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Wolf Call

Page 6

by Jane Jamison

  “What if the wolf comes back?”

  He was too focused on her to realize what she was talking about. “What wolf?”

  “The one I saw jump into the lake.”

  He paused in feathering kisses along her neck. “Don’t worry about him. Either he drowned or he got out when you weren’t looking and ran off. But he won’t come back.”

  She pushed him away just as he’d gotten another taste of her nipple. “How can you be so sure?”

  “Trust me. I know a thing or two about wolves.” He turned her around, as much to nibble on her shoulder as to get her to stop staring at him, searching his face. “I want to see your pretty ass.”

  She made a soft sound in her throat and reached behind her to run a hand over his neck. He massaged her breasts, loving that they were the perfect size and weight. “Bend over.”


  “Don’t ask. Just do it.” He released her breasts and placed his hands on her shoulders. Taking care to not get too rough even as his inner wolf growled, urging him to push her to the ground, he shoved her upper torso forward, bending her at the waist.

  “I–I don’t want it in…there. Not yet.”

  “Don’t worry. That’s not what I have in mind. Just keep your hands on your knees.” He took a quick look around. “Is anyone else here with you?”

  “No.” She craned her head around and gave him a quick smile. “The only other people I’ve seen are a couple of trespassers.”

  He chuckled, pleased that his woman had a sense of humor. He glided his hands over her buttocks, squeezing just a little to get the full pleasure of it. She eased back against him, putting her ass against his erect cock.

  “I thought you didn’t want it in the ass.”

  “I don’t. But this feels good.”

  She was right. It felt good to have his cock positioned in her crack. Maybe too good, since she wasn’t ready for it. He eased back and replaced his cock with his hand. Sliding his middle finger from the edge of her dark hole down along the slit, he bent over and slipped it into her pussy. She jerked then stilled.

  He could sense that her breathing had picked up along with her pulse rate. She was wet, moisture covering his finger as he found her clit and pressed against it. Wetness covered his hand and made his cock twitch in anticipation.

  “Spread your legs farther apart. But just your legs. Don’t move anything else. No, that’s wrong. Go lower and put your hands around your ankles.”

  She didn’t respond to his wish at once but then bent lower. Her sweet ass opened for him, beckoning him to plunge his cock deep insider her butt hole. But he’d respect her wish for no anal sex—for now.

  “That’s good.” He gripped her waist and studied her. She was better than they’d hoped for. Compliant yet strong. Ready yet cautious.

  He played with her juices, spreading them over her clit. Rubbing her first soft then hard, he listened to her reactions to each of his touches. She couldn’t move much, but that was all right. He got pleasure in the way she shivered each time he changed the firmness of his finger on her clit. Again, she pushed against him, testing the limits of his restraint.

  Christ, I’m going to blow without even getting my cock inside her. If his cock got any bigger, with more blood pumping toward the tip, he’d explode, blowing his cum everywhere except inside her pussy. His—their—woman was a hot, horny-as-hell vixen who could drive any man insane with one look.

  He had to wonder. Was she giving in so easily because she was hot and bothered? Or was it because she felt the connection between them that only mates could experience? He wanted to tell her that she was his everything, that she was the treasured mate he and his brothers had longed for, but he knew it was too soon. He had to let the bond between them lead her to the same conclusion in its own time. It was enough that she instinctively recognized him.

  “Do you like a man being in control?”

  She shook her head at first then nodded. “In sex? Yes.”

  “Good. Because that’s the way my brothers and I like it.”

  She tried to crane her head around to look at him, but he rubbed the middle of her back, keeping her in place and soothing her jangled nerves.

  “You do?”

  “Yeah. My two brothers and I want to share you. Together and apart. And when we’re with you, like this, we’re the bosses. Understood?”

  When she didn’t answer, he slapped her bottom and watched the ripples spread over her pink flesh. “I asked you if you understood.”


  “Good.” He bent lower and plunged his finger inside her cunt. She gasped then let out a loud moan. “Do you like that?”


  “How about this?” He added a finger and pumped them in and out of her pussy.

  “Oh, yes.” The soft mewling sounds she made drove his lust to a higher need.

  “Whenever I call you, you answer.”

  “As in a booty call?”

  He gave her another slap. “That and more. Got it?”

  “Yes. I’ll answer.”

  He slammed three fingers into her aching flesh and felt her walls clamp onto them. She was tight. Very tight. “Stay still.”

  * * * *

  Heather did as Rick told her to. Although the practical side of her mind shouted at her, questioning why she was letting a total stranger finger fuck her, the other side, the side that had yearned for a strong man to take her, fought back. Her need outweighed her logic. She didn’t care who saw them, didn’t care that she was late for work or even that Joe might arrive at any moment. The only thing she could think of was pleasing Rick, who, she had no doubt, would please her even more than he already was.

  “Have you ever had anyone suck your juices?”

  She swallowed. “Yes.”

  “And you liked it, didn’t you?”


  “In fact, I’ll bet that’s one of your favorite things for a man to do, isn’t it?”

  He shoved his fingers into her pussy again, harder than ever before. She clenched her walls around him, determined to keep him there.

  “Isn’t it, Heather?”


  “Then say it. Tell me what you’d like me to do to you.”

  She’d never used the phrase before, preferring to simply hope that the man would know what she wanted. “I want you to eat me.” Strangely, she didn’t feel embarrassed to say it. Rick made telling him what she wanted as comfortable as asking him to take a seat at the dinner table.

  She groaned, complaining when he removed his fingers from her pussy. Wasn’t he going to give her what she’d asked for? She started to question him, hell, to beg him when she sensed him dropping to his knees behind her.

  Taking her by the legs, he brought his head between them and stared up at her, the lower half of his face hidden by her belly. His eyes sparkled with flecks of amber as he pressed his mouth to her pussy.

  His tongue swept over her clit then around it. A quick burst of release broke free, stunning her in its intensity. Rick’s sucking sounds grew louder as he lapped up her cream. Her legs shook, and he tightened his hold on her. She wasn’t sure how he would, but she knew he wouldn’t let her fall. Somehow, in such a short time, she’d come to trust him.

  He added a hand to the delightful torture, plunging two fingers into her pussy as he sucked and nibbled on her throbbing clit. She fondled her breasts, kneading her nipples as he had done. In and out he shoved his fingers, around and around he whipped his tongue over her clit. She gave into the hot sensations pummeling through her body and shaking her legs.

  He stopped too soon and yet just in time as her legs gave out. She crumpled down, and he grabbed her, bringing her to a sitting position on his lap. His cock was a hard pole pushing at her pussy.

  “You’re amazing.”

  The fact that she was naked outside on her father’s ranch hadn’t made her blush, but his compliment did. She darted her gaze away from his and squirmed on hi
s lap.

  “Have you ever had anyone tie you up then fuck your brains out?”

  She laughed, her embarrassment gone as quickly as it had come. “What’s with all the questions?”

  “I want to know what turns you on. I need to know how to please you.” He stroked her cheek with the backs of his fingers.

  His words, as well as his tender touch, brought tears to her eyes, but she managed a smile anyway. She gave him a truthful answer. “You do.”

  “See that nice green patch of grass over there?”

  She turned in the direction of his gaze. “Yeah.”

  “Go over there and lie down. Spread wide so I can see your pretty pussy.” He lifted her off him, swiping his tongue over the top of her mons, then turned her loose.

  She hurried over to the spot then lay down on her back. He was right behind her and spread her legs, bending her knees.

  “Damn, but that’s a beautiful sight.”

  “Is it good enough to eat? Again?”

  He massaged her breast as he leaned over to suck her nipple inside his mouth. He turned it loose with a pleasing popping sound.

  “I’ll say it is.”

  She inhaled, crossed her arms over her chest, brought her knees together, then turned to see who’d spoken. Rick sat back on his haunches and glared at DJ.

  “What the hell are you doing back here?”

  DJ’s hungry gaze slid over her. “If you’ll remember, you’re the one who drove us out here.”

  “There are other ways of getting into town.” Rick’s answer was accented by a growl.

  She watched the two of them, her shyness going away as she saw the bulge in DJ’s jeans. “Didn’t you say something about sharing with your brothers?”

  She paused, shocked that she’d said the words out loud. But once she’d spoken them, she knew that’s what she wanted. She wanted both brothers at once. Just being near the two men made her feel strong and free. Free to do whatever she wanted.

  Her thoughts flicked back to Saddles and the other Banning brother. Disappointment that he wasn’t there to join them hardened into a knot in her stomach. She pushed it away and focused on the men with her.

  DJ’s grin said it all. He wanted to join them. Even if his cock wasn’t already straining against his jeans, she would’ve known it by his grin.

  Rick searched her face. “You should know that DJ likes fucking asses. I thought you said you weren’t ready for that.”

  “I’m not.” She caught the disappointment on DJ’s face. “Not yet. But there are other things to do, right?” Again, she wondered how she’d become so brazen. Was it because it had been so long since she’d had sex? Or was it really due to the presence of these men? They were different from any men she’d ever met. She wasn’t sure why, but she’d bet her last dollar that her intuition was dead right. And she always tried to listen to her gut.

  DJ started tugging off his shirt then his boots and jeans in the same order his brother had done. “Sounds good to me.”

  “Just keep this to yourself.”

  She saw the warning look Rick gave his brother. But her attention shifted as she took in DJ’s muscled body and his large cock sticking straight out at her. She reached out, urging him to come closer, when all of a sudden Rick’s mouth was on her clit and his fingers were driving hard into her pussy.

  She bucked against Rick, needing him closer, yet her body also jerked to get away. How could anything feel so amazing yet so unbearable at the same time?

  DJ came to her side and bent over her to take her breasts in his hands and her nipple into his mouth. She skimmed her hands to his spiky hair and grabbed hold, keeping him where he was. But she’d already gotten ready for fucking Rick and couldn’t, wouldn’t last any longer.

  “Fuck me, damn it. One of you has to fuck me.”

  Rick pushed an eager DJ away. “Not happening.” He yanked her closer. She yelped as he pulled her legs up and positioned them on his shoulders.

  He was all male and all powerful as he ground his teeth together, working the muscle in his jaw. His chest muscles flexed as he positioned his cock at her opening, but it was his eyes that held her enraptured. More amber filled them as his gaze drifted from her mons to her face. With a smile filled with lust, he shoved his cock inside her.

  She’d seen how big he was, but she was still unready for the size of his cock filling her pussy. Crying out, she might’ve pulled away if he hadn’t held on to her legs. Instead, she pushed back, ramming her crotch against him to drive him deeper inside. At first, his entry had shot a flash of pain through her, but the pain morphed, changing into an even higher need. She voiced her passion in a growl, and his eyes widened first in surprise, then in pleasure.

  “Let me in on this.” DJ eased closer to her and wrapped a hand behind her neck to lift her head to his cock.

  If she could take Rick’s hard cock into her pussy, could she handle his brother’s huge cock in her mouth? She reached out to take hold of him and drew him inside. Whipping her tongue around him, she brought his other hand to her breast and clamped her hand on top of his, urging him to squeeze. He did and thrust his cock toward the back of her throat.

  Rick’s grunts grew louder, calling to her primal need to please her men. The slapping sound of his flesh meeting hers made her moan, and she worked her hips around in a circle, causing more friction. He held on to her legs as she twisted onto her side to get a better hold on DJ’s cock. As she fondled his balls, she withdrew his cock.

  DJ’s snarl intrigued her, but he stopped soon enough when she told him to lean over her, putting his cock above her face. He went to his hands on the other side of her, and she took his cock in again. He rocked his hips back and forth, pushing then pulling his cock in and out of her mouth.

  His skin was soft with hard underneath. She sensed he was already coming to a head when his balls tightened up against her palm. Taking hold of the base of his cock, she stopped his movement and used her tongue to circle his cock.

  The rush of adrenaline and lust mixed inside her to drive her body into a frenzy. She moaned onto DJ’s cock as a large orgasm broke free, fluttering around Rick’s cock. He tensed in the same moment his brother did, and without warning, both brothers groaned, releasing their cum inside her pussy and her mouth.

  She drank the sweet cum in even as Rick’s seed filled her pussy. But DJ had more than she could handle. Pulling him out, she let the rest of his cum spill over her breasts. Impossibly, another climax let go, and her body shook as she cried out.

  Spent, DJ pulled back onto his knees but didn’t move away. Rick bent until he could rest his forehead on her stomach, and she reached out to run her fingers through his hair. None of them said anything, instead letting the sound of their panting speak for them.

  Heather stretched, luxuriating in the afterglow of sex. No, better still. The afterglow of sex with two men. Briefly, her thoughts went to Kelly and her three men.

  Kelly’s right. More than one is so much better!

  She reached out for them, and they turned to her, each coming to her side.

  Rick skimmed his hand over her stomach. “I said it before and I’ll say it again. You’re amazing.”

  “I’ll second that.” DJ lost his smile as he bent his arm and propped his head on his hand. “But I need to clear up any misconceptions you may have.”

  Suddenly, her throat constricted. Was he going to tell her that this was a one-time thing? Not that she’d believed it was anything but sex, but maybe she’d allowed herself a tiny morsel of hope that the tantalizing zing she felt for both of them, for all of them including Brandon, meant that they could have something more. But if DJ was already planning on letting her know the score, then what she’d imagined they had together really wasn’t going to grow. She steeled herself, ready to hide her emotions. How had she let herself feel anything for men she’d just met? Yet, how could she not have?

  “Go ahead, DJ.”

  “Yeah, bro, tell her what you’ve got
to clear up.” Rick took her by the chin and turned her to face him. “Just so you know, I don’t second whatever my mouthy brother is about to say.”

  She smiled. At least she had a chance with Rick. She shifted back to DJ.

  And found DJ flipping his brother off.

  “Look, Heather. All I wanted you to know is that my, uh, performance wasn’t up to my usual high standards.”

  She ran his words back in her mind. What had he just said? Nothing about a one-time fling? “I’m sorry?”

  DJ crushed his mouth to hers, driving away the knot of alarm in her stomach. His kiss was intense, as though he were trying to put into the kiss everything he wanted to say. When he released her, he still kept his hand behind her neck and his face close to hers. “I last a lot longer than that. It’s just that you’re so—”

  “Amazing,” added Rick.

  “I’ll find my own adjectives, bro.” DJ slid his hand to her cheek. “You’re so overwhelmingly gorgeous. So sexy that I just couldn’t hold”—he glanced down at his crotch—“it any longer than I did. I promise you the next time will be different.”

  Heather couldn’t hold back. The laughter spilled out of her even as she slapped a hand over her mouth. DJ sat up with a stricken look while Rick rolled on the ground, holding his belly as he laughed his head off.

  DJ was on his feet and gathering his clothes before she could sit up. “Wait, DJ. I wasn’t making fun of you. I swear. It’s just that I thought you were going to give me the old ‘let’s be friends’ speech.”

  He buttoned his jeans then dropped to his knees in front of her. “Thank God. I don’t think my fragile male ego could’ve withstood the other.”

  “Yeah. We kind of got that when you started to get the hell out of Dodge.” Rick brought his mirth down to a low chuckle.

  Heather jumped between them as DJ lunged for his brother. “Guys, come on. Aren’t there better things to do than fight?”

  A wicked glint shone in Rick’s eyes. “I can think of one thing.” He hooked his arm around her waist and tugged her to him.

  Heather squirmed out of his hold to get a better look at him. “Now that I’ve done it out in the open, how about we take the next round into the house?”


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