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Claiming His Champion

Page 9

by Lily Thomas

  His onyx eyes fell on her, and he gave her a brief smile before turning his attention back to Jaxyhr. “Back away from her, Jaxyhr. We have you surrounded, and they will shoot you, if you take one more step towards her.”

  “Here I thought you’d want to kill me yourself.” Jaxyhr raised his hands in the air.

  “I do, but I won’t let my revenge come before Anara’s safety.”

  “So sweet.’ Jaxyhr scoffed, but he backed away from Anara allowing a Vrak’rir to come to her side.

  “I’m a medic.” The Vrak’rir explained before starting to examine her.

  Anara ignored the medic, as she watched Jaxyhr approach Rauhq. Then she caught the flash of metal.

  “He has a knife!” Anara screamed at the top of her lungs, hoping Rauhq would have enough time to move out of the way.

  Rauhq ducked, as Jaxyhr swiped the knife towards his neck, but then the fighting was cut off from her sight as the Vrak’rir soldiers closed ranks around the fighting pair.

  “Is no one going to help him?!” She screamed at the medic who was cutting off her pants.

  “They will interfere if and when Rauhq needs assistance. But do not worry about his safety. Rauhq is a skilled warrior, as I’m sure you know.”

  Anara met the Vrak’rir’s onyx eyes. He was skinnier than the rest of the Vrak’rir soldiers standing about, but she wouldn’t underestimate his strength.

  “Let us worry about what’s happening to you.” He finished cutting her pants off and laid her back. “Relax and push with the contractions.”

  “How many babies have you delivered?” Anara panted out as beads of sweat dotted her brow.

  “A couple.”

  “Any human babies?”

  The medic shook his head. “Do you know how far you are supposed to dilate?”

  “Ummm… maybe? I think it’s like eight or ten centimeters.”

  “How long is a centimeter?”

  Great. She was giving birth in a forest with someone who might be a medic for his people, but she was starting to freak out. This medic might not be able to help her out with delivering this baby.

  “I think it’s about this long.” Anara held up her hand and eye balled a centimeter between her forefinger and thumb.

  “Good. You appear to be ready to give birth.”

  Her life was full of adventure. She was the reigning champion in a Friren arena and now she was giving birth in a forest surrounded by Vrak’rir warriors. Not ideal, but it wasn’t like she could change her scenery.

  “Give a push when you feel another cramp. The baby appears to be in position, and I think I can see the top of the head.”

  A smile formed on her face, as sweat dripped down her forehead.

  “One final push, and I’m sure it will be over.”

  As another cramp formed, Anara gave a scream, as she pushed.

  Rauhq wanted to take his time with this, but he could hear Anara clearly giving birth to their first child. He wanted nothing more than to be there to witness it.

  “Don’t get distracted now.” Jaxyhr taunted.

  “Don’t worry. I plan on killing you and putting an end to all of this.” Rauhq hefted his ax. He could just shoot Jaxyhr, but was he willing to give up the death he’d been dreaming up for Jaxyhr? Yes, he could.

  Grabbing his gun, he leveled it at Jaxyhr’s head.

  “Wouldn’t you like to take your time?”

  “I would, but I have a birth to attend.” With that said, his finger pulled the trigger.

  Anara cracked her eyes open, and the bright light blinded her. “Am I dead?”

  “No.” A smooth voice spoke from beside her. “You are in a hospital. Your delivery was a little rough, but everything is fine.”

  Blinking a couple times, Anara let her eyes adjust to the light, and then looked over to where Rauhq was standing beside her hospital bed with a bundle in his arms.

  “Is that our baby?”

  “Our son.” Rauhq confirmed.

  “Really? Oh, let me hold him.” Anara held out her hands.

  “Are you sure you’re feeling alright?”

  “Of course I am! Now hand me our son.”

  Rauhq gave the bundle over to her eager arms.

  “He’s adorable.” He was a lighter blue than his father, and his eyes were slightly different. Instead of being a full onyx only the pupils and irises were onyx, but he did have his father’s soft black hair.

  “He will turn eyes, when he is older, I am sure.”

  Anara looked up to see the pride shining bright in Rauhq’s eyes. “You know, my life as an arena champion was a lot of fun, but I think I might want to be a mother. You know what I mean? I want to be a housewife for a change.”

  “I will keep your weapons sharp, in case you should have need of them.”

  Anara smiled up at him. Of course, he’d be ok with anything she decided. “Thank you. Don’t get me wrong, I love my swords just like the next woman, but it could be fun to experience a softer life.”

  “I will provide you with anything you need.”

  Anara glanced back down at their son. “Will he be in anymore danger? Does Jaxyhr have family that will be looking for revenge?”

  Rauhq shook his head, and his onyx eyes looked more relaxed than she’d ever seen. “No family to speak of. We will finally have some quiet, and I will take some time off to spend at home with you.”

  “That will be nice.”

  “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to have another family.”

  Rauhq leaned over and gave her a kiss on the lips. Weirdly enough she had the Frirens to thank for all of this.

  “Speaking of family.” Anara glanced up at Rauhq. “Do you think we can do anything for Tiera?”

  “We can try. I’m sure I can bribe her way out of there, if needed.”

  “Thank you. I’d hate for her to die in there, because it hadn’t been her choice to fight in the arena.”

  Rauhq’s hand came out to smooth her hair back from her face. “I will take care of it right away.”

  Perfect. Everything in her life was going to be perfect.




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