Demon's Rage

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Demon's Rage Page 2

by Janelle Peel

  All Mother, that was awful. Pushing away the emotion, I sobered. “We don’t know you, and we sure as fuck don’t trust you. One wrong move and you’re dead. Stay in front of us at all times. We have to finish our run before we take you back.”

  He frowned. “Back? Please, don’t send me away. I swear I’ll do whatever you ask.”

  Rowe chuckled. “Not back outside, dummy. Back to our Clutch.”

  His brown eyes widened. “A Clutch of Vampires! You’re not serious, right?”

  Flaring my nostrils, I rumbled, “It’s that, or you go back. I don’t have time for this shit. Choose.”

  Peering at the Demons feasting on their brethren, he began removing his weapons. “Deal.”

  Chapter 2


  While Bex busied herself in the lawn and garden section, I perused our new arrival.

  Standing at a rough six foot four, he towered over the aisles. His blond hair hung in snarls and probably hadn’t seen a comb in years. Filthy leather covered him from his chin to his shitkickers. Taking a step back, I tried to breathe through my mouth. Goddess, he stunk.

  Seeing the movement from the corner of his eye, his ears reddened. “Sorry about that. Not much running water out there.”

  Fingering a packet of seed, Bex laughed. “Shifters have very sensitive noses.”

  He guffawed. “S-shifters?”

  Rolling my eyes, I muttered, “Not this again,”

  Bex scoffed, “Yes, Shifters, Vampires, Fae… Oooh, and magic. What’s the matter Alec? You scared?”

  Squaring his thick shoulders, he ground out, “No, I’ve just never met any of those things nor have I seen them.”

  I snickered. “Until now. Bex is part Fae and Shifter. Her power over Water saved your life.”

  Turning on his heel, he squinted. “And you? Are you human?”


  His face shuttered.

  Hefting my pack, I watched Alec gawk at our surroundings.

  “Does it cover all of San Diego?”

  I frowned. “Not quite. It used to. We had to scale back from the south. It takes a lot of power to maintain and adjustments were needed.”

  Grabbing the keys from her pocket, Bex popped the compact’s trunk. “All right, Alec. Hop in. Rowe, keep an eye on him.”

  Dropping my pack into the cargo area, I slammed the lid. “On it.”

  As Bex pulled into the underground garage, I wondered what Sora and Blaze would think of our newest addition. Sure, we’d taken in a few strays but nothing had been heard from the outside world in over five years.

  How had he survived?

  Alec gripped his door handle. “You guys live in a mansion? How do you even have electricity?”

  Glancing at me in the rearview mirror, Bex shifted into park and shook her head.

  Taking her cue, I muttered, “Follow me.”

  Tipping his jaw in acknowledgement, we made our way inside.

  Julian rounded the corner as we hit the foyer. His thinning brows furrowed. “Rowe?”

  “Hey. We have a guest. Alec,” I waved, “Julian. Jules, Alec. We found him outside the barrier. I’m taking him to Sora.”

  Shaking his head in refusal, he tutted, “The Mistress shall not see this vagabond until he has at least showered. I’ve just replaced the linens in the locker rooms. Please escort him there to, uh, freshen up. I will inform Master Blaze at once.” Turning on the heel of one shiny dress shoe, he strode away.

  Assuming our Head of House knew best, I gestured to the front door. “After you.”

  Taking a deep breath, he turned the handle and froze.

  Shoving him aside, I noted Syn rushing across the grass. Her lithe shape made short work of the distance to the northern fence line.

  Seemingly exhausted, Jonas lumbered after her.

  Quietly, Alec whispered, “You have a Panther on your lawn… and a Bear.”

  Chuckling, I trotted down the stairs. “Wait until you see Nat. She’s a fucking Dragon.”

  His beard shifted as his mouth formed an O of surprise. Snapping it closed, he bit his lip in thought. “It’s going to take a while to get used to this. What about you, Rowe? Are you a, um…”

  Winking cheekily, I motioned for him to follow. “A Fox.”

  “A Fox… I haven’t seen one of those in forever.”

  Taking the shortcut to the Training Grounds, I grinned. “Well, if you’re allowed to stay, I could show you. Let’s wait and see.”

  Crap he’d been in there forever. Frustrated, I threw open the door. “Damnit, Alec. You’re taking way too long.”

  His gaze snapped to mine in the mirror above the sink. Wiping a bit of shaving cream from his chin, he turned.

  Instantly, my mouth ran dry. The fluorescent lighting highlighted the toned muscles of his chest. All of the males I’d encountered were thick, but he wasn’t. Sinewy came to mind as I tracked a drop of water from his navel to the blue towel wrapped tightly around his hips. Taking a step forward, he stumbled to the ground.

  Puzzled by his reaction, I watched him curl into a ball. “Are you okay?”

  “It burns! Christ it burns!”

  As he shifted position, I saw an angry mark along the ridge of his spine. Rushing to his side, I knelt and grabbed his shoulders. “You’re hurt! Did they get you with tooth or claw?”

  His lids slipped closed as his body convulsed on the tile.

  Flipping him over, I quickly examined his back. My stomach dropped. We weren’t fast enough. One of the Demons had hooked him. Their toxicity would surely kill him. Left with no other choice, I called to my Fox.


  Groggily, she took in the situation. Raising her upper lip, she shook her head.

  Now! I need you! If we can save him we WILL! He might have information. Please!

  Rolling her bright green eyes, she acquiesced with a snort.

  Four blond paws touched down on the ground in a shimmer of light. Gingerly, we took his hand in our maw and bit down.

  It might not work, but time was limited. The change would heal him, or he would die.

  The decision was in the hands of the Goddess.


  After searching the entire compound, I found Sora and Blaze in the rec room.

  Blaze growled, “Where is the human?”

  Shrugging, I settled onto a stool. “Rowe brought him in. She didn’t report to you?”

  He glowered. “No. Julian informed us of your arrival. We’ve been waiting for nearly an hour. He instructed Rowe to get him cleaned up. Where is he, Bex?”

  I ran from the room without a second thought.

  Rowe was my sister. If anything happened to her… Frost broke out along my skin as I rushed down the tube to the Training Grounds. Bursting through the underground chamber, I clamored up the rungs to the barracks. “Rowe!”


  Clamping down on my magic, I shoved open the locker room door.

  Naked as the day she was born, Rowe held Alec in a tight embrace. “They got him, Bex. Those fuckers got him!”

  Understanding dawned. Skidding across the tile, I pulled her away. “He has to be put down, Rowe. You know the rules. If we don’t he’s just going to suffer.”

  Jerking away, her irises pulsed. “We bit him!”

  Oh, shit. Holding up my hands, I moved toward Alec. “We’ve tried that before, Rowe. I’ll do it. It’s okay. Turn away, Babe.”

  Baring her teeth, she launched herself at me. We hit the floor in a tangle of limbs. Pinning her shorter stature beneath mine, I screamed, “We have to!”

  Growling, a tug on my magic was all the warning I had of her shift. Wiggling from my grasp, she pounced over Alec. Her platinum ruff stood out in every direction as she snarled a warning.

  Unwilling to hurt her, I acquiesced. “I’ll wait outside, then. If he dies a horrific death, it’s on you.”

  Flicking one oversized ear to the entry, she glared.

  Getting to my feet, I gave her my b
ack. There was nothing I could do at this point… except console her when the inevitable happened.

  Slamming through the door, I sat down. This was going to take a while.


  Pain flowed in waves along the edges of his mind. Struggling against the tide, he stood. Well, if one could call it that.

  Everything around him was completely white. Reaching out, his hand slowly materialized in front of him.

  Where the hell was he?

  Tinkling laughter sounded. “Not Hell, child.”

  Startled, he turned, but no one was there.

  “I’m all around you, Alec.”

  Flipping around, a sharp spear of pain cut along his spine. Gasping in agony, he grunted. “Who are you?”

  A deep tone tolled. “I’ve gone by many names over the centuries, but you may refer to me as the All Mother or Goddess.”

  He barked a quick laugh. “I don’t mean to be rude, but isn’t there only one God? The one who has forsaken the world?”

  She chuckled. “No. While you might believe that, Heaven has been preparing for War. The battle for man will be fought very soon. Lila is nearly ready to take on her role.”

  Who was Lila, he wondered.

  “You will see. That is not the reason for this impasse. My Daughter has asked for my help.”

  Confusion colored his reply, “Daughter?”

  Without warning, he fell. Instantly, the torment ripping through his body ceased. Blinking, he sucked in a sharp breath.

  A full Moon shone high overhead. Agitated waves crested along a sliver of beach before slapping against the sand.

  “Over here, Alec.”

  Rising to his feet, he found Her gaze and froze. How was it possible for Her face to change from one shape to another?

  Dizzy at the sight, he collapsed to his rear.

  Sheathed in a gown of starlight, he had to look away as She strode closer.

  “Rowe asked for you to live. She has walked the Earth for many years. Never once has she sought my help.” Lifting her rosy lips into a grin, She continued, “My Daughter has brought me much joy since she was born. I have decided to grant her this boon. The question is, will you accept?”

  Clenching handfuls of silt, he shook his head. “Accept?”

  Motioning near Her hip, a red Fox appeared. Twining around Her legs, its blackened ears swiveled toward him.

  “This is the price for your life.”

  Flabbergasted, he mumbled, “My life? What’s wrong with it?”

  Running Her fingers through the silky lengths of the beast’s fur, sorrow colored her tone, “You’re dying, Alec. Inari, if you accept him, will heal you.”

  He stuttered stupidly, “H-heal?”

  She paused. “You will become one of my Children. His life will be yours, and yours will become his. You will live inside the same body. Two souls, one mind. Forever together.”

  His thoughts rolled. Was this what he wanted? How would the Fox heal him? Would he change? What did all of this mean?

  Four black socks moved toward him soundlessly.

  Freezing in place, he braced for the worst.

  Sniffling along his jaw, Inari’s amber eyes peered into his own.

  “Choose, Alec. Or die.”

  Thunder boomed in the distance; punctuating Her words.

  Peering into the Fox’s dark depths, he whispered, “I accept.”

  Flashing his sharp teeth, Inari bit down on the tender flesh of his throat.

  Scrambling back, he screamed.

  The sound echoed off the tiled walls as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. Slowly, his vision focused.

  A hand tentatively reached toward him. Following the line of her arm, he sighed in relief. Rowe. Correction. A very naked Rowe.

  Her green irises pulsed in excitement. “It worked!”

  Shying away from her touch, he clutched at the towel slung around his hips.

  “Bex!” she screamed. “Get your bony ass in here this instant!”

  The door slammed open. Taking in the situation, Bex frowned. “How?”

  A deep growl sounded within his mind, Shift.

  Confused, he looked left and right. Who said that?

  With a disgruntled snort, Alec was roughly shoved to the back seat of his own body. Peering out from a much lower vantage, he inhaled. Holy shit, what was that smell?

  Female, the same voice grumbled.

  Whoa. What the fuck was going on?

  Faster than he could track, a Fennec Fox took Rowe’s place in a shimmer of light. Padding closer, she lowered her gaze to the floor.

  His body moved of its own accord toward her. A high pitched whine emitted from his throat. Gently, his nose nuzzled her chin.

  Terrified, he shouted, No!

  Instantly, he was back in control. Paws scrambling for purchase on the slick tile, he rushed into a vacant stall.

  The clomp of boots met his ears followed by Bex’s soothing whisper, “Shh, Alec. Try to stay calm. Ask him to shift back so we can talk.”

  Bex? What was happening? What had he done?

  Attempting to reply, he barked once sharply.

  Bare feet came into view under the half wall beside him. “Bex, give me a minute. I don’t think he knows what to do.”

  “All right, but if this takes any longer Blaze is going to come looking for us.”

  “I know. Just a sec.” Peeking under the metal edge, Rowe smiled encouragingly. “Red Fox, please shift back. This is really important, okay?”

  A chuff sounded as his world blurred. Sprawled on the cold floor, he lifted a human palm. Relieved, he blurted, “Fuck! It worked!”

  Rowe smirked. “Good. I have some clothes for you. Come on out so you can meet the family.”


  Bex’s voice echoed from the hall. “No. You’re telling her. I don’t even know how you managed to do it in the first place.”

  Prowling into the rec room, her icy gaze snagged on mine. Taller than I at five foot ten, she braced her fists on either hip. The years had been hard on her. Admittedly, we’d latched onto one another after…

  No. I was not going there.

  Perusing her leathers, I skimmed over the white scar trailing from one pointed ear to her collarbone. We’d almost lost her in the beginning. The Demon had come out of nowhere. Only her quick shift prevented a gruesome beheading. Thank the Goddess she was somehow immune to their poison.

  Others hadn’t been so lucky.

  Blaze growled from the other side of the bar. “Bring him in, Rowe.”

  Tentatively, Rowe peeked around Bex’s toned bicep. “Hey. Um, I’d like you guys to meet Alec. Alec, this is Sora and Blaze.”

  A man strode into the room. Taking in his sinewy shoulders encased in a bright yellow Hawaiian shirt, I laughed. “You guys couldn’t find him different clothes?”

  Cheeks heating, Alec grinned. “Apologies. My clothes were not to your Butler’s satisfaction.”

  Pinching her nose, Bex chuckled. “Nope. Hopefully they’re being incinerated as we speak.”

  Hmm, he had a nice smile. Soft, brown eyes outlined in a thick fan of dark lashes. As I watched, a green ring pulsed around his iris. Sucking in a sharp breath, I looked to Rowe imploringly.

  Ducking her head, she mumbled, “One of the Lessers got him. So, I had to um, bite him. The All Mother graced him with a Red Fox.”

  Confusion colored Alec’s response, “The woman with the changing face?”

  I stilled. “You saw Her?”

  Gently, Blaze touched my wrist. “Easy, Love. Let’s get him a drink and we can figure everything out.”

  Jerking a nod, my mind rolled. I hadn’t tried speaking to Her since Lila was taken. If fact, I went to great lengths to avoid anything that had to do with Her. I blamed Her for the loss of my little girl. There was no way Lila could have been taken if I’d had my magic.

  Reacting to my increasing agitation, silver flames broke out along my arms.

  Alec gasped.
/>   Bex twined her fingers in mine. “Hey.”

  Brow furrowing, I met her pale blue gaze. “Sorry.”

  Her lips thinned. “Knock that shit off right now. You say one more fucking apology, and I’ll freeze you to your bed, damnit.”

  Extinguishing my magic, my smile wobbled. “I dare you.”

  She giggled. “Maybe another time.”

  While Blaze passed out glasses of whiskey, I shoved my emotions aside. Even though the world had gone to Hell, the city was jam packed with liquor.

  Finished, Blaze cleared his throat. “Alec, well met. I need you to start at the beginning. Where were you, what happened, how you survived…?”

  Heaving a sigh, Alec began, “I was in Florida…”

  Several bottles of alcohol later, he paused. “Then I met the Goddess.”

  Rowe rolled a cue ball across the pool table. “What did she say? This is very important, Alec. Word for word.”

  Sitting on the leather couch, he fidgeted with his empty cup. “She said the Angels are preparing for War, and that Lila will be ready to assume her role very soon.”

  Irritation and elation flickered through me. Glancing at Bex and Rowe, they both shook their heads in tandem. They hadn’t told him about her. It had to be true. Biting my lip, my tone hardened. “What else?”

  “She didn’t say when, but She said I had a choice to make. I was dying. Rowe asked Her for help. If I chose to take Inari, I would live.”

  Drumming her fingers on the red felt, Rowe nodded. “So you accepted him. Interesting.”

  Hooking my waist, Blaze tucked me against his broad chest. “Soon, Love. She’ll be home. We’ll be a family again.”

  I pulled away. “And then what? We still don’t know her role. Will she even be our little girl anymore?”

  Pain flashed across his chiseled features. “She will always be our little girl. No one can change that.”

  Tears pricked my eyes. Slumping my shoulders in defeat, I ran my thumb along the edge of his jaw. “I know. I’m just,” waving, I struggled for words.

  Grabbing my flailing fingers, he pressed a kiss to my knuckles. “Shh, it’s okay.”

  Fuck. I was being such an ass. I couldn’t keep living like this. My family needed me, not this shell I’d become. It was time to quit being a bitch and pull up my big girl panties. Determined to get back on track, I nodded to Bex. “Inform Jackson that the time has come. We’ve been preparing for this moment for years and we will not fail. Are you still up for Seattle?”


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