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The Billionaire Submissive (Billionaires in Bondage)

Page 22

by Joely Sue Burkhart

  “Oh, I know what she does for you all right.”

  Surprised his show of temper hadn’t scared her—when every other time she’d simpered and squeaked if he even thought about raising his voice, Donovan headed for the elevator and pressed the call button. If one of Lilly’s clients had truly called her, it would have been an emergency. Unless one of them’s a nutcase who can’t bear to let her go.

  Knowing her, she’d gone to help them without a single thought of her own safety. Andy liked her. If he called it in, she really might be in danger. “I’ll call HR tomorrow morning and make sure you receive a healthy severance to compensate you for your troubles, but I never want to see your face in my office again.”

  “I know everything, Mr. Morgan.” Miss Wruthers’s sly tone made him halt in his tracks and turn to face her. “And I’ve got the pictures to prove it.”

  “Prove what?” He forced himself to calm down. Anger wouldn’t help dissolve this mess. “That I love Lilly?”

  “Some of the pictures might be embarrassing, but not too risqué. However, there’s one particular picture on a boat you might pay a great deal of money to keep out of the media. You really oughtn’t go around completely nude, Mr. Morgan.”

  He’d always thought that once the ugly truth came out he’d wither up and die of humiliation. He’d do, say, and certainly pay anything to keep anyone from knowing the truth about him. Certainly his face would burst into flame and shame would eat away at his gut. He’d not be able to think of a single defense and his hands would tremble like he had palsy.

  But none of that was true now. His head had never been clearer, his stomach calmer, and his hands were rock steady. “Andy Wells wouldn’t have taken any pictures. Not of his boss.”

  “No, you’re right. I had to hire someone else to do the dirty work. But Andy did agree to tail the slut just in case she was up to something. I just had to tell him you wanted him to act as protection, not dig for dirt.”

  “So that’s your plan? You’ll extort a little money from me to bury some illicit pictures?”

  “Oh, no, Mr. Morgan. That wasn’t my plan at all.” She took off her glasses and released her blonde hair, letting it tumble down her shoulders. She gave him a flirtatious smile that made his blood run cold. “You don’t honestly think my aspirations include fetching coffee for you and your mistress, do you?”

  His eyes flared, but then he realized she probably didn’t really mean Mistress, but rather the woman he was sleeping with.

  She glided toward him, walking with the confidence of a supermodel. “This was supposed to be my fairy tale. I was going to play the part of the shy, plain secretary you inexplicably couldn’t keep your hands off of. You were going to be my extremely wealthy knight in shining armor. A little office hanky panky and then the wedding of the year at Conservatory. Or maybe Chanhassen’s Dinner Theatre. I hadn’t decided. But as soon as that overweight little slut sauntered into your office, you fell for her hook, line and sinker.”

  She posed in front of him, and yes, he supposed she was a beautiful woman, if a man preferred icy beauty. Funny, but I liked her better with the glasses. “I wouldn’t trade a single one of her luscious curves for you…” He hesitated, unwilling to continue giving her the respect he’d shown her by using her surname, but he honestly had no idea what her given name was. “What’s your first name again?”

  “Isabella.” Instead of taking offense, she must have counted his request for her first name as a victory. She walked her fingers up his chest and pressed her hips to his. He had to give it to her—she didn’t give up easily. “What does she do for you that I can’t, Donovan?”

  He wasn’t the kind of man who’d meekly pay her off to keep those pictures out of the papers. Yet he didn’t want the scandal if he attempted to bring her up on extortion charges. It’d be much easier if she disappeared on her own accord. He let a smile flicker on his lips. “Are you sure?”

  “Oh, yes, please. I want to know. I’m sure I can please you above and beyond your wildest dreams.” She batted her eyes and pressed her breasts against him too. “Or lover boy. Isn’t that what she called you?”

  “Yes, but my favorite nickname she calls me is sexy beast.” He lowered his head and let his breath tickle her ear. “You’ll have to tie me up and beat me until I beg you to fuck me. Then you have to wrap your thighs around my head and try to suffocate me on your desire. If I’m still breathing, you can chain me to your bed and really have your way with me.”

  A sound escaped her lips more authentic than anything he’d heard since hiring her. It sounded suspiciously like the wail of a dying animal. She stumbled back a step, her eyes big china-blue saucers. “You’re joking. Right? You’re just trying to scare me.”

  “Am I?” He unbuttoned the neck of his shirt, opening it up enough to show the collar he wore, the lock clearly visible. “Then why does she own me? You saw the pictures. She often makes me go naked. You said you had a shot from the boat. If you look closely enough, you might even be able to see the red marks on my ass from where she whipped me.”

  Bright red splotched her cheeks but the rest of her face was milk pale. One more push ought to do it, he decided.

  “For the beating, I prefer a crop. It has a nice, heavy thud when she hits me with it. But just about anything will suffice. She even used a wooden spoon once that was quite effective.”

  “A spoon,” Isabella whispered. “She…”

  “Beat me with it,” he nodded. “You ought to see what she did with cherry pie.”

  The elevator dinged. She pushed past him and leaped into the waiting cabin. “Go to hell, Mr. Morgan.”

  “Gladly, Miss Wruthers.” Relieved she was gone, he found the manila folder on her desk containing the aforementioned pictures. Hopefully she didn’t have backup copies at home. With a quick call to security to make sure she left the building and immediately revoke all her access to the company, he tossed the folder into his briefcase.

  It was 5:10 p.m. Furious he’d been delayed at all, he called Andy next. “Is she in danger?”

  “I wasn’t sure at first,” Andy admitted. “A taxi came to get her at the warehouse and took her straight to the hotel. When she got there, though, a woman met her in the lobby. It looked like she’d been crying. I don’t think it’s a rogue ex-client with malicious intent.”

  “At least she didn’t try to drive,” Donovan muttered. “Did you get the name or room number?”

  “Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, room 243.”

  “Thanks, Andy.” Headed for his car, he didn’t hang up right away. Not yet. “Miss Wruthers took it upon herself to ask you to tail Lilly. The order didn’t come directly from me.”

  “I suspected as much when Miss Wruthers kept asking me to take pictures of you two together.” Andy’s voice echoed with relief. “I watched Miss Harrison when you weren’t with her, but otherwise I kept my nose out of your business, Mr. Morgan.”

  “I appreciate it, Andy. But more, I’m grateful you called today. If anything happened to Lilly…” he let his voice break with emotion. “I wouldn’t be able to go on.”

  “I’m on the floor now. If I hear anything, I’ll call security,” Andy promised. “She’s safe.”

  “If she tries to leave, stall her. And whatever you do, don’t allow her to drive!”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Normally a cell phone was the last thing Lilly kept handy in a scene, but she kept it out and ready in case Donovan called her back. When his text finally came, her eyes burned. Downstairs if you need me. I love you too.

  Everything was going to be all right. He understood. He hadn’t leapt to the horrible conclusion she was doing one of her clients behind his back. Mr. Douchebag would have assumed the worst.

  Mr. Morgan, her sexy beast of a submissive, had come to make sure she was safe.

  Hannah Hamilton paused, a flail over her shoulder, ready to land another blow, but her arm wavered. Bound spread-eagled beneath her and gagged, her husband cast wide e
yes around the room to see what was happening. “Everything okay?”

  “I’m sorry for the interruption, Hannah. Please continue.”

  With a nod from Mistress L, Hannah swung the flail against her husband’s back. The steady thwap filled the room. Hannah started to sweat. But nothing happened.

  Specifically, nothing was happening for Ralph. He didn’t fight the bonds or moan. For all she knew, he’d fallen asleep.

  “Let’s halt for a moment.” Frustrated she hadn’t been able to get through to them, Lilly tried to think of a new tactic. “Hannah, see to the submissive. I’m sure he’s thirsty.”

  She removed the gag and lifted her husband’s head to let him drink from a plastic bottle. They whispered and she stroked his hair off his forehead. It was very tender. But the actual punishment had been wooden. Unemotional. No wonder Ralph couldn’t get excited. Hannah couldn’t arouse him because she hadn’t been touched emotionally by what she was doing. It was going through the motions for his sake. Since it did nothing for her, it did nothing for him either, despite her best intentions.

  She has no idea how sexy it can be to hear the groans and moans of a submissive really enjoying the punishment. Like Donovan. If she saw what I can do to him…

  It would be too much to ask of her very arrogant, proud, extremely sensitive and easily embarrassed submissive whose hard limit was exhibition. Even the threat of someone walking in made him uncomfortable, let alone having other people in the room. But could he talk to them? Help Hannah understand how much her husband needed this? She texted him. Can you come up to room 243? No emergency.

  He immediately texted back. On my way.

  “I’ll be right back,” she told Hannah and stepped outside into the hallway. The elevator dinged and there he was, striding straight toward her so he could pull her tightly against him.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Yes,” she whispered against his neck, squeezing him harder. “Thank you for understanding. For not jumping to conclusions. They just needed my help. Desperately.”

  “Someone has to make sure you’re safe,” he growled but he rubbed his mouth against her ear. “For all I knew, you were meeting some nutjob client who was going to make you sorry you dumped his ass for me.”

  For all her standard operating safety procedures, it’d never dawned on her that one of her clients would try to hurt her. Hannah and Ralph wouldn’t, but would one of the others? If she’d gotten a similar message from one of them, would she have come alone?

  “So what’s the problem?”

  “She doesn’t understand how the pain can be arousing. I’ve been trying to show her with as little interaction into their relationship as possible, but she’s not able to make the connection.”

  “You want to show her what we do.”

  “I tried to show her with Ralph, but I don’t feel anything when I punish the clients. Not arousal at least. But with you…”

  “I’ll do it.”

  “Donovan, you don’t have to. If you can just talk to them, it’ll help.”

  “You know my limits, Mistress.” He said it easily, his confidence and trust fully in her. Such trust rocked her to her core. “If you think it’ll help them, I’m willing to try.”

  It took a few minutes to get everyone readjusted. She had Hannah untie Ralph so he could sit up and watch. Donovan stripped off his suit coat and shirt, but kept his pants firmly in place. His collar looked damned good against his skin with those silky expensive pants covering his lower half. Lilly went through the toys the Hamiltons had brought. She hated to use anyone else’s equipment, but she knew they hadn’t owned any of the tools for long. The crop was still stiff and hardly used at all. Lilly would be surprised if the other woman had even picked it up. It was too grim, too harsh, for where she was in her BDSM journey.

  Watching Donovan, she experimentally bent the crop between her hands, testing its flexibility. “It’s pretty stiff. It’s going to be a sharp cut.”

  His eyes were already darker, his nostrils flaring with every breath. “Maybe we ought to carry over the count from yesterday then.”

  “Are you sure about that, lover boy? Because your dirty mouth really offended me yesterday, and you also told me no.”

  “That’s an automatic ten, then, at least.”

  “Ten it is.” She smiled and let her voice go husky. “I’ll forgive your other offenses because you used that dirty mouth so very well. Do you want to be bound?”

  His gaze flickered to the watchers. “No.”

  Nodding, she used the crop to point where she wanted him.

  He bent over the table, gripping the far edge for leverage. He shifted his lower body until he was braced with both feet on the floor, his upper body flat and waiting for her attention.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  The sight of him waiting, wanting her lash, was enough to arouse her. She turned to Hannah and Ralph, letting them see her reaction. She knew her color was high, her nipples were hard and firm, probably visible through her T-shirt. She licked her lips, another deliberate sign of desire. “When we’re at home, he strips completely, but for his modesty, he’s keeping his pants on today. It’s a pity, because I dearly love whipping his firm, tight ass. He truly is magnificent under those trousers.”

  Hannah’s eyes were wide and she clutched her husband’s hand tightly.

  Donovan muttered something beneath his breath. Probably threatening something dire. Which only made Lilly laugh.

  “Yes, dear, just a moment.” She gave an experimental blow to her thigh. The leather cut nicely through her jeans, a burn she could easily feel despite the heavy denim. I’m going to have to really watch it or he won’t make it to ten without needing to come, and I don’t want to do that to him in front of them.

  “When I look at him, Hannah, I see…” She had to stop and catch her breath, all teasing forgotten. “I see his need. He needs to feel the pain as much as he needs to breathe. It’s like a toothache that never goes away, growing worse and worse every day. No root canal can take away the pain. Just me. I can do this for him. I love hearing the sound the crop makes on his flesh. I love the way he groans. I love to know I can drive him out of his mind with need. I want to do this for him because I love him. I love him with my whole heart.”

  He trembled, a soft helpless sound escaping his throat.

  “I’m going to punish you now, Donovan. Is that what you want?”

  His breathing quickened with anticipation. “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Remember your safeword.”

  He turned his head slightly so he could glare at her over his shoulder. “I won’t need it.”

  “We’ll see.” She tapped his back lightly with the tip of the crop and he quivered like a horse trying to shake a fly. “Even though I know he’s more than ready, I have to start gently. All pain without the buildup isn’t arousing. It just hurts. Sometimes I like to touch him a little first.” She smoothed her palm down his spine and he lifted into her caress. “This is especially good when I have him bound and he can’t move. It helps make the bondage, the helplessness, more real in his head. If he can’t move to deepen my caress, even though it feels good, he’s not going to be able to escape the lash.”

  She noticed the other couple holding hands, which gave her another idea. “Hannah, put your submissive where you want him. Don’t worry about bonds for now. Don’t worry about technique or blows. Just touch him, like I’m touching Donovan.”

  Lilly stoked her palm up and down his back, even slipping down to knead his buttocks and the backs of his thighs, drawing a low groan from him. “Handle him hard, Hannah. He can take it and it’s unexpected from a woman. Touch him with confidence and surety. He’s yours. Every part of his body is yours. Let him feel how strong you are. Squeeze him with all your strength, all your love and determination.”

  She must be doing it because Ralph let out a soft moan too. Much better than the boring attempt at discipline earl

  “Now we’re going to begin by warming up. Give him a few gentle love taps with the tails. Softer than your hands were. No snap, no noise, just the touch and promise.” Matching her words, she rubbed the crop up and down Donovan’s back, trailing the tip down his shoulder all the way down to his knuckles gripping the table so determinedly. Lightly, she tapped each knuckle. “No pain, not yet. This should be a sweet promise of what’s to come.”

  She checked to see how Hannah was doing. She was more relaxed, stroking her husband’s back with one hand and the leather tails in her other. Finally, she almost looked like she was enjoying it. Good.

  “Feel the heat, Hannah. Feel his skin beneath your hand. Rub up against him to torment yourself. He’s yours. If he’s not arousing you, use him until you are. That’s what he’s there for. If you’re not enjoying it, don’t start walloping away at him. If you’re hoping to arouse him, you’ve got to be aroused yourself.”

  “I don’t feel you pressed up against me,” Donovan whispered. He’d turned his head so he could watch her, his cheek pressed to his biceps so he didn’t have to hold up his head. “How am I supposed to know if you’re aroused?”

  “Is this better?” She leaned against his buttocks, using her weight to pin him against the table. She even stretched out on top of him, laying her arms along his. “Besides, you know I’m always turned on when it comes to you.”

  He pushed his hips back against her, lifting her up on her toes, so she rubbed her breasts against him until she couldn’t stifle the low moan. “There it is. Now I know you’re enjoying me, Mistress.”

  She didn’t have to look over at the other couple to know it was going well for them either. She could hear it. The soft little sighs, the whispers, the connection that had been missing earlier. Without saying anything, she backed away from Donovan, giving his buttock a warning squeeze so he knew what was coming. His back rippled, muscles gliding beneath his skin in anticipation. Urging her to give him what he needed so desperately.


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