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Jimmy's Dreams: Some Dreams Are Nightmares

Page 17

by Saxon Andrew

“What is your talent, Mr. President.”

  “I made my wealth in high rise construction.”

  Jimmy looked at Candice and shrugged, “You certainly have the skills needed by our Project. What about your wife?”

  “When do you expect this to happen?”

  “The asteroids will be discovered a year or two from now and will hit the planet a little over a year later.”

  “That’s about six-months after the election.” Jimmy nodded. The President stared at Jimmy and stood up. He walked to the window and looked out at the buildings surrounding the office and traffic far below. “I can’t just walk away. It would cause too many problems.”

  “Yes, it would, Sir.”

  He turned around and looked at Jimmy, “And you say my affair will be reported in three-weeks.”

  “Not now, you’ve changed the event.”

  “So these dreams you’re talking about can be changed?”

  “They can.”

  The President nodded and looked back out of the window. The President said, “Those asteroids didn’t move by themselves.” The President turned around, looked at Jimmy, and saw him nod. “That means them hitting Earth is probably something we can’t prevent.”

  “I’m surprised you see that, Sir. Our current level of technology gives us no options to stop them.”

  The President turned around and continued to stare out of the window in silence. After a couple of minutes, he sighed, “My wife won’t be coming.” Candice and Jimmy looked at Jimmy shook his head and he shook her head for her to be silent. “The reason I’ve been seeing that other woman is because I found out about my wife’s lover six years ago just after my son was born. She doesn’t know I know about him but I suspect my older children know and despise her for it. They’ve refused to speak to her for years. I’ve stayed with her because of my son. When the time comes, I will deliberately make Audra angry and she’ll contact that reporter and tell him about us. The tabloids and news agencies will run with it and I’ll resign my position. My wife will gladly leave me to save her dignity and go to the man she’s always cared about. I’ll take my son and come to your valley. I intend to send my older son and daughter there to work with you before that and I’m depending on you to persuade them to stay when you interview them about a job.” He turned around and looked at Jimmy, “Can you do that?”

  “I think so, Sir.”

  “In the meantime, I will be keeping any snooping eyes out of your valley and prevent any issues from arising that would put you in jeopardy.” The President turned around and sat down in the chair, “I will give you my private cellphone number if you need to contact me. I would suggest that you take the Inspector with you.”

  “Why is that, Candice asked.

  The President smiled, “He deserves it. He’s known from the beginning that you were building more than a scientific experiment and kept it to himself. He believed that whatever you were doing was for a good reason. Contrary to what he may say, he does like you, Mrs. Heller.”

  Jimmy chuckled, “We’ll have room for him, Sir.”

  “I’m going to have a radar station built on a mountain not far from your valley and I’ll give you the codes to tap into it.”

  “We can really use that, Mr. President.

  “I’m also giving you the codes of our satellites so you can see what’s happening on the planet.”

  “We can do that with the weather satellites, Mr. President.”

  The President smiled, “You’ve been a busy little boy, Mr. Caspari.”

  “Call me Jimmy, Sir.”

  “Let me know if I can help you. When should I send my children?”

  “Send them as soon as possible. They will be noticed if they disappear during the crisis.”

  The President nodded, “You can go.”

  Jimmy and Candice stood up and walked out of the room. The President watched them leave and tried to not believe what was happening. But…if it were, he’d soon know and he learned as a politician that all means of escape had to be kept open; especially when it involved his children. He’d make his plans accordingly. Audra was going to be unfaithful. That was the most painful news and he remained in the office until he got his heart under control.

  • • •

  Candice sighed heavily and said, “Thank, God, you were here.”

  “I saw this happening, Mom.”

  “You could have told me!”

  “Your reactions had to be normal. He would have seen it if they weren’t.” Candice looked at Jimmy with her doubts written in her expression and Jimmy started nodding. “He can see a lie, Mom. I have my talents and he has his. He’s where he is today because of that ability.”

  Candice sighed again and said, “I’m worried about Rachel.”

  “Don’t be. She’s more talented than I am and Suzette is with her. She needs to get out and see what we’re losing to the aliens. She is going to take my place if we survive.”

  “What do you mean, ‘if’?”

  “There is still a lot that can happen. We don’t really know if the trajectories of the asteroids are changed by what the governments do. One of them could land on top of us.”

  “Did your dreams show that happening?”

  “Nooo…but if someone that knows what’s happening decides to act on that information, it could change things.”

  “Who would know about it?”

  Jimmy looked at Candice, “Juan was sent to train to be an astronaut four months ago.”

  “Why, we don’t have any vessels being launched into space?”

  “The Military doesn’t care about that. They prepare in the event a new administration might reopen the space program. We also send people to the International Space Station. Juan is on the fast track for promotion. He’s a Colonel now and if the asteroids weren’t coming, he’d one day be a General.”

  “Are you going to make him come to the valley?”

  Jimmy shook his head, “If he leaves, it would cause his superiors to want to find out why. He says he has to stay until the absolutely last moment and I agree with him.”

  Candice shook her head, “This is not good!” Jimmy could only shrug.

  Chapter Twelve

  Suzette listened to her ear-link and Rachel looked at her. Suzette shook her head, “Later.” Rachel nodded. They were driving through London and their first meeting was with Winny in two hours. Suzette stopped near Parliament and parked the car in a garage. They walked out and Suzette began telling Rachel the history of England. Rachel interrupted her when she discussed Admiral Nelson’s victory and said, “It was the practice of stopping American ships and impressing their sailors into the British Fleet that ultimately led to the War of 1812.” Suzette stared at Rachel and she raised her shoulders, “I did a little reading before we left.”

  “Well, why don’t you lead this little tour?”

  Rachel nodded and began talking at a fast pace. An hour later, Suzette knew there was little she could teach Rachel about England’s history. She looked at her watch and said, “We need to be going.”

  They met Winny in a townhouse on the outskirts of London. They parked, went to the front door and used the heavy knocker to bang on the door. A young man opened the door and Suzette smiled as he exclaimed, “SUZETTE! IT’S BEEN A LONG TIME!”

  “Yes, it has. It’s good to see you, Winny. This is Rachel. She’s Jimmy’s daughter.” Winny’s eyes narrowed and Suzette smiled, “By another woman.”

  Winny nodded and stepped aside for them to enter. Rachel listened to them talking about old times and was startled when he led them to a computer room that was lavishly appointed with multiple wall monitors and a huge printer. She shook her head and Winny saw her, “This is my little game room. My father ran me out of the estate because he hated it.”

  Rachel smiled, “I thought Lord Winston was going to be much older.”

  “That’s my father. I’m next in line but I have a title of Lord.” He turned to Suzette, “Why did you bring her?�

  Rachel smiled, “Do you have a computer I can use for a moment.”

  Winny pointed to a chair and said, “Use this one. What do you need.”

  “Microsoft Word.” Rachel sat down and saw the Word icon. She began typing at an incredible speed and Winny’s eyes narrowed and then went wide open at what he was witnessing. Rachel finished typing and said, “This explains what’s happening and the plans you need to get out to your team.”

  Winny saw the printer start printing and he looked at Rachel, “What’s going on?”

  Suzette said, “Two asteroids have gone missing and they are expected to be hitting in about two years. The cat will be out of the bag in about a year and this report details how to get your team into the valley without suspicion.”

  Winny’s eyes narrowed and he shook his head, “I thought the estimate was 2018.”

  Rachel shook her head, “It still might be but things are happening faster than expected. We can’t stay, we have to meet with the other Project Mangers quickly.”

  Winny shook his head, “I know all ten of them. I’ll have them drive in today and you can do it here.”

  “Is that safe?” Suzette asked.’

  “More than you know. We’ve registered a UFO club and we’ve met numerous times in the past. The government thinks we’re all crazy and pretty much ignore us. Our constant inquires drive them batty and now they refuse to answer them. We’ll be fine.”

  Rachel looked at him, “Do the members of your teams in England know what is going to happen?”

  “Not in detail, why do you ask?”

  “I suspect at least one or two of them are government agents.”

  “How can you say that!?”

  “The odds are too large to ignore. You need to put these plans in motion without letting them know what’s really happening. Get them to the continent and then move them to the valley at the appointed time.”

  “How will we know which ones are working with the government?”

  “They won’t make the trip. Being a paid informant doesn’t offer enough to pay for a two-week vacation to the continent and I’m reasonably certain British Intelligence won’t pay for it either. They want to keep track of you here.

  Winny stared at Rachel and Suzette said, “I’d listen to her. She’s really incredible at probabilities.”

  Winny nodded, “Ok. I’ll make the calls and they’ll be here by tonight.”

  Suzette nodded and Rachel took a device out of her purse and began walking around the town house. Suzette followed her and saw her pointing the device around the rooms and then at the three cars parked in the garage. The device lit up and Rachel said softly, “Get Winny out here.” Winny came running out with Suzette and Rachel walked out of the garage and asked, “How often do you use this car?”

  Winny shrugged, “Not very often. Usually when I go out on a date. Why do you ask?”

  “There is an electronic bug in it.” Winny’s eyes narrowed and Rachel said, “There aren’t any inside your home but this car has one.”

  Suzette looked at Jimmy, “Do you ever discuss things about the project in that vehicle?”

  Winny said, “Slow down! I’m still stunned that there’s a device in it.” Winny thought about it and started shaking his head, “No, I don’t believe so. I adhere to the Project’s security protocols and don’t mention anything outside of the ear-links.”

  “Have you ever received a call over the ear-link in this car?” Rachel asked.

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “ARE YOU CERTAIN, WINNY?” Suzette asked.

  “I’ve only had the car a year.”

  “Have you taken it in for its first service appointment” Rachel asked.

  “No, it only has six-thousand kilometers on it.”

  Rachel nodded, “Ok, that means it wasn’t put in by your dealership. How many people have you taken out on a date in it?”

  Winny thought for a moment and said, “Twenty.” Suzette’s head went back and Winny smiled, “The ladies like this car. An Aston Martin just seems to get their attention.”

  Rachel shook her head and asked, “Have any of the ones you’ve dated joined your club?”

  Winny stared at her through his eyebrows and Suzette said, “What are thinking.”

  “I invited a physics professor from Cambridge to join. She was a perfect candidate.”

  “That’s the government informant,” Rachel stated.

  “How can you know that?” Winny asked.

  “There’s no such thing as a perfect candidate. If they’re perfect, you’re missing something.”

  “She has asked to start her own club.”

  “Give her what she wants and keep those members away from everyone else.”

  “Why would I do that now that I know she’s an agent?”

  “Because by not allowing her to do it will show the government that there is more to your members than they think. Allowing her to start her own UFO club will allay their suspicions.”

  “What do I do about this bug?”

  Rachel smiled, “As soon as you finish contacting the Project Managers, take us for a ride and let’s take British Intelligence for a ride with us.”

  “What are you thinking?” Suzette asked.

  “Winny is going to confess just what a playboy he is.”

  • • •

  The Aston Martin pulled out of the garage and Winny said, “It’s been a long time since I saw you, Suzette. How is ole what’s his name doing?”

  “Patrick is doing fine and you know his name.”


  “How are you doing. I see you’re still single. Do you still have issues interesting the ladies?”

  Winny snorted, “No, I do fine. With this car and my UFO club, I have more dates than I can handle.”

  “How is that?” Suzette asked.

  “It makes me appear to be mysterious. You know, aliens attacking the planet. Weird objects in the sky. The ladies love it. I wish I had discovered this years ago.”

  Rachel said in her little girl voice, “You don’t believe in UFO’s? I thought they were scientific fact.”

  Winny snorted again, “No, they are a complete fabrication. But I’ve turned some friends on to this scam and all of us are doing fine with the ladies.”

  Suzette shook her head, “That’s why you and I never hit it off; you are a scoundrel.”

  “You better believe it.”

  • • •

  The Listening agent listened to them and looked at the agent sitting next to him, “I knew the Lord was a bombastic buffoon. I’ll send this to the Manager and we’ll use it in the future if we need it.”

  A day later, the Agent was told to disable the bug. It would be a bad thing if it was discovered in a Lord’s personal vehicle.”

  • • •

  Suzette and Rachel met with the Project managers and all of them read the report before leaving. They noted the important dates in their calendars and Winny shredded the copies. They all chose a different destination for their vacations and were told they would not receive any future contacts until the very last moment or unless something critical happened.

  Suzette and Rachel spent the night touring London with Winny and the following morning before they left for the airport, Winny said, “I think it worked.”

  “What worked?” Suzette asked.

  “The Cambridge Professor called and said she was no longer interested in starting a club and that she would be dropping out of mine.”

  “Anyone else call?” Rachel asked.

  Winny smiled, ‘You are one smart cookie. Yes, four others sent emails they were dropping out. Thank you for uncovering this.”

  Rachel nodded and Suzette hugged Winny good-bye at the airport. “Tell ole Patrick I think he’s the luckiest man on the planet to have you.”

  Suzette kissed him on the cheek and smiled, “Patrick has always been just a friend. I’ll be waiting for you in the valley, Winny. You’ve always been the o
ne that kept my interest.”

  Winny’s eyes flew wide open and he said, “But…”

  “You didn’t need to know. I’ll be waiting, Winny.” Suzette turned and walked toward the security check point. Winny was sitting down in a chair and his smile filled his entire face.

  Rachel looked at Suzette, “Why have you not told him before now?”

  “I’m a commoner; his family would never accept me. After the rocks hit Earth, I don’t think the distinction between royalty and common people will survive the impacts.”

  They handed their boarding passes and ID to the first security agent and he approved them. Rachel snorted, “If ever there was royalty, it is you.” Suzette smiled put her carryon bags on the conveyer belt. Rachel put hers on it behind Suzette’s and the woman scanning the bags pressed a button. Two agents walked forward and looked at Rachel, “Is this your bag?”

  Suzette kept her face neutral as they took Rachel’s bag off the conveyor belt and moved to a side metal table. She walked outside of the security area and watched what was happening from the Starbucks directly across from the security checkpoint. Rachel looked at the two security agents and said, “Is something wrong?”

  The male agent opened her bag and began going through the items. He pushed the pistol grip hairdryer aside and pulled out six small plastic cases. He looked at Rachel with lowered eyes, “What are these?”

  Rachel’s eyes were wide and she said, “May I show you?” The man pulled his pants up from below his stomach and looked at the female agent. She said nothing but nodded.

  The agent handed one of the cases to Rachel and she slid the top back and turned it upside down and shook it. Brightly colored tiny balls fell out of it into her hand. She raised her hand and tossed the balls into her mouth. “I have a really large sweet tooth and I carry a lot of candy whenever I go on a long trip. These cases keep the moisture out.” She looked at the male agent and said, “Would you like some?” The agent held out his hand and Rachel poured some of the candy into his palm. He kept it extended and Rachel poured some more. The agent tossed it into his mouth and Rachel looked at the female security agent, “Does he always have this large of an appetite?”

  The woman didn’t even smile as she said, “You have no idea.”


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