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Jimmy's Dreams: Some Dreams Are Nightmares

Page 4

by Saxon Andrew

  The Teacher smiled, “Go on.”

  “A civilization would develop a new kind of weapon and go out and attack other states around them. The Assyrians developed iron and their weapons would break the bronze weapons of the others. The Egyptians learned how to use chariots and they swept their enemies away. Alexander the Great shows up using the tight formations of the Greeks, called a Phalanx, and defeated all the known world.” Jimmy shrugged, “Most of the civilizations mentioned so far lasted a thousand years or more. They didn’t just disappear overnight.”

  The entire class was silent. The girl who asked the question stared at Jimmy with her eyes slightly closed. The teacher nodded, “You’re absolutely right, James. Where did you learn this?”

  “While we were living in Rome, my mother took me to Iraq to visit the ruins of Babylon for a week. The guide told us about all the civilizations that ruled the land.”

  The teacher stared at Jimmy and asked, “I thought you were Swiss, James?”

  Jimmy nodded, “We are Swiss citizens but we lived for a while in Rome, Paris, London, Berlin, and Austria.”

  “Do you speak those languages?” the teacher asked. Jimmy nodded. The teacher asked in perfect German, “How did you like, Berlin?”

  Jimmy frowned slightly and said in German, “The people there are a little too serious. The people of southern Germany are much easier to get along with.”

  The teacher laughed and said in English, “You are so right about that.” He turned back to the class and said, “For your homework, I want you to look up when the civilizations we’ve been studying rose and eventually fell. Be prepared to discuss it tomorrow.”

  The bell rang and Jimmy grabbed his backpack and started toward the door. The girl named Catelyn met him outside the door and asked, “Where’s your next class?”

  Jimmy pulled out a piece of paper from his front pocket and said, “Science, Ms. Adams is the teacher.”

  “I’ll show you how to get to her room. I’m in that class, too.”

  Jimmy smiled at her, “Thank you.” The girl nodded and moved quickly down the hallway. Jimmy chased her and ended up chasing her from that day on.

  • • •

  Fifteen-year old Jimmy Caspari sat on the wall next to the parking lot and thought back to all that had happened since he entered Dalton Prep. Mr. Park was right; it was easier to just avoid bullies than to confront them. He had dreams whenever any wanted to rough him up and he just avoided their plans by taking another route. He never had to use the skills he learned in martial arts class. Over time, his class mates accepted him and many used him as a resource during their studies.

  Mr. Park had him teaching classes by the time he was thirteen; he won his black belt two years earlier and even Mr. Park avoided sparing with him. He insisted that the student had become the teacher.

  Jimmy smiled and was going to miss going to Ahn’s class when he left for college in two years. It wasn’t that he learned new techniques or skills anymore in class, it was that it helped him clear his mind and truly focus internally. He liked that feeling…a lot. It was going to Martial Arts Tournaments where he really improved his skills but he had decided that sparring with others was becoming too competitive; he did it to learn and grow but his opponents did it only to win at all costs. Only focusing on victory was actually a loss. He had won more than his share of them and he had intentionally allowed his opponents to win the last three tournaments. There wasn’t much growth anymore and he decided his tournament time was over.

  He knew that today he was going to have to use his skills and he didn’t look forward to it. Juan Alverez was a classmate of Jimmy’s, who had his education paid for by the government. He was taken from his family at an early age and, after a comprehensive battery of tests, it was shown he had an incredibly high IQ. The decision was made that he was someone that could one day be a real asset to his country and Dalton was approached about allowing him to attend. They agreed and Juan became one of his good friends. But it appeared that it was impossible to escape one’s past and Juan was going to be a victim of his.

  His father was a long-time drug dealer and had run away and disappeared without paying for a large stash of drugs he took with him. The gang that provided the drugs decided that this was not something that could go unpunished and a message had to be delivered. It was bad for business if they let it go. They learned from an addict that the father had a son attending a prestigious school.

  Jimmy had a dream and awoke knowing that there was no avoiding what was coming. He could try to lead Juan out of harm’s way but it was only a matter of time until the enforcers showed up when he wasn’t around. This had to be handled. He packed a small overnight bag that morning and told his mother he was going to spend the night at the school with Juan. She smiled and gave him a huge hug and kiss. Jimmy hated he was not being honest with her but she would have put a stop to it if she knew. He waited at the wall and it was getting dark when Juan finally showed up. “This is my favorite sitting spot, Jimmy.”

  Jimmy smiled, “Come here often?”

  Juan laughed, “Hey, that’s my line. I come here ever every day about this time to slow down and relax. The view of the city is incredible. By the way, how are you and Catelyn getting along?”

  “She’s amazing but she’s made it clear her parents have forbidden any steady dating until she goes to college.”

  “Has she been out with anyone else?” Juan asked with a twinkle in his eye.” Jimmy’ face turned red and Juan laughed, “I told you so.” Juan looked over Jimmy’s shoulder and said, “That same car has been driving by here for the last four days about this time.”

  Jimmy looked over his shoulder and said, “Juan, sit down and let me do the talking.”

  “What are you talking about, man?”

  “Juan, just do it.” Jimmy turned around and pulled his legs to the other side of the low wall as the black lowrider Dodge came to a stop across the street and four men stepped out.

  “What’s going on, Jimmy? They don’t look like they’re here to take classes.”

  “Just be ready to run. Now be quiet and let me do the talking.”

  The four men sauntered forward and the one in the lead came to a stop ten feet in front of them. Two of the men following him were telling him to make it good. He took a cigarette out of his mouth, dropped it on the ground without looking at them, took his boot and slowly rubbed it out. While he was going through the routine, the other three men spread out around them. The man directly in front of them looked up and stared at Jimmy and then turned to Juan, “Juan Alverez?”

  Jimmy interrupted him, “I think before you start something there is something all of you should know.”

  The man turned to Jimmy and smiled, “This doesn’t concern you and you’d be wise to leave.” Juan saw cruelty in the man’s eyes and the tattoos on his face and arms screamed danger. Everything about this man yelled cold blooded killer.

  “Juan has been placed here by the government of the United States. They would not look kindly on anyone that threatened or harmed their investment. You are the ones that would be wise to leave,” Jimmy said with a neutral tone in his voice.

  “Is that so?” the man asked Juan. Juan nodded vigorously. He turned back to Jimmy, “And just now is the government going to know about this?”

  Jimmy nodded toward the parked black car, “You’ve parked where we can see the license plate.”

  The man turned around and then turned back to them, “So we have. Silly us! How could we have been so negligent? And just who is going to report our plate to the authorities?”

  Jimmy tilted his head slightly and said, “That would be me.”

  The man smiled as he pulled a knife, “I don’t believe either of you will be reporting anything.”

  Jimmy was up in an instant and karate chopped the man’s arm viciously and a loud crack was heard just before Jimmy kicked him between the legs so hard he rose a foot off the ground. The man dropped the knife and crumbled
in a heap. Jimmy immediately spun to the left and delivered a roundhouse kick to the head of the man moving in with a machete. The man’s head snapped back so hard he fell like a sack of concrete to the ground. Jimmy jumped over him and saw the third man pulling a Glock 9mm out of his belt. Jimmy delivered a flat hand blow to his forehead and the man flew horizontal four feet and dropped the gun before he hit the ground out cold.

  The fourth man had pulled a large, serrated-blade hunting knife and stopped in his tracks as he advanced toward Juan with the knife extended. Jimmy had moved between them and he saw his three partners on the ground not moving and only one of them was conscious and his moans filled the air. He looked at Jimmy and saw something in his eyes as he said, “If you don’t want to be wearing that knife as a chest ornament, I’d put it away. Of course, it appears none of you are good listeners,” Jimmy said.

  “You know this is going to get both of you killed,” the man said with a steady voice. He showed no fear.

  “No, it isn’t. I’ve got an offer you’re going to find very hard to refuse.”

  The man stared at Jimmy and put the knife in a case on his belt. “How did you know I’m the leader?”

  “It’s the quiet ones that you have to watch out for,” Jimmy replied.

  The man slightly smiled, “You appear to rather noisy, yourself. Matter of fact, you’re more loud mouthed than Mr. Alverez here.”

  “Had no choice in the matter. I needed to get your attention.”

  “What’s this offer you’re talking about.”

  “I wasn’t kidding about giving your license plate to the government.”

  The man shrugged, “License plates can be changed or disposed of easily.”

  “True, but the one they’re registered to is not so easy to remove.” The man’s eyes narrowed and Jimmy smiled, “I’m not saying it can’t be done but it won’t be easy.”

  The man stared at Jimmy and said, “Go on.”

  “I’ll just keep that number between the two of us.” The man snorted as Jimmy continued, “And give you something you want a lot more.”

  “And what is that?”

  “The location of the man who took your drugs.”

  The man’s eyes widened slightly and he looked at Juan, “Do you know where he is?”

  Juan was terrified but said, “I don’t know what either of you are talking about! Why did you come here looking for me?!”

  The man looked at Jimmy with his eyes lowered. Jimmy looked at him and walked to a foot in front of him and looked him in the eyes. The man could see there was no fear on this boy’s face. “I can kill all four of you but that would be messy and would only cause more of you to show up later. I’m going to give you an address and if you find what you want there, you will promise not to come back.”

  The man tilted his head, “There is the matter of how you’ve treated my friends here.”

  “They weren’t exactly being hospitable, either. Would finding the thief make this right?” Jimmy asked.

  The man looked at Juan, “What branch of the government brought you here?”


  The man turned to Jimmy and raised his eyebrows. Jimmy said, “54902 Chelsea St. New York City.”

  “I’ll check it out and get back to you.”

  Jimmy nodded, “Check back with me, not Juan.”

  The man nodded and looked at the three on the ground shaking his head. Jimmy looked at him and said, “Do you need a hand getting them back in the car?”

  The man laughed out loud, “By all means.”

  Jimmy nodded to Juan, “Come on, they look heavy.” The three carried the thugs back to the car and Jimmy said, “I think mouthy here probably needs to go to the hospital.”

  The man nodded and said, “You’re pretty brassy. If you ever need a job…”

  “Sorry, I’m going to college.”

  The man nodded, “Stay in school, kid.”

  Jimmy smiled and said as he pulled away, “Count on it!”

  The car disappeared and Juan collapsed on the wall. He looked at Jimmy, opened his mouth to speak, and Jimmy put his hand over it, “Don’t ask anything. Don’t ever mention what happened here tonight to anyone and just know that I will not let them ever harm you.”

  Jimmy removed his hand and Juan stared at him in silence. After a long moment, Jimmy sat down on the wall beside him. Juan took a deep breath, blew it out slowly and said, “My father was at that address you gave them.” Jimmy stared at Juan in silence and Juan said, “That was not a question.”

  Jimmy shook his head, “I’m so sorry, Juan.”

  “Don’t be. My father killed my mother with me watching and got away with it. He beat me every day I lived with him. The world will be a better place without him in it.”

  Jimmy sighed “I thought you might be able to figure it out but I just didn’t see any other way to stop them from coming after you.”

  Juan shrugged and said, “I guess you learned all that kicking, chopping, jumping crap in karate class.”

  Jimmy’s head went back, “Jumping crap?”

  Juan smiled, “Like a kangaroo.” Jimmy started laughing and both of them began to feel their fear start to fade. “Jimmy, you have always been my best friend. If you ever need me, I’ll be there.”

  Jimmy’s eyes twinkled, “That’s what friends are for.”

  “Thank you, Dionne Warwick.” They laughed, stood up, and went across campus to the student dorm.

  • • •

  Two weeks later, Jimmy saw between classes a black Dodge lowrider parked across the street from the school. He walked over and the driver’s darkened side glass went down. The man he had kicked looked out at him and said, “Everything is cool.”

  Jimmy nodded, “I’m sorry about kicking you so hard.” Jimmy saw the cast on the man’s right arm and sighed, “As well as breaking your arm.”

  The man snorted, “I was wearing a cup for all the good it did me. But it saved me from serious injury.” Jimmy looked inside the car and saw the bag of ice. He tilted his head and the man said, “Your information was right on. Tell Mr. Alverez we no longer have issues with him.” Jimmy nodded and the car pulled away. Jimmy watched it disappear and sighed. Sometimes, other empires needed defending. He turned and headed back to the school.

  Chapter Four

  It had started the year before when Jimmy was sixteen and a junior. Colleges began sending him requests to come and attend their schools with a full academic scholarship. Dalton had won the Interschool Math Competition for three consecutive years and Jimmy’s skills with mathematics started to be noticed. He refused to open the offers and told his mother he had to focus on his final two years. She kept the hounds at bay eventually telling them that if they contacted him again before his senior year he would absolutely not come to their universities. That stopped the flood immediately. But it only delayed the storm until his senior year. Then the flood became an avalanche.

  “Jimmy, you are going to have to make a decision!”

  “But, Mom.”

  “Ok, you can take your time deciding and you will meet with the recruiters and take all the phone calls. I’m so over this!”

  “Alright! I’ll make a decision.”

  Candice looked at Jimmy, “Do you have any ideas where you want to go?”

  “Mom, I really love the technical schools. I think I want to go and check out three of them.”

  “What three?”


  “Now that’s a great choice.”

  “Georgia Tech.”

  “Another great choice.”

  “And MIT.”

  “Good, which one do you want to go see first?”

  “Georgia Tech.”

  “They’ve been screaming as loud as anyone. I’ll set up a visit this coming weekend.”

  “The school has days we can take during school to visit colleges.”

  “What’s wrong with the weekend?”

  “I want to see students
in classes. They won’t be around during the weekends.”

  “Ok, notify the school you’re going on a school visit this Wednesday.”

  “Why are you in such a hurry, Mom?”

  “The faster you decide the quicker I’ll have peace return to our humble abode.”

  Jimmy snickered, “Wednesday it is.”

  They made the trip and Jimmy spent three days exploring the Tech Campus and sitting in on several classes. After it was done, the recruiting staff pleaded him to come to their university. Jimmy smiled and politely said, “I have two more universities to visit and I’ll let you know afterwards.”

  They were highly disappointed but did everything possible not to antagonize him. He left and flew back home. The next week had him flying cross country toward California where he repeated the same routine at Cal-Poly. He left again with the recruiters hoping for the best.

  On the long flight back, Jimmy looked out of the window as the jet flew high over the Rocky Mountains. Their snow-covered peaks were incredible and he stared at their grandeur. It was over Nevada that he felt his eyes slam closed. He sat in his window seat and started shaking his head but the dream wouldn’t stop. Candice awoke from sleep and saw him shaking next to her. She grabbed him, pulled him away from the window, and started shaking him. His eyes came open and she saw his face was white, “What’s wrong, Jimmy?”

  Jimmy looked at her and his eyes were wide in fear, “I just had a dream.”

  “What was in it?” Candice asked with concern in her voice.

  Jimmy looked at the window, felt his eyes closing again and he jerked his head away from it. He looked at his mother and said quietly, “Everything is laid waste.”


  “For the last two hours, everything under us is gone, Mom. Everything looks like it’s been blasted by some horrific force.” Candice started shaking her head and Jimmy said, “I’m being pulled back into the dream.” He closed his eyes and Candice took his hand and held it tightly. His eyes remained closed for another three hours. They opened on the approach to Kennedy International Airport. He fell back in his chair and she looked at him with fear on her face. “I’ll tell you about it when we get off, Mom.” Candice saw the tension in his face and could see his fear. She fought losing control and walked off the plane holding Jimmy’s hand. They finally exited baggage claim and arrived at their car. They put their luggage in the trunk and Jimmy collapsed into the passenger’s seat. Candice looked at him and Jimmy said, “I need to go home!”


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