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Soul Awakened: A Paranormal Romance (Fire & Ice Book 2)

Page 8

by Idella Breen

  She didn’t want to yell out for Cait, in case Lee found her again. So, what did she do? How could she fight someone she couldn’t see. The icy feeling of her powers was building in her chest again from fear, but how could that help her when she couldn’t find the Asian man?

  A whisper. “Focus and let go.”

  How could she focus when her heart was in her throat and her body was shaking. The pressure built in her gut. The ice chilling her to her bones.


  A metal star nearly stabbed her hand. She stood, and started running again. How was he finding her? How could he see her? Was he invisible?

  A yell. “Focus and let go!”

  Snow stopped in the middle of a clearing. She looked around but couldn’t see Lee anywhere. The brunette was terrified. How was she supposed to focus when she was so scared? Scared? What did Lee say before he disappeared? She was afraid of her potential? What did that mean?


  Snow didn’t move as the star flew by her head. Where had it come from? Focus! Let go! Snow screamed in her mind and the knot of ice in her chest released slowly. Like sand, it slipped from her grasp and trailed down her body leaving icy trails traveling down her spin. Suddenly, it was very cold. Her teeth began to chatter and she had to grind them together. Focus! Let go! Whoosh. Thunk.

  Snow felt the wet feeling as more blood trailed down her shoulder where the metal star had sliced through her shirt. Whoosh. Thunk. There! Snow held up her hand towards her left and a beam of blue and white light shot from her hand hitting an invisible shape. The shape rippled until it suddenly burst and Lee was standing before her, his arms and legs covered in ice. He was holding another metal star in his hand, prepared to throw it, but was frozen in the act.

  Snow fell to the ground in exhaustion. It had been a while since she used her abilities. Something cold landed on her nose. The brunette looked up only to see small white snowflakes falling from the sky. It was snowing.

  “I commend you Snow Bennett. I don’t think even your grandmother was able to change the weather. Would you mind unfreezing me?”

  The girl nodded. “I don’t know how?”

  “Imagine warmth. Something hot that warms you.”

  An image of Cait filled her mind and Snow suddenly blushed. The ice around the man melted.

  “Good job Mrs. Bennett. I am truly impressed. I wasn’t expecting you to catch on so quickly.”

  Snow managed to stand, although a bit wobbly. “You could have killed me!”

  “You were perfectly safe. I have impeccable aim.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Are you still afraid of the unknown Mrs. Bennett? Are you still afraid of yourself?”

  Snow paused as she reached the smaller man. “What do you mean?”

  “Were you not able to freeze just my arms and legs? You did not kill me with your ice. You had enough control of it to pinpoint, without seeing, exact parts of my body. So, I’ll ask you again. Are you still afraid that you will hurt the ones you hold most dear?”

  Snow met the salamander’s brown eyes and felt the answer with the fullness of her soul. “No.”

  Lee smiled. “Then we can begin your training.”


  Cait settled into her meditation and soon she was once again in the field with her wolf. Luminous amber eyes were silently watching her. The wolf’s voice echoed in her mind.

  “You have come to learn control.”

  “I have.”

  “You will be disappointed then.”

  Cait frowned. “Why?”

  The wolf looked up. A full moon was high in the sky of her mind. “My flames are not something easily controlled like a salamanders flame. My fire is born from true passion.”

  “So I can’t control it?”

  “It is not a question of control but more a question of purpose. Your fire will burn what you will. You must simply wish for it to burn and it will.”

  “Isn’t it controlled by my emotions?”

  “Yes and no. Emotions muddy up intention. If anything, you must learn to decide what it is you truly wish to burn.”

  Cait nodded. “How do I do that?”

  “Through focus. The more you focus on something, the easier it will be to burn. Don’t let you emotions decide what is set aflame. You must focus and decide with logic over feeling.”

  “I think I understand.”

  “Then we are done.” The wolf moved to stand.


  The white wolf paused and amber eyes met her electric blue. “What shall I call you wolf? I have alway thought of you as a separate being from myself, but have never named you.”

  “I have no name. I have forgotten it through all the lifetimes. You may call me what you will.”

  “May I call you Luna?”

  The white wolf bowed it’s head. “That will suffice. We will always be one but separate. I have respect for you Cait Fallon. You took upon my ancient soul and even when our soul was stollen and my once black fur turned white, you accepted my mind. Our relationship will always be one of mutual respect. I entrust you with my flame while you give me your body. You have earned my blessing and the title of Protector. Now go and protect our mate.”

  The scenery around them began to blur until it faded away completely and Cait was once again sitting in the clearing. The first thing she became aware of was that the sun had begun to set, while the second thing was the metallic scent that she knew to be blood. Cait jerked up until she was standing. She wobbled slightly after having sat for so long, but she gained her balance, and moved in the direction the scent was coming from, only to bump into a feathered chest. She stood back.

  “Beck? Get out of my way!”

  “I’m sorry Captain but I cannot.”

  “Move, Beck!” Cait shoved him but he held fast.

  “I have promised Lee Sho that I would detain you.”

  “Detain me? Why? What has he done to Snow?”

  “It is training, I assure you.”

  “Then let me go to her. She’s bleeding.”

  “I cannot.”

  “Beck, unless you want both of your wings ripped off, I suggest you move.” Cait shoved him again, but he simply grabbed her arms.

  “You want her to grow stronger, do you not?”

  “What?” The werewolf paused.

  “Will you really be able to watch her every move on the battlefield? I haven’t been in as many fights as you, Cait Fallon, but I have had my fair share, and I know from experience the chaos of a battlefield. She will need to be able to hold her own, if she is to live. Will you deny her survival?”

  “Move Beck!”

  “Snow is training so that she may fight alongside you. Her blood will be spilt. Will you panic on the battlefield or will you protect her back and fight with her? You cannot coddle her Captain. She must learn to hold her own ground. Is that not why she asked for your help?”

  Cait stilled. Her instincts called for her to go to her mate but Beck’s words were finally beginning to sink in, as a truth she didn’t want to accept. Snow needed this training. Cait signed as Beck continued to hold her arms.

  “Hold me then Beck, for if you let go, I don’t know what I will do.”

  “Yes, Captain. It will be over soon and your mate will come back to you stronger. Bare with it.”


  “Concentrate Snow. Use the diamond to focus your power. Snow held up her sword and the blue diamond sparkled like fresh snow, as the girl concentrated her energy on that one point. Suddenly, a beam of blue and white light shot out of the sword and froze the small wooden post she had been focusing on. It was completely covered in ice in a matter of seconds and Snow spun around, a wide smile on her face. “It’s a lot easier with the sword!”

  Cait pat her on the back, drawing her into a hug. “Good job Snow.” She whispered in the girl’s ear making a blush stain her cheeks.

  Lee smiled. “You have learned much in a short amount of time Mrs.
Bennett. With a little more practice, you will truly be dangerous in a fight.”

  Beck nodded. “Indeed. I’m glad I work for your mother.”

  Snow smiled and was about to respond, but was interrupted by Beck’s cellphone ringing. He jerked in surprise, but drew the phone out from his feathers and answered it. The tengu was silent for a moment, simply listening. “Understood, I will inform the parties involved. Thank you.” He hung up and turned to Cait.

  “Mistress Integra has information regarding the whereabouts of the dark bloods we were searching for. She has asked for us all to come to her house in an hour or so.”

  Cait nodded, her expression morphing into indifference. “We will need to tell Remus. He will need to be present as well.”

  Beck nodded. “I will find him.”

  Lee said. “I believe I last saw him in the dining room. I will accompany you.”

  The two men made their way towards the house leaving Cait and Snow in the backyard. The brunette looked up to her mate and grabbed her hand tightly. “I guess it’s time then.”

  Cait smiled tightly. “Don’t worry Snow. You’re ready for this.”


  “I don’t know your mother’s battle strategy, but just remember, you won’t be out there alone. I’ll be with you, as well as Remus and his pack. We will all be fighting alongside you.”

  Snow nodded and smiled. “I won’t forget.”

  “Good.” Cait dragged the girl back into a hug and held her tightly. Honestly, she didn’t want Snow to fight, but the girl was dead-set on it, so she would support her with everything she had. She wouldn’t let even one of those dark bloods lay a hand on her mate.

  Chapter 9

  They were all gathered around a large circular table in the middle of the room. Cait was standing next to her as her mother explained the battle plans.

  “I’m still hesitant to issue a full frontal attack. I was thinking we could go about this in a more tactful way.”

  Beck said. “Are you suggesting we infiltrate their hideout and assassinate our targets? If you are, I will support that tact. Honestly, Mistress Integra, after reading the reports of the intel our spies have gathered, I believe we would still be outnumbered, even with the addition of Remus’s pack. Also, it will result in the least amount of casualties should we succeed.”

  Integra nodded. “It can also be done without beginning an all out war especially if we are able to elect a new queen to the dark bloods at this meeting of their leaders. I believe Aiden and Xena will be demonstrating their superior powers to dominate over the other dark bloods. According to the intel, this meeting is supposed to be to elect the new leader. It will be a show of power and command over other dark bloods and we believe Aiden and Xena will dominate the election, due to having some of Snow’s abilities. If we can infiltrate the meeting and take out Aiden and Xena and offer a stronger candidate, then we may be able to prevent an all out war.”

  Beck nodded. “But who will take the throne?”

  They were all silent for a moment before Snow spoke. “I believe Dian will be a good candidate.”

  Integra nodded. “Yes, Dian. You mentioned her before. You said she had the ability to instill absolute loyalty into people? That may come in handy. Do you know the full capabilities of her power?”

  Snow shook her head.

  “I see, well, I hate to rely on an unknown factor, but the dark bloods simply won’t follow a leader that is not a dark blood, and I don’t have any under my control. We may just have to rely on your judgment Snow. Or else I fear the election will be left to the dark bloods to choose their new leader and, though there are a few candidates that I can reason with, they are all unpredictable. Many, like Aiden, want a full on war, while other’s simply want more power and land. I prefer the latter over the former, but both would be troublesome.” She paused and thought it over. “Fine, find Dian at the meeting. If she is as important to Aiden as she seems then she will be close to him. Find her and convince her to take the throne. I will leave that to you daughter.”

  Snow gulped and nodded. Suddenly, she felt like she was playing an important role. Cait squeezed her shoulder gently before turning back to Integra. “So, who will be in the unit infiltrating their meeting place?”

  Integra nodded. “Well, you and my daughter of course. Beck will go and I believe Remus should also go. That will give you a unit of four people. Enough to move quickly, but still handle yourselves in battle.”

  Integra folded her arms and looked up to meet each of their eyes. “This is it. There is no room for error. If we fail, war is a sure thing and the treaty of absolute peace will be broken. You have to succeed.”

  Everyone nodded and Integra clapped. “If you understand that, then get ready. The election begins tomorrow. We will use the cover of night to strike tonight. Prepare yourselves and meet back here in an hour.”

  Integra turned to Beck. “Beck, you will be leading this unit, so come with me. I want to discuss the layout of the mansion and the best route to take to get to our targets.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  Remus, Snow and Cait left the boardroom, and walked out into the hallway. Remus turned back to them. “Do you need a ride back to my place?”

  Cait shook her head. “We’re going to go back to our place. There are a few things I need from my apartment.”

  Remus nodded and left the two women in the hallway. The brunette turned to her mate. “What do you need from home?”

  “I’ll show you when we get there.”

  “Okay.” Snow followed her mate down the hall. Halfway to their car Snow bumped into the werewolf’s shoulder. “I feel like a ninja.”

  Cait chuckled. “More like spies, but you can call it what you will. It’s a lot harder than you think. You’ll have to follow all of our leads.”

  “Have you done it before?”

  “Sure. I’ve done assassinations when I worked for your grandmother.”



  “I just always pictured you as a face to face kind of fighter. Honor and all of that.”

  “There is no honor in death, Snow. Don’t let television trick you. It’s a messy business.”

  “I don’t agree with you.”

  Cait looked down at her. “You don’t?”

  “I think if you die for a just cause, that you can die with honor. It will mean something.”

  Cait looked up to the car and paused before opening the passenger door and letting Snow climb in. Closing the door she made her way to the drivers seat and settled into the chair before turning to her mate. “Don’t you think it means more to their loved one’s, if they are able to come home? I guess you’re right that if they die for a just cause then it means something but honestly, I rather come home if I can. I would fight to come home. That would mean more to me.”

  Snow sighed and reached across the divider to grasp her mate’s hand. “Let’s make sure we all come home then.”

  The werewolf nodded and turned on the engine.


  It wasn’t until they were back at their apartment that Snow finally felt the exhaustion of the day settle over her. She yawned as she entered the living room and plopped down on the couch. Cait came to stand in front of her and shuffled nervously from foot to foot.

  “So, what was it that you wanted to get?” Snow asked.

  Cait reached into her pocket but didn’t pull her hand out just yet. “Hold out your hand.”

  “A present! I love presents. Do I need to close my eyes?”

  The redhead chuckled and shifted her weight again. She looked jittery. “Yeah, do that too.”

  Snow gave a girlish squeal and closed her eyes, as she scooted to sit on the edge of the couch. She held out her left hand and waited. A moment later she felt something light and cool settle in her palm.

  “You can open them.” Cait whispered.

  The brunette’s eyes eagerly popped open, but what she saw made her pause. In the
center of her palm was a small silver ring. She brought it closer so she could inspect the intricate design on the front of it. It was of two open palm hands holding a silver heart with a tiny crown on it. “What is this Cait?”

  “I know we are bonded mates but you’re human, Snow, and the bonding ritual is a werewolf thing. I know you never mentioned it, but I just thought it would be right to get you a ring to make our marriage official. It’s of the Claddagh symbol. The hands mean friendship, the crown loyalty, and lastly, the heart is love. You will always hold my heart in your hands Snow, and I am eternally loyal to you. You’re my best friend and you have always supported me, even when we disagreed on things, and we have disagreed a lot. I know we are already married in werewolf terms but…” Cait kneeled down on one knee in front of Snow and taking the ring back, held it up. “Snow Marie Bennett, will you marry me?”

  Snow could feel tears trailing down her cheeks, as she gazed into worried blue orbs. She held her hand out and whispered. “Yes, you big dork. Of course I will.”

  Cait smiled and slipped the ring onto her left hand. They both stood, and Snow threw her arms around the werewolf, planting her lips on smiling ones. When she pulled, back Cait wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “Where did you get this ring? When did you have the time to buy it?”

  “I didn’t buy it. It was my mother’s. It has been passed down through my family for centuries. I was the last to receive it before my mother died. She gave it to me when I hit puberty. The ring can be given to a loved one, but because of it’s versatile meaning, it can also be given to loved family members, especially from mother to daughter. I wanted it to be your wedding ring because it was my mother’s when she married my father and he gave it to her.”

  “Oh Cait, thank you. This means the world to me.”

  “You mean the world to me.”

  Snow gave a watery laugh and slapped the werewolf in the shoulder. “Stop it! You’re making me cry.”

  Cait chuckled. “Come on. Let’s get ready for bed. It’s getting late.”

  The brunette nodded and followed the werewolf back to their shared bedroom. “I feel like you keep trying to get me into bed these days.”


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