Book Read Free

Daylighters tmv-15

Page 24

by Rachel Caine

  “And yet you’re in the mood for my assistance. Interesting. Well, then, come along. Mrs. Grant is waiting.”

  Morley didn’t wait for any of them to agree; he simply set off down the street. The snap of his coat in the wind was the only sound he made as he walked down the deserted road and took the sidewalk to the right.

  They all exchanged a look. Oliver shook his head in disgust, reached in, and picked up the limp body of Ayesha. He held her as easily as a pillow. “Well?” he barked. “Morley may be a theatrical posturer, but he’s a decent grasp of tactics. And I might point out that we’re standing targets here for his followers. They have a kill shot on each of us.”

  Eve blinked. “Um . . . how do you know that?”

  “Tactics,” Oliver said, and walked away down the road in the direction Morley had gone.

  Claire shrugged when Shane raised his eyebrows at her. “Right,” he said. “Guess we’re going, then.”

  Michael looked up at the silent, dark windows around them and yelled, “You can keep the car!”

  Then he linked his arm with Eve’s and led the way in Oliver’s wake.

  * * *

  “Oh, no, not the old library,” Shane said, in a pretty good approximation of Oliver’s voice and phrasing. “How very tiresome of him to take us there.”

  Claire elbowed him. “You must be feeling better.”

  “Seems like it, doesn’t it?”

  That, she thought with a sudden rush of disquiet, was not an answer. It was an evasion. “Are you feeling better?”

  “If by better you mean much more aware than I ought to be of the fact that there are freaking vampires all over the place, then yes, much better. But I’m dealing with it.”

  “If you can’t, will you let me know?”

  “Sure thing. I’ll let out a howl.”

  “Not funny.”

  “Well, in my defense, it wasn’t really meant to be. I mean, I might literally howl.”

  “Shane.” She pulled him to a stop, and when their eyes met, he dropped some of his smart-ass shield. “We’re going to get through this. I promise you that.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her on the lips—warm, sweet, gentle, all the things she loved about him. All the things she knew were inside him, buried sometimes by the tough-guy attitude and smack talk. “I think you can get through anything,” he said. “Hey, I’m happy sticking with you. As long as you don’t cover yourself in Queen Vampire blood again—I may be a freak, but there are limits.”

  “Be serious.”

  “I’m trying. It’s not what I do best.”

  He was making her laugh, and that wasn’t what she wanted right now. Not what she needed. “Shane, when we get out of this—and we will get out of it—I want you to know that I’m . . . I’m ready.”

  He raised his eyebrows, and jumped to the wrong conclusion. Of course. “That’s good, because I’m a guy, Claire. I’m pretty much always—”

  She put a hand over his mouth. “You asked me to marry you. Were you serious?”

  She took her hand away. He didn’t say anything. His lips formed what would have been the start of a word, maybe a sentence, but he didn’t actually speak.

  She’d scared the words right out of him.

  “Uh . . . that came out of nowhere,” he said.

  “Is that a no? Were you just saying it before because you thought you had to say it?”

  “No! I mean, not no to the original question, obviously, no to that last—” He took a deep breath. “Let me start over. Claire . . . look, you just startled me, that’s all.” He took her hands, both hands, and twined their fingers together. Then he leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers. “Of course I mean it. I always meant it. I will always mean it. I just thought . . . I thought you wanted to wait.”

  “I did,” she said. “But if these past years in Morganville have taught me anything, it’s that sometimes you have to just . . . jump. It’s not safe. It’s never safe. But sometimes you have to live dangerously.”

  He laughed a little. “You’re talking my language now.”

  “You said I wanted to wait. You didn’t?”

  “We should probably go back to that earlier thing about me being a guy, right?”

  “I got that part.” She kissed him, just a tingling brush of lips, their foreheads still touching. “You waited anyway.”

  “Well, yeah. Because you’re worth waiting for.” He said it as if it was simple and self-evident, but it made her shiver. It was such a strong, sexy thing to say, and she knew he meant it. He would always mean it. “If you want to get married now, tonight, then let’s find whoever passes for a justice of the peace in Blacke.”

  “Wouldn’t that be a story to tell the kids,” she said, and then she held her breath, because she’d said it without really thinking, and she was waiting for him to get weird about it, to pull back, to say something like whoa, girl, hit the brakes.

  But instead he just smiled and said, “I’m pretty sure we’ll have lots of stories to tell the kids. Almost none of them are going to be appropriate.”



  “So. Justice of the peace?”

  “No,” she said. “How about we do it in Morganville, once this is over? Do it right. For real.”

  “You mean, gown and tuxedo? Because I was getting used to the idea of saying I do in sweatpants I borrowed from some toothless old country coot. It’s different.”

  “It’s different in an utterly bad way.”

  “Would that be the eighties definition of bad, as in great, or . . .”

  “Shouldn’t we catch up?” she asked. Because the others had disappeared inside the darkened library building ahead, and she had that feeling again, of people watching from the shadows. Vamps, most likely. She supposed they were listening, too.

  “In a second,” he said, and pulled her close, body to body, fitting in all the right places to start a breathtaking fire inside her. “You know they’re watching us, right?”

  She nodded.

  “Let’s give them something to watch.”

  And then he kissed her, all passion and intensity and heat and dark chocolate sweetness melting on her tongue, but not just sweet because there was spice in it, too, bursts of searing pepper, and he made her hungry, so incredibly hungry to feel his skin on hers that it almost drove her crazy.


  “Good effort at making me want to rip your clothes off,” she said when he let her breathe again.

  “Didn’t work?”

  “Oh, it worked. I’m just better without an audience.”

  He kissed her gently on the nose. “I’ll hold you to that later.”

  * * *

  When they opened the door of the library, they found themselves catapulted back into the past. The windows had been blacked out to hide the lights, but apart from the fact that the electricity was on, the Blacke Public Library hadn’t changed very much. The same battered wooden tables, the same sturdy chairs, the same scarred linoleum floors and doubtful carpet. It was neater, though. And it wasn’t full of Blacke citizens standing around with weapons.

  Instead, people were standing around in groups of two and three, whispering, and not displaying visible armament. They were mostly watching Morley, who had leaped up onto one of the study tables and was pacing around, hands behind his back, with the duster swirling around him. Claire half expected him to have jingling spurs. He certainly had the cowboy boots, and they looked old enough to have survived the Civil War and been on the march ever since.

  Shane must have been thinking the same thing, because he said to Morley, “Nice outfit. Whose smelly old corpse did you steal it off of?”

  It was hard to read Morley’s expression, since he wore his hair long and wild and it concealed his face pretty well. “I could ask the same about your ill-fitting rags, boy. Though I doubt you killed anyone. Perhaps mugged. I doubt you have the stomach for it.”

  “Oh,” Shane sai
d, with a grin that was at least half wolf, “you might be surprised.”

  “Do tell,” Morley invited. “By all means. Oliver, where do you pick up these . . . feral children?”

  “You remember Shane,” Oliver said. He’d stripped off his blanket toga, and Claire quickly turned her back as she saw the white flash of skin. With no hesitation at all, he was stripping and putting on clothes that had been laid out for him. She heard cloth rustling and zippers fastening, and finally risked a look over her shoulder. Yes, he was dressed, in a pair of jeans that actually fit him and a plain dark shirt that he somehow made look edgy. “And Claire. And, of course, Michael and Eve.”

  “Charmed yet again, I’m sure,” Morley said. He didn’t sound charmed; he sounded utterly impatient. “Weren’t some of you vampires before? Oh, never mind. Boring. To the point, then. You brought Ayesha to us, and I thank you for that, but I notice you’ve not rescued anyone else. Thoughts?”

  “Several. None that don’t involve you screaming.”

  “Don’t be so limiting, I’m sure you can imagine several that involve me begging as well. Did you run away, Oliver? Leave your pride of caged cats behind?”

  “Fallon’s got them,” Oliver said.


  Silence fell. Morley jumped down from the table and leaned against it, eye to eye with Oliver for a change. He pulled off his hat and dropped it on the table and ran both hands through his wildly messy hair. “Well?” he finally said. “He was never my problem, nor yours, nor even Amelie’s or even her dead father’s. He was your madman’s doing.”

  “Myrnin,” Oliver said. “Yes.”

  “Wait,” Claire said. “What do you mean, it’s Myrnin’s problem? He had nothing to do with it!”

  “Oh, he did, girl, he most certainly did,” Morley said. He sat down on the table and gave her an amused stare. “He’s never told you the story? Ah, well, probably because it isn’t to his credit, I imagine. So poor, sad, unstable Myrnin was all alone after his vampire maker was killed. And he became friends with a clergyman, a very learned one, who was also a secret student of alchemy.”

  “That was Fallon,” Oliver said. “In case you might miss the obvious.”

  “Quiet, it’s my story. Yes, it was our dear friend Fallon, who most earnestly wanted to cure Myrnin of his madness . . . and his curse. He found, most horribly, that he only made things worse, and next thing you know, Myrnin’s drained Fallon like a cask of wine. As ever, he immediately regretted it, and decided to resurrect him, within the doors of Fallon’s own church, no less. A thing Fallon most assuredly did not want to do, resurrect—at least not as a vampire. But our dear madman dragged him kicking and shrieking back to life. Broke him most sincerely, I’m afraid . . . and then left him to fend for himself.”

  Claire wasn’t sure what was worse, hearing that Myrnin had killed a priest, or that he’d made him a vampire against his will, or that he’d abandoned him like some unwanted pet.

  “He was not himself then,” Oliver said. “Myrnin isn’t solely responsible for Fallon’s . . . excesses. Or his equally excessive self-loathing, which led to his crusade against us.”

  “Nonsense. In short,” Morley said, “all this is Myrnin’s fault, and it’s his mess, and why I should have to sweep it up is not at all clear.”

  “I agree that Myrnin should be the one to eliminate Fallon for us,” Oliver said. “Sadly, he seems more curious than outraged at the moment. Something about the progress that Fallon’s made on his cure. You know how the fool can get when you dangle a shiny bit of science in front of him.”

  “I heard a rumor,” Morley said. “Scarcely credited it, frankly. Is it true Fallon thinks he can cure us back to human?”

  “It’s true he thinks it. It’s also true he can do it, at least in a few cases.” Oliver pointed a finger to where Michael and Eve sat at one of the study tables together. “You mentioned it earlier. Remember the boy?”

  Morley gave Michael a long look, and his eyes slowly narrowed. “Ah. Well, that seems a pity,” he said. “Hardly had time to get the taste for it, did he? And now he’s dumped back on the long human road to dust. Still. Not much of a loss to the rest of us, it would seem.”

  “You miss my point, mummer. Fallon can do as he says. Not all the time, not with any great certainty, but he has a cure. How many do you think would reach for it if the prize was before them?”

  Fallon shrugged. “Not so many as all that. You watch enough friends march to their graves, you lose the taste for ashes. Blood has a flavor so much more compelling.”

  “You and I share a faith, if not the particular details of it. What if he can restore us to a state of grace?”

  “I knew that in the end it would come down to religion for you,” Morley said, and rolled his eyes. “Do you feel damned and outcast from God’s love, poor dove? I don’t. I feel quite blessed to be able to wake every day knowing that I’ll see yet another, free of weakness and sickness and pain.”

  Michael stood up. His chair screeched loudly on the floor, and both of the vampires looked toward him with identical frowning expressions. “We’re not here to debate how many angels are on the head of a pin, or whatever it is you’re about to get into. Fallon intends to turn vampires loose on humans in Morganville, then use the killing to justify giving them his cure until there’s nobody left. And when he’s done with Morganville, he’ll come here, Morley. He’ll come for you. All of you. He has to.”

  A quiet, slender, middle-aged lady sitting nearby in an armchair said, “He’s right. We knew this couldn’t last if Morganville fell. The draug almost took everything, and now this Fallon’s coming to finish the job. I’m not letting him finish us. We’ve fought too hard.”

  That was Mrs. Grant, the librarian—and, along with Morley, the one who ran the town of Blacke. She might look sweet and friendly, but Claire had seen her fighting off vampires and knew that she was nobody to mess with. Even Morley knew that.

  He bowed his head slightly in her direction. “We can always run. I only ended up in this hick-town Eden through the misfortune that has always dogged my steps. What if we load our vampires into a light-proof truck and simply drive away?”

  “Those vampires have family here. They’re our sons, daughters, fathers, mothers. They didn’t ask for any of this, and you can’t just make them leave. Most of them will want this cure you’re talking about, you know.”

  “’Tis exactly what worries me,” he said. “You heard dear Oliver. Most won’t survive. And we have no real surety that those who do won’t have their lives cut short by his potion, do we? What if his humanity cure lets you live only a few days, or weeks, or a year? What value does it have then?”

  Claire hadn’t thought of that—hadn’t even considered it. And now it struck her with terrible force. Fallon wasn’t really concerned with making sure his “cured” vamps lived long and productive lives, was he? He just wanted them not to be vampires anymore. He’d probably consider a week of life without drinking blood worth the trade-off.

  What if Michael had survived only to get sick and die? It would break Eve. It would just break her in half.

  “We’re not running,” Mrs. Grant said.

  “But dearie—,” Morley began.

  “Don’t you ‘dearie’ me, you wretch. I’m not your wife and I’m not your mother. I’m the head of the human part of this town and you will pay attention to me. Agreed?”

  “Yes,” Morley said. There was a little smile on his lips and a crinkle of amusement around his eyes. “Of course. Very well, then, how do you think we should proceed in our grand quest to liberate Morganville? Descend upon them in a furious horde of fangs? It has a certain theatrical appeal, but—”

  “They’d be ready,” Oliver said. “They were ready before they came here. They ignored the vampires at first; they brought good works to the human community, won their trust, fanned the flames of anger. And Amelie was slow to act when there was no threat in sight. If she’d known what we who’d met them bef
ore did, she would have taken steps. But she hesitated. If I’d been here, by her side . . .”

  “But you weren’t,” Morley said. “Because you had already failed her.”

  Oliver’s body went tense, and his head lowered with unmistakable menace.

  “Luckily,” Morley continued with that strange trace of a smile, “I did not, and neither did your human companions. She’s escaped from Fallon. What, did no one tell you? That chit of a girl with you, the one who looks so inoffensive—she covered herself in Amelie’s blood to distract the hellhounds from her. And that boy, the one who looks so incapable of self-control—despite Fallon’s infection in his blood, he held off from killing both his lady and yours.”

  Oliver’s face twisted into a frown, and he cast a sharp look at Claire and Shane, but before he could ask anything at all, a woman dressed in blue jeans and a buttoned shirt stepped out from between the bookshelves. Her white-blond hair fell in a wavy rush across her shoulders and halfway down her back, and her ice gray eyes looked weary. “It’s true,” Amelie said. “Morley exaggerates, but he rarely lies outright. If not for these children, I’d be in Fallon’s hands now, and this . . . this would be over for the vampires of Morganville.”

  Shane’s hand crushed Claire’s, a sudden and convulsive reaction that made her wince and look at him in alarm. He’d turned pale, and his whole body had gone tense, as if he were fighting an internal battle of epic proportions.

  A battle he lost, as it happened.

  His eyes took on an eerie golden shine, and he let go of her hand to lunge forward. There was a table in the way, but he vaulted it, heading straight for Amelie, and Claire saw bloody claws pushing out of his fingers.

  “No!” she screamed. “Shane, no!”

  Michael got in his way. Maybe, in that moment, he was thinking that he was still a vampire, capable of speed and strength; it must have been hard to shake that off after years of being used to it. But he didn’t have those things, and Shane hit him like a freight train, slamming him backward.

  Michael raised his left arm to protect his throat as Shane lunged for it, and Shane’s teeth bit into his flesh in a violent blur.


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