In Walked Trouble (Under Covers)
Page 13
Stepping back, he inhaled a long, slow breath to gain his sanity back, and held the device out to her.
At her confused expression, he said, “Let’s get you on a plane.”
Not what she anticipated, but it was very much appreciated. Luke did that to her a lot. Surprised her with a completely unexpected response.
Cass had been trying so hard to fit Luke into some kind of mold, making him out to be like Daniel, but he wasn’t. Not even close. He was his own man, with his own ideals. And sexiness. Lord, the man had sexiness coming out of his ears.
For all the sexiness he possessed, he had just as much respect, too. Which was what attracted her most. He could have taken advantage of every situation since they’d met. But he hadn’t. He always politely stepped back and pointed her in the direction she needed.
It turned her on to no end.
She was used to being the one to offer comfort. Being a shoulder for others to lean on. The one who always gave in. It was an amazing change of pace to feel all those things directed at her.
Cass and Luke tag-teamed calling various airlines. But it was no use. Companies were already shutting down departures out of BWI Airport. Some airlines estimated Wednesday at the earliest to be able to send planes back out. That was great, except it would be the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, which was the busiest travel day. Flights would not only be jam-packed with passengers wanting to get home for the holidays, but they also would need to fit an extra few thousand people onto planes who missed their flights because of the storm.
What a mess.
Watching Luke now, pacing the floor with cell phone to his ear, barking orders at whomever answered on the other end, she felt it. A white-hot connection that sizzled and made her want to explore just how hot it could burn. Having someone look out for her best interest was new for her and was most definitely a welcome change.
“I don’t care what your supervisor said the first time you asked,” Luke growled into the phone. “Ask her again.”
He’d put his shirt back on, and paced the floor in bare feet like a man who was conducting a major military operation.
Cass placed a hand on his shoulder. He spun with phone still to his ear. She reached for the device and with effort pulled it away. Pressing the end button, she tossed it on the chair next to the sofa.
He lurched forward as if to catch the phone. “Cass, I was trying to—”
“I know,” she said, looking into his baffled eyes. “But there isn’t anything else we can do tonight.” She lifted onto her tiptoes and placed a soft kiss on his cheek, feeling the slight prickle of his five o’clock shadow starting to come in. “Thank you.”
His eyes went hooded and he gave her a sidelong glance. “Do that again.”
Accepting his challenge, she rose up, placed her hand on his opposite cheek, and—
Luke turned and lowered his mouth onto hers. She jumped slightly in surprise, but then she breathed in the taste of him, all raw and powerful, and relaxed against his body. This kiss was sweet, tender, hot, and heavy all in one.
He groaned before gently urging her mouth open. She obliged, welcoming the warm sensation of his tongue as it swept in and seemed to test her boundaries. Desire shot through her, and she almost gasped. Cass tightened her hold around his neck, which prompted him to squeeze her tighter, too.
She couldn’t think of any other place she’d rather be in that moment. She wanted to be home with her family more than anything, but she couldn’t help that tonight. So she let the sensations of kissing Luke help her forget that she couldn’t control every single thing in her life. It was what she needed.
He pulled back, his breath ragged. “What was that for?”
She couldn’t take her eyes off his heated gaze. A gaze she’d put there. “Calling the airlines. Trying to get me home.”
“Then I can’t wait to see what you do to me when I actually get you on a plane.” He kissed her again, much more PG this time, exploring her mouth with varied pressure.
Each kiss seemed to hit just the right spot to ignite another wave of need inside her. Luke Calder knew how to kiss a woman, that was for damn sure.
It was her turn to come up for air. She rocked a little on her feet, holding onto him for balance. “What was that for?”
He gave her a wolfish grin and ran his thumb over her bottom lip. “Because I wanted to.”
Temptation rose fast and strong. It grabbed hold of her and dug its claws in. She wanted this to go further. She wanted to explore this thing between them.
But he was right—she was a grown-ass woman. And grown-ass women didn’t make out like fifteen-year-old girls on another person’s couch. Plus, it wouldn’t be long before Maybel and Estelle came home and interrupted them again. So for now, their PG kisses would have to suffice.
He must have seen the eagerness die in her eyes, because his shoulders dropped. “Another time, then?”
She patted his chest. “Definitely another time.”
Luke smiled, but it was forced. “Probably for the best anyway,” she thought she heard him mutter. “You hungry?” he said louder. “Let’s go check out what Maybel has in the fridge.”
Chapter Eleven
By the time Luke and Cass started cleaning up the dining room table after eating leftover meatloaf, Maybel and Estelle came in through the front door, bringing with them a brisk wind and spattering of fluffy snow.
“Well, it’s here,” Maybel said, brushing her hair with a gloved hand. “Glad we made it out when we did. They’re closing roads and telling everyone to say home.”
Luke passed a reserved look to Cass. That was it. She wasn’t going to get out. At least not right now.
If there was one thing he hated, it was being powerless. He’d promised himself after he’d turned his life around that he would do what he could to control the controllable. To only worry about what he himself could do. And right now that meant making Cass as comfortable as possible during the snowstorm.
“Maybel,” he said, entering the kitchen. “Do you have some extra sheets and pillows?” Cass could have his bed and he’d sleep on the couch in the TV area downstairs.
Estelle carried a large brown paper bag toward the kitchen. She set the items she’d purchased on the counter.
Maybel pulled two jugs of water out of plastic bags, cradling them in her arms. “In the closet at the top of the stairs.”
He reached for both jugs and placed them in the pantry. Cass entered the kitchen to retrieve the cold items and put them in the refrigerator.
With an appreciative glance, Maybel unwrapped her scarf from her neck and draped her thick jacket on a chair as Luke made his way toward the stairs.
When he came back from his mission, Maybel, Estelle, and Cass were seated at the kitchen table, each with a mug in front of them. The scent of coffee was a welcome and pleasant diversion. After setting the linens on the nearby chair, he joined the ladies in the kitchen.
“I’m sorry, dear,” Maybel said. “I’m sure your father will understand.”
“He will,” Cass responded through a half-hearted laugh. “He won’t like it, and will most likely hold it over my head for years, but he’ll eventually get over it. Hopefully.”
The shadow in her voice made something crack in Luke’s chest. It was a jagged, slicing pain, bringing back memories of his mother making hundreds of promises that she never kept.
Luke approached the counter, and poured a cup of coffee, ignoring the ache coursing through him. He’d spent the last twenty-three years avoiding anything close to real feelings, but it seemed the more time he spent with Cassandra, the harder it was to fight off. His defenses grew thinner, setting him on edge. He didn’t want to hurt for her. He didn’t want to feel anything.
Closing his eyes, he did the breathing tactics his therapist had shown him. He focused on what he had, rather than what he’d lost. He visualized Ash, Tyke, and Reese. Maybel, Estelle, and the other ladies. Without being able to stop
it, he pictured Cass. Her warm smile. Her bright eyes. Her passionate energy.
Mug in hand, he lowered himself in the open seat next to her. Immediately the niggling pain subsided and the tension in his body eased. Forget coping mechanisms. She held the key to his relaxation.
“Hopefully the city can get off their asses and get this nasty, wet garbage outta here quick,” Estelle said. “With how slow they are, you’d think we never get snow. It’s ridiculous.”
Cass attempted a smile before blowing over the top of her mug. “I guess we’re lucky it hit when it did since the kids already have off school for the holiday.”
“You’re at John Carver, right?” Maybel asked after a swallow from her own mug. “What made you choose there?”
“I didn’t have a choice on school, only location.” Cass went into the same story she’d told Luke about how Teachers Across America sent her here.
“Tough area,” Estelle mumbled.
Cass stayed impassive, but Luke caught the protectiveness behind her posture. She loved those kids and didn’t appreciate anyone putting them down. The beats in his chest thumped a little harder and pride surged through him at how driven she was for others less fortunate.
Keep your distance, Calder. He reminded himself. She’s leaving. Once she learns of your impending fate, she’ll cut and run. It’s inevitable.
“They have a lot of potential,” she said back. “I have one student who qualified for a scholarship to the University of Maryland on a full ride. He has amazing potential. I’m so proud of him.” She glanced out the side window where the snow fell in thick, white sheets, and sighed. When Cass brought her attention back to the table, she shook her head. “If only he would see it. He thinks the best he’s good for is living on the streets.”
Estelle and Maybel nodded like they understood.
“It’s tough, Cassandra,” Maybel said. “If that’s all they know, if that’s all they’ve been shown, it’s hard to break that cycle.”
Cass’s expression cleared and she looked directly at Maybel. “I’m going to change that. I’m going to make sure boys like Miguel know they’re meant for more. They can do more.”
There it was. The real reason she’d been at Patterson Park. But the question still remained—why? Because she cared and just wanted the kid to do something with his life? Or was it more than that? Was it only Miguel? Or was she somehow trying to help Ronan and the other gang members, too? Most of Hermandad Eterna had gone to John Carver and would’ve been at the school during Cass’s tenure. Was she out to save them all? Given her enormous heart, he wouldn’t put it past her.
Maybe she wasn’t involved in a villainous role like the team originally thought, but she could still be mixed up in some way with the dangers of the drugs and gang.
The women continued to chat, not realizing that Luke had retreated into his own little pissed off world. They moved onto more small talk about the neighborhood and the weather, and they agreed Cass should stay for as long as needed until the storm cleared.
No problem. Temporary accommodations until the storm cleared and she could be on her way. Far, far away. Hopefully halfway across the country.
“Plus,” Estelle chimed in. “You’re not gonna wanna miss the poker game.”
“Poker?” Cass slid a glance at each woman, then sent a cautious look at Luke. “But I don’t know how to play.”
Estelle tapped Cassandra’s free hand. “Don’t worry. I’ll show ya how to play.”
Maybel chuckled. “Cheat,” she said. “Estelle will show you how to cheat.”
Cass and Luke stood in his small bedroom, both staring at his king-size bed.
She was wearing his T-shirt and sweatpants, and they smelled like him. Crisp, clean, and fresh. Like the ocean breeze coming off the water. She wanted to bask in it. Breathe it in. But she also didn’t want to look like a total tool in front of him, so she strangled the life out of the shirt to keep her hands from lifting the fabric to her nose. Since she was getting ready for bed, she wasn’t wearing a bra, either; another reason she shouldn’t lift the shirt up. Once he turned around, it was fair game.
I can keep my hands off him. I can keep my hands off him.
Or, she’d try her best. His kisses though. Every time she thought about them, her blood went hot and her insides melted. She wanted more. Not just on her lips, but everywhere. His touch made her body come alive. She rejoiced in the sensation. Had never felt anything like it.
“So,” he started, drifting a glance at her. “You should have everything you need. If you get uncomfortable and need to readjust…” He approached his nightstand and opened the top drawer, pulling out a small white remote. He held it out to her. “You can use this to change the firmness of the mattress. I like it pretty firm, and I know that’s not for everyone, so you can lower the number to whatever you need.”
She looked down at the remote in his hand. “It’s okay. I don’t want to mess your bed up or change anything.”
Lifting a shoulder, he said, “It’s not a big deal.”
“What about you? Won’t you be uncomfortable? If I change the setting, would it change your side, too? If you need it hard tonight, it can be hard.”
“Hard?” His eyes flashed as a slow, wide smile broke across his face. “Yes, I do need it hard. But I’m not sleeping in here with you tonight.”
“Well, then where—?”
He hitched a thumb over his shoulder. “On the sofa.”
“Luke, I can’t kick you out of your own bed. I’ll take the sofa.”
She made it two steps before he growled. “Stay.”
Cass froze at the strict command, yet a giddy thrill sizzled over her skin. Stay.
Their gazes connected, his blue eyes boring into hers, the color deepening with each passing second. She desperately wanted to slam the door closed and pull him to her.
“You’re killing me with that look, Cass,” he said through a groan. “It’s difficult enough seeing you in my favorite T-shirt.” His gaze dropped to her breasts and his nostrils flared. She tried her best not to fidget. She tried to ignore how much she liked when he looked at her that way. It was useless. “Do us both a favor and let me walk out of here.”
“Are…are you sure?” she asked on a breath. “I…I just feel bad kicking you out of your own bed.” Yeah, that’s it. You feel guilty. Not a burning need to have him between your aching thighs.
He let out a gruff chuckle. “This is for the best. Trust me.”
“Are you sure you’ll be okay out there?”
“I’ll be fine.” But when he said it, his eye twitched.
She leveled him with a look. “You’re lying. Wanna know how I know?”
The corner of his mouth went up. “How?”
“Because your eye twitched. That’s your thing.”
“My thing?”
“Yeah,” she said. “You did it when I asked you about Serrano. Your left eye twitched.”
“It did not.”
“It did,” she said. “That’s how I knew you weren’t being honest with me.”
His fingers touched the spot just below his eye and he wore a thoughtful expression. “I have a tell.” He said it low, as if to himself. “Damn.”
He sighed. “You wanna hear me say it, don’t you?”
Laughing, he said, “Fine. I want my own bed. The couch sucks and is full of lumps. It gives me a cramp in my back that takes a week to work out. Happy?”
“I’m sleeping on the couch.” She took a quick step forward.
“Cass,” he snarled, stopping her. “Stay in here and go to sleep.”
He ran a hand over his short blond hair and released a gruff sound.
“Fine,” she said. “I’ll sleep in the bed. But at least stay in here with me. I don’t snore or kick or flail around. I promise to stay on my side and not bother you.” It would take a hell of a lot of effort, but at least she wouldn’t have
to feel bad that he was uncomfortable in the other room.
He smiled, but his eyes were tense. “I appreciate you looking out for me. But I can’t make that same promise.”
She didn’t take him for a guy who snored or kicked in his sleep, but hey, everyone had quirks.
He stepped forward so their bodies were almost touching, and he dipped his chin to look into her eyes. “If I stay in this bed with you, I can guarantee I won’t stay on my side and I’ll most definitely bother you. All night. You’re in my favorite shirt with your bare breasts all over the cotton. I wanna run my hands along your skin, lift that fucking thing off, and suck on you until you scream for me to stop.” His comment was punctuated with so much heat her knees almost gave out. “You said you won’t do anything like that in Maybel’s house, and I’m trying to respect that. Which is why I’m walking out. Right now.”
Why had she said that about Maybel’s again? It seemed like a good idea at the time. Now that she was wet and practically panting, not so much.
Her body swayed forward, but he stepped back.
“Please, Cass. I’m holding on by a thread now as it is.” His expression was laced with promise, and a quiver raced up her spine.
He turned and walked to the doorway. Shooting her a fiery glance over his shoulder, he said, “Sweet dreams.” Then pulled the door shut behind him.
Sweet dreams. Ha! If she could sleep at all.
Chapter Twelve
Maybel’s kitchen looked like an explosion had gone off in the produce aisle at Food Lion and the survivors ransacked what they could in order to salvage a meal out of it. Boxes and cans of food lay opened and empty on the counter. Clear vegetable bags had been ripped open and left wherever the contents had been taken out. Food-covered utensils in every shape and size lay strewn on every available surface.