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Demon's Rage

Page 17

by Janelle Peel

  Shaking out my ruff in irritation, I projected my thoughts through Asena. ‘He knows we’re coming. He wants us to. Why else would he be so close to San Diego?’

  Nat and Gazardiel lowered to our altitude.

  Touching the pommel over her shoulder, Gazardiel squinted. “What’s the hold up?”

  Lashing his lead colored tail, Kai hissed, “We’re walking into a trap.”

  Gazardiel’s brows rose. “So? You had to have realized that by now. Please don’t tell me you guys are this stupid.”

  Nat’s reply reverberated with a low growl. ‘Lila wouldn’t send us into a trap.’

  Gazardiel scoffed, “Does it really matter? She has a plan and we’re sticking to it.”

  She had a point, but it still grated on my nerves.

  Rolling her pale blue orbs, Gazardiel dug her heels into Nat’s side. “Come on. We’re wasting time.”

  Sucking in a breath, Nat swung her long neck around and snapped her teeth an inch from Gazardiel’s face. ‘It is not wise to antagonize your ride, Gaz.’

  Smacking her lips, Gazardiel winked. “I’ve never had a nickname. Does that mean you’re going to keep me?”

  If I had fingers, I would have pinched the bridge of my nose. I’d forgotten her strange sense of humor. Heaving a sigh, I pumped my wings. They’d catch up.



  My heart pinched painfully. “What do you mean you sent them ahead?”

  Lila sighed. “It is for the best. There are certain obstacles they will need to overcome before we can join them.”

  Blaze paced a circuit around the boardroom. “This makes no sense, Lila. What is going on?”

  Sweeping her palms across the table, Lila’s gaze slid from one frozen person to the next. Why she felt the need to animate only us was beyond me.

  “I’m following a plan. If we all went together the results would be catastrophic.”

  Blaze stilled. “Explain.”

  Pushing back her chair, she appeared to listen to an unheard voice. After a moment, she nodded. “They have arrived. It is now safe to inform you.”

  Clenching my fists, I attempted to temper not only the betrayal souring my gut, but the need to slap my daughter. What the fuck was going on?

  Surprisingly, she answered my question. “Lucian has been busy. After gathering the remains of the onyx stone, his Demons rounded up the few Mages who survived the Sundering. Using their magic, he’s been able to craft four devices. They in turn can control an Elemental’s powers.”

  Flashing to my feet, I screeched, “What! You let them walk into a trap? How could you? They’re your family, Lila!”

  Lifting a pale brow, she continued as if I hadn’t spoken. “With their magic he will invade Heaven. If Bex, Kai, Nat, and Gazardiel cannot stop him, all is lost.”

  Blaze’s irises darkened to black. “If?”

  I sputtered, “Lucian can’t even get to Heaven. You’ve sent them to their deaths!”

  Slamming her fist on the table, her star flecked eyes filled with tears. “I know it’s hard to understand, but I’m doing the best I can to keep everyone safe! It is the only way!”

  My anger turned to a simmer at her distress. Moving to her side, I took her slender fingers in a firm grip. “Help us, Lila. Please.”

  Taking a breath, she gathered her resolve. “Skye is half Angel, Mom. That’s how Lucian can get a foothold in Heaven. It’s God’s plan, not mine. I can only see small portions of it at any given time. I have to balance the scales for every possible outcome. If we’d sent the Clutch with them, the likelihood of all of our deaths increased.” Dropping my hand, she tugged at her platinum tresses in frustration. “They will have a choice to make. Our presence before the time is right will change the outcome. I’m doing the best I can.”

  My thoughts latched on to what she was trying to say. Her gifts had grown to envelop glimpses of the future. To choose the wrong path would damn us all. Gazardiel had called her the Messiah. The right hand of God. She alone held the power to subdue the enemies of humanity. Our little girl was chosen to bear the weight of the world. Rage lit my veins at the unfairness.

  Blaze settled in the chair beside her. Palming her cheek, he tenderly wiped away her tears with the pad of his thumb. “Shh. We’ll get through this.”

  She hiccuped. “How?”

  Fierce protection lit his gaze. “As we always have. Together.”

  Touching her chin, my fangs dropped with a snick. “We trust you, Lila. Tell us what to do.”


  With Nathan’s anguished screams echoing inside his mind, he stared at the place where Anna had taken her last breath.

  The Demons devoured her body, but her blood had left a permanent reminder stained into the dark wood.

  He didn’t know Nat very well, but he doubted she would ever forgive him.

  A low growl interrupted his thoughts.

  Lifting his face, he slowly looked around. After Anna’s death he’d been left alone. Lucian hadn’t even bothered with his chains.

  The sound came again. ‘Skye!’

  Freezing in place, he hesitantly responded, ‘Asena?’

  ‘Yes! We’re coming.’

  Terror raced down his spine. ‘No! Go back! It’s not safe!’

  Confusion colored a different feminine reply, ‘Skye? It’s Bex. We’re getting you out of there. Just hold on.’

  Clenching his eyes closed, he pleaded, ‘Please. It’s too late. Lucian… has control of my magic.’


  He tried again. ‘Did you hear me? He has pieces of the onyx stone! You have to go back!’


  Panicked, he poked at the lump underneath his skin. On contact, the small disc sent a spear of discomfort into his chest. Sucking in a sharp breath, he paused.

  It moved. If he was careful, could he get it out?

  Tipping his jaw, he scratched at his flesh with the edge of his nail.

  No reaction.

  Encouraged, he kept a half inch distance from the stone and went to work. The angle was difficult and slow going, but he was determined to remove it. He needed to keep his family safe.

  Fingers slippery with blood, he replayed the sensations from the joining ceremony to occupy his mind.



  A deep sense of belonging.

  His thumb slipped.

  The resulting pain dropped him to the stage like a pile of bricks. Rolling to his side, he frantically searched for the protrusion but it wasn’t there. Gritting his teeth against the agony, he dipped his finger into the wound.

  The disc had burrowed beneath his sternum.

  Sickened, he swallowed a mouthful of bile. No wonder he’d been left alone. He’d literally dug himself an even deeper hole.

  A chuckle halted his exploration.

  “I’m sure it’s wrapped around your heart by now. Why don’t you quit while you’re ahead?”

  Glaring at the Devil looking down from the box seats at the back of the theater, Skye renewed his efforts. He had to get it out.

  Between one blink and the next, Lucian appeared at his side.

  Lifting a dark brow, his expression lit with amusement. “By all means, keep going. The next jolt will render you unconscious. Then who will warn your friends?”

  Dropping his hand, despair further soured his stomach. He was right. Wait. “My friends?”

  Grinning like a cat who ate the canary, Lucian nodded. “Of course. As we speak they’re fighting for their lives just outside. Don’t worry, they’ll get through.” His gaze lit with a red hue. “Sure, I’ll lose a few hundred lessers, but the reward far outweighs their deaths.” Lowering to a squat, he inspected the blood pooling inside Skye’s belly button. “Maybe you do have the right idea. Yes. This could definitely work.”

  Like lightning, Lucian jabbed his finger into the wound.

  Convulsing in agony as his heart stuttered to a stop, Skye passed out.

bsp; Bex

  Padding over the puddles of tar eating away at the concrete, Asena’s apparition flicked her ebony ears in annoyance. ‘This is too easy.’

  Nat grumbled her agreement before shifting back to her human shape. Pulling her raven hair into a lose ponytail, she grunted, “Let’s get moving.”

  Gazardiel flicked the blood from her blade with the snap of her wrist. “Easy, yes. But also incredibly exhilarating. You’ve no idea how long I’ve waited to slide my sword through a Demon.” A wistful note entered her voice, “Like a warm knife through butter.”

  Shrugging off her glee, I called for the change. The soles of my boots hissed as they met a few drops of acid that had splattered onto the broken sidewalk.

  Kai openly gawked at the large theater.

  Over three stories tall, it must have been a sight to behold before the world went to Hell. Tall archways, now hanging slightly off kilter, showcased what appeared to be a massive dragon carved from stone. Half its body was missing, but it still managed to look intimidating. Metalwork wrapped around two tall pillars on either side of the entrance with an enormous medallion hung between them.

  Nat touched my shoulder. “Ready?”

  Meeting her jade gaze, I smiled. “Let’s get this party started.”

  Snorting a laugh, we stepped inside.

  I thought I’d become accustomed to the scent of desiccation, but the thickness coating the lobby nearly knocked me on my ass.

  Broken glass shimmered along the marble floor, punctuating our entrance with loud crunches as we fanned out in a diamond formation.

  Asena passed soundlessly over the debris without a backward glance.

  Nat tossed a silver and gold orb up near the ceiling.

  Blinking at the sudden brightness, I carefully picked a path to a set of double doors.

  Gripping the handle, Kai motioned for Asena to peek inside.

  Dipping her muzzle in acknowledgement, she pressed her face through the thick mahogany. A moment later, she growled, ‘Skye is alone on a stage. I see no one else.’

  Impatient, Gazardiel brushed past me and threw one door open with a boom.

  The nape of my neck prickled as we waited for any signs of movement.

  Nothing. Not even a clatter.

  Pushing away my unease, I followed her inside.

  An eight-pointed star twinkled from high overhead lit by Goddess knew what. Our Clutch was lucky to have power, but how had the Demons managed it? Shelving the unhelpful thought, my eyes skipped over the filthy rows of seats before settling on Skye.

  Naked as the day he was born and sprawled in an uncomfortable position, the coppery tang of his blood slid down my throat. My instincts screamed to go after him, but I gritted my teeth against the notion.

  With all the hallmarks of a horror movie, by which point I would be screaming at the screen for the dumb heroine to go back, I moved further down the aisle.

  Gazardiel gasped behind me.

  Goosebumps broke out along my arms as I froze. Was this it? Unwilling to look back and leave myself vulnerable, I murmured, “Where?”

  Singing metal met my ears she drew her blade and bypassed me.

  I hissed, “Gaz!”

  Rigidly, she continued down the aisle. “This is why Lila insisted I come.”

  Kai met my gaze with a queer expression.

  Shaking my head, I jerked my chin in her direction. We were stronger together.

  Assuming our flank, Nat’s anxious exhales carried to my ears. I felt her pain. The suspense was killing me.

  Gazardiel leapt onstage. Thumping across the wooden boards, her sword lit in a golden light.

  My stomach dropped as we ran after her. “Gazardiel! What are you doing!”

  Asena howled as she lifted the blade over Skye’s prone form.

  I screamed, “No!”

  Faster than I could track, Asena turned corporeal and lunged at her. The sword pierced a plank an inch from Skye’s chest as they both tumbled offstage.

  Applause rang out from behind a shredded burgundy curtain. Sweeping the tattered lengths aside, Lucian chuckled. “Well done! I admit I’ve never been to a show, but I couldn’t have imagined it better.”

  Kai spat, “Lucian.”

  Throwing his arms wide, Lucian grinned mockingly. “Son! You’ve returned. Come give dear old Dad a hug.”

  “Fuck you.”

  Lowering his arms, he nodded. “That can be arranged as well. Just ask your little sister. Where is Lillin by the way?”

  Fisting my hands, I growled, “Far away from you.”

  Greedily, his gaze undressed my leathers. “My, my, Bex. You simply look good enough to eat. It seems my Son has chosen well.” Rubbing his jaw, he snapped his fingers. “Kai, my offer still stands. Assume your place at my side. Rule with me and you can keep your pet.”

  Kai’s bat like wings trembled for a moment. Baring his teeth, he hissed, “Never.”

  Lucian heaved an exaggerated sigh. “Must you always be so difficult? I offer you the world, life, limitless power and the bitch you’re so enamored with. What more could a boy ask for?”

  Striding toward the stage, Kai laughed. “That bitch is my Mate, and the only thing I want is your death.”

  Touching his palm to his chest, he sneered, “You wound me, Son.” Shrugging once, he added, “I do find it rather amusing you’d choose to rut with a beast, though. I suppose the apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree. Unfortunately, you leave me with no choice.” Turning to the side, he tucked his hand inside his dress pants. “Skye.”

  As if pulled by strings, Skye rose from the ground.

  My brain struggled to process his change in demeanor as his mismatched gaze met mine. “Skye?”

  He mouthed one word. Run.

  Puzzled, I shook my head. Why would I run? We’d come to save him.

  Asena appeared at my side. ‘Move, Bex!’

  Startled by her shout, I almost missed Lucian’s response.

  “I’ve had time to perfect a few things in these last years. Skye is mine. I have been more than fair, Kai. If you won’t join me willingly, I’ll take what you owe.” Gesturing toward Skye, he rumbled, “I want them alive. Do whatever it takes.”

  Fire sprung up in a ring around me. Nat flung me aside and quickly pulled water from the air. As the small blaze extinguished, Skye jumped from the stage.

  Robotically, he moved down the aisle. Flames licked across his skin in tandem with the blood dribbling from his chest. Wind lifted the cerulean lengths of his hair in a shimmering ripple of magic. He screamed, “Run!”

  The gale slammed into me before I could react. Flying back ward, I reached for my well. My quick shift saved me from thudding into the wall. Springing off with my paws, a whimper escaped my throat. What was wrong with him?

  Trusting Nat and I to handle Skye, Kai roared a challenge at Lucian. Twin horns sprouted on either side of his head lit by a flaming crown. Beating his bat like wings, he launched onstage.

  Asena crashed into Nat with a battle cry. Joined together, the floor shook as the Earth answered their call. Bucking and groaning, the tattered carpet exploded in a shower of dirt.

  Nat’s growl rumbled through my head, ‘Skye is not in control of himself!’

  What the fuck! This was impossible!

  A tug on my tail drew my attention to Gazardiel. Eyes wide with fear, a crimson gash on her cheek shone in stark relief against her pale skin. “My sword, Bex! I have to get to my sword! It’s the only way to save him!”

  I followed the jerk of her chin to where Lucian and my Mate were having a war of their own. One grey Demon and the other dark as night, they circled each other with their sharp claws hooked to rend the flesh from their bodies. Deeply embedded in a wooden plank at their feet was her blade.

  Yipping my understanding, I covered her back as we scrambled over row after row of seats.

  Lucian’s agitated bark carried to my ears.

  Chittering with excitement, a wave of lessers po
ured in from the emergency exits.

  Slashing through them with tooth and wing, I fought for every step.

  Unarmed, Gazardiel pummeled their hard carapaces with her fists.

  Chapter 19


  His mind rebelled as the ice spear materialized in front of him. Against his will, it spun towards Nat.

  A wall of dirt blocked the sharp point before it could land.

  Growling in anger, she screamed, “You don’t have to do this, Skye! Stop!”

  Redoubling his efforts, sweat broke out along his brow. The hard soil split apart as his magic responded of its own accord. “I can’t! It’s the onyx stone. Lucian twisted it and implanted a piece inside of me! I’ve no choice!” Frost spread out along his arms as his power readied another blow. “Kill me, Nat!”

  Her jade eyes glowed as flames lit her hands. “NEVER!” Throwing up a barrier of fire, she shoved it toward him.

  Debris pierced the soles of his feet as he met the barrage head on. Equally matched, the chill melted from his skin but he did not burn.

  A vine snaked out from the ground. Latching onto his ankle, he stumbled. “End it! I don’t want to hurt you!” Two more wrapped around his torso. Near instantly, they blackened to ash. Righting himself, his wind tore a chair from the floor and flung it at her.

  Her quick reflexes saved her from being pinned against the wall. “Fight it, Skye! You’re stronger than this!”

  A bolt of lightning shot from his palm by way of reply.

  Waving her hand, she redirected the flow to an oncoming lesser.

  It was pointless. She wouldn’t kill him and he didn’t want to hurt her. Decided, he shouted the one thing that would make her do what was right. “I met your father and killed your little sister! She’s dead because of me! Now end it!”

  Shock and disbelief flashed across her face. “Lies!”

  A breeze carried his pained whisper across the mayhem exploding around them. “His name is Nathan. Do what you must and kill me.”

  The ceiling overhead trembled with a violent screech.


  At my signal, Sora ripped the roof from the theater with her magic.

  The Packs howled an eerie chorus as they rushed inside.


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