fighting against the tears, pressing my face into his back. If they’re taking him, they’ll have to take me as well.

  “They!” Bowers says, exasperated. “Those freaks, that’s who! I don’t know who you are, or where you’re from, but go! Go! Get out of here!”

  “Did you hear a name?” Nero asks.

  General Bowers sputters, but nothing sensible comes past his lips. He looks like an utterly broken man. A man who has just been confronted with his own insignificance.

  As the five-star general of the US military, I bet he thought of himself as the most powerful man in the galaxy… but the haunted look in his eyes proves that he just saw something that truly humbled him.

  Anything that can humble a man like Bowers is worth fearing.

  Nero turns back to me.

  “I have to go,” he says.

  “No,” I say, my balled fists pounding on his chest. “I won’t let you.”

  “It’s not safe for you. You have to stay here.”

  “To hell with that! If you go, I go!”

  Nero is taken aback.

  “Do you really mean that?”

  “Of course I do!” I say, fighting to keep the tears back. “I don’t cry for just anyone, you know.”

  It’s been what, a day? Not even? Yet the connection I feel with Nero Octavius is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. It’s like he’s my soulmate, like we were made for each other.

  “I mean every single word of it,” I say, determined.

  “Okay,” Nero says. “Okay. I believe you. If this is what you want… then I won’t stop you.”

  “It is.”

  “Then let us go.”

  Nero holds out his hand, and I grab onto it. We walk out of the cell and towards our doom, hand-in-hand.

  A small part of me feels like I lost my damn mind, but the rest of me knows that Nero is my mate, and that where he goes, I do too, no matter where life takes us.


  It feels like my boots are weighed down with lead. Every step takes an herculean effort, but I persist.

  Running away is pointless. I want to face my destiny with my head held high. There’s no escape, not anymore.

  Victoria squeezes my hand, and a rush of endorphins makes my heart race. I have found my fatum. The legends are true.

  The connection I feel is undeniable. Every Elban should be able to experience something like this — I pity every man who has missed out on this.

  It’s a damn shame the time we could spend together was so short, but every second in Victoria’s presence is a gift which I treasure.

  I wish we had more time.

  Time to explore her fully. To wrap her body around mine. To make her back arch, to make her toes curl, to make her legs shake and tremble.

  We arrive at the docking bay, where a soldier guides us to a shuttle.

  “Are you sure?” I ask Victoria again.

  She nods. “Absolutely.”

  “Prepare for departure,” t
he automated voice of the shuttle says as the doors close behind us. “Estimated arrival time is thirty minutes.”

  The shuttle rumbles and takes off.

  This is it. Our date with destiny.

  Our feet leave the ground, as the artificial gravity is not engaged. Victoria floats away from me, and I grab her arm, pulling her close.

  The next moment our lips are touching, her mouth on mine, my hands in her hair, as we float around in a circle.

  After a heavenly minute she pulls back.

  “How long do we have?” she asks, breathlessly.

  From the gleam in her brown eyes I can see what’s on her mind.

  “Not long enough,” I growl. “But I’ll make every second count.”


  I must be out of my mind. There’s no other way to describe my actions. I let this alien warrior kiss me, and now, I’m willingly following him into the unknown…

  I made a promise to myself.

  I explicitly said I wouldn’t do this.

  Yet here I am, fidgeting with my uniform, floating in zero gravity, eager to feel Nero’s hands all over me, to feel his mouth on my neck, his tongue trailing a way down, right down to the place that has been throbbing with desire since I first laid eyes on him.

  “Oh Nero,” I whisper as he rips my NASA uniform open, sending buttons flying everywhere. “Are we crazy?”

  “I am crazy,” he growls as he pulls me close, his mouth kissing me behind my ear. “For you.” I feel his warm breath tickling me, and my body melts for him.

  Every lingering doubts I might have had fades away like snow in the sun. No matter what happens after this, it will have been worth it.

  I’ve never felt so alive, so free, so careless.

  No one can take this moment away from us.

  He slides the uniform down my shoulders, his strong hands running down my naked skin. His touch is so hot it feels like my whole body is on fire, burning brightly for him and him alone.

  The warrior kisses my neck, and I can’t help but moan, throwing my head back as he pulls the uniform down past my hips.

  Nero grabs my thighs, his strong fingers sinking into my soft skin. I wrap my legs around his waist, loving the feeling of his body close to me, of being fully in his grasp.

  He’s got the control.

  I wrestle with the straps on his armor, desperate to get it off, to feel his naked skin, his warmth.

  Finally it slips off, and relief washes over me as his armor drifts away and his broad, naked torso comes into view.


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