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The Prince Charming Search

Page 7

by Amanda Kay


  Her heart was racing. He would walk away if she said no whenever he proposed. That would crush her. Maybe she should get out now. While the fall wouldn’t be as long if she waited even a month or two when that ground fell out, it would kill her.

  “I....maybe I should leave now,” she whispered. She felt the tears sting her eyes. He took another step forward and reached for her this time she let him.

  His hands held her face gently and lovingly, “Tai, I don’t want you to go.”

  “I have to, I know I won’t be able to say yes so quickly again.” He dropped her face and stepped back and she felt the ground open up. This was it. The short time she had with him was perfect but this was it.

  “Damn it, Tai!” His angered words directed at her caused her to flatten herself against her bedroom door. “You need to trust me.” His words still upset her but she could see him working overtime to calm down.

  “Why six months?” He shook his head, he wasn’t going to answer her question and she felt a blow to her heart. “Okay, let’s go over something again then. If I say no whenever you propose in this six month window, you just leave?” She realized she too was yelling.

  “No, Tai, I walk away leaving my heart with you. I won’t have a choice though.” He ran his hand through his hair and chanced another step towards her, but she shook him off.

  “I don’t know if I can do this, Raiden.” It terrified her to say those words.

  His eyes snapped to her and the anger he worked hard to suppress had resurfaced. “Fuck, Tai, do what you want. But I’m not Jordan!” On that note he turned and stomped off. She twisted the knob on the door and stumbled inside.

  She fell to the bed and dialed the one person she trusted for some sound advice, her dad.

  “Hi, baby girl.” She lost it when answered. “Tai, what’s wrong?”

  She worked to calm herself before speaking, “Raiden has to be engaged in six months.”

  “So that’s his name. Why is this an issue, Tai?” he asked.

  “I don’t know if I can,” she answered honestly.

  “Tai, my baby girl, you haven’t known him long but I could tell yesterday you were smitten. Sweetheart, don’t give up in him because you’re scared. Just see what happens.”

  “If I say no, he walks away. I don’t understand it all but he has secrets bigger than what I think I can handle.”

  “You’ve fallen hard. Fallen hard and it’s only been two days, Tai. What does that tell you? And don’t use your head.” She thought about that, closed her eyes and listened to the silence. Her heart was hammering, and then it hammered faster the moment Raiden entered her head. Listening to the beat of her heart she understood what her dad was saying. She would never know if she’d be able to say yes unless she stuck around for that moment to arise.

  “Thanks, dad.” She smiled wiping the rest of her tears.

  “You’re welcome, baby girl, now get off this damn phone and go talk to him.” She laughed and did just that.

  He had royally screwed up. He yelled at her, cursed at her, and made her feel lower than low. He could tell she was scared but instead of trying to explain it without actually explaining it, he screwed up and broke his promise. He could see her heart breaking and he just walked away from her. How could he have done that to her?

  “Raiden?” she whispered as she slowly pushed his bedroom door open. Before he could register his actions he was in front of her and lifting her off the ground.

  He sat on the bed keeping her in his arms, “I’m sorry, Tai. I wasn’t prepared for that.”

  “Hey, playboy, look at me.” Her use of playboy surprised him, mostly because he thought he had lost her. His obeyed her words though, “I wasn’t either, and I’m sorry, too.”

  “You’re not leaving?” the words barely escaping his mouth.

  “No. I don’t know what will happen, I can’t tell you I’d say yes or no. What I can say is, when that time comes the answer you get will be an honest one.” She dropped her forehead to his and he felt his hands go to the sides of her neck.

  “I can handle that, I don’t want to have to walk away though.” He was hurting. This woman, in a few short days, had turned his world on its head and now life without her seemed impossible.

  “And I don’t want to force that decision on you, but if I say no, I’ll understand the choice you need to make,” she sighed.

  “Love you, never thought I’d find the one. For sure never thought I would know I had found her in such a short time after meeting, but I’m sure, Tai.

  “I’m sure too, and playboy, I love you.” He was done talking, his world hadn’t shattered like he was so sure it had and he wanted to cherish that reality.

  He kissed her, pouring his soul into it and when he found her tongue he felt her soul being poured into their kiss. She was flat on the bed before they both even blinked. He broke their kiss panting, “I had special plans for us today.”

  She flashed him a smile, “Well then, we’ll get to them after you make love to me.” She was going to kill him, and he would die one happy guy.

  He took care to remove her clothes and once she was naked and his shirt was off, he leaned over her trailing kisses down her body and gently sucking (not wanting to let another secret out of the bag) on her skin as he reached her stomach her breath hitched. His hand followed the trail of his mouth and settled in between her legs. He pushed two of his fingers into her body, as his tongue proceeded to lick her inner thigh. She bucked under him as his tongue and mouth trailed higher. His tongue finally slid near his fingers and she moaned fisting her hands through her hair. He was going to make up for how he had behaved which meant this moment would be solely for her, and everything he did today would be an important part of showing her how he felt, and how truly sorry he was for letting his emotions steer what had turned into hurtful conversation. A conversation where he, of all people, threw Jordan back in her face.

  She was tightening her body he knew she didn’t want to let go. “Tai, sweetheart...” He didn’t even get the words ‘let go’ out of his mouth when felt her whole body relax and her warmth pouring onto his fingers. He smiled at her in true playboy fashion and took some licks with his tongue she shuddered under his tongue gasping for air.

  “That was amazing,” she finally got out.

  “I’m glad, time to get dressed, I have plans for you.” Her face grew perplexed and he chuckled swiping his finger down her nose, “I have plans for you, Tai, ones that include making you feel cherished and loved, and ones that now include a lot of making up on my part.”

  “You don’t have anything to make up for,” she whispered in a steady voice. She was still coming down from her orgasm.

  “Yes, I do. I shouldn’t have yelled at you, and sure as hell shouldn’t have thrown Jordan in your face. Please, Tai, I want to.” She smiled and nodded.

  “Okay, playboy, of you insist, but I want a repeat of last night later.” She winked as she crawled off the bed but she wasn’t getting far before he lifted her back into his arms.

  “Deal.” He kissed her quickly before setting her back down and allowing her to get dressed again.


  To the world,

  So do I start? I know I’ll start with what Raiden did for me today. We had a fight because I overheard something I wasn’t supposed to hear. And it resulted in fears of mine taking over which resulted in both of us saying things we didn’t mean to say. He has been amazing since, taking the full blame, but really it’s both of our faults.

  It does put more things in perspective for me, which scares me, because the last bit he hasn’t told me is the one that terrifies him the most so it of course has the same effect on me.

  Now for the reason I am here writing and not with him getting to know him more. He told me to come in here and write if I needed to and then find something I deemed nice to wear because he had a special surprise for me and it was going to take him a few hours to shore up the deta

  A knock came to the door and she smiled. She had been getting more and more excited as each hour, minute, and second ticked by. So she was excited to answer the door. She had put on a pair of black flared dress jeans, and short-sleeved knitted silver top. She put a silver barrette in her hair and let the rest fall just above her shoulders. She had made sure to put on a little bit of makeup but nothing too flashy before she sat down to write.

  Well world time to go, I think my date is here.


  She opened the door and was greeted with a woman about her mom’s age. She smiled but felt a pinch of disappointment that Raiden wasn’t there himself. “Miss Tai, Mr. Raiden is waiting on the back porch for you.” Tai nodded and headed to the back porch as fast as her heels allowed her. When she reached the porch she saw the most amazing sight. He had on a black dress shirt and dark washed jeans. His back was to her so she admired him for a minute. She casually stepped towards the open sliding door and the second her feet touched the threshold he spun around and she felt her heart drop at how attractive he was. She couldn’t move, so luckily for her he did it for her.

  He reached her and placed a kiss on her cheek before turning her towards the corner of the patio. She fell into him and he caught her, steadying her at the same time. As she laid eyes on the candle light, roses and a beautiful dinner for two. “You did all this for me?” The question barely audible.

  He spun her around to face him.

  “Happy Birthday, Tai. Next year we’ll celebrate on your birthday.”

  “Oh, Raiden, this is amazing. The bracelet you bought me in town today was enough.” Her eyes drifted briefly to her wrist where the silver cuff sparkled.

  “No, Tai, you deserve much more.” She smiled at his words and pressed up slightly on her toes. Not as far as usual because of her heels which she was glad for, his lips met hers and she was lost in a space she never wanted to leave.


  The second her lips met his, he made sure to hold her close and kiss her as fiercely as she was kissing him. He loved this woman. And she was now going to learn how much more and more every single day. He broke their kiss and led her to the table.

  “This is beautiful, Raiden,” she gasped.

  “Only the best for you, this was my plan for the day; giving you the best birthday. One you deserve.” From across the table she smiled and then stared at him.

  “Kai wasn’t part of your plans for the day was he?”

  “Shit no. I try to not have to deal with him if I can get away with it.” She nodded.

  “I wish I could understand it all, Raiden, but I know the biggest part of what you’re keeping from me scares you the most to reveal. So, I’m going to take one day at time with you and when you’re ready I’ll listen.”

  “I wish I could...I just want to tell you now, but I know you’re not ready.” He hated this he wanted her to know him all of him.

  “It’s okay, playboy, I get it and its okay.” She used ‘playboy’ because she wanted him to relax, he knew that, and the truth was it did help him relax.

  “Did I mention that term is growing on me?” he smirked.

  “You might have once before,” she smirked back.

  And just like that they were laughing and enjoying the dinner he had cooked. After he cleared their plates he came back from the kitchen with a chocolate cake with chocolate icing. Her eyes lit up and he knew she remembered their earlier conversation.

  “What type of cake would you have wanted if you had celebrated your birthday?” He was going to listen closely because that was exactly the cake she was getting tonight for the dinner he had been planning to prepare.

  “Mmm....chocolate cake with chocolate icing. Jordan had promised me he would get me a cake like that. I had been craving it since he promised I could have that and then...well you know. I couldn’t bring myself to get one myself, it hurt too much.” Well that was what she was going to get and it was exactly what he was going to get her. Erasing the memory that it was something Jordan had promised her before he threw her away.

  Her eyes didn’t leave him as he carried the cake around to the side of the table she was sitting at. Twenty-four silver candles were carefully placed and lit. Setting the cake on the table, he knelt in front of her resting his forehead against hers so their lips were close but not touching. He grabbed her hands and softly began to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ against her mouth. When he finished he pulled back and the tears glistened her chocolate eyes.

  “I love you, playboy, thank you so much.” He smiled at her and leaned forward and like magic, as if she knew his intentions (which she probably did), she moved forward and met him half way.

  It had been about three weeks since her birthday and things were good. She was happier than she had been in a long time. Raiden made her laugh, made her feel like she was the most precious gift the world to him and she didn’t question his love for her, or maybe more importantly for her, she didn’t question her love for him. She was sitting on the back porch soaking in the afternoon sun. Raiden and his dad had something to take care of in the main city so she was here alone, but she didn’t feel lonely she could feel Raiden all around and that comforted her.

  She heard footsteps behind her but she didn’t turn around, until she heard his voice. “We need to talk, Tai.” Jordan! How the hell had Jordan found her?

  She spun around slowly not really wanting to face him; she just wanted him out of her life. “What are did you...why are you here?” she stammered out.

  “I came to take you home, Tai, you’re not safe here.” What?

  “I’m safe, Jordan, now leave.” He shook his head.

  “Not without you. A man called your mom and she sent me to get you right away.”

  “The only people I need to get away from are you and my mom. Now, Leave!” she snapped, still processing why he was there. Who had called? Why would they say she wasn’t safe?

  The last month with Raiden was perfect. He still hadn’t shared the biggest part of his secrets but she understood and for now she was fine with letting him keep it.

  “Tai, do you know him at all?” Okay, for once Jordan truly sounded worried.

  “I know the important things, and I know he loves me and I love him, Jordan. Please leave.” She resorted to begging hoping he would understand. Instead he shook his head again.

  “I promised your mom I wouldn’t return without you. We don’t have to be together, Tai. I understand I hurt you and blew that chance, but please come home with me,” he pleaded. She’d be lying if she didn’t admit to being nervous about what information he felt he had that made her unsafe. She needed to know.

  “What do you think you know, Jordan?” she asked and then she braced herself. This was it, the answer that would break it all apart she knew that deep in her soul. It had been a month but Raiden wasn’t ready yet, but with Jordan now standing before her begging her to leave with him, she needed to know.

  “He’s a vampire.” She busted out laughing, mostly at the bullshit that had just come out of his mouth.

  “You can go now, Jordan.” She said in between her laughs.

  A vampire that was the funniest shit she had heard in a long time. However, when her laughter subsided a strange feeling came over her, who had called her mom? No one but her dad knew where she was. Someone from here had somehow gotten her mother’s number, but who? And how?

  “A vampire? A vampire prince?” She was repeating out loud trying to make sense of what Jordan had said. She was so lost for the first time all month. She didn’t know Raiden had joined her till she heard his voice and what he said shattered her.


  She was muttering to herself when he approached, he could tell she was lost really deep in her head because she didn’t acknowledge his presence. And when he finally caught what she was saying, he died inside a little. She knew, but how?

  “How did you find out?” She turned towards him and he saw the shock register, she didn
’t completely believe the words she had been repeating, but he had now confirmed it for her.

  “Raiden, no.” He reached for her needing her close so he could explain, but she stepped out of his reach. He hung his head.

  “How, Tai?” he pressed.

  “Jordan,” she sighed.

  “Fuck,” he muttered under his breath. This was Kai’s doing. ‘Think Raiden, think. How do you fix this so you can explain?’ “Tai, I know this hard to process and I’ll give you whatever you decide you need. But can you promise me something, just one thing.” He waited and she nodded. “If you decide you need to leave. Don’t go without letting me tell you everything, but more importantly, don’t leave without saying goodbye.” His heart was breaking apart he was going to tell her soon, but he hadn’t wanted her to find out like this. Now what? He wasn’t sure.

  “I won’t,” she whispered and he realized she was breaking too. He left her alone and just hoped that what they had built over the last month outweighed this news. But deep down he was terrified, he was about to lose the most important person in his life.

  He was outside his dad’s study, after doing his best to calm the hammering in his heart but it wasn’t working, so he entered finally without knocking.


  “She knows,” he whispered as he slumped into a chair across from his dad.


  “Her ex-fiancé, but I know Kai was involved. He had to be. Jordan didn’t know she was here. She only told her dad where she was going and where she had ended up. Jordan isn’t her dad’s favorite person.” His father nodded. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “Well, how did she take it?” his dad pressed, this was his way of getting the information needed in order to provide solid advice.

  “I don’t think she thought it was true at first, I heard her repeating a vampire over and over when I found her on the porch. I asked her how she knew. I confirmed it for her,” Raiden paused how did he explain how she took it? She was scared, it was written all over her face, she was scared of him. “She’s terrified, dad.”


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