Demon's Rage

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Demon's Rage Page 6

by Janelle Peel

  His ginger hair shifted along the edge of his square jaw. Jerking a nod, he answered, “I know I have a lot of explaining to do. All I ask is that you just give me a chance.”

  Lifting a brow at my Mate, I tipped my head in contemplation. I didn’t mind hearing him out. But if I found him lacking in any way, I would rip out his throat. He was directly responsible for Bex’s misery.

  I would savor the taste of his blood.

  Smirking at my reaction, Blaze gestured inside. “Come in.”

  Crossing my arms, I leaned against the pool table inside the rec room.

  Kai rolled his empty rocks glass along the bar. “When I left it was because Bex had just told me that she and Nat destroyed the onyx stone. I needed time to process it. I’d just lost my entire family and she was directly responsible.” Heaving a sigh, he added, “It wasn’t going to be permanent. I decided to help and find Air. I didn’t abandon Bex. Where is she?”

  Viv tensed at her Mate’s side. “She’s busy.”

  Jackson hooked an arm around her shoulders. Either in restraint or comfort, I couldn’t be sure.

  Focusing on Skye’s pale blue iris, I squinted. “And you? You were just up north waiting this entire time?” A humorless laugh barked from my lips. “How… convenient.”

  Flipping the clasps along his fur coat, he shrugged it off in one smooth motion. “Yes, I admit it. I was a coward. The world could burn for all I cared. What was I supposed to do?”

  Blaze dropped the bottle of whiskey with a dull thud. “You could have tried to stop it.”

  Skye’s brow lowered. “And get killed? No, I don’t think so. Fate obviously had another plan, though. When the ice surrounding my home melted, I found Kai. It’s a miracle he even survived. I assume it was due to his dual nature.”

  Jackson shook his head with a frown. “And we’re just supposed to believe that? He went looking for you and you saved him? Something isn’t adding up.”

  Briefly, Skye looked to Kai. Something passed between them, but it happened so quickly I couldn’t figure out what.

  Shoving his hands deep inside his pockets, Skye queried, “Where is Bex, Sora?”

  Rolling my eyes, I snorted. “Not here.”

  Nat strode from Kane’s embrace and settled her palm on my shoulder. “If what they say is true, we need them. This could very well turn the tide in our favor.”

  She was right, I just didn’t like it.

  Tightening her grip, her voice whispered through my mind, ‘Do it for Lila, Sora. While they may be hiding something, the words they’ve said thus far are true.’

  Knowing Asena was able to sniff out their lies provided a small measure of comfort. Heart clenching in defeat, I met Blaze’s gaze.

  Tipping his chin in understanding, he addressed our group as a whole. “We have three of the four Elementals in this room. Bex has gone to the Stronghold to bring any survivors back.”

  Kai growled low in his throat. “You let her leave?” Flinging his arm toward the window, he boomed, “It isn’t safe out there!”

  Straightening my spine, I scowled. “You lost your say the moment you left her. We need allies if we’re to continue this War. The way I see it, you have two choices. One, follow her. Two, stay and wait. If you choose the former and die, we’re well and truly fucked. If you await her return, you’ll need to earn our trust.”

  Pushing away from the bar, his irises pulsed with a ruby ring. “I’m going.”

  Skye watched the interaction with a blank expression.

  Standing on the lawn, I watched Kane moved across the grass with a purposeful stride. Built like a mountain, his thick thighs strained the seams of his leather pants. Jerking his jaw to the foyer, Blaze and I followed him inside.

  Roughly, he ran one meaty hand through the short ends of his ebony hair. “Nat wants to go with them. I’ve agreed. My Wolf won’t allow her to go alone. I’ve already made arrangements. Justine and Jet will remain in control of my Pack. Syn and Jonas can handle Mel’s.”

  I’d assumed as much. Nat hadn’t wanted Bex to go in the first place. This was the perfect excuse to check up on our wayward pup.

  Blaze nodded. “Good.”

  Standing on my tip toes, I gave Kane a brief hug. “If Skye can do as he says, the journey should be short. You might even beat their ship to Seattle. Stay close to the water, though. Just in case.”

  Chuckling, Kane’s emerald eyes sparkled in amusement at my worry. “Of course.”

  As we stepped outside, Nat shifted in a brilliant gold and silver shimmer. Her scales reflected the light of the Moon as she bent her long neck low to the ground and offered her leg. Kane clamored up with ease. Shifting his weight between the sharp spines along her back, he rumbled, “We’re ready.”

  Fortunately, he didn’t have to hold her clothes. Over the years she’d pried every secret from Èriu’s memories. I’d joined her… at first. The atrocities her mother had committed were on par with the Demon’s we now dealt with. As they took their toll on my mind, Nat refused my access. Asena was uniquely suited to act as a buffer for her, so I accepted her decision. Both had tried to teach Bex the art of shifting with clothes and using a glamor, but she had little interest.

  Digging her sharp claws into the ground, Nat impatiently waited for Skye and Kai.

  Nothing could have prepared me for Skye’s magic trick. The wind kicked up, snapping my tightly plated braid against my back. Between one moment and the next, he simply disappeared.

  Scarlet light flashed as Kai assumed his Demon form. Flaring the delicate membranes of his wings, his oversized teeth slurred his words. “I will return with Bexxx, Ssssora. I ssswear it.”

  The gale increased, lifting them high into the sky. Nat bellowed a flame of fire as they shot off into the night.

  Hooking my waist, Blaze pulled me close. “It’s time, Sora. You need to face the Goddess if we’re to have any hope of knowing what’s happening to our family.”

  Unable to rest, I untucked my legs from between my Mate’s thighs. Dressing in a silk robe, I quietly exited our bedroom.

  Anxiety fluttered through my gut as I padded along the thick black carpet to the courtyard. I hadn’t spoken to Her since she’d taken my magic. Stubborn to the core, I’d even refused to thank Her when She returned it.

  Padding across the lush mat of grass, the few birds we’d been able to save chirped at my presence. Fitting from tree to tree, they calmed as I lowered to my rear.

  Taking a deep breath, I reached for my well. Silver in my mind’s eye, it rippled lovingly as I caressed its placid surface.

  Now or never. Gathering my resolve, I dove into the lake.

  Bells chimed as I opened my lids to Empyrean.

  “It took you long enough, Daughter.”

  Clenching handfuls of sand, I sighed. “I know.”

  Waves crested in the distance, crashing down along the shore near my feet. Sitting up, I found her pale blue gaze.

  Ever-changing, Her pink lips lifted into a smile. “I’ve wondered when you would return.”

  Swallowing the sharp retort begging to fall from my mouth, I nodded. “Things have been… complicated.” Mentally, I patted myself on the back. No matter what, it was Her fault Lila had been taken.

  Her gown winked with starlight as She settled beside me. Tapping Her temple, She whispered, “You know that isn’t true, Sora. The Angel would have taken her regardless of my interference. As you might recall, it was your sharp tongue that forced my hand. I merely used it as an excuse.”

  Rage sparked inside my veins and filled my words with venom. “How dare you blame me!”

  Lifting Her pale hand, thunder rumbled threateningly overhead. “If you had tried to fight, she would have killed you.”

  I growled, “No.”

  Shrugging one slim shoulder, the crackle ended. “Tell me. What have you learned of Angelic powers? The majority of the tomes are still inside the Archives.”

  My ire dulled to a simmer. Grudgingly, I grumbled, “

  “Correct. You won’t find any information on them inside a book. Heaven keeps their weaknesses close. It’s why no one on Earth knew of the first Sundering. Lillin has spoken to you about it at great length, but you’ve been unable to find a single reference.”

  Clenching my eyes closed, I shook my head. It couldn’t be true.

  “Gazardiel is the Archangel of new beginnings. Her sword holds the balance. Through her, she has the final say where a soul will go after death.”

  This was insane. I scoffed, “Not mine. I’m yours.”

  Raising a brow, She continued, “You’re still at least part human, Sora. Just because you follow me, it doesn’t negate the reach of her will. If you’d engaged her in any way, she would have ripped your soul from your body. All of my creations eventually return here to Empyrean. However, she has the ability to delay the natural course.” Pausing, Her tone softened, “No matter what you tried, your Mate, your family, all would have been slaughtered. Tell me, what would Lila return home to then?”

  My thoughts stuttered to a stop. Lila would have no one. Our Clutch wouldn’t have survived without my sphere. Neither would the humans living safely inside its borders… All this time I’d spent hating Her and She’d only tried save me from myself. She’d been protecting me.

  Gently, She took my hand. “I’ve missed you so much. Welcome home, Chosen.”

  Chapter 7


  Jumping to the dock, I quickly tied off our ship to a rusted cleat. Mentally, I thanked the All Mother for the bubble covering a portion of the port. Without it, our arrival would be trying to say the least.

  Alec stared up the bright sphere in wonder. “How much do you think it covers?”

  Following his gaze, I shrugged. “Maybe half of ours. Who knows.”

  Mel began tossing bags onto the weathered wood. “Alec? A little help?”

  His broad shoulders tensed for a moment. Heaving a sigh, he nodded.

  Where was everyone? Our Clutch patrolled the perimeter with military like efficiency. Here, I’d yet to see a single person.

  Rowe stepped beside me. Plucking a map from her pocket, she drew a line with her fingertip. “The Stronghold is about a ten minute walk from here.”

  Shoving away my unease, I lifted my pack.

  Sora once explained how long the Smith Tower had stood, but I couldn’t recall a single detail. There’d been a fire and… Yeah. That’s all I had.

  Alec gawked. “I count 38 stories! I’ve never been to Washington.”

  Rolling my eyes, I grumbled, “Stay focused. Something doesn’t feel right.”

  Mel took point with Lillin pressed against his side. “All of the scents have been washed away. I smell nothing.” Shouldering open the lobby door with a loud screech, he threw me a meaningful look.

  Taking his cue, I snagged Lillin’s jacket. “Stay back here with us until Mel clears it.”

  Nervously, she tucked her hands inside her sleeves.

  A moment later, Mel’s voice carried from inside. “Clear. No one’s been here in ages.”

  The skin on the back of my neck prickled as everyone trooped inside. Panning the vacant streets and abandoned vehicles, nothing of note stood out. The feeling of being watched intensified for a moment before ceasing entirely.

  Rowe poked her head out. “You coming, Bex?”

  Without answering, I stepped over the threshold.

  Chipped marble clattered under my boots as I pulled the door closed. The same gilded surfaces met my curious gaze. Tarnished with age, the heavy adornments didn’t shine as they had on my previous visit when we’d lost… Swallowing hard against the lump in my throat, I growled, “Flashlights.”

  Multiple beams clicked on.

  Thumbing my own to life, the light bounced along the floor. Trash littered the lobby in loose piles and I still couldn’t pick out any scents. It was almost as if someone had wiped them away with magic.

  Was that even possible?

  Alec strode to a wall and flipped a switch. “No power.”

  Of course there wasn’t. If memory served, it was quite a few floors down to the Archives. If we were going to find anyone, it’d be there. Reading the aged signs along the walls, I stopped on the one above the stairs. “Down we go people. I’ll take the lead. Mel bring up the rear. If you see something, or even sense it, speak up.”

  Rowe shivered. “This place is creepy.”

  After the tenth flight, my beam finally settled on a metal door. No Access was displayed boldly on its surface in bright red letters. Pausing with my hand on the handle, I whispered, “Mel? You ready?”

  Moving to my side, his gaze reflected with an amber hue. “Yes.”

  The knob broke off with a loud crack.

  Well, there went the element of surprise. Gritting my teeth, I palmed the cool metal. Trying to keep my magic contained inside my skin, I pushed it through the hardened layers of steel. As my frost coated the entire surface, I stepped back.

  Alec’s whisper carried to my ears. “What’s she doing?”

  Rowe snorted. “Think of it like liquid nitrogen. As the metal freezes, it becomes brittle. Everyone, move back and cover your faces.”

  Twisting to the side, I snapped out a roundhouse kick. The panel imploded with a shower of shrapnel.

  Knocking aside the stray bits hanging from the frame, I moved inside and gasped.


  He didn’t mind Nat and Kane tagging along. In fact, he welcomed their presence. Their glares didn’t bother him one bit. He needed each Element to complete their circuit and ensure the safety of the woman who grounded him in this world.

  Now more than ever.

  The loss of control from his Demon half left him floundering. Fear crept in along the edges of his mind…


  Forcefully, he shoved the alien impulse aside. Bex was the only one who could possibly understand.

  Nat’s tail lashed out as he strayed off course. Her Wolf’s growl rumbled through his skull, ‘FOCUS!’

  Correcting his trajectory, he nodded.

  He doubted Bex would give him the time of day without the duo trailing alongside him. As it was, the bubble surrounding Seattle shone in the distance. They’d made good time. How long had it taken Bex? Was she there, even now?

  Reaching to his center, he pinged her location.

  Like a beacon of light, her hushed whisper sounded through his well with a gasp of surprise, ‘Kai?’

  Grinning from ear to ear, he answered internally, ‘I’m coming-’ A loud screech cut his reply short with its sharp pitch.

  Rising from the ashes of the hollowed cityscape below, a single shape appeared in the distance. Dark as midnight, red lines pulsed in dizzying array across his skin. Twin horns glistened from either side of a scarlet crown of flame. Raising one hooked claw, the beast rumbled, “Son…”

  Wings coming to a standstill, Bex’s scream cut through his thoughts like a knife, ‘KAI!’


  Freezing in place, the rumbled word rattled around my skull as the connection ended.

  Kai was alive.

  Recognizing Lucian’s voice, I pivoted on my heel and ran straight into Mel’s broad chest.

  Grabbing my wrists, concern lit his face. “What’s wrong?”

  Jerking away, I shouted, “Stay here! I have to go!”

  Snatching the waistband of my leathers, he stopped my forward motion. “What’s going on?”

  Heart in my throat, I croaked, “Kai is in trouble.”

  Rowe’s flashlight blinded my sight. “You’re not going anywhere. He’s gone, remember?”

  Slapping away my Uncle’s grip, I growled, “No. He’s maybe a mile from here. Go on ahead. I need to do this.”

  Mel blocked the threshold with his large girth. His gaze flashed gold. “As your Alpha I order you to stay. What you’re saying makes no sense!”

  Baring my teeth, I snarled, “Move, Uncle. I don’t want to hurt you.”

Soft steps sounded at my back and brought out spat to a halt.

  Sucking in a sharp breath, Daisy’s wide hazel eyes took in our group. “Bex? Mel? Rowe? Goddess, what are you guys doing here? We thought you were dead!” Rushing forward, she threw her arms wide around Rowe and Mel.

  Her arrival brought the momentary lapse I needed. Glaring at Lillin and Alec to keep their mouths shut, I raced up the stairs.

  Running through the deserted streets, I called to my center. If there was ever a time I needed to shift and keep my clothes, this was it.

  Light blue flames broke out along my bared arms. Pushing with all my will, I bade my magic to shift. I couldn’t afford to lose the precious cargo tucked inside my vest.

  Four iridescent paws beat down on the crumbled pavement in a blur of motion. Howling my success to the Moon, I picked up the pace.

  Rapidly, the sphere came into view. Threading my way through a pile of rubble, I peered through its shimmery glow.

  Lava boiled just outside the barrier. Its molten light lit the scene in a scarlet hue.

  The hulking Demon prowled forward with the swagger of a king.

  My mind stuttered. It was Lucian.

  A deep growl began at the back of my throat as Nat bellowed a stream of fire at the beast.

  Kai hissed in rage from within the Ruler of Hell’s clutches.

  Seeing red, I ran into the fray.


  A light blur zipped across the remains of the large parking lot. Howling in fury, her frenzied pitch pierced my ears with its intensity.

  All Mother, it was Bex.

  Diving toward the ground to intercept her, she lithely dodged our talons.

  Yelling at my other half, I screamed wordlessly, ‘ASENA!’

  Instantly, she peeled from our shared mind and closed the distance to our pup.

  Bex would have none of it. Snapping her maw, she paralleled the massive Demon instead.

  Between one blink and the next, frost covered wings sprung from her shimmering fur. Launching from the cement, her wrathful snarl sliced through the air.


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