Demon's Rage

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Demon's Rage Page 3

by Janelle Peel

  A devious smile lit her face. “You know I am. We found a sailing yacht big enough for all of us. If anyone is left in Seattle, we’ll commandeer another vessel and bring them home.”

  Rowe frowned. “I would like to bring Alec with us. He’s my responsibility.”

  Happy that we were finally doing something, hope colored my voice, “True. Go get Mel and Lillin. You leave within the hour.”

  Chapter 3


  Viv answered the door with an irritated expression. “What!”

  Scenting what had obviously been about to happen, I took in her tousled pink spikes. “Shut up. I have news.”

  Shaking her head, she stepped to the side to let me pass.

  Jackson lounged against a stack of pillows with his thick arms propped behind his head. Bare, his torso showcased the broad plains of his chest and rock-hard abs. Noting my perusal, he smirked. “Evening, Bex. Come to join us?”

  My nose wrinkled. “Ew. No thanks. Rowe changed a human who was infected.”

  Viv flashed to my side. “Are you fucking serious?”

  Lifting a brow, I nodded. “Yep. Alec is a Shifter now. He spoke with the Goddess during his transition. Lila is coming soon and the War will begin.”

  My words dropped like bombs.

  Jackson recovered first. Sitting up, the sheet covering his hips slipped to the floor.

  Averting my eyes from his excited member, I blushed. Asshole. “Any who, I’m heading to Seattle by sea. If anyone is still alive up there I’ll bring them back. I’m taking Mel and Lillin. Your marching orders are to prepare the Clutch.”

  Turning on my heel to leave, Viv snagged my wrist. “How? How did Rowe do it?”

  “I don’t know. Alec said she asked for help and the All Mother answered.”

  She frowned. “Huh. She hasn’t spoken to Sora in like, forever.”

  Pulling out of her grasp, I shrugged. “They have… issues.”

  Waving away my reply, she rubbed her chin. “Yeah, yeah. Did She say when the War will begin?”

  Retreating to the hall, I shook my head. “Nope. Just that it was,” lifting my fingers, I quoted, “‘soon’.”

  She scoffed, “It’s been years! Soon could mean many more!”

  Continuing on my way, I didn’t bother with an answer.

  I couldn’t.

  She was right.

  Without realizing it, my feet carried me to Lila’s nursery. Turning the handle, I quietly let myself in.

  Scorched pink and silver wallpaper greeted my eyes. Padding to her crib, I lifted her baby blanket and buried my nose in the soft material. Her oceanic scent dropped me to my knees as hot tears spilled down my cheeks.

  Allowing myself one moment to grieve, I wallowed in misery. I missed her so much.

  The sound of Kai’s deep laugh echoed in my ears.

  Gritting my teeth against the ache of his abandonment, I folded the fleece into a tight square. Tucking it inside my leather vest, I gathered my resolve. She would be home soon, and I would never let anything happen to her ever again.

  As for Kai, if he came back he could go fuck himself.


  The burning cold slowly bled away as warmth replaced it. Opening his eyes, he took in the tall fire flickering around him.

  “I wasn’t sure if it would work, but I figured if you weren’t already dead, it was worth a shot.”

  Stepping from the cocoon of heat, his toes touched down on a stone floor. Shivering at the chilly surface, he recalled some of the flame to his core and panned the room.

  Furnished similarly to a rustic hunting lodge, an unknown man met his gaze from his seat on a battered recliner. One solid white iris and the other pale blue, he creepily stared. Was he half blind? Shrugging away the thought, he took in the honey wood paneled walls. Turning, he noted the blaze at his back was a hearth.

  Where was he? The last thing he remembered was searching for Air near the top of the world. A blizzard came out of nowhere. Disoriented and exhausted, he’d fallen from the sky. He’d been so cold…

  Standing in one smooth motion, the male offered his hand. “Well met, Fire. I am Skye. Welcome to Ellesmere Island.”

  Hesitantly, Kai lifted his arm. As their fingers touched, his well roared to an inferno. Shocked, he whispered, “Air?”

  Tipping his strong jaw, Skye smiled. “Yes.”

  Kai sputtered, “H-how? Where?”

  Releasing his grip, Skye snagged a knitted blanket from the coffee table. Handing it over, he nodded to the couch. “Sit. Warm up. We have much to discuss.”

  Sipping his coffee, he mutely listened to every word. The Sundering had begun and he’d missed it. How could this be? Was Bex safe? What of Lucian?

  Pausing, Skye stood and threw a log into the fireplace.

  Roughly his own height of six foot four, the layers of fur wrapped around his body gave little indication of his girth. Wearing his hair down to cover his ears, the iridescent lengths shimmered with a cerulean hue.

  Briefly, Kai combed through his Mother’s memories and recalled a few other Air Elementals with the same shade. How had he passed as human?

  Clearing his throat, he asked, “How long ago did the Demons break through?”

  Striding back to his chair, Skye nodded. “Nearly 15 years.”

  Tamping down on the sick feeling inside his gut, Kai frowned. “And your people?”

  His expression shuttered. “We had many, but… it’s just me now.”

  Unconcerned, Kai pressed, “Earth and Water?”

  “I haven’t left the island since this began. I do not know.”

  The porcelain mug inside his hands cracked as his power lashed out. Taking a deep breath, he rumbled, “Are there any other survivors? Anything in the states? Where are we?”

  Lifting a brow at the cup, Skye sighed. “Alert, Nunavut. Canada to be precise. We don’t exactly get news here.”

  “Are you the Anchor?”

  Skye nodded. “Half human and Fae.”

  Human? He didn’t look human… Did that mean he was aging? Pushing the endless amount of questions aside, he implored, “Will you help me?”

  Throwing back his head, Skye laughed. “Help you with what? I only found you this morning. The temperatures are rising due to the spread of Hell. If not for that you’d still be encased in ice. Tell me Kai, what is there for you to go back to after so many years?”

  He’d been afraid to try, but now was the time. Gritting his teeth, he sent his magic flaring into the world. A soft ping answered thousands of miles away. His chest pinched. Bex was alive! A duller note tingled through his core. Nat was, too. Standing, he set the cracked cup on the table. “My family, Brother. Our family is still out there. Earth and Water live.”


  Switching the flow of energy, Mel felt every sensation through me as he knelt between my thighs.




  Amber, his glowing gaze met mine above my mound. His Wolf rumbled an appreciative purr as his grip tightened on my hips. Slowly, he leaned closer to savor my scent.

  Excitement flickered through me. High on endorphins, I mused at my good fortune. The world could burn down around us for all I cared. I only needed them… My Mates.

  Equal parts Demon and human, I was uniquely qualified for my role. Beast or man, I wanted them both. Needed them like I needed air. Loved them with my entire soul.

  They were mine…

  A match made in Hell, but we’d quickly found Mel’s dual nature was more than enough to sustain my hunger.

  Greedy for their touch, I opened wider.

  Instantly, they fused. One orb lit with gold while the other shone in a chocolate hue above their enlarged maw. Their hands hooked into claws; piercing my tender flesh. I moaned in delight as pleasure and pain caused heat to pool low in my belly.

  Rumbling in approval, they licked at my swollen nub.

  Arching off the bed, I cried out for more.

  Eagerly, they obliged. A sharp canine grazed my swollen bundle of nerves.

  I hissed in delight. “Enough.”

  Grinning, they flipped my body over with ease. Gripping my waist from behind, they pulled me to the edge of the mattress.

  Propped up on my knees, I wiggled in invitation and held my breath in anticipation.

  Rubbing along my slick slit, they teased me with the tip.

  Fisting the sheets, I pressed back for more. A whimper escaped my lips as they penetrated my core. Stretching to accommodate their enlarged size, I marveled at the sensation. As they drew back, pure ecstasy rolled through my channel. Baring my teeth, I growled, “Harder.”

  Not needing to be told twice, they did as I asked. Wildly, I met each thrust. A deep ache began; begging to be filled. “More…”

  Increasing the tempo, his jewels slapped against my sex. Shifting their grip, they clenched the back of my neck. Delighted with their strength, I tipped my pelvis to give them more access.

  Faster and faster they took me. Bliss exploded in waves along my skin and rose goosebumps with each stroke. A deep whine vibrated through my body as they signaled their readiness.

  I braced my palms on the bed.

  Hardening inside my sheath, they collapsed across my back. Hot jets of seed spilled inside my hungry channel. My own release came with a scream as I devoured every drop.

  Panting, I savored their weight.

  A knock sounded followed by Rowe’s voice. “All right, lovebirds. I waited until the end, which sounded pretty fucking hot by the way. I need to speak with you both.”

  Grumbling, Mel shifted.

  Swallowing at the hollow feeling as he pulled out, I tried to calm my disappointment. We usually went three or four times.

  Flipping to my side, I watched his glorious ass flex with every step as he strode to the door. Fuck, how did I ever get so lucky?

  Glancing back with a smirk, he turned the handle.

  Rowe didn’t bat an eye at his nude state. “Geez! Took you long enough. I’ve been out here forever!”

  I chucked. “What is it, Rowe?”

  She sobered. “Sora asked us to go to Seattle. We’re taking a boat, so get ready. We leave in like,” lifting her wrist, her brows rose at her watch. “Er, five minutes ago. Oh, um,” she blushed. “By the way, I changed someone into a Fox.”

  Mel’s entire torso tensed in irritation.

  Springing from the bed, I pressed my breasts against his back. “Shh. I’m sure there’s a good explanation. Right, Rowe?”

  Tossing me a cheeky wink, she grinned. “Yes, and I’ll fill you in on the trip. He’s coming with us.” Turning on her heel, she ran down the hall.

  Slamming the door, Mel met my gaze.

  Shrugging, I strode to the closet. “Better hurry up. A ship has our names on it and we’ve got to go.”

  Lifting a hand, he scratched at the stubble along his jaw. “She’s joking, right? I mean… she wouldn’t. Not Rowe.”

  I laughed. “Rowe is lonely, Mel. You know this. Plus, she helps anyone who needs it. Give her the benefit of the doubt and help me pack… Or you could just go naked, I won’t complain.”

  Glowering, he grabbed the suitcase.


  Pacing the foyer, his mind rolled.

  Was this right? If Lila was indeed coming, could they afford to send off their best fighters? What if the sphere were breached? Lillin wouldn’t be available to lend her blood. What if they didn’t come back?

  Intuiting his thoughts, Sora tucked herself beneath his arm. “Shh. Lillin donated just moments ago. We still have a stockpile on ice. Calm down. This is the right choice. We need everyone.”

  Shaking his head, he growled, “I know, I’m just not sure if now is the time to make it.”

  Meeting his gaze, her sapphire irises swirled with small stars. “I do. If our Daughter,” she choked, “is to stand any chance against the horde, they could mean all the difference. Kai never came back…”

  Gritting his teeth, he nodded. If Kai had stayed they could have found Air. Bex and Nat, paired with the other two Fae, could each potentially wield all four Elements. That alone could have held Lucian and his legions at bay. Bex was a mess after his departure. Throwing herself into the protection of their Clutch and any who sought refuge within, she’d closed off her emotions entirely. What life she once lived became a blip of the past. How one Fae could entrance her so completely, he didn’t know. Then again, Sora had done the same to him. He understood it, to a degree. After the third year, he’d tried to take away her duties. She needed to live her life.

  It did not end well.

  Sora had to unfreeze him from his entombment in the pool.

  “Let her go. She needs this, Blaze.”

  Swallowing the sharp retort begging to fall from his lips, he whispered, “I just worry, Love.”

  Standing on her tip toes, she kissed his cheek. “As do I.”

  Lillin swaggered down the stairs with a bounce in her step. Roughly as tall as Sora, she moved with the confidence of a woman who could have anyone and anything she wanted. Fortunately, she didn’t seem to be aware of it. Scarlet highlights winked out from beneath a curtain of midnight in waves from her crown to the curve of her hips. Fanning her thick lashes, her aqua orbs sparkled.

  He knew that look. Sora’s eyes used to hold the same quality after they… Shoving away the ache inside his chest, he nodded. “Lillin. Do you have everything you need?”

  Her pink lips tipped into a grin. “Sure do. Mel is bringing everything down.”

  Grumbling under his breath, Mel rounded the corner with a large suitcase in tow. “Christ, Lillin. What weighs so much?”

  Moving to his side, she fingered the collar of his tee. “Just this and that.”

  Thank the Goddess she’d convinced him to wear something other than his ridiculous Hawaiian shirts. Lillin seemed small next to Mel’s barrel like chest. Looping a thickly corded arm around her waist, he chuckled. “Of course. Did you pack the entire dresser?”

  She snorted. “Actually, I had an idea. I wasn’t sure how far from shore the Stronghold is, so I assumed we’d be fighting. I hope Bex doesn’t mind, but you know those diamonds she’s been hording?”

  Mel frowned. “Yes.”

  “I snuck into her room and snatched them. It’s a long journey, I hoped with her magic we might be able to make something.” Tipping her chin, she addressed everyone. “It might not work, and I’m truly sorry I didn’t think of it before. Sora, remember when you found me in the library?”

  Bumping her head against his jaw, Sora answered, “Yes?”

  “Well, I was researching the effects of acid. The carbon atoms in diamonds are too tightly packed for most acids to dissolve…”

  Like lightning, Blaze latched on to her train of thought. “If she can make them, she can manipulate them.” Excited, he released Sora. “That’s amazing, Lillin! She can make armor!”


  Knowing Lillin’s discomfort with unannounced touch, Sora opened her arms with a smile.

  Beaming, Lillin stepped into her embrace.

  Squeezing her tight, Sora whispered, “Well done, little Demon. Well done!”

  Rowe strode through the door followed by Alec. Both dressed nearly identically in leathers, confusion shown on their faces.

  Bex brought up the rear. “Are we ready?”

  The jovial mood instantly soured.

  Somberly, Sora sighed. “Yes.”


  Piling out of the SUV, Blaze nodded to the dock. “Julian and the Retainers stocked it full of supplies. Food, weapons, anything you might need.”

  Mel’s boots clomped across the aged wood. Tipping his jaw to the boat, he offered Blaze his hand. “I have some experience sailing. I’ll take good care of them.”

  As they shook, Sora pulled me aside. Leaning close to my ear, her words were barely audible. “Stay safe, Bex.” Gently, she patted the precious cargo tucked in between my breas
ts. “I don’t mind that you took it. Just,” her voice cracked, “come back to me. I can’t lose you, too.”

  Swallowing the lump in my throat, I pulled her close. “Always.”

  Rowe approached from the side and sandwiched Sora between us. “Don’t worry, Sora. We’ll be home soon.”

  Clenching my lids closed, I refused to cry. Gathering the torn shreds of my heart, I squeezed once. We had to go.

  Blaze snagged my wrist. “Where do you think you’re going, pup?” Instantly, he tugged me against his hard chest. “Bring them back, Bex.”

  Inhaling his oceanic scent, I bobbed my head mutely.

  Lillin called out from the deck of the Lei Lani. “All aboard!”

  Biting my lip, I stepped back. Gazing at my family, I mentally swore that I would not fail.

  Chapter 4


  Clenching the chrome railing beside Rowe, I patted her back. “Shh. Just let it out.”

  Dry heaving, she spat a mouthful of bile into the waves. “Goddess, if I’d have known the ocean was so rough, I’d have stayed home.”

  I laughed. “Liar. You’d have come anyway.”

  While she busied herself with round four, I perused the 35 foot length of our ship. Twin sails hung high overhead, billowed out by Sora’s wind as San Diego became a spec in the distance. My gaze snagged on the teak wood that had somehow kept its sheen over the years.

  Mel chuckled from behind the steering wheel. “She going to be okay?”

  Rowe growled, “Do I fucking look okay?”

  Alec stood from his seat near the bow. “I can take over, if you want.”

  Wiping her mouth, Rowe grunted her consent.

  Leaving them to it, I moved below deck to find Lillin.

  Trailing my fingers along the rich mahogany, I took in the small galley. An aged four burner gas stove fit tightly against a tiny sink. Fold down panels locked back against the hull and doubled as workspace when needed. Neat, I mused. Flipping a latch, I peeked into the head. Shit. If we showered we’d have to sit on the toilet.


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