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Unbroken Fates (Fates Reborn Series Book 1)

Page 15

by GM Scherbert

  “Mom, what the hell? It looks like you sat on a grate or something.” Andrea says moving closer to me.

  I move quicker and grab the robe off of the hook on the door before Andrea reaches me.

  Turning towards the girls I look at each before answering.

  “Girls, don’t worry. I just sat weirdly last night.”

  Aubrey eyes open wide in disbelief. “Speaking of last night, who was that giving you a ride home. I thought you went out with Nicholas last night?”

  “Girls, really. I am fine and you don’t need to worry about what is going on with me.”

  “Mom, did you go out with Nicholas last night?” Annabelle asks sweetly.

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Did something happen, if that asshole did something to you, I swear to fucking-“

  “Andrea, stop! You know better than to swear around me. Please just forget about it. Nicholas didn’t do anything to me. I stayed to talk with a friend last night and her husband gave me a ride home. That’s it.”

  Nodding their heads, they turn towards the door and make their way out. I shut and lock the bathroom door behind me before dropping my robe. Turning around I look over my shoulder seeing the marks on my thighs and ass for the first time. Looking through the mirror, I reach down and trace the lines that were left from the pleasure whisp. Remembering the feeling of both it and the orgasm that followed, I suddenly find myself wet and wanting.

  Knowing that I will need a few days to think over what needs to happen, I rid the thoughts from my head, and head about my day.

  The thoughts, however, do not stay at bay for long. I catch myself thinking of that night frequently over the next three days. Each night, I have needed to get myself off the thoughts of it to try and clear my head and each night I have found myself curled up with the letters that he wrote to me. Each one more caring, remorseful, loving, compassionate, and dirty than the last. Each one telling me how much he loves me and is sorry for what happened between us. How if he could change how things played out he would. Each one wishing that he could be buried in me for the rest of his days. My mind thinks of the way he owned my pleasure, and knew exactly what I wanted, the way he talked to me, I just can’t get it out of my head and don’t know if I want to.

  Nicholas has called each day and I have not answered, I just don’t know what to say. His messages have been the same, letting me know that he is thinking of me, and that he will be here when I have made my choice. I know that he will be coming over soon if I don’t answer him, I shouldn’t keep him waiting, he’s waited long enough already.

  I have spoken with both Pearl and Peach each day since that night. I tried talking with Missy and Ivette, but they can only help with the side of the story they know and I sure as hell wasn’t going to tell them about The Dungeon, until I knew what I was going to decide. Both Peach and Pearl have heard my thoughts and feelings on each side of the decision I have to make and been supportive in my thoughts.

  On the fourth day, as the marks start to fade, I think again about The Dungeon and Nicholas. Texting him, I ask if he would meet me at The Dungeon tonight. His response is swift and lets me know that he would like nothing better than to see me again and that he has been waiting to hear from me.

  Pulling into the parking lot, I sit in my car for a few moments making sure that the decision I am about to make, is truly what I want.

  Getting out of my car, I see Shadow as soon as I open the back door.

  Smiling, he pulls me into a hug as the door closes behind me.

  “Alexandra, it is so nice to see you again. I was hoping that you would find your way back here.”

  “Yes, well.” Looking around I set my eyes back on Shadow and ask. “Is he here?”

  “Yes, Nick is at the bar waiting for you. Peach, however, is in the locker room with the things you have asked for.” Taking my hand in his, he looks into my eyes before going on. “Are you sure this is what you want, Alexandra? You are making a very bold statement and I have no fear that it is what Nick wants, but are you sure it is what you want?”

  Rolling my eyes, I try to pull my hand back, but he holds tight. “Rebecca, sorry Peach, needs to keep my business to herself.”

  “My Peach and I have no secrets from each other. That is not our way. You will do well to remember that, when you are talking with her about things you would not like for me to know.” Trying to pull my hand away again, my eyes meet his before he finishes, “you need to be completely honest with him, Alexandra. Tell him about the time that you have been apart, especially the way you struggled with what you thought would be.”

  Pulling my hand away sharply when I realize what he was talking about. Those short weeks after the day I found out when I thought I was pregnant, the joy I felt thinking I was and the sadness when I realized I was not. When I think of it and the letters he wrote to me each and every day, I know that I have made the right decision. He is the second man to make me feel this way and I don’t want to keep away from him any longer.

  I make my way past Shadow and into the locker room where Peach is waiting for me with open arms.

  Helping me dress, I almost don’t recognize myself in the mirror. The red and black corset that Peach has brought for me matches the short skirt that is barley covering my ass. The heels that I brought from home, are the ones I wore the night we met, and I still find myself struggling to walk in them. Before heading out Peach helps me to practice getting into the kneeling pose. Only needing to correct me one of the four times I dropped to my knees. Feeling confident in the position, well as confident as I can be, I know the time has come.

  Leaving the locker room, Peach comes with me towards the bar. As we come into the main room, I see that there are only a few couples here tonight. Peach squeezes my hand before heading towards Shadow, whom has made his way to the bar, and is now sitting next to Nicholas. Dropping to her knees next to her Master, I watch as his eyes light up with desire at her show of submission.

  Only then do I look over to see Nicholas and the tattoo that spans his upper back. Before he turns around I see the letters that were unreadable until right now, and know that my decision is the right one. Instantly I think about the letter from the day that he mentions a new tattoo. He merely wrote, the new tattoo I got today helps remind me of my fate. The fate that has been unbroken since the first day I sunk balls deep into you. The two words that I see tattooed on him, are intertwined on his back between his shoulders- Alefxaatnedra.

  Turning around slowly, the moment his eyes meet mine, my feet start to move and don’t stop until I find myself in front of him. Before he is able to stand or even say anything, I drop down to my knees and lower my head, palms up on my thighs, with my legs spread wide just as I had practiced.

  Not knowing what is going on above me, is driving me crazy, and I want nothing more than to look up to the man I am kneeling in front of. After a time, my mind stills and I wait patiently, like the good girl I am. I feel his hand on my head, stroking my hair and pressing my head into his thigh.

  Chapter 33


  When Alexandra texted and asked for me to meet her at The Dungeon, I didn’t know what to think. Of course I was going to do it, I had to see her and know what had been going on in her mind these last four days. I know that I had thought of nothing except her and the feelings I have for her.

  The way she looked taking the whisp to her ass and thighs. The pleasure I was able to ring out from her body. The pleasure which she gave to me through her many orgasms. The pleasure I was able to find myself, not only from her but the orgasms that rocked through me.

  Sitting at the bar waiting for her in nothing but my leathers and boots I wait. The bartender is placing my second jack in front of me when Shadow sits down next to me.


  “Shadow, why aren’t you on the door? I thought that you had to work tonight.”

  “No, not tonight. Tonight I am here to see how this thing between you and Alex plays out. To
see if what I saw going on between you two, was meant to be or if I was wrong.”

  Shaking my head at his shit, I take a sip as I see Peach come up and kneel up under her Master. Longing for that from Alexandra, I take another drink before turning my back on my friend and his sub.

  Seeing her standing there across the room, I know her in an instant. The slow eye fucking I give her at the corset, skirt, and those fucking heels from the night we meet at the square has me fucking hard. When our eyes meet, I see something in them that I have not seen in over a year. Well, not seen without pain laced through them as well.


  She cuts the distance between us before I am able to stand. As I am about to speak, Alexandra drops to her knees in the perfect submissive position at my feet.

  I freeze. Looking back towards Shadow, the smile on his face has me thinking that he knew what was going to happen tonight. Looking back towards the woman at my feet, I slowly reach out and touch her head, making sure that this is real. Stroking over her hair for the next few minutes, I contemplate my next move.

  Quickly forming a plan in my head, I lean over asking Shadow for a few things as I continue to stroke Alexandra’s head, reassuring her and this decision that she has made. Shadow is gone for only a few minutes, before returning with not only my kit but a collar that I had hidden away. A collar that I bought months ago, when the thought of taking her as mine first made its way into my head.

  “Angel, are you sure this is what you want? That you want me to own you in every way. Own your pleasure in every way. Own your pain, joy, hurt, desire, lust, love? Own your everything?” I question pulling her face up to mine.

  As our eyes meet, she answers honestly. “Yes, Sir. I want that, I want this. I want you to own me in every way and be the only one I give those things to. After reading the letters and speaking with not only Peach but Pearl as well, this is what I want.”

  I help her up and we head to the stage, which Peach has quickly readied for us. “Kneel here for me.” I say pointing at a spot next to the spanking bench that has been placed on the stage.

  As she drops to her knees, her knees spread wide, her head drops, and her hands come to rest on her thighs. She looks so open and available to me and my cock doesn’t miss her body offering itself up to me. My body also doesn’t miss the fact that my Angel is not wearing panties.

  I put my kit down on the table, on the side of the stage and pull the collar out of it. Slowly walking back over to her, I grab her hair up roughly in one hand growling for her to stand. She does so, with only a little help and again rests her eyes to the floor.

  Leaning into her, I lick along her exposed neck, before nipping at her ear. “Angel, you are mine,” taking her lips in mine in a heated kiss, I pull back and go on, “With this collar, everyone here will know it. Soon, I will have your flesh marked by my hand, and have a ring on your finger.” Running my free hand down her neck and over the supple flesh of her breasts, “Until that time, this collar will symbolize the bond between us.

  “Hold your hair up, Angel.”

  She reaches up and does as she is told. I slip the collar around her neck securing it with the lock that I had made. Turning the key, I feel a weight lifted as I pull the key out of the lock. Stepping away, I slip the key into my kit before going back towards her.

  “I am going to spread you out, up here on stage for all to see, and claim your pussy. Keep your eyes on me the whole time, and make sure to thank your Master for each orgasm I allow you to have.”

  “Yes, Master” comes out on a shaking breath and I know that she is lost to the sensations of the last few minutes. Leading her over to the bench I help situate her on top of it, before freeing myself from my pants. Running a finger over her pussy, I find her absolutely drenched. Finding it fucking impossible to hold off, I dive into her bottoming out. Hearing the groan from her lips only drives me on. Within short moments I hear the first thank you Master pour out of her and I have never heard sweeter words.

  When we come together, I help her off stage, and take her to one of the rooms, to care for her properly. Knowing that this is only the first step towards our future, I hope that our road is paved with only happiness from now on.

  Chapter 34


  ~three months later~

  Nicholas and I have been doing well getting back into our relationship. The girls have accepted him back into the fold, after only some threats and a cold shoulder or three for a while. We have found a nice routine and I am even learning from Peach and Pearl more about the lifestyle. My Master teaches me everything he would like for me to do or know, but it is still nice to be able to talk with those women. Asking them questions if I need to, having their support when I struggle with something.

  We have only recently told his parents that we are together, and they didn’t seem to be shocked at the news. Margaret called and talked with me after Nicholas talked with them, and stayed away from the subject for the most part. Only saying that she heard that we were back together and she was happy that we were happy.

  Not feeling well for the past weeks has me second guessing everything. I have felt this way exactly three times before and know what it is before taking the test. I just don’t want to admit it to myself.

  I am forty fucking years old for Christ sakes.

  When Nicholas comes over later that night, I know that we need to talk, that I need to tell him, but just can’t seem to bring myself to it.

  “Alexandra, is Aubrey pregnant?”

  “What? No, why would you ask me that?”

  “Well, I just glanced down in the garbage can in your bathroom, and noticed the pregnancy test in it. If it is not Aubrey’s, then who’s is it, Angel?”

  Blushing what I can only guess is a deep shade of red, I drop my eyes quickly before answering him.

  “It’s mine okay, it’s my test Nicholas.” Glancing back up to him, I see a moment of joy in his eyes, before that quickly fades away and I see nothing but hurt.

  “When were you planning on telling me that you were pregnant with my baby, Angel?” He says in a tone that leaves no doubt that my Master is angry.

  I know in that instant that I should have told him as soon as I thought I was pregnant. This lifestyle leaves little up to chance and even less for me to decide about.

  “Nicholas,” is all I can say before I see not Nicholas before me, but my Master and drop down to my knees, “Master” is out before I know it and I kneel up waiting for him.

  “Angel, let’s do this again. I shouldn’t have let my surprise and shock affect a special moment in our lives like that.” Running his hands up my arms, he goes on, “Are you feeling okay, you know with the baby? Answer me please.”

  “I have been sick for a few days and I guess that I have lost some weight. Other than that I am doing okay. I only found out yesterday and was going to talk to you about it tonight, I just hadn’t worked up the courage yet.”

  Grabbing my chin, he raises my head up so our eyes meet. “Courage, why would you need courage my Angel?”

  “We haven’t really talked about having kids, and this is a big thing. I know that we have spoken about being together, and moving in, and maybe getting married in the future, but a kid is a big step and I just don’t want you to feel like I-“

  Dropping to his knees in front of me, he pulls something out of his pocket as he does so.

  “Angel, you having my baby is something that I could only wish for a few months ago. You being my wife when it happens is a certainty though.” Opening the box, he slides the ring out of it, and grabs for my hand, slipping the ring onto my finger.

  “You are mine, Angel, in every way. Marry me?”

  Without hesitation I answer, “Yes of course, I will marry you.” Then the reality sets in, “But, what will your parents think? Or the girls for that matter, maybe we need to think this through-“

  “Angel” is said sternly in that voice that has my panties wet.

  “You are mine al
ready, so it doesn’t make a difference to me what anybody thinks. My parents will accept it just as they have accepted us being together. As far as the girls are concerned, I have spoken with them already. They threatened me with physical harm, AGAIN might I add, and then accepted my proposal.”

  “But, Nicholas I don’t think that-“

  He cuts me off quickly, “No Angel!” Looking towards him, I know instantly that this decision has been made and I should stop fighting it.

  “Ok Nicholas. No. Master.” are the last words outta my mouth, before he takes me to bed and we celebrate the best way we know how.





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