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The Gallery

Page 17

by Fredrica Alleyn

  It was raining harder now and every drop on her sensitive flesh made Cressida flinch with an aching need that she didn’t quite understand. It was as though the very slight discomfort was re-arousing her despite the danger of her situation.

  When they reached the driveway they both realised that it was now brightly lit by a security light but they had no choice other than to go on towards the car. Somewhat ungallantly Rick was the first to start climbing the gate, but because he was hampered by carrying their clothes Cressida scaled the wrought iron quicker than he did. Just the same, as she twisted round at the top before letting go with her hands and dropping to the grass verge outside, she knew that she was fully illuminated if anyone was watching.

  No one challenged them or even made themselves visible, and finally she and Rick were safely inside the car again, laughing and teasing each other as they put their clothes back on before Rick was able to drive away.

  In some rhododendron bushes to the side of the drive, Detective Chief Inspector Williams smiled to himself. He’d always suspected that WPC Cressida Farleigh had hidden depths, and now he’d been proved right. She also had hidden assets, and he rather envied the young man she’d been with tonight. He was certain that before long Guy Cronje wouldn’t be able to stop himself from trying to replace the young man, and then the police would literally be as close to him as it was possible to get. Returning to his house, the police officer woke his wife, who was startled but delighted by the urgent inventiveness of his lovemaking.

  Because they were both soaked through, Rick drove straight to his flat, which was nearer than Cressida’s, and once inside they hurried into his bedroom, peeled off their clothes again and then dried each other with thick towels.

  Soon the warm, invigorating rub had rekindled desire in both of them and after a very short time Cressida reached hungrily for his swollen erection. They sank to the floor together and Cressida was delighted by Rick’s frantic hunger as he placed her on all fours and then pushed himself deep inside her, grasping her hips firmly and pulling her tightly back against his groin.

  Cressida’s whole body was glowing from the towelling and every nerve ending was stimulated and ready for him as he pushed deeply inside her. Then, as her orgasm began to flicker teasingly in the depths of her belly, Rick pulled her upward so that they both remained on their knees but now her back was resting against his upper torso.

  She was whimpering with need as his hand reached round between her thighs and he slipped two fingers between her sex lips until he encountered her clitoris, swollen with desire. The moment he massaged the base of its shaft the flickering climax started to build inside Cressida until her breasts were hard and aching.

  With his one free hand, Rick began to massage her left breast, squeezing and releasing the sensitive burgeoning flesh so that Cressida moaned with delight and leant back, turning her head towards him. Rick’s mouth immediately fastened on to hers and he matched the rhythm of his tongue with the rhythm of his thrusting buttocks.

  Cressida felt as though she was going to explode as she remained balanced on the edge of orgasm, every fibre of her body ready for release. She could tell that Rick was ready to climax again and suddenly he squeezed her breast harder so that instead of simply pleasure her flesh experienced a tight aching sensation that drove her nearly wild with excitement.

  Sensing that if he got it right they would both come together, Rick removed his mouth from hers and nipped softly at the tender flesh beneath her ear while at the same time he squeezed her clitoris lightly between two fingers so that the same strange dark ache now suffused Cressida’s lower body too.

  With all her senses titillated and aroused, her orgasm rushed over her without warning, a different orgasm from any she’d had before because her whole body was suffused with a bitter-sweet ache that only exploded into the usual liquid pleasure at the very last moment. But to her astonishment she was left feeling peculiarly dissatisfied. As Rick groaned and climaxed deep within her, Cressida wondered what it was that her body wanted, and why this wonderful moment of release hadn’t been enough.

  Later, as they lay together on the floor with Rick stroking her hair and whispering words of love to her, Cressida had to fight to keep her body calm and relaxed. Somehow Rick had released a hunger in her that she’d never known she possessed before, a hunger that Rick himself didn’t know about and probably wouldn’t be able to comprehend.

  ‘I want to show you something,’ said Rick at last.

  Cressida, who’d been lying in his arms thinking guiltily about Guy Cronje, smiled. ‘What’s that then?’

  Rick grinned. ‘Nothing sexual! It’s my work, but not a side of my work that I usually let people see. Interested?’

  Cressida was, but she wished that her undercover work wouldn’t keep intruding on private moments of sexual bliss, even though she knew that she was only having the sexual bliss because of her work. ‘Of course I’m interested,’ she replied truthfully.

  ‘Come up to the attic then,’ he said, and she followed him up the tiny flight of wooden stairs. ‘Remember that Holbein reproduction you saw the first time we made love?’ he asked.

  Cressida felt her pulse beginning to race. ‘Yes, I think I do, although it isn’t my most important memory of that night!’

  ‘I should hope not,’ retorted Rick. ‘Well, at the time I told you I was just doing it for fun, as an experiment, remember?’ Cressida nodded. ‘That wasn’t quite true,’ continued Rick. ‘Look, what do you think of these?’

  He went over to the far wall and removed a large cloth. Beneath it were half a dozen paintings. To Cressida’s eye they looked like a Canaletto, two Titians, a Holbein, and two Rembrandts. ‘Well?’ he asked anxiously.

  ‘Where did you get them?’ asked Cressida quietly.

  Rick grinned like a delighted schoolboy. ‘I painted them!’

  Cressida stepped nearer and studied them closely. She was no expert, but she very much doubted if anyone would be able to tell the difference between these and original paintings by the artists, unless they used scientific tests.

  ‘They’re incredible,’ she said honestly. ‘Are they for Guy?’

  Rick looked at her in apparent surprise. ‘Hardly, they’re not his kind of thing. No, I do these for people who want to pretend they own valuable paintings, just to impress other people with their wealth. You mentioned it once, but you thought Guy would be behind it, not me.’

  ‘How do you get hold of the original paintings?’ asked Cressida, gently stroking Rick’s arm and shoulder as they talked in an attempt to keep him slightly distracted from the topic in hand.

  ‘I don’t. I copy them from the Tate or the National.’

  ‘I thought you said you weren’t very good at this,’ persisted Cressida. ‘That wasn’t true – you’re incredibly good – and you’ve obviously had a lot of practice.’

  Rick frowned to himself, but Cressida was too busy studying his brushwork technique to notice. ‘I didn’t tell you the truth at first because it’s so at odds with my own work,’ he explained slowly. ‘I suppose I pride myself on my creativity, but this isn’t in the least creative. The trouble is, it makes me a nice lot of money, and commissions for my work aren’t regular enough for me to give this up. I don’t know whether to be proud of it or ashamed. I’m only telling you because I don’t want there to be any secrets between us.’

  ‘That’s nice,’ murmured Cressida, every professional instinct telling her that Rick was lying. Obviously he’d wanted to show her this work because he was proud of it and needed to share his achievement with her, but she was still convinced that it was Guy who used the paintings, swapping them for those that came into his hands for restoration and cleaning work.

  ‘How do you make your contacts? Find the people who want to buy these paintings?’ she asked.

  ‘I network at the parties Guy and Marcia throw. They’ve also introduced me to quite a few of the newly rich. They’re the ones most likely to want something in this

  ‘Then why doesn’t Guy cash in on the market if it’s so lucrative?’ persisted Cressida.

  Rick moved away from her and re-covered the paintings. ‘Why do you keep on about Guy?’ he demanded. ‘Do you think I’m incapable of doing anything on my own? Or is it that you find him more interesting than me?’

  ‘Of course not!’ protested Cressida quickly. ‘I suppose I’ve always thought of artists as being highly creative people who can’t handle the practicalities of life. You’re the exception to the rule it seems; clever, talented, sexy and with a sharp business brain.’

  ‘I’ve never felt like this about a woman,’ murmured Rick, bending down and kissing her lightly on the lips. ‘You do love me, don’t you?’

  ‘You’re the best lover I’ve ever had,’ replied Cressida truthfully.

  ‘That’s not what I meant,’ said Rick, his mouth turning down at the corners.

  Cressida put a finger in his mouth and let him nibble on it as his hands clasped the back of her neck. ‘I know, but it’s the only answer I can give you right now. It’s early days, Rick. Don’t rush me.’

  Rick began to kiss and caress her in earnest again, but Cressida suddenly wanted to get back to her house, sort out all that she’d learned that evening, and prepare her report for the following morning. Pulling away from Rick she moved towards the door.

  ‘Not again!’ she laughed. ‘I need some beauty sleep. Shall I call a cab?’

  She didn’t expect him to agree, but apparently her inability to commit herself to him emotionally, together with her refusal to let him make love to her all night, had changed his mood.

  ‘Yes, that’s probably a good idea,’ he muttered. ‘I wish I hadn’t shown you these paintings now.’

  ‘Why?’ asked Cressida as she followed him down into the karate club’s entrance hall where there was a phone. ‘I’m really impressed.’

  ‘It was a mistake,’ muttered Rick, but he wouldn’t elaborate and as soon as he’d seen Cressida safely into a cab he picked up the telephone again.

  Chapter Nine

  AFTER RICK AND Cressida left Marcia’s house, Guy watched his mistress as she straightened cushions and tidied up some of the glasses. ‘Leave that,’ he said curtly. ‘Your cleaning woman can do it in the morning. Tell me what you thought about Cressida’s explanation of her dinner date with that policeman.’

  ‘I didn’t believe her,’ said Marcia. ‘Perhaps he was the man I saw at the gallery with her, but that doesn’t mean he first met her there. As for all that nonsense about discussing their sexual fantasies, well, she simply isn’t the type of girl who’d do that. I’ve watched her with Rick and although they’re lovers she still seems to be keeping part of herself back from him. Why should she suddenly begin discussing sexual fantasies with a virtual stranger?’

  ‘More to the point, why should he discuss his with her?’ murmured Guy. ‘No, I have to admit that I was unconvinced. It may well be that she lied because she felt we were prying into matters that didn’t concern us, which would be reasonable, but in case there’s a more significant reason for the elaborate story I think I’d better check her out.’

  ‘How do you intend to go about it?’ asked Marcia. ‘I suppose I could ring Sue. After all, she was the one who recommended Cressida for the job.’

  Guy shook his head. ‘No, I don’t want Sue involved. Since she put Cressida forward the pair of them might be in on something together. I think I’ll operate on a more personal level.’

  Marcia’s face tightened. ‘Meaning what?’

  ‘I think it might be necessary for me to get a little closer to our Cressida,’ said Guy with a smile. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll try not to enjoy myself too much! And I trust you know me well enough to feel certain that I’ll take care of anything I feel needs my attention.’

  ‘Yes,’ agreed Marcia. ‘But hopefully it won’t take you too long to find out what you need to know.’

  ‘Anyone would think you didn’t trust me,’ retorted Guy.

  ‘You’ve never given me any reason to trust you,’ said Marcia bitterly. ‘Look at Lady Alice and Rose Thornton. I know perfectly well that you see them on their own as well as with their husbands.’

  ‘I can hardly see Lord Summers now that he’s dead,’ pointed out Guy.

  ‘I think it’s time you left,’ snapped Marcia. ‘I’m tired after the evening’s excitement.’

  Guy rose from his chair and walked over to her, placing one hand on her shoulder in a gentle but restraining grip. ‘You seem tense tonight, Marcia. I think you need to relax a little.’

  The blonde woman shook her head. ‘I just need a good night’s sleep.’

  ‘But you might lie awake for hours if you can’t get rid of some of that tension. I tell you what, why don’t you use the flotation tank?’

  Marcia felt her stomach tighten at the prospect. This was something that always drove her into a frenzy of need, but there were times when Guy would manipulate her senses so skilfully that it could be hours before she finally emerged from the tiny bathroom that had been converted into a flotation area, and sometimes even then she was more strung up than when she’d entered. It all depended on Guy’s mood, and at this moment she couldn’t judge that.

  ‘The choice is yours,’ said Guy.

  Marcia struggled to decide what she most wanted, and in the end frustrated sexual desire, aroused by watching Alice earlier, won over common sense. She loved it when Guy took her to the boundaries of sexual excess, but it was the rare occasions when he pushed her beyond the limits she’d have chosen for herself that she resented it, although even then her pleasure was earth-shattering.

  ‘Well?’ asked Guy impatiently, glancing at his watch.

  Marcia remembered that soon he’d be pursuing Cressida, and her last lingering doubts vanished. They’d have such an incredible time together that nothing Cressida could do would provide any threat.

  ‘I think I’d like that,’ she agreed.

  Guy nodded and held the door open for her, standing back to allow her to go first up the two flights of stairs to the tiny room where sexual excess was the order of the day.

  Before they entered the flotation room itself, Guy and Marcia went into a small room off it where Marcia removed her clothes as Guy prepared everything that would be needed later during her time in the tank.

  Once she was naked he helped her into a very thin wetsuit that fitted her so tightly it seemed to be embracing her, but there were holes cut out between her shoulder blades, her thighs, her buttocks and in the middle of her belly, while her breasts protruded through circular holes that gripped the fullness of the outer edges, pushing them erect.

  Marcia stared at herself in the mirror on the wall and knew that she looked incredibly sexy and desirable with her long blonde hair and firm, upthrust breasts, the nipples already hardening. Guy smiled and then fastened her hair on top of her head before picking up a waterproof blindfold. ‘Let’s go in,’ he said huskily.

  It was impossible for Marcia to see what he’d put inside the small black box he was carrying with him, and she trembled with rising desire. ‘We will be on our own, won’t we?’ she asked at the door.

  Guy shrugged. ‘I haven’t decided yet, but your chef is still around if I need him, isn’t he?’

  Marcia remembered Bradley and her last passionate encounter with him only a few nights earlier. ‘Yes,’ she whispered, her throat dry.

  ‘Good; I’ll put you in the tank and then I’ll ask him to be on standby for the next hour. It’s often more fun with three. You can have so much more variation when there’s an extra pair of hands available.’

  With that he opened the door into the already darkened room that was nearly filled by a wide bath that had fitted rings on both the sides. Marcia paused on the threshold, her eyes trying to adjust to the darkness of the room, but before they could, Guy had placed the waterproof blindfold round her and was tying it tightly at the back of her head. ‘Remember, it’s only by removing al
l visual stimuli that your other senses can be at their most intense,’ he murmured, and Marcia did remember – she remembered very well.

  Guy’s eyes adjusted rapidly to the semi-darkness and within a few moments he was able to study the imposing figure standing before him, her full breasts protruding proudly through the clinging wetsuit. For a fleeting moment he tried to imagine what it would be like to have Cressida there instead of Marcia, but then he pushed the thought aside. Pleasures with Cressida were still to come. He was determined to enjoy tonight to the full and appreciate Marcia’s more obvious but also more sophisticated charms.

  Marcia stood waiting. Usually Guy helped her into the heavily salted water immediately, but tonight she could hear him opening his black box and her body rippled as it waited to see what he had in store for it.

  Guy pulled on a large latex glove that fitted over his hand but had holes in the end so that his fingers were free. The palm of the glove was covered with probes of varying sizes and after a slight pause, just long enough to get Marcia tense with anticipation, he pressed the palm of the glove against the area of her belly that was exposed by one of the cut-out areas. Then he began to massage, gently at first but soon more deeply, and as he did his fingers dug into the wetsuit around her flesh until he heard her breathe in quickly as the blissful tingles began to fill her lower body.

  For Marcia it was like being licked by hundreds of knowing tongues, and whenever Guy pressed the glove more deeply against her flesh a heavy ache filled her belly and her thighs started to shake despite the fact that she knew her first orgasm would be delayed for a long time yet. Once he knew that she was near the edge of a climax, Guy switched his attentions to her breasts, and as she felt the insistent massaging on the undersides of her rounded globes Marcia moaned with desire.

  Guy worked systematically over every exposed area of her body, except for the space between her thighs which he avoided for the moment. While he was massaging and kneading her buttocks Marcia felt a rush of heat suffuse her entire body and her head started to go back in a reflex action which alerted Guy to the danger of an early climax.


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