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Marry Me

Page 11

by G. A. Hauser

  push that model into something he does not want to do, and

  blame us for the money he was spending to do it.”

  “Bingo.” Fabian pointed his finger at Braxton. “You got it.”

  “You want me to call him and tell him to fuck off?”

  “I can do it. I don’t even want you to have to fend off that

  dick.” Fabian made a move to leave, to do just that.

  “Hang on.”

  He settled in the chair again and met with Braxton’s hazel

  eyes, loving how they appeared both gold and green.

  Braxton relaxed in his chair again. “You’ve been here three

  days. Are you happy with us?”

  “Delirious.” He smiled, joking. When Braxton didn’t look

  pleased, Fabian added, “Yes. You pay me well, you appreciate

  me, and I like the work. I have no complaints.”

  “If you did, would you come to me and tell me? Or do I

  intimidate you?”

  You intimidate the shit out of me, was what Fabian wanted to say. He didn’t know how to answer.

  Braxton appeared to already know by Fabian’s hesitation. He

  rubbed his eyes and looked so tired it broke Fabian’s heart.

  “Would you tell me if I wasn’t working up to speed?” Fabian


  “Yes. In a heartbeat.” Braxton’s stern expression had a hint of

  sadness that Fabian had never noticed before.

  “Is it hard as hell being you?”

  The comment disarmed Braxton and he at first appeared

  insulted then upset. “Am I a prick? Am I?”

  “I told you once before. Not to me.” Fabian leaned close to

  Braxton, his elbows on the desk so they were nearly face to face.

  “I’m not a slut.” Braxton’s eyes appeared glossy.

  “I never called you one.”

  “Dack did last night.”

  “You’re going to let what an egotistical jerk said make a

  difference to you?”

  Braxton’s face grew grim. “Not just him. I know what the

  tabloids say about me.”

  Fabian did as well. The pity he had for Braxton was intense.

  “Who are you then, Mr Todd?”

  “I don’t know anymore.” Braxton sat back, making more

  space between them. “I don’t know.” He stared at his computer

  screen and the look of loneliness crushed Fabian.

  It seemed the meeting had ended, and Fabian didn’t know

  what to say not to cross the line between boss and employee. He

  stood slowly, and walked to the door, looking back. Braxton did

  not meet his eyes, still staring at the computer.

  Fabian left the room and closed the door behind him.

  “Everything okay?” Brianna asked.

  “Yes.” He returned to his office to call Drew and refuse his



  Braxton tried to put the conversation behind him and focus on

  his work. He did well plowing through the emails, text messages

  and calls, but two things haunted him—Drew becoming an

  enamored stalker, and craving Fabian on an intimate level.

  Though the two topics were polar opposites in emotion, both

  gave him anxiety.

  Hours later, Braxton’s salad eaten at his desk, Brianna

  interrupted him to say, “Sophia’s on the phone to remind you

  about your dinner again.”

  “Shit.” Braxton checked the time. Once more it was nearing

  five-thirty and he had to go. In frustration he shut down his

  computer and stood up, pushing his chair under the desk in


  “I’ll tell her you’re on your way.” Brianna left him.

  Braxton ran his hands over his hair and moaned, his neck and

  back killing him. He met Fabian, who was also leaving, and the

  three of them stood together near the lobby while Brianna

  assured Sophia he was on his way.

  Fabian gave him a sad smile. “Last one. Hang in there.”

  “Another man?” Brianna asked, picking up her purse.

  “No. A young woman who got me as a gift from her parents.”

  “Uh oh,” Brianna laughed, “I can already hear the wedding


  Fabian met his gaze at the comment.

  Braxton asked him, “You ever think about getting married?”

  “To the right man.”

  “Oh, yes.” Brianna chuckled and gave Braxton a wicked grin.

  “Love it. How about you, Braxton? Ever thought of settling


  “Constantly.” He peeked at Fabian who appeared surprised.

  The three left the office and stood at the elevator.

  “I can’t imagine anyone good enough for you, Braxton,”

  Brianna teased, elbowing him.

  “Be quiet.” Braxton could see Fabian’s curious expression, as

  if he knew they had discussed him.

  They entered the elevator and it stopped at nearly every floor

  on the way to the parking level. Brianna backed up, nudging

  Braxton against Fabian, who was squeezed into the corner. He

  and Fabian exchanged stares. “Sorry.” Braxton indicated having

  to lean on him.

  “I’m not,” Fabian mumbled, looking down.

  Braxton kept gazing at Fabian’s profile wondering if this man

  was as attracted to him as he was to Fabian. And if so, what a

  terrible idea it would be to touch sexually, and ruin a perfectly

  good working relationship.

  Braxton looked up at the descending numbered lights while

  confined in the tight space, feeling the heat from Fabian’s

  shoulder, wishing they were ‘spooning’ again. No such luck.

  He checked the time on his watch and knew he’d be late.

  Though he hated to be, and was usually very prompt, these

  ‘dates’ were an annoying low priority and he didn’t need this

  type of aggravation in his life at the moment.

  The elevator door opened and Braxton waited as the crowd

  thinned and he could exit. He felt Fabian right behind him and

  closed his eyes for just one second, imagining asking him out.

  He resisted the urge and stood at his car door, turning to see once again Fabian had parked right beside him and was smiling at


  “Have a good night, Braxton. I’ll take care of everything for

  you. Just enjoy.”

  “I’d rather be out with you.” Braxton kicked himself as he

  said it and grew angry at his lack of control.


  “Nothing. Thanks. Have a good night.” Braxton entered his

  car and quickly backed out, seeing Fabian’s curious expression

  and knowing he may be opening Pandora’s Box. The last thing

  Braxton wanted to do was ruin this amazing employee’s great



  Fabian watched the gold Porsche drive off and stayed still

  trying to think about that last comment. The attraction was

  mutual. Not only was he getting the vibe strongly from Braxton

  now, he was hearing it from Brianna, the little imp. She was

  subtly pushing Fabian towards Braxton, but doing it in such a

  way, it was covert, nearly subliminal.

  Reminding himself that if he did have sex with Braxton, he’d

  end up a notch to the bedpost and furious if it was one fuck and

  that was all, Fabian climbed into his car and tried to block out

  the thought.


  Braxton entered the restaurant an
d was immediately

  recognized by the hostess. In what felt like instant replay,

  Braxton heard her say, “Mr Todd, come right this way, your

  party is waiting for you.”

  Last one. Last one…

  Braxton was led into the dining room. There, seated at a small

  table for two along the far wall, was a young woman. He

  recognized Virginia from the evening at the auction. Her face

  brightened up with delight and she wriggled in her chair. The

  host gestured to Ms Steinman and Braxton reached out for her

  hand. Instead of a manly shake, he got a limp touch, and he

  shook the tips of her fingers awkwardly, releasing it as he sat


  “Can I get you anything to drink, Mr Todd?” the hostess


  Braxton noticed the young woman had nearly finished her

  cocktail and said, “I’ll have just ice water, thank you.” He

  spotted the menu on the table under his arm.

  “Another?” Virginia held up her glass to be refilled.

  “Coming right up.” The hostess smiled and said, “Enjoy your


  Braxton waited until she left and looked over the menu.

  “You should have a fireball cocktail. It’s knocked me on my


  Looking up at her in surprise, Braxton said, “I hope you’re

  not driving.”

  “Nope.” She smiled at him dreamily and peered at his menu

  upside down while hers remained closed under her elbows.

  “What are you getting?”

  “I don’t know. Have you decided?” At least she was sweet,

  even if she was young and slightly naïve.

  “Yeah. The risotto. I don’t eat meat.”

  He nodded, wondering if when he ordered the steak she

  would lecture him on animal cruelty. He decided fish was less

  controversial. He’d had enough aggravation from work and

  wanted a light atmosphere while he dined.

  “My brother is gay.”

  Braxton looked up at her just as the waiter brought her a

  second ‘fireball’ and him a glass of water.

  “Have you decided? Or would you like more time?”

  Braxton pointed to Virginia. “Let the young lady go first.”

  “Of course.” The waiter gave her his attention.

  While she ordered, Braxton read over the selections and

  requested the salmon, handing the menu to the man.

  “Any starters?”

  Virginia asked Braxton, “Do you want to share something?”

  “Most of the starters are meat.” He tried to smile. “I’ll just

  have a side bibb lettuce salad.”

  “Me too,” she said quickly and the waiter took both menus

  and left.

  Once he did, Virginia sipped her new drink, looking tipsy.

  “Howard is my brother and he’s seeing a man named Tyson.”

  “That’s very nice.” Braxton drank his water, wondering if an

  hour of his time would do it and he could politely leave after


  “I love gay men.”

  “I wish more people did. It would be a simpler world.”

  “I don’t get why so many people are so hung up on it.”

  “Neither do I.”

  “Do you have a boyfriend, Braxton?”

  “Not at the moment.”

  “Want me to fix you up with one of my brother’s friends?”

  He laughed softly, happy she wasn’t out for a wedding ring

  and a long term relationship from him. “I think I can manage to

  find a man myself.” He thought of Fabian.

  “You should. You’re dreamy.” She leaned her chin on her

  palm and stared at him with a silly grin.

  “And you’re drunk.” He gave her an admonishing wag of his


  “I would love a three-way with you.”

  He choked on his water and used his cloth napkin to cover his


  “I’ve had them before. I set my straight boyfriend up with

  one of Howie’s friends. They ended up a couple. You know how

  much gay men love straight boys.”

  “Oh, God.” He kept coughing to clear his throat and loosened

  his collar.

  “Just say the word, Braxton, and I’ll have a straight young

  stud ready to please you.”

  His eyes widened in shock and he blushed. “I appreciate the

  offer, but no thanks.”

  “Your loss. I know some incredible hot jocks that would suck

  you or let you suck them.”

  “Ms Steinman?”

  “Yes, Mr Todd?” She batted her lashes playfully.

  “Can we change the topic?”

  “We could but it would be a very dull dinner.”

  He caught her naughty smile and laughed. “So, what do you

  do for a living?”

  “Boring!” she teased and whacked him on the arm.


  Fabian finished working out, showered, and then tried to

  decide what to eat, since he was too tired to cook. He located a

  menu from his refrigerator and read the selections of Chinese

  food. As he did his phone hummed with a text.

  He walked to where he had set it on the counter and read one

  from Naomi. ‘ You cave yet? ’

  He picked it up and called her.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “Hey. No, not yet, but the attraction is definitely mutual.”

  “Damn. What are you going to do?”

  “Well, I have two choices, I satisfy my curiosity and my dick

  at the risk of losing my new job, or, I go celibate for the rest of my life jerking off to fantasies about him.”

  “Those are lousy choices.”

  “I know. I mean, can’t he be my Prince Charming? You

  know, have him get down on one knee, tell me he’s never met

  anyone like me in his life, and wants to marry me?”


  “Shut up.” He read the selection of fried rice and lo mien.

  “Did you eat?”

  “Yes. Had a cobb salad.”

  “I’m staring at a Chinese food menu and I’m so hungry I’m

  about to eat the paper it’s printed on.”

  “Don’t do that. That’s gross.”

  “Kidding. Hey, you want to do something this weekend?”

  “Sure. How about Saturday night? I’m free.”

  “Good. I need to catch up with you about all the shit at work,

  and I don’t want to do it now while I’m a half-crazed sex fiend.”

  She laughed. “It’s a date.”

  “Later.” He hung up and dialed the Chinese restaurant.

  Wonder how your date is going, Prince Charming? Sure wish it

  was with me.


  Braxton watched as the completely stewed young woman ate

  her banana bread pudding, moaning after each fork full as if she

  were in climax. He glanced around but no one seemed to notice

  her When Harry Met Sally performance.

  “So…” Virginia licked the caramel sauce off her lip. “You

  prefer a man…do you top?”

  “Why does this fascinate you?”

  “Howie is total bottom boy. Some guys you can just tell, but

  he’s told me. Me? I have no choice! Ha!”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I’ve been with a few aggressive women

  who seem to top me.”

  “Mm!” She squirmed in her seat. “Tell me about them. No!

  Better yet, tell me about the best male fuck you ever had.”

In a comic reaction, Braxton raised his hand to the waiter for

  the check, then recalled this was all pre-paid and he’d have to

  make up another excuse. He still said, “Check please!” and then

  laughed at Virginia.

  “Come on, Braxton. I know we’ll never see each other again.

  One tidbit for my parents’ two grand. Is that asking too much?”

  “You’re not a reporter, are you?”

  She choked on her pudding. “No. I’m an office drone.” She

  took another bite of dessert. “Dish.”

  “All right. Then I go, okay?”

  “Fair deal.”

  “Okay.” Braxton leaned both elbows on the table so he could

  speak softly. “I met a man whom I adore.” Braxton thought of

  Fabian and decided to invent a fantasy since the last thing he was

  going to do was kiss and tell this crazy woman about one of his

  past lovers.

  “Go on,” she leaned closer eagerly.

  “I…well, we went on our first date.” Braxton tried to imagine

  how it would be. “He’s not only strikingly handsome, but so

  intelligent we’re never at a loss for words. And his smile.


  “Mm…” She shifted in her seat, looking fascinated.

  “We’d had a lovely dinner and I asked him back to my

  place.” Braxton smiled. He couldn’t recall a past date making

  him smile so happily, but imagining Fabian made him tingle.

  “He accepted reluctantly, since I have such a terrible reputation.”

  “Aw…” She frowned.

  “Well deserved.” He continued with his fantasy. “Anyway, he

  accepts because the attraction between us is too strong to resist.”


  “I lure him into my home and we kiss.” Braxton wondered

  what it would be like to kiss Fabian. Not to mention, he had

  never brought a date up to his condo. Never.

  “Then you rip each other’s clothing off and hump like wild


  “Is that what you want us to do?”

  “Yes!” She lowered her voice. “Who’s top?”


  “Oh, God. I’m going to die.” She crossed her legs and made a

  face of ecstasy. “If I get you a straight college football player can we have a three-way?”

  “No. I have to be going. It was…er…fun?” He stood and

  pushed in his chair. “You said you have a ride?”

  “Do you want to give me a ride?”

  “I can call a cab.”

  She frowned and took her phone out of her purse. “No, I’ll

  call Howie.”

  “Good girl. Thank you. Have a…uh, interesting night.” He


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