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Unlikely Love

Page 11

by M. J. Perry

  I needed Sarah. She’d know what I wanted and what is best.

  “Can one of you please call Sarah?” I whispered.

  “Yes, I’ll call her Scarlett,” Matt answered in a soft voice.

  I nodded in thanks and closed my eyes.

  When we got to the hospital Matt went off to find out where Ruby was and how she was doing. James hadn’t moved from my side since we’d left Matt’s. His silent strength helped me keep it together. Once we knew where to go it didn’t take long to get there as Matt led the way. I hesitated at the door, I’m petrified of how she will look, how hurt she was.

  James squeezed my hand to get my attention. “We’ll go in when you’re ready sweetheart. There’s no rush.”

  I sucked in a deep breath in and pushed open the door gasping at the sight.

  Ruby looked so small. Wires cover her body and the machine next to her was beeping, her eyes were closed and one looked too swollen to open. She had a cut lip and one of her cheeks had a huge bruise.

  She looked broken. There wasn’t another word that came to mind except that. The doctor had told Matt she has multiple bruises on her body, but luckily she had no broken bones. She wasn’t as bad as they’d first thought, but she hadn’t woken up yet so they couldn’t be sure. She’d had her ID on her so they knew who she was and because of the way she’d been found the hospital had called the police.

  I slowly walked over to her. Her blond hair was dirty and stuck to her unhurt cheek; I brushed it away and held her hand. Seeing her like this, hurt and defenceless devastated me.

  “Oh Ruby,” I said in a broken whisper.

  I felt hands on my shoulders and looked behind me at James; he pushed me gently into the chair he’d placed there. His hand came to my neck, and he moved it in a soothing motion. I leaned into him and savoured the warmth of his body against my chilled one.

  My poor baby sister, I couldn’t imagine the pain she must have gone through. What kind of monster could do this? How could they beat a young girl for money? I couldn’t understand it. After everything we’d been through it came to this, her lying here unconscious and unprotected because I’d messed up. I hadn’t protected her and kept her out of trouble, I should have known this would happen; I should have been able to keep her safe. The pain that shot through my heart nearly crippled me. If I could swap places with Ruby, I would.

  A part of me knew it wasn’t my fault that I wasn’t to blame for it but that part was small. I’d let her down, I’m her big sister and I should have prevented this.

  I wasn’t aware I was sobbing until James scooped me up in his arms and sat down by the window with me on his lap. I snuggled into him determined that this was the one and only time I would cry. After this, I’d stay strong. Ruby needed me to be strong not a cry baby. James and I sat there for a long time even when my tears dried up he still held me. His sweet words and his actions make my heart melt, I didn’t think it was possible, but I was falling more in love with him. He made me feel that things would be ok. Ruby may be down, but she wasn’t staying that way.


  I looked up when Matt spoke.

  “I’ve called Sarah. She’s stuck in a meeting but she’ll be here as soon as she can. She said she couldn’t ditch as her boss is an asshole and that you’d understand.”

  “He’d fire her if he could.”

  “What. Why?”

  “I’m not sure why but I think he likes her. He’s always giving her a hard time, but I think it’s because he’s fighting his feelings.” I explained my reasoning.

  “He could just be an asshole though,” Matt said. He looked angry, and I wondered if he cared for Sarah more than I thought.

  “Maybe,” I shrugged. “She’s found him checking her out a few times though and if he didn’t like her why would he do that?” I asked. I saw a tick in his jaw from him clenching it hard, interesting.

  He didn’t answer my question. “She’ll be here soon, I need to go, but call if you need anything ok?”

  “I will. Thanks, Matt.” I said with a small smile.

  “I’m going to go and get you a coffee baby. Don’t leave this room.” James said.

  “I won’t, I promise.”

  “Will you be alright?”

  I nodded.


  James lifted me off his lap and placed me back down on the chair. He kissed my nose, and I watched him walk to the door before I moved back over to Ruby taking her hand again, then I did something I haven’t done since our parents died, I prayed. I prayed she’d wake up and be ok and I prayed that we could put all this behind us, that we could go back to when she wasn’t always looking for trouble. It wasn’t long until James came back with my coffee and I sipped it while he held my hand in his. His touch soothed me.

  “Do you think it’s my fault?” I whispered.

  He didn’t hesitate. “No.”

  “I feel like I failed her. I’m her big sister and I let her down.”

  “We’ve been over this baby. Ruby chose to do this. She messed up and unfortunately we’re now dealing with the consequences of her actions.”

  I shook my head. “I should have been able to predict it would happen. She’d been getting in more and more trouble lately and I should have seen it getting worse.”

  “You silly girl, you couldn’t predict it. You’re not a psychic baby you’re a woman who took on a huge responsibility at a young age and did the best you could. None of this is your fault and if I have to keep telling you that every five minutes then I will.”

  “You really believe that?” I asked. He sounded so sure. The agony I’ve felt since this all started lessened slightly and I took a deep breath.

  “Yes, Scarlett, with all my heart,” I jumped up out of my chair and straight into his arms. His arms wrapped around me and I felt his lips skim my forehead.

  “Hey, do I get some of that?” Sarah said as she came into the room.

  “I’m glad to see you aren’t sat in a chair with your head down blaming yourself. I hoped you wouldn’t be, but I was ready to kick your ass if that was how I found you.”

  She knew me too well. This time it wasn’t her words that drew me out of my funk it was James.

  “She’s all right. She knows she isn’t to blame.” James said.

  Sarah raised her eyebrows and then looked at me. “He put a stop to your pity party?”

  “He did.”

  I smiled at her shock.

  “Wow. Usually, it takes me about a week and copious amounts of chocolate.”

  She looked at James with what I could only call admiration in her eyes.

  “He’s special,” I confessed. I could feel his eyes on me, but I didn’t look at him, I was feeling too vulnerable. I’ve never told him how I feel about him but just from those words it wouldn’t be hard to work it out. Every time he did something sweet for me it cracked my heart open a bit more and sometimes when he looked at me I see his eyes grow warm and I swear I can see his love for me shining through them just like I’m sure he can see my love for him shining through mine. I just couldn’t admit I love him, not this soon. People didn’t fall in love this quick did they?

  “James you can go to the bar and do what you need to do while I’m here,” Sarah ordered.

  “Nope, I’m not leaving Scarlett.”

  “Sarah, will you stay with Ruby for me, please?” I grabbed James’ hand and led him next door into the small waiting room. Luckily no one was in there so we had privacy.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “For what, babe?”

  “For being here for me, for not leaving me alone, for being you and helping me to see sense.” My love for him wanted to burst from my body.

  “You’re welcome sweetheart. I’ll always be here for you.”

  “I know,” I whispered.

  And I did know because I trusted him to always be there and always protect me. I leaned over and kissed him and he let me before he took over by deepening the kiss
leaving me panting for breath when we separated. He wasn’t much better and while we stood there with our arms wrapped around each other I couldn’t help my smile. His eyes caught it and he smiled back.

  “Happy?” he asked.

  “Yes. I feel guilty because Ruby hasn’t woken, but I can’t help it. I’m positive when she wakes up, we’ll find a way out of this mess and look to the future.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  “Now we’ve established that I’m ok we need to talk about the bar.”

  “What about the bar?”

  “You need to go there, you need to work. Tag can’t do it all on his own and I don’t want you sat here with me when you don’t need to be.” I said.

  His face looked troubled and I realise how my words had sounded. I hurried to explain myself. “I want you here more than anything believe me I just don’t want you neglecting the bar because of me.”

  “Tag has everything under control. He’d ring if he needed me and he has the other staff to help him.”

  “Oh. I’ve never seen anyone else work with the two of you.” And I hadn’t, not once.

  “That’s because your eyes stay on me all night.” He smirked.

  Unfortunately, he was right. “Cocky much?” I teased.

  “I’m not cocky, I know it’s true because my eyes rarely leave you either.”

  This was true I loved sitting at the bar knowing if I looked up James would have his eyes on me. It always made my tummy flutter. I never once saw his eyes stray to the countless women who came in dressed to the nines.

  “Go to the bar, honey. Sarah is here so I’m not alone.”

  He has things to do, he can’t leave Tag to do it all and he won’t go unless I push him into it. I’m not complaining because I love how he puts me first, but there was really no point all of us hanging around here.

  “Are you sure?” James studied my face looking for a sign I was lying. I know he’s worried about me, but I’m ok. I didn’t feel like I was going to break down again and that was due to him.

  “Honestly. I’ll be fine. The sooner you go the sooner you’ll be back to me.” I smiled to reassure him.

  “This is important to you?”


  He sighed, and I knew I’d won when he cradled my face with his hands. “Stay in Ruby’s room and don’t leave without Sarah. If you need anything, call me or Matt and we’ll bring it to you. I mean it Scarlett. We don’t know what’s going on at the moment until your sister wakes up so I can’t have you putting yourself in danger. Promise me?”

  “I promise.”

  “Ok. I’ll go now and when I come back, I’ll bring dinner. What do you fancy?”


  “Why does that not surprise me?” James grinned.

  We’d already had it twice this week. He kissed me on the mouth again before he walked me back to Ruby’s room to say goodbye. I walked in smiling.

  “Wow. He really is special Scar if he can get you smiling even when we have all this mess around us,”

  “I love him.” I confessed.

  “I see that. He feels the same; it’s in his eyes every time he looks at you.”

  “It is?”

  “Yes.” She nodded.

  I thought it was too, but to know that Sarah saw it made it real.

  “I’m going to get some magazines for us while we wait for Ruby to wake up.”

  “That would be good. There are only so many times I can read the posters on the walls.”

  As Sarah left, the nurse came in and checked Ruby over.

  “We’re hoping she will wake up soon. It’s her body’s way of protecting itself from the pain.” The nurse said.

  I nodded.

  The rest of the day was like a blur, we kept it light, no more heartfelt words and I was glad of that. My whole focus was on Ruby so when her hand twitched in mine I didn’t move; instead my body tensed up waiting for it to happen again. I watched her face while waiting and felt her hand twitch again.

  “Sarah,” I whispered. “Her hand twitched twice.”

  Sarah came closer to the bed and held my other hand. We waited with bated breath to see if it happened again.

  “Ruby?” I whispered. She sighed, she actually sighed. Oh, my god. She was going to wake up.

  Ruby’s good eye opened, and she stared at me. Sarah let go of my hand and I heard the door open and close letting me know she’d gone to get the nurse.

  “You’re awake,” I whispered. “How do you feel?”

  Ruby swallowed a couple of times and I reached for the water the nurse had left. She took a few sips and then looked me in the eye. “I’m so sorry.” She whispered, and she burst into tears. I wasn’t expecting that reaction, and it took me a second to shake off my shock.

  The nurse came in with Sarah and checked her over. Ruby was still sobbing quietly and she wouldn’t let go of my hand, but the nurse told me her blood pressure and everything looked ok. I hoped they’d discharge her quick so I could take her home. Well not home, we can’t go home as that probably wasn’t safe, and I didn’t want to ask James if we could stay with him because I didn’t want to put him in that position so early on in our relationship. Maybe I’ll book us into a hotel, a decent one with security; I’d have to ask Sarah if she knew of any later.

  I sat there rubbing my sister’s hand trying to give her comfort.

  “How do you feel?” I asked her again once her sobs calmed.

  “Like a bus ran me over.” She groaned as she shifted in bed. I bent over to puff her pillows up higher.

  “Do you want to tell me what happened?” I asked gently.

  “I’m sorry I sold Gran’s jewellery.” She started to cry again.

  “Oh, baby.” I moved on to the bed being as careful as I could and put my arms around her. She sobbed her heart out while I rubbed my hands over her back trying to sooth her. All she kept whispering was sorry over and over again, eventually her body went heavy, and I realised she was asleep.

  Something moved behind the curtain and Matt came into view. His eyes were soft, and I figured he’d heard Ruby. I lowered her gently down and scooted off the bed slowly so I wouldn’t wake her. When I was in front of Matt my face crumpled. She’d been so upset over stealing from me and my guilt came back strong then. I’d been so angry I wanted to cut her out of my life because of what she’d done, maybe she knew she’d gone too far, she must have been so desperate to take it, though. Matt wound his arms around me and led me to the waiting room next door. Sarah was in there and she immediately came to my side and grabbed my hand.

  “She’s asleep now. She cried so much she wore herself out.” I hadn’t known my tears were still flowing until Sarah reached up to wipe them away.

  “I know I heard, but she’s here, and she’s awake that’s the main thing.”

  “What do we do now Matt?” I asked.

  “We find out what happened. I’ll question Ruby when she wakes up again and we’ll go from there. We’ll find the bastard who did this to her and make sure you’re both safe.”

  “Ok.” I wanted to be safe, but more than anything I wanted my sister to be.

  “I’ll come back later Scarlett I only popped in to check on you. I’ve got to get back to the station. Do you want me to call James and let him know she’s awake?”

  “I’ll call him myself, but thanks.” I wanted to hear his voice.

  “No worries just make sure you don’t leave the hospital.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yes, dear,”

  “I know we keep saying it, but we worry.” He tapped my chin with his fingers and grinned at Sarah.

  “See you soon.”

  “See you Matt.” I watched him walk to the lift. I noticed a few of nurses sighing as he passed them and I grinned. It was Sarah who made me chuckle, she had her eyes glued to Matt and when he turned in the lift, they both stared at each other before the doors closed. Sarah blushed when I looked at her and I waited to see if she would say anythi
ng, but she kept quiet so I let her have her silence.

  “I need to get back to Ruby. I don’t want her to wake up alone.”

  “Come on then.” Sarah led the way.

  I’d ring James later, I didn’t want him to drop everything and come rushing over here if he was still busy.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Ruby didn’t wake for hours and when she finally did, she ate a little of the food they’d brought in and fell back to sleep again. The nurse said it was her body trying to refuel after all the stress and it was normal. I wondered if it was her way of avoiding the conversation she knew was coming. Sarah had work early, so I’d sent her home. It took a lot of pressure, but she eventually caved and left me with reluctance. I didn’t want her to be tired and grotty with her boss tomorrow and she didn’t do well on little sleep. Sending her to work sleep deprived would be like waving a red flag at a bull, she’d probably punch her boss out.

  At seven pm Ruby was still fast asleep, so I grabbed my phone and headed to the reception area to call James. I found the toilets first and after using the facilities I freshened up a bit. The door opened as I was about to leave and I saw a face that had terrified me the first time, but now had me frozen in complete fear. Sketch stood right in front of me with a grin so freaking scary I thought I might pee myself. Thank god I’d just emptied my bladder. I looked for an escape, but he had me trapped.

  “What do you want?” I asked. My voice was strong even though I’m shaking like a leaf.

  “You of course, why else would I be standing in front of you right now?” He looked at me like I was stupid.

  “I don’t know. Maybe to say sorry for the last time we met?”

  “Now, now, sweetheart there’s no need for sarcasm, especially if you don’t want me to hurt you.” He grinned.

  “Don’t you think you’ve done enough already?”

  “Ruby is lucky she isn’t worse. I still haven’t got my money back, and that’s where you come in.”

  “I don’t have any money.”

  “Oh I know that, but you’re worth some money to your boyfriend so you’re going to come with me. I’ll get my money from him and then we can all live happily ever after. Well, once I’ve had my fun with you, after all, you are a beautiful woman.” He sneered.


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