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An American Love Story

Page 5

by C. S. Moore

  "You know that before I even choose?" he asked.

  "I'm just making a prediction based on the trends of the last ten races," I said nudging him with my shoulder.

  "Oh, I see. Well, I think number twelve is going to break that trend."

  The flag waved and the cars screeched off. After the noise died down, I turned to Garrett. His attention was on the track, and I took advantage of his distraction and ran my eyes over his face. It made sense that this face was the one to pull me out of my aversion to all things male. I always had a thing for brown-eyed boys, and he was as fine a specimen as I'd ever seen. His eyes were the rich color of chocolate and warmed when he looked over at me.

  I turned my face to the track, embarrassed he'd caught me checking him out. Leaning forward to grab my water, I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye. Garrett had strategically placed his arm behind me. When I leaned back, if I leaned back, he would have his arm around me. I hadn't had that intimate of contact from the opposite sex in so long. I hadn't wanted it. I tried to figure out if I should play it cool and lean back into position without letting on that I knew his arm was there. I wanted to be under his strong arm, and he seemed eager to have me there, but wanting to be touched by a man was such a foreign thing to me now.

  Taking a long sip from my bottle of water, I weighed my options. I could do what I wanted to do and lean into him, feel his warmth… or I could reject the idea and hurt his feelings like I did all the others. I'd never see him again, never see his eyes brighten when they took me in.

  I twisted the cap back on my drink and leaned back quickly before I could change my mind.

  Garrett's arm flexed under my weight, and he eyed me with a sly smile playing at the edge of his mouth.

  I was instantly glad of my decision; I hadn't felt so giddy or alive in years. "I think I'm going to catch you," he whispered into my ear.

  "What?" I asked.

  He pointed at the track.

  I looked up at the score board. The lead cars were in their last lap. My car and his were neck and neck. "You might," I conceded.

  He looked over, melting me with his warm chocolate eyes.

  I could look into them forever, trying to figure out what the man behind them was thinking. The crowd around us cheered, but neither of us saw who had won the race.

  After the final trophy presentation, the stadium lights clicked off, leaving us completely in the dark.

  The arm around me tightened slightly, and in the dark, relatively quiet stadium I could almost pretend we were alone. My heart almost flew out of my chest as I felt his large hand enclose mine. His palm was warm and rough and strong. I shivered.

  "Are you cold?" he asked, his breath tickling my hair.

  I shivered again. "No, I'm fine," I said. Only he would ask that on such a warm night.

  He shifted beside me. "Here, take my jacket," he said, draping it around my shoulders.

  "No, I'm sure that you're colder than I am," I protested.

  He put his thick arm back around me. "Na, I'm perfect," he said as the first mortar took to the sky. The explosion of red light illuminated Garrett's amazing face.

  "Yes, you are," I whispered as the boom of the firework rocked through the crowd.

  Five more shot into the sky, exploding into dazzling fireworks like I'd never seen before. One's sparkling fire rained down like a weeping willow, and another's sparks danced around like lightning bugs in the sky. Every second of the show was like the finale of the ones I was used to.

  The speakers began to play patriotic songs as the display continued. When one of my favorites kicked on, I heard Garrett softly singing the words into my ear. His thumb caressed my arm as he serenaded me with his deep velvety voice. When the song finished, I turned to him. He looked as surprised as I was that he had sung to me. Still, I had never felt so special.

  "Tessa," he whispered, scanning my face with his beautiful eyes.


  "Thank you," he said with feeling.

  "For what?" I asked.

  "For coming with me tonight. I can't remember a time I was happier." He raised my hand to his lips and kissed it, like we were in a scene from Gone with the Wind.

  It was a gesture so old fashioned and sweet, I sighed. "Me either."

  Conversation was cut off as the finale started. It lit up the sky like the sun and stunned me into silence. Garrett's brother was right. I'd bet this was the best display in a two hundred mile radius. The smell of sulfur filled the air and smoke floated down in tendrils. By the time the stadium went black again, my ears were ringing.

  "That was amazing," I said. The stadium lights kicked on, and I realized that it was still full; when the arena was dark it felt like a private show just for the two of us.

  Garrett stood up. "Let's get out of here," he said taking my hand.

  We walked quickly down the steps; Garrett only paused to wave once at his brother. Quicker than I thought possible, we were out of the stadium.

  "Are you in a hurry to get somewhere?" I asked.

  "No, I just don't like crowds," he said. "Do you want to grab something to eat?"

  I looked at my watch; it was almost midnight. This was the first date in forever that I actually didn't want to end, but my Dad would be worrying. "I'd love to, but I better get home. It's late."

  His mouth turned down at the corners before he nodded his head. He unlocked the door and popped it open for me.

  I climbed into the truck and buckled myself in. As Garrett walked around, I threw off the seatbelt and scooted over to the middle seat. I bit my lip, nervous he wouldn't want me there.

  When he opened his door and saw where I was, his lips pulled up into a dazzling smile. After he pulled out of the parking lot, he rested his arm over my shoulders, and I nuzzled into him.

  On the trip home, we talked about movies and music, and every time he laughed it was like he was breathing life into me. We arrived at my parents' house too soon, and I felt my lip slip into a pout.

  He cut the engine, and his eyes widened when he looked at me. "Is everything all right?" he asked.

  "Yes, I just…" I didn't want it to end. Would I return to a miserable shell of a person when I walked back into the house that held so many memories of my ex? It seemed like I could see more clearly, breathe more freely now that Garrett had taken away my blanket of numbness.

  I looked into his eyes. They were searching mine, looking for an answer. Would I ever see him again? We lived in different states; both of us set to go home too soon. "I had fun tonight," I said.

  "Me too," he whispered.

  A curtain in the house moved to one side, and I groaned. "I better get in."

  He nodded his head and jumped out of the truck.

  Before I could open my door, he was there pulling it open.

  He took my hand in his as he walked me to the door, and I tried to enjoy every second. I had forgotten how sweet it was to have a handsome man lace his fingers in mine. We climbed the porch steps and I paused at the door. I kept my eyes on my feet; I knew if I looked up I'd see a want in his eyes that I might not be able to turn down — and I had to turn him down. Not because I wanted to, but because I didn't kiss on the first date. Still, I could feel his stare coaxing me to look up and give him a window to do what he wanted.

  Suddenly, his arms were around me, and he pulled me close and gently kissed my hair. "Can I see you tomorrow?" he whispered hoarsely.

  "Yes," I replied, my voice shaking.

  He released his hold and took a step back. "Call you tomorrow," he said. "I'll try not to make it too early but no promises." His lips pulled into a winning smile before he turned and made his way down the stairs.

  I was going to see him tomorrow; I didn't need to think about what would happen the next day or next week — all that mattered was that I was going to see him again.

  Chapter Eight

  Skylar and Mandy sat in my arm chair draped over one another; I had forgotten all about the family barbeque. So w
hen Garrett called, I felt a little foolish inviting him over to meet the family. After all, we had just met yesterday. But in the same fashion that he had disarmed and put me at ease on our date the day before, he accepted my invite and actually sounded excited about it.

  My wardrobe was lacking, so Mandy and Skylar had come early, dragging suitcases full of their clothes behind them. I tried telling Skylar that I'd be fine in what I had brought, but she had quipped 'you dress for a date to make him salivate.' How could I argue with that? The thought of Garrett salivating at the sight of me was too tempting.

  "So what do you think about this one?" I asked, modeling one of Skylar's blue halter dresses.

  "I like it," Mandy said.

  "It fits you well, but I think it looks a little too formal for a barbeque," Skylar said looking me up and down.

  I shrugged it off and went through the clothes shoved into Mandy's case. There was a white eyelet dress with cap sleeves that I hadn't noticed on my first rummage through it. I lifted it up.

  "Try it on!" Skylar and Mandy said in unison then broke into laughter.

  Slipping it over my shoulders, I turned so Mandy could button up the back. Stealing a glimpse of myself in the mirror I smiled, this was the one. The eyelet style was so feminine and the white stood against my tanned skin beautifully.

  "I love you in that!" Skylar cooed.

  "You look awesome. You should just keep the dress; my mother-in-law got it for me. Like I would ever wear a dress. Wishful thinking, I guess," Mandy said.

  I shook my head; my little sister was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Why she had such an aversion to dresses I couldn't understand. They were one of my favorite things to wear. "Are you sure?" I asked.

  "Come on, you know me," Mandy said looking at my reflection in the mirror.

  "Yes, I do, maybe a little too well," I said with a wink.

  "You're smiling—" Mandy said before cutting herself off.

  "So?" I said.

  Mandy looked at Skylar who turned to me with the sad eyes that I had been avoiding while in Utah. "You haven't smiled, not your real smile anyway, in so long… even before the break up," Skylar said.

  "Yeah," Mandy agreed. "So what's with this guy anyway? Is he some kind of wizard?"

  I snorted. "No, he's a soldier."

  "You always did like a man in uniform," Skylar said with a grin.

  "Well I haven't seen him in one yet, but I imagine he fills it out well," I said letting my mind wander.

  "In all the right places?" Mandy asked wiggling her thin eyebrows.

  I elbowed her and tried to hide my blush.

  There was a knock at the door, and we all jumped at the same time.

  "He's here already?" I asked looking at the clock.

  "Well you did say he was supposed to be here at four," Skylar said while running a hand through her red pixie cut.

  "Yes, I did say that, but he was fifty minutes late yesterday, so I figured he wouldn't be here until five," I said walking out the door.

  "Yeah," Mandy whispered as soon as I was out of the room. "But he didn't know what was waiting for him here yesterday."

  Skylar muffled a laugh, and I shook my head. My family had the strangest view of me.

  As I made my way to the door, I wondered if the day before was a fluke. He couldn't really be that handsome, right? Maybe my mind had embellished his looks as I dreamed of him last night. He was just a guy like all the others; he couldn't really resuscitate my broken heart and make me feel alive again. The day before, I was so sure no one would be able to. But when I opened the door and saw Garrett standing there, my knees went weak. Yes, he really was that handsome.

  "Hi, Tessa," he smiled as he said my name.

  "Hi, Garrett," I said, forcing myself to stay where I was. The desire to throw myself into his strong arms and pick up where we left off last night was almost too great to ignore, but I managed to stay put. "Let's go around back; my dad's just getting his coal bed ready for the steaks."

  "Steaks," he said raising his eyebrows. "I haven't had a decent steak since before I deployed."

  "This won't be just a decent steak," I promised. "My dad is a grill master."

  "Really?" he asked, stepping inside.

  "Really," I said.

  While we walked through the house, he snatched up my hand like it was something he had done for years, like holding my hand was easy. I looked down at our laced fingers; my hand looked so small in his. At five two I wasn't used to feeling big, but next to him I felt tiny.

  He paused before I could open the sliding glass door.

  I turned to see what had stopped him.

  His warm chocolate eyes gently raked over my body and returned to my face. "You look so beautiful," he whispered.

  I looked at my feet.

  Garrett's forefinger pulled on my chin until I lifted my eyes to him. "Do you not like it when I call you beautiful?" he asked, his lip forming the same hard line it had yesterday.

  "Um… I'm just not used to it, I guess."

  Anger flashed across his face, and he closed his eyes and leaned against the wall. After a few seconds he looked down at me. "Do you know that Eric has wanted to set me up with you for years?" he asked catching me off guard.

  "No, I didn't," I said wondering what brought it up.

  "Well, he has," he said. "He told me that just as soon as you got tired of the idiot you were with he was going to set us up."

  I squirmed.

  "Listen, I don't want to bash your ex. I know how long you two were together — but if he ever made you feel like you weren't beautiful, then he isn't just an idiot, he's a jerk," his velvet deep voice took on a gravely tone.

  I sighed. "It's my fault, I let it happen—"

  "Tessa," he interrupted. "If someone takes candy from a baby, is it the baby's fault for having candy?"

  "Did you just call me a baby?" I asked trying to lighten the mood.

  "I'll call you baby if you want me to," he said through a devilish smile.

  "Ah-hum," a throat cleared.

  I looked over and saw Mandy and Skylar staring at us, well mostly at Garrett.

  "This is my sister Mandy and my friend Skylar," I said gesturing to them.

  He turned to face them. "Which one's which," he asked with a winning smile.

  "I'm Mandy, the person that will kill you if you hurt her," she said with no trace of humor.

  "And I'm Skylar; I'll also kill you," Skylar said waving her hand.

  I put my head in my hands. What were they doing to me? "Okay, let's get outside."

  "Are there more people out there that will kill me?" Garrett asked stifling a laugh.

  "Oh, yeah," Mandy warned as she walked past us.

  "Sorry about them," I said before they were all the way out the door.

  "Don't worry. I think I'm going to like them. You know, if I live," he said, following me out the door.

  "Well, you don't plan on hurting me, right?" I asked walking down the steps into my parents' beautiful back yard.

  "Right," he agreed.

  "Then you'll be fine—"

  "Tessa," my Dad yelled from across the lawn.

  We walked through the flower-lined path to the rock garden. At its center was a large fire pit that had a hinged grill attached to the side. Wrought iron chairs and side tables surrounded it. My father stood next to it, moving the coals around with a large fire poker. He looked up and his eyes fell on our clasped hands. His thick eyebrows shot up in surprise.

  "Garrett," Dad said, shaking his hand. He looked at me and tilted his head to the side.

  "Nice to meet you again, sir," Garrett said. "You have a beautiful place and a beautiful daughter."

  "Very true," he said. "Have a seat; make yourself comfortable. Tess, you want to come help me get the steaks?"

  "Sure," I said.

  "I need to check on the potatoes," Mandy hollered, jumping out of her chair.

  When we got into the house, I looked out the window an
d saw Skylar talking to Garrett. I pursed my lips; hopefully she wasn't telling horror stories of our youth. That was the only bad thing about knowing my best friend since I was seven; she knew every embarrassing story from elementary through high school.

  "Okay, first of all," Mandy said. "Holy hottie! You didn't tell me he was that good looking."

  "Yes, I did," I said, rolling my eyes.

  Her bright blue eyes looked up, and she scrunched her face. "Oh, maybe you did, but I didn't believe you!"

  "Garrett is a handsome fella, and I know about handsome fellas — I see one in the mirror every morning," Dad chimed in from behind the fridge door.

  We laughed.

  "Seriously though, he is really into you. Are you interested in him?" Mandy asked.

  I tapped my foot. "I thought you came in to check on your potatoes, not grill me."

  "The potatoes were done ten minutes ago; they are staying warm in the oven. I just wanted to talk about your man!" she said bumping me with her hip.

  "You're the devil," I laughed.

  "I prefer mad genius," she said.

  "I'll keep that in mind," I assured.


  Garrett and I sat in the double rocking chair that was usually reserved for my mother and father, who seemed over eager to relinquish it. Dinner was amazing; my memory didn't do justice to my dad's grilling skills. Garrett seemed to enjoy the food, for how much of it he put away. I had never seen someone eat so much food, but then again I'd never been with a man so big. His appetite didn't affect his small waistline. I didn't know if it was because of all of the exercise he got in the Army or just good genes.

  I turned my attention to the fire pit; the coals were losing their glow. Soon their heat would be gone. One of the coals had already turned completely black, and it stood out against all of the others that still had orange and red pulsing through them. It was so dull and lifeless in comparison, and I wondered if that was what I had turned myself into following around Phillip for all those years. He had done nothing for so long, and as much as I wanted to move forward, I couldn't, not with him. Stagnant water killed the body and a stagnant life killed the soul. My life could move on now, and I wanted it to. I stole a glance at Garrett and wondered if he would be part of it.


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