Demon's Rage

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Demon's Rage Page 5

by Janelle Peel

  Meeting one white orb, his gaze snagged on his own reflection.

  Ruby veins pulses beneath his dark skin. Horns shone in an ebony sheen on either side of his forehead. Lit above them, was a crown of flame.

  He looked like Lucian.

  Falling to his rear at the sight, his power came rushing back with a thunderclap.

  Silence reigned as he gulped in greedy breaths.

  “The one who recognized you got away.”

  Hooking his claws into fists, he growled, “And the others?”

  Quietly, Skye answered, “See for yourself.”

  Gathering his resolve, he lifted his chin. Shocked, he numbly stared.

  Nothing but ash remained for at least a ten mile radius.

  Opening and closing his mouth, he croaked, “The behemoth?”

  Skye’s response was equally hushed. “Gone.”


  Asena’s voice filtered through my dreams, Wake up, Nat. Something has happened.

  Draped across Kane’s broad chest, I yawned. Goddess, what time was it? It felt like I’d just fallen asleep. Our patrol had taken far longer than we’d planned and I was exhausted.

  Sharp teeth flashed, NOW!

  Instincts screaming, I rose into a crouch, What is it?

  The Earth screams, child. Listen.

  Kane grunted. “What’s going on?”

  Shaking my head, I snatched my blue satin robe from the foot of the bed. “I don’t know. Asena’s worried.” Shoving my arms through the sleeves, I met his green gaze. “Come outside with me?”

  Grumbling, he pulled on his sweats.

  Stumbling down the stairs, a tug on my magic was all the warning I had as Asena appeared beside me.

  Silver and gold rippled across the tips of her black ears as she swiveled them in every direction. Her ability to project still boggled the shit out me.

  Padding soundlessly through the foyer, her form flickered as she moved through the closed door.

  Shrugging a shoulder at Kane’s queer expression, we followed.

  Stepping onto the porch, scorching heat met my skin.

  Had the temperature risen? Usually inside the sphere it was always a balmy 80 degrees. Now it felt closer to 100.

  Dropping her nose to the carpet of grass, Asena’s whisper carried through our thoughts. ‘Both of you come and see.’

  Heaving a sigh, I padded over the grass and dropped to my rear. Digging my fingers beneath the roots, my lids slid closed. A discordant note tolled through my well with a horrific screech. Snapping my eyes open, fear skittered down my spine. “What the fuck is that?”

  ‘He has awoken.’

  Kane pulled me to stand. “What does that mean, Asena?”

  Tipping her head, she paused. ‘The land cries. His power has been unleashed. The horde will head his call.’

  Confused, I gave her the stank eye. “Speak clearly, Asena. We don’t understand.”

  Baring her teeth, the tips of her fur stood entirely on end as she looked toward the horizon. ‘The Demon Prince is coming.’


  “Wait, start over. Who’s coming?”

  Pacing a line across the black carpet of my room, Nat growled in frustration, “The Demon Prince, Sora.”

  Tucking the duvet under my arms, I sat up. “Kai? Is that who you’re talking about? It’s been nearly 15 years, Nat. He’s probably dead.”

  Asena’s voice rumbled through my thoughts. ‘He is alive, Chosen.’

  My nose wrinkled. “If that’s true then where has he been? Why haven’t we heard from him?”

  Tugging at the ends of her raven hair, Nat glared. “We don’t know.”

  My brow furrowed. “The horde will head his call? He wanted nothing to do with the Demons when he left. Why would he change his mind now?”

  Shrugging, she bit out, “I’m calling a meeting. Asena says he’s coming. We need everyone on high alert. Where’s Blaze?”

  My chest pinched. Breathing past the ache, I whispered, “He’s probably in Lila’s nursery. Let me get dressed. I’ll get him and meet you in the rec room in a few, ‘kay?”

  Jerking a nod, she stormed over the threshold and slammed the door.

  Heaving a sigh, I stood.

  Blaze had been going to her room ever since she’d been taken. At first, I’d gone with him…

  Now, it was just too painful.

  Padding to the wardrobe, I grabbed a pair of jeggings and a tee at random. Dressing in the bathroom with practiced ease, I refused to meet my reflection.

  Hovering anxiously in the hall, I mumbled through the thick mahogany. “Hey. Nat has news. We’re meeting in the rec room.”

  His deep bass carried through the door. “Come in, Sora.”

  Fidgeting with the handle, I couldn’t bring myself to turn it. Being this close to her scent drove me mad. “I c-can’t, Blaze.”

  Before I could blink, he tugged it open and pulled me inside.

  Struggling against his strong arms, my bare feet scrambled for purchase on the floor. “No!”

  Clenching me tightly against his chest, he maneuvered us closer to her crib. “Look!”

  Squeezing my lid closed, I stubbornly refused.

  Shifting his grip, he pinned my small frame against his side. Rustling sounded just before he pressed something against my face. “Please, Love. Do it for me.”

  His plea broke my heart. Stuttering an inhale, her sweet scent filtered through my nose. An anguished sob ripped from my throat. Clutching at his shoulders, I buried my face into his shirt.

  I couldn’t breathe.

  Her terrified wail echoed through my ears as my mind replayed the scene of her disappearance, “Mommy!”

  I’d failed her.

  “Shh,” he soothed, wiping the tears from my cheeks. “She’s coming home.”

  My voice cracked, “Why did you do this to me? Why, Blaze? I can’t take it.”

  Leaning back, his sapphire gaze met mine. “Because you can. You’re stronger than this. Don’t let your grief overwhelm you.” Shaking me once, his tone lowered into a snarl. “Use it! We will get our Daughter back.”

  Rage lit my blood. “I’m fucking trying!”


  My fangs snapped down with a click as I shoved him against the charred wall. “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I’M DOING!”

  Smirking, he rumbled, “There it is. Use your anger. Use it all. Let it burn out the ache inside of you.”

  The truth of his words slammed into me. Gritting my teeth, I slapped his thick chest. “Asshole!”

  Tipping his chin to my crown, he purred, “There she is.”


  Rowe bumped her shoulder against his. “Have you had any luck communicating with your Fox?”

  Tearing his gaze away from the endless landscape of blue, his brow furrowed in frustration. “Not really. I catch bits and pieces, but none of it makes sense.”

  What would his brother think? Life had seemed hard when it was just the two of them. With his death, things had only become more complicated. Jared always knew what to do no matter the situation. And if he didn’t, he’d figure it out one way or another.

  Mel’s deep bass carried from the stern. “You should shift. Let my Wolf have a go at him.”

  Rowe frowned. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea. He isn’t a part of our Pack and your control will be limited.”

  Alec’s chest rumbled involuntarily. Sharp teeth flashed in his mind’s eye followed by a pair of glowing amber eyes. Clearing his throat, he muttered, “I don’t think Inari likes your idea.”

  Drumming her fingers on the polished rail, Row sighed. “He may not like it but we have to try something. We need to be united if we’re to be successful on this mission.”

  Red fur brushed against his skin in agreement. His Fox seemed to like Rowe. In fact, she was the only one he actually listened to. Pushing away the revelation, he shucked his leather jacket. “Fine, but only if Rowe is with us every step of the way.�

  Lifting a brow, she smirked. “You’re making progress. You said us, not me. It’s vital you realize the two of you are a team.”

  Mirroring her grin, he ducked his head to hide the blush lighting his cheeks. She was an excellent teacher, but he couldn’t afford to let his emotions to override his decisions. While her group had saved his life, he still wasn’t sure if he could trust them.

  Shrugging out of her coat, Rowe dropped it to the deck. Her pink tank followed suit. The rosy peaks of her breasts instantly budded. Kicking off her boots, she met his shocked expression. “What? You’re going to have to get over seeing everyone naked. We’re Shifters, Alec. Our space is limited on this ship and these are my only clothes.” Sliding her jeans down the curve of her hips, she chuckled. “Plus, trying to get out of them without thumbs is a real bitch.”

  Embarrassed, he turned away. Her words made sense but his human half rebelled. Busying himself with his own attire, the hair along the nape of his neck suddenly prickled.

  Female, Inari rumbled.

  Nails clacking on the hard deck, her bushy tail brushed against his knee.

  His thoughts ground to a halt. She was beautiful. Stunningly, her platinum hair had transferred to her pelt. Shimmering with the setting sun, her gaze lit with a jade hue. Large, oversized ears swiveling, she showcased the sharp points of her teeth in a grin. A strange cough sounded as her chest shook.

  Was she laughing at them?

  Inari snorted at his stupidity, Shift.

  Stepping out of his pants, he answered, How?

  Grumbling, Inari shoved him aside. Their shared skin blurred. Between one moment and the next, they dropped down on four furred paws. The tang of the ocean was nearly overwhelming as Alec struggled to process his surroundings.

  Rowe dropped to her belly with a happy yip.

  Wait, how did he know she was happy?

  Loud steps rang out as Mel drew near their side.

  Inari growled, Alpha.

  Pivoting on their hind legs, they kept Rowe at their back and bared their canines. In unison, one thought ran through their shared mind, Protect.

  A gold ring pulsed around the rim of Mel’s irises. “Inari, well met.”

  Taking in his hulking form, their ruff stood on end. Snarling, they snapped their jaws at the newcomer.

  Mel rumbled a laugh. “Think you’ll keep her safe from me?” The gold overtook his chocolate orbs entirely. Softly, he whispered, “Sit.”

  Their body obeyed his command.

  Dropping to the hard plastic, Alec raged. Who did he think he was to command them like a dog? Muscles trembling against the intense pressure, their rear rose an inch. Inari beamed in approval as another followed. Throwing his will behind Alec’s, they stood tall.

  While they’d been occupied, Mel had stripped. His tanned hide rippled wildly. Within a blink, he changed. The boat rocked violently as it struggled with his added weight.

  Snarling at the massive brown Wolf, Alec and Inari readied to pounce.

  Ice spread across the deck before they could react; freezing them in place with a shocked whimper.

  Rowe padded between them. Smacking their faces with her tail, she yipped her thanks to Bex.

  Diamond like, Bex’s skin cast bright rainbows as it reflected the silvery blue glow of her hands. Fisting them, she stormed across the bow without slipping. “What the fuck do you three think you’re doing?”

  Abashed, their ears flattened against their skull. What were they going to do? Take on a fully shifted Wolf?

  Inari sulked, Challenge.

  He pressed, Why? Mel meant us no harm. He certainly wouldn’t hurt a member of his Pack.

  Rowe shifted back in a flash. “Mel thought it best to see Inari. I think we can call it a success.”

  Bex scoffed, “A success? He nearly capsized our fucking ship!”

  Shaking the frost from her clothes, Rowe nodded. “Yes, but we can’t exactly do this when we’re busy fighting off Demons, right?” Pulling on her tank, she jutted her chin in their direction. “Look at him. Alec is peering out through their gaze. They worked together to throw off Mel’s command.”

  Bex’s icy glare met theirs. “I get that, but a little warning would have been nice.” Looking beyond them, she sucked in a gasp. “Look!”

  Turning their head, they followed her line of sight.

  Similar to the SoCal Clutch’s sphere, a bright silver ball lit the sky.

  They’d made it.

  Chapter 6


  His thoughts rolled as they rocketed across the sky.

  What had he done? Never before had his power acted in such a manner. It was almost as if it had a mind of its own.

  In fact, the rush was almost… seductive.

  Skye whispered, “Do you want to talk about it?”

  He sighed. “Not really.”

  “Okay. We’re getting close.”

  Kai wondered how he could tell. The landscape below repeated in an unending loop of death and destruction.

  Intuiting his silence, he answered, “I can feel the ocean.”

  Ah, now that made sense.

  What would he say to Bex? She must think he’d abandoned her. He’d be lucky if Nat didn’t kill him. All he could do was hope that they would hear him out.

  Reaching to his center, he sent his power seeking into the distance.

  A ping bounced back almost instantly. Pausing, he waited for the second note. Dully, it chimed northwest of their location. A frosty note trailed its edge. Bex! Where was she going?

  Skye’s voice interrupted his musing. “Is that it?”

  Scanning the horizon, he sucked in a sharp breath. Holy shit! The bright ball spanned for miles in each direction. Lit like a snow globe against the black curtain of night, he marveled at the amount of magic it would take to sustain.

  The breeze slowed, leaving him to beat his large wings harder to stay aloft.

  “We have company.”

  Flaring toward them like a burning comet, fire blazed inside the Dragon’s silver and gold scaled maw.


  What are you picking up, Asena?

  They’ve slowed their pace. I only see one, but not all is as it seems.

  Wondering what she meant, my spiked tail lashed the air in agitation. It had to be Kai. This was the second time in a week I’d felt a tap on my magic. The first was barely noticeable, but this time I couldn’t ignore it. He was much too close.

  The wind beneath our wings became dense as if we were trying to fly through water. Desperately, we flapped harder. Thickening further, we came to a standstill miles above the barren ground.

  A voice carried to our ears. “We mean no harm, Earth. We will arrive shortly.”

  Earth? Irritated and confused, Asena projected my words back at the strange presence. ‘Who are you?’

  Chuckling, he answered, “My name is Skye. To expedite our meeting, I will explain. Kai sought my help. I found him near my home in what you call Canada. He was lucky. Hell’s reign has begun melting the ice caps. It’s only a matter of time before the world floods, but I digress. He has been encased inside a block of ice for nearly 15 years.”

  Sarcasm laced my response, ‘Sure. Right. What the fuck are you? A Mage?’

  “No. I am the Element of Air.”

  Shocked, my struggles ceased. Was he telling the truth?

  Asena’s thoughts rolled through my mind, I sense no deceit.

  Figuring we had nothing better to do than wait, I perused Kai’s form as he drew closer.

  The sickled tips of his bat like wings shone in stark relief against his lead colored hide. His pointed ears were pinned back as if the wind carrying him irritated the delicate appendages. The glossy horns adorning his forehead were disconcerting to say the least. A tattered piece of cloth draped across his narrow hips to hide his masculinity.

  Fruitlessly, I tried to see any hint of the Air Fae.

  Kai’s ruby eyes pulsed as he slowed to a stop. “Nat.�

  Disgusted at the Demon, I snorted.

  The breeze around us picked up again as Skye whispered, “Shall we continue?”

  Unable to pick out his shape, I turned toward home. Sora would have to decide what to do with them. If she chose to kill Kai, I’d be first in line to claim the honor.


  A vivid ripple along my well immediately halted my conversation mid-sentence.

  Noting my far-off look, Blaze growled, “What is it?”

  Brow furrowing, I rubbed my chin. “Nat’s back and she has company.”

  Grabbing my wrist, he tugged me to the foyer. “Who?”

  Latching on to the tang of brimstone and clove polluting my magic, I swallowed. “Two. I think one of them is… Kai.”

  Fangs descending with a snick, he roared, “Viv! Jackson! Now!”

  Silently, they heeded his order.

  Viv read the situation like a pro. “Who the fuck is it this time?”

  Jackson prowled to the door and flung it open with a bang.

  Moving over the threshold, I peered into the gloom as Nat touched down on the large field.

  Kai hit the grass with a thump.

  I took in their companion as he appeared out of thin air.

  Tied back at the base of his skull, blue tinted hair adorned the crown of his head. Fur sprung up in random patches along his thick torso and legs. Snorting internally, I chuckled at his eskimo like appearance. Pure white, one orb glowed briefly as he met my gaze.

  Backpedaling, I ran into Blaze’s chest. That was just creepy.

  Shifting in a shimmer, Nat stalked forward. The buds of her creamy breasts lit in stark relief against her alabaster skin. Shaking out her raven hair, she glared over her shoulder. “Sora, Blaze. Kai has come back.” Pausing, her fingers curled into fists at her sides. “And he’s brought the Air Elemental.”

  My breath caught. Could it be? He’d been gone for so long… Where had he been?

  Instantly, Kai changed. His lead colored wings vanished. Taking one step, his brown loafer whispered across the grass. The lines of his khaki pants creased as another followed. Panning his thick torso, I finally met his aqua eyes. Hissing my exhale, I sneered, “Kai. You’ve got some nerve to show up here after all this time.”


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