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Forging Alliances: Wizards of White Haven

Page 23

by Frances Howitt

  ‘Not deliberately. I don’t think she’s ever acted maliciously. She was just a small rebellious child. She doesn’t understand that how humans think and act is quite different to how a dragon is raised. A female dragon’s wishes always take precedence over a male’s. That makes disciplining her difficult for her father. She might be young but they are called queens for a reason.’

  ‘They are instinctively dominant and arrogant?’

  ‘That’s about the size of it. Look,’ Jim added having halted in the grass and pointed. ‘Can you feel them?’

  They remained where they were, sensing the unusual magical signature of the rare creatures rapidly approaching. Jim kept his parents still when they would have moved, aware he wouldn’t reach Amelie before the dragons arrived. The last thing anyone needed was for a dragon to accidentally land on any of them because they’d foolishly rushed across the landing field in the dark.

  ‘Are you sure they’re safe?’ Martha asked anxiously, staring as the creatures came into view and became impossibly large in the moonlight. The air almost seemed to groan under the weight of heavy wings. They blocked out the stars and then the enormous one in the lead was descending. He landed surprisingly lightly, obviously in perfect control and folded his wings to his back. His head was held high and alertly scanned around him before eyeing the people nearby. Seemingly satisfied he glanced up at the hovering dragonet and she landed behind him.

  ‘I never realised they were so beautiful,’ Martha said softly, awed to be in the presence of such a formidable predator. Moonlight silvered the glossy green scales covering the large but sleek form. She bit her lip as the head turned towards her. Had he heard?

  Jim waited until Tania had landed before making his way to Stripe. Amelie and Natalya arrived before him and he watched Stripe’s huge head lower to stare into Amelie’s eyes directly. He had little doubt they were conversing, then the dragon nosed Daisy with great delicacy.

  Stripe caught a scent and looked up into the branches of the tree Amelie and Natalya were standing beneath. He growled. There above them sat a tense fully grown leopard. The creature was large and powerful enough to do damage. It looked ready to attack and its gaze was locked on him. His lips lifted off his fangs and he released a louder snarl.

  ‘Stripe, no! It’s ok. Jack’s not going to attack,’ Amelie exclaimed realising the stances both males had locked into. The leopard was crouched ready to pounce, with every gleaming fang on display. He’d probably gone up there to watch over them.

  Stripe heard her and connected with the male’s mind. He realised this was an animus shifter, acting defensively, rather than some dangerous wild beast.

  ‘Come down,’ Stripe projected directly at the leopard. The leopard bared his sharp white teeth again, an alpha male disliking being given orders. Stripe bared his own teeth in response, proving a point. ‘I could swallow you whole, little leopard. Or toast you in your tree. What’s it to be?’

  Jack hissed, noting the scale of that long and sharply fanged maw. A small curl of smoke emanated from the dragon’s nose, further proving a point. Glancing at the women, he realised they seemed to trust this vast dragon; why he had no clue. It was the very image of deadliness. However, they appeared to know it well enough to call it by name. Perhaps he should give the creature the benefit of the doubt too. At this point he didn’t truly have any other options.

  ‘I doubt I would taste nice,’ Jack responded then bounced down the trunk of the tree to the ground. There he shifted into his human form, trying to give the impression of confidence.

  Stripe was impressed with the male’s courage to stand and face him. Closing his eyes to focus his thoughts, he remembered what the lion had told him on how to shift. Seeing the leopard male shift so effortlessly, he copied. The ground seemed to lurch under him as his wings disappeared, then his tail and then he swiftly found he was rising to his two legged form once more. Opening his eyes he scanned the leopard male, then glanced down at what he could see of his own changed body and was relieved. He was far larger than the leopard man, but then his dragon mass couldn’t compress any further.

  ‘Jack, this is Stripe,’ Natalya said, coming to his side and handing him her sweater. He gave her a quick smile of thanks and hastily tied it by the sleeves about his hips, so his front was at least covered.

  ‘Pleased to meet you,’ Jack said looking up at the dragon man in amazement. That shift had been something he certainly hadn’t expected. However there was no doubt whatsoever that he wasn’t human. One look at his size, his emerald green eyes and the mouthful of fangs revealed that. Stripe must easily be ten feet in height and was extraordinarily burly with it. ‘Is this your family?’

  ‘One of them. You have a mate and younglings?’

  ‘I do. We have three daughters and another due any time. I hope they are still alive,’ he added heavily and noticed a smaller blue dragon approach them. The youngster was already larger than any horse yet nothing like the size of her father. Jack watched as the blue dragon shifted into a teenage looking girl. Blue scales covered her human body before they too transformed into a bronzed skin. Cascading blue hair, crystal blue eyes and fangs proved her draconic heritage too.

  ‘This is Tania,’ Stripe told him, since everyone else present had been previously introduced and there was something about the leopard that could not be pushed aside and ignored. ‘She wishes to visit in human form and this is the only safe place she can learn your ways.’

  ‘Amelie, are those clothes for him?’ Jack asked. He’d noticed the bundle she had in her hand earlier and now gestured at it. He’d been relieved when Natalya gave him something to cover up with, yet the dragon had not yet been granted that courtesy.

  ‘Yes, but I’m not sure they’re going to fit,’ she explained nervously.

  ‘Don’t you know the spell, Amelie dear?’ Martha asked and since everyone looked a little blank she stepped forward, daringly approaching the daunting being that was a shifted dragon. ‘Give them to me,’ she added and took the bundle. Speaking a soft incantation over them she then handed them to the extremely naked giant, saying, ‘Ignore the fact they look too small.’ Noticing him glance at the bundle without much comprehension, she took back the trousers, shook them out and handed them back, with the waist open ready as though helping a child. ‘Just step in to each leg and they should adjust.’

  Stripe glanced at Amelie who gave him a small encouraging nod so he quickly did as instructed by the old female. ‘I feel the magic,’ he exclaimed as the fabric touched his skin. Fastening the button at the waist he found she had been correct, they had adjusted to fit and he knew he no longer looked indecent. ‘Thank you. What is your name?’

  ‘I’m Martha,’ she said a little shyly staring up at the giant. ‘I’m Jim’s mother and this is my husband Stanley, his father,’ she added having dragged a nervous Stanley from Jim’s side.

  ‘I am happy to meet the sire and dam of the leader. Are you lions too?’

  ‘Lions? No. We are wizards and rather more limited than our son has turned out to be,’ Martha admitted.

  ‘Thank you, for thinking so,’ Stripe said directly into her mind.

  Martha flushed, realising her admiration had not gone unheard after all and that he was amused. She’d thought his dragon form beautiful, in a daunting, awe inspiring way; but so too was he in shifted form. No wonder the younger women here were flustered.

  Stripe glanced round at Tania, glad she had clothed herself without incident and noticed she was now clasped in Amelie’s arms.

  ‘Do your other youngsters shift too?’ Jack asked. The girl might be young but her dragon form was sleekly muscled and large enough to cause considerable havoc and destruction should she choose. As a natural predator he had little doubt she was already well trained in the hunt. Having to discipline or take down an out of control dragon youngster would be extremely difficult, but explaining that to this scary being who was her father? Well, that didn’t bear thinking about.

‘So far, only Tania has expressed the desire to change form, which of course meant I had to learn to do so too. Quickly,’ Stripe admitted.

  ‘One of the joys of parenting,’ Jack observed, trying to hide his shock. ‘Are you staying long?’

  ‘Not this time. Amelie, is it acceptable if Tania remains here alone? I will return for her at nightfall tomorrow.’

  ‘Yes, of course,’ Amelie assured him.

  ‘Thank you. I must return to the others,’ Stripe responded and strode away from the overhanging trees.

  ‘Remember to take off your clothes before you change back,’ Amelie said mind to mind.

  Stripe glanced back; relieved she’d kept that reminder private. He swiftly removed the trousers, dropping them there, before reverting to his true form. Moments later he was airborne once more and flew away from the school with its wary humans.


  Tania scented the sharp acrid smell of hot metal burning and curiously walked deeper into the village. Whilst she’d not been around humans that long, she knew this was not the smell of the wood fires each household seemed to need for cooking their meals.

  She nodded at the few humans who greeted her; well aware they eyed her a little nervously. She shrugged; Aunty Natalya had explained it was simply that they knew she was different but hadn’t had time to get to know her as an individual yet. She had gone on to explain that the more time Tania spent with people, the more she would learn and the more comfortable and welcoming the people were likely to be towards her.

  She had stayed with Aunty Natalya and her mate Freddie last night. Whilst she’d have rather stayed with Amelie, she didn’t really like their den, tucked deep within the huge stone building. It took too long to get in and out of their den, reached through long tunnels. No, they named them corridors. She liked Aunty Natalya and her den might also be small but she could see sky from every room. She didn’t feel trapped. She was also curious to watch Natalya’s mate, to understand what it was about him that she’d chosen him for. What made them a match? When it became her time to find a mate, she wanted to know what to look for. She never got to see adults interacting and the warmth between Freddie and Natalya was tangible.

  It had been strange to remain in her human form and sleep inside on a soft object they called a bed. It had also felt strange to be all alone. Usually she slept nestled together with her siblings with their father close. However, she’d scented Natalya faintly on this bed and that had comforted her sufficiently to allow her to relax and sleep during the hours of darkness. But being alone and without the cosiness of sharing body-warmth she awoke at dawn.

  She’d been pleased when Natalya gave her permission to go for a wander by herself this morning. The ordinary lives of humans, or rather the ones like Amelie who could become animals, fascinated her. They were always doing something. Her family, when in dragon form, led very simple lives revolving around hunting and sleeping. She needed something more to occupy her mind and she suspected her father did too.

  Following the acrid burning scent to its source she eyed a long low building set back from the main village street. Loud clanging noises came from the building and despite the pleasant summer warmth, she could smell a roaring fire. The wide double doors were propped open, allowing the bright early morning light in and the fresh breeze to usher the smoky heat out.

  Wandering closer she could see activity inside. The loud sounds were coming from a large man pounding a glowing piece of metal with a heavy hammer. His broad chest and heavily muscled arms shone with sweat and were darkly streaked with soot. He wore heavy leather gloves that reached his elbows and a dark well-worn apron against which sparks occasionally flew. Whatever he was doing looked hard work and created a hell of a din.

  She spun, hearing a strange hiss and huffing sound, almost like some giant monster breathing. A young man stood beside a raised pit filled with black coals and pumped a handle, making that noise. She could see the effect on the coals though, as the fire deep within bloomed, turning a deep cherry red. As she continued to watch in fascination, the fire, fed by the forced air, burned hotter still and the colours changed to oranges and pale fiery yellows. It was so pretty.

  ‘Hello lass,’ a deep voice said from behind her and she glanced round to find the big man approaching. She realised she’d walked right into his shop and gone to stand before the fire. She stepped aside and watched him push the now dull metal he’d been working on deep into the heart of the coals where it was hottest. ‘Were you looking for a warm spot?’ he asked, turning to face her.

  ‘No, I smelt the special fire and was curious. Why do you hit the metal?’

  ‘To shape it,’ he responded and regarded her curiously. The girl before him looked to be in her late teens, yet there was an innocence to her that belonged to a far younger child. She clearly didn’t understand what his purpose was either. She was lightly dressed for the early morning chill but hadn’t appeared cold when he’d spotted her peering in the door. She now stood closer to the heat than most people could stand but wasn’t sweating or loosening her clothes. Indeed she simply seemed fascinated by the fire and the bellows.

  Bruce had seen her from a distance in the village last night, accompanied by Freddie and Natalya. Her electric blue hair, in particular, made her stand out. Now as he regarded her more closely, he was certain that colour was not a dye. He was a bear with a heightened sense of smell and could usually ascertain what a shifter was, yet hadn’t a clue what form she took. Her scent was not one he recognised and since he suspected she was predatory in nature, that lack of knowledge was worrying. He relaxed however on noticing that Natalya was just outside, clearly keeping an eye on her. Natalya didn’t seem concerned by his interaction and appeared to be letting the curious girl explore without interfering.

  As she stared into the fire once more Bruce noticed an almost crystalline faceted sheen to her eyes. What the hell? Now he was certain she wasn’t an ordinary human, or a wizard. Was she even an animus, as he’d first supposed? Something about her was fundamentally different. What was she?

  ‘Shape it?’

  ‘Yes. See those iron bars? We turn them into useful implements for all kinds of uses,’ he explained simply and gestured to the many partly finished items hanging on the walls or waiting for collection in boxes. He watched her pick up a knife blade, yet to be attached to a wooden handle. She looked it over, touched the blade edge carefully and then sniffed the metal. She then went over to the iron bars and both looked and sniffed at one. A frown crossed her face. She took the bar over to the bench, where the knife was, to better compare them. She didn’t notice the man’s surprise.

  ‘This smells different,’ she told him in puzzlement.

  ‘That is because when we heat metal in the forge’s fire and work on it, some of the impurities in the metal are burned away. The process also makes it stronger. I’m Bruce. What’s your name?’

  ‘Hello Bruce. I’m Tania,’ she said and smiled happily. ‘Thank you for explaining,’ she added and returned the bar to where she’d found it before leaving the forge and joining Natalya outside.

  ‘What the hell?’ Bruce whispered to his apprentice as they both watched her saunter away. ‘She has fangs and carried that iron bar with one hand as if it weighed no more than a lunch box.’

  ‘You don’t know what she is?’ Ronny asked, his own gaze wide and unwaveringly fixed on her. ‘Tania’s a baby dragon.’


  When Stripe returned the following evening, he landed in the same open field and shifted to his human form. It was easier and less weird to transform this time, but he still preferred doing it whilst he remained alone. Changing his form, into something so radically different, left him feeling weak and unbalanced while his senses adjusted and he disliked being vulnerable.

  He found the garment he’d discarded the previous night, worked out how they fitted and what was the front. Getting into them, without falling over, seemed to be an unreasonable challenge! How did humans manage wit
h only two legs rather than four? Lifting a foot, when you had three others to balance on, was a far different proposition than when only one remained to stand on. Gritting his teeth, he was glad no-one was around to laugh as he toppled over. Sitting, he supposed, was a far better pose to drag the damn cloth on over his feet, but then how did he get it up past the part of him he now sat on? Standing up once more seemed far more awkward, because that damn cloth fell to his ankles and tried to trip him. Growling, he angrily yanked them up and squeaked in shock realising that was a mistake. The cloth was suddenly pinching him in a very sensitive area that nothing normally touched. Fastening the button he tugged them down until comfort was restored, shaking his head at what these humans went through in their odd determination to conceal their bodies.

  Catching movement out the corner of his eye, he spotted Tania approaching. He strode to meet her, glad his dressing had been accomplished unseen.

  ‘Papa!’ she exclaimed happily and ran to embrace him and rub her face against his chest to reclaim his familiar scent on her skin. Now her dragon relaxed within her, reassured she was no longer alone, his scent representing safety. Noticing he was rubbing against her too, made her realise he too needed the contact of family. It only now occurred to her to wonder, that without a mate to bond to, what he would do when she and her siblings found mates of their own and left him?

  ‘Did you enjoy your time here?’ he asked, picking up the scents of many unfamiliar individuals on her.

  ‘Yes! Everywhere I went there were people doing something interesting. Did you know they can make things out of the metal found in the ground? They melt it and hammer it to transform it. Then I watched a lady making something she calls bread. She was punching and rolling this odd soft sticky stuff and even let me try it. It was very strange. But then she put it close to the fire, in something she called an oven and it too transformed as it cooked. I even ate some of it, that’s what they do with it, and whilst my dragon wasn’t too sure about it, this form liked eating it.’


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