Safe, In His Arms: The In His Arms Series Book 1

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Safe, In His Arms: The In His Arms Series Book 1 Page 4

by Donn, KL

  Pushing the door open fully, I crouch down beside her, gliding one hand up and down her side as she groans and rolls over to her back. “Onyx?” Her voice is pained as she hisses the single word out.

  “I’m here, princess.” Anger consumes me with nowhere to direct it as I see the bruises along her arms and legs. I remain quiet, holding her while we wait on the paramedics to arrive and contain any questions I have for her until she’s been seen by a doctor.

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” she sobs against my thigh where her head is resting as I smooth back the hair from her face with an easy hand.

  “Nothing wrong with you, Gracie. Accidents happen.” Her body shakes as she cries and tries to make sense of this.

  “Always to me, though.” Her eyes close just as the paramedics burst through the lobby doors, and I wave them over.

  “What happened?” the older of the two men asks, and I see his name tag says Jack.

  “She fell down the stairs,” I reply when she doesn’t respond, just watching them with tired eyes.

  Her hiss of pain makes me tense as the younger man starts poking around the back of her head while Jack checks her vitals, pulse, and her pupils. “This is gonna need some stitches.” I look at the younger guy who is commenting and see his name tag—Drake.

  “She’s going to need to go to the hospital. Ma’am, did you lose consciousness?” Jack asks.

  “I think so?” Her words still sound slurred.

  “Can you tell me what happened?” he asks again.

  I watch as she searches her mind for an answer. When she finally remembers, a tear rolls down her cheek, and she looks up to me. “I just wanted to do something special for you.” A hiccup lets loose in her distress. “I wanted to show you…”

  “Show me what, Gracie?”

  Her breathing becomes shallow as panic seizes her small frame. “Let’s get her loaded in the bus and on to the hospital. You can talk more there,” Jack instructs, and as the tears continue to flow, I have to agree.

  My girl is hurting, and more than physically. But I have no fucking clue why.

  Everything happens in a blur after that. I jump into the ambulance with Grace for the quick ride to the hospital. After a text to Marty asking him to have a uniform pick up my cruiser and bring it to me, we’ve arrived, and Grace is being taken back to an exam room that they won’t allow me into.

  After pacing the waiting room for hours, I’ve had enough and demand to see her. The nurse must not want to deal with my grumpy ass because she shows me to Grace’s room immediately.

  Pulling the curtain back, I set my eyes on her, and my world centers itself again. Pale, bruised, and bloody, she’s never been more beautiful to me.

  Staying quiet, I pull the chair from off to the side closer to her bed and sit. The nurse leaves as I take hold of Grace’s hand, bring it up to my mouth, and I kiss her gently and say a prayer of thanks that she wasn’t hurt more seriously.

  “Onyx?” Her head turns to the side to stare at me. Her eyes are unfocused as she smiles.

  “I’m here, baby.” Kissing her hand again, I return her grin.

  “I have a concussion,” she mutters sleepily. That isn’t surprising with the way she was acting on the phone and then when I found her.

  With the number of times she’s been tripping over things, I want to wrap her in bubble wrap and never let her out of my sight. But it’s unrealistic so I might have to settle with moving her in with me.

  I’m a cop, on a cop’s salary, and while money isn’t piling in by the millions, I have a nice little nest egg from the life insurance of my grandparents when they passed away and from living frugally the last ten years. I know she’s got her money, but I intend on taking care of her. Giving her everything she wants or needs and more.

  “Rest, princess.” I smooth the hair back from her face as her eyes drift close.

  “I love you,” she whispers so quietly I almost don’t hear it, and my heart fucking sings.

  Leaning closer, I murmur in her ear, “Love you too, Gracie.”

  I don’t think she hears me as her body goes limp with exhaustion. After the doctor shows up to tell me what I already know and gives instructions for her home care, he informs me that we can leave in the morning. She needs to stay the night for observation.

  The case I had been called into when she phoned had just been passed on to narcotics because there were no signs of a homicide, and Marty and I were trying to determine why we had been called in to begin with. Sure, there was shooting and a lot of blood, but it was a drug deal gone wrong, no one was dead.

  For once, Marty was on the paperwork as I raced to be at Grace’s side. I’ve gotten a few texts from him to see how she is. Marty may be a playboy, but he’s got a good heart when he wants to.

  A soft knock on the wall reveals the man in question bearing food. “Didn’t think you’d leave her side. Even for sustenance.” He laughs lightly, knowing it’s true.

  “Thanks, man, I appreciate this.” I stand, grabbing the food and shaking his hand.

  “She gonna be alright?” He takes one of the burgers I hand him and sits in the other free chair.

  “Yeah, a slight concussion, stitches in the head, and lots of bruising. She came away lucky.” Given how her stepmother died, that’s putting it lightly.

  “Good. She’s a good kid. Doesn’t need no more hardship in her life.” We eat in silence after that because he’s right. Grace was dealt a raw hand over and over, and I’m hoping to be the one to change that for her.

  “Got a favor, Marty.” He looks up to me. “Need to put a ring on her.”

  “You mean you haven’t already?” He chuckles, knowing I’m like a dog with a bone when I find something I want. And there’s nothing I want more than for Grace to be mine.

  “Didn’t want to scare her.” I shrug. “My grandmother’s ring is in the safe in my closet. Will you go get it?” Playboy or not, Marty is the closest thing to a best friend I’ve got, and he knows the codes to both of my safes. I trust the man with my life.

  “You don’t want to wait until she’s home?” He’s laughing but stands to do as I ask.

  Fixing my stare on Grace, the answer is easy. “Nope. If it’s on her finger, then she can’t say no.” Shaking his head, Marty doesn’t argue with my logic, just leaves.

  The rest of the night passes in a blur of bright lights, nurses poking and prodding my girl, and finally, Marty arriving back with the ring. He comes and goes without a word.

  The sun has long gone down, and the room is bathed in moonlight as I slip the one-carat rose gold band on her left ring finger. It’s simple and elegant, just like my princess.

  I kiss all along her face, knowing another round of nurses are about to come in and wake her up again. Pretty standard procedure for a concussion, to make sure she hasn’t forgotten who or where she is, but annoying and disturbing as fuck.

  “Gracie girl, wake up for me.” Her lids flutter, but she doesn’t open them. Placing my lips reverently on hers, I lick across the seam, and she parts them for me. “Hi, baby,” I murmur.

  “Hi,” she whispers back, her breath brushing my lips. “Is it time already?” She yawns wide and groans, stretching as I help her sit up.

  I don’t say anything else as she situates herself and reaches for the ice water I’ve kept fresh on the table beside her. When she grabs the cup, she freezes, and I know she’s noticed what I did.

  “Onyx?” My name on her lips never fails to harden my cock. Hurt or not, my body is always going to want to fuck this woman senseless.

  “Gracie,” I mimic her.

  “What is this?” She squints as she holds her hand away from her body, and I can see she wants to be excited. Grace wants to jump up and down, but she barely moves…breathes. She’s frozen in a moment of time waiting for confirmation.

  “I love you, Grace Hawthorne. I love every quirk, every dream, every inch of you. I know this is lightning quick for us, but I think it is us. Yo
u were meant to be mine, Gracie, and I intend to make you my wife.” I won’t ask her, less chance of her saying no if I do.

  She opens her mouth then closes it and frowns. “You didn’t ask.” I can see the laughter in her eyes as she points it out.

  “I don’t intend to. The ring is on, baby. This is only a formality, so you know my intentions.” I smirk when her jaw drops at my claim.

  “Well.” She clears her throat, looks at me then the ring and back to me. “I’m going to say yes, anyways.” I smile so big my whole face hurts. Fuck, do I love this woman.

  As I lean forward, I hear the curtain being drawn back, but I don’t care, I kiss her. Grace Hawthorne threw me for a loop the first time I saw her, and ever since, I’ve known that I was going to put her on lockdown. I just didn’t realize how quickly she’d own me, too.

  Today is supposed to be a sad day. I should be shedding tears of sorrow, not happiness. He does that to me, thankfully. Onyx has given me everything I never thought I would have. He’s given me life, love, laughter.

  As my stepmother is lowered into the ground, I feel remorse. For all the things we never got to work through. For the unanswered questions. Mostly because, on some level, my father must have loved her, and for him, I’m sad.

  The funeral has a nice turnout of people who knew Robyn in some way, but I don’t see any overly-bereaved faces due to her permanent absence. She was never a people person and wasn’t afraid to own it. Robyn liked to brag and pretend that she was better than everyone else. I think most of these people are here out of obligation or loyalty to my father.

  “I’m ready to leave,” I tell Onyx, who has stood beside me since I got out of the hospital four days ago and hasn’t left once. My wounds have healed, but my ego is still bruised, especially given that I tripped over that damn hall table again yesterday.

  If not for Onyx catching me, I’d have fallen into the wall and hit my head again. His cursing carried on for hours as he removed every obstacle in my apartment that I could possibly trip over. When I jokingly suggested that if we had a bigger house, I wouldn’t have so many things to gracefully tumble to the ground with me, he was on the computer and house hunting in an hour.

  We have an appointment to see a cute bungalow in a middle-class neighborhood outside the city tomorrow morning. I tried to tell him we could go for a gated community, but he refused to let me help with it. He said if he couldn’t take care of me with the money he had, then he wasn’t man enough to have me as his wife.

  I shut up after that because he’s all I want. What I failed to tell him was that I emailed the realtor this morning asking her if she could bring some listings for what I suggested within his budget, and she told me she had the perfect place in mind.

  I know Onyx had settled on the bungalow because his eyes lit up when I mentioned it was gated. I also realize the listing she’ll bring will most likely be a fixer-upper, and I have a feeling Onyx will take that as more of a challenge than me going behind his back.

  As he guides me to his cruiser, he opens the door and lifts me up. Buckling my seatbelt, he gives me a quick kiss before closing the door. I watch him as he walks around the hood of the SUV and climbs in beside me.

  Before he starts the engine, he turns to face me. “How you doing?” I smile because he’s always thinking of me, and I love that about him.

  “I’m fine, Onyx.” I reach over and caress his cheek while he watches me. “I’d like to go home now.” My eyelids lower as I think of all the things I want him to do to me. I was given the all-clear from my doctor this morning pertaining to the healing of my concussion. She said I should be fine to resume all activities, giving me a wink when my eyes slid to Onyx sitting and watching.

  It doesn’t take much for him to realize where my mind has drifted, and he smirks as he turns towards home. The ride feels quicker than usual because all I can think about is being in his arms. I love how he holds me. Even with his strength, Onyx is nothing but gentle and kind.

  The engine shutting off breaks me free of my musings as he jumps out and comes to my side. Helping me down, he ushers me to the elevator, making sure he has a tight hold on my waist as we walk.

  Once the doors open for us and we’re inside, he pushes the button for our floor. My back hits the wall as the doors close, and his lips are on my neck, biting and sucking. Onyx loves to leave love bites on me.

  “The things I want to do to you, Gracie,” he rumbles.

  “I’d really like to try that thing from before I fell.”

  He pulls away and looks at me. My cheeks heat as he thinks about it. A huge grin lights his face as he remembers what he said. “Yeah, these lips”—he leans forward to kiss me and nibble on my lower lip—“will look perfect wrapped around my cock.”

  Heat floods my entire body as the doors open, and he walks us out, backing me up into the apartment door. We stumble through while he unlocks it, slamming it closed with a foot as he spins me around. I close my eyes and lean back as his hands move up and down my body with such worship.

  “Fuck, you’re delicious, princess.” His words are pained as his hand moves down to squeeze his cock. I blush at the move, and Onyx chuckles. “God, I love your innocence. That blush.” The more he speaks, the deeper his voice becomes with his desire for me.

  Pushing past my nerves, I shed my jacket, letting it drop to the floor and reach out for him. My hands brush up his chest, leisurely at first, as I step into his body. He remains still, waiting on what I intend to do. I love his patience with me.

  Grazing his jaw with my lips, I pepper him with small kisses down his neck as my hands travel back down his chest. When I reach the buckle of his belt, I freeze until I feel his hands on my waist. His thumbs move in soothing circles as I gain confidence.

  Working quickly, before I lose my bravado, I have his jeans undone and hitting the floor with me as I drop to my knees in front of him. Biting my lip, I look up to find him watching me with silent intensity, barely holding himself back from taking control as his hands fist my hair. Inhaling a fortifying breath, I kiss his hardened length through the black silk of his boxers. When it twitches at the gentle touch, I jump and giggle at myself. He groans.

  “Go on,” Onyx encourages. I can still feel his eyes on me as I move my hands to pull the material down his legs. His masculinity springs free and before I can react, a small pearl of liquid slips free of him.

  Temptation drives me forward. He’s tasted me so often I’ve lost count. Without thought, I grip the base of his flesh with one hand while my other hand steadies my position by holding onto his thickly muscled thigh. The rough hairs scratch my overly sensitive skin.

  Leaning forward, I don’t ask permission. I do as Onyx always does to me, and I lick him from base to tip, making sure to grab that drop with my tongue as I reach the top. The flavor explodes on my tongue.

  A mix of salty and sweet.

  I want more.

  Opening my mouth wider, I don’t hesitate to take him as far as I can. When I’ve reached the point of no return, I close my lips, look up to meet his powerful stare, and swallow. His eyes enlarge briefly before the passion takes over, and he growls deep in his chest for more.

  Moving slowly up and down his length, I pump my fist in tune with my strokes, making sure to keep a tight hold with my lips as I return the pleasure I know he craves. Closing my eyes, I concentrate on the feel and taste of my man finally in my mouth. I had been nervous every time I thought about it, but now, I’m quickly becoming addicted to the salty taste and rough but soft feel of him.

  His pulse beats an erratic rhythm along his length, and before I can bring him to release, Onyx pulls me to my feet and spins me around. Lifting my dress, he rips my panties from my body and without warning, slams his cock inside my pussy.

  “Onyx!” I cry out as he pumps his hips roughly into me from behind.

  “You did it, you fucking did it, Gracie,” he hisses in my ear, and I feel myself flood with passion for him.

��Did what?” I question, but I know the answer.

  “You brought the beast out to play. I’m going to fill this pussy up with so much of my cum, it’ll be leaking from you for a week.”

  “I wanted to taste it,” I whisper, looking over my shoulder at him.

  “Fuck,” he groans and grips my hips harder. I’ll be bruised, I’m sure.

  Onyx’s body pushes into mine, flattening me against the door as his strokes pick up speed and power. It’s almost painful the way he fucks me, but I wouldn’t ask for it any other way.

  This man, he’s become my everything practically overnight, and I couldn’t be happier.

  “Fuck me, Onyx,” I sigh when he slows down.

  Stopping completely, he spins me back around without a word. Picking me up, my legs wrap around his waist, and he slams his cock back inside of me. Making us both cry out.

  “Fuck, do I love you, princess.” He bites my neck as I absorb each thrust, each whispered word like a prayer.

  “I love us, Onyx,” I whisper, and we both let go. Bliss captures us in its tight tentacles, shaking us to our cores as our bodies crash to the floor in a heap of carnal energy.

  Together, I know we can have anything we want.

  Together, we’ll make the perfect family.

  Together, we’ll have the world.

  Three Years Later.

  “Oh fuck,” I groan. “Gracie, baby, stop.” I definitely don’t want her to, but if she doesn’t, I’m going to blow before I get a chance to fuck another baby into her. I’ve been begging her for over a year to let me, but she just sucks the cum straight from my dick.

  With the amount of time we spend behind closed doors, I’m shocked I haven’t fucked the birth control right out of her system, but it holds strong.

  “Onyx,” she whispers, standing, “I tossed the pills last month.” A sly smile appears as she turns around, bending over the end of the bed and displaying her luscious ass to me. Fingerprints from my rough fucking the night before are imprinted on the small globes.


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