The Prince Charming Search

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The Prince Charming Search Page 11

by Amanda Kay

  She rested her head on his shoulder and she sighed. He continued rubbing her back in hopes it would ground her. “’s just that Kai called her. He could’ve called my dad, but it was like he knew how she would react. Like he knew she would send Jordan after me. I don’t know if she’ll understand you and all that you are. And, playboy, I need that after what she did, what she caused I need her to accept that I’m happy and that you’re the person that does that.”

  “But you’re afraid she won’t see past the word vampire.” Tai nodded at him. He wasn’t sure what to say. He took her face in his hands pressed kisses to each corner of her mouth before pressing one square on her mouth. He made it a simple kiss but filled it with every ounce of emotion he always tried to achieve when they kissed. When he pulled back, he saw a familiar twinkle in her eyes. “Tai, I only need one parent approval, if your mom wants to hate me, then okay. We will cross every bridge as it gets thrown at us because I’m not giving you up. I love you. That’s all that matters.”

  “Love you, too, playboy, let’s get this over with.” She smiled and he knew he had accomplished what he set out to achieve. He wanted her to relax and not worry about her mom’s opinion of him and the fact that he was a vampire. Her dad was on board as long as Tai was happy and safe.

  She set the phone on speaker and both of them waited for her mom to answer.

  “Tai, oh thank goodness. What the hell. Jordan was supposed to bring you home. I haven’t seen him or heard from him since I sent him after you. What’s going on?” Tai looked over at him and he nodded she needed to tell her mom everything.

  “Jordan did come after me but I chose to stay, I’m happy, loved, and safe. Jordan decided he needed to get away as well so he asked Raiden and I of we minded if he stayed. We didn’t, so he is still around; I think he has started seeing one of Raiden’s friends.” She stopped. That was a lot. Raiden hadn’t expected her to lay things out like that, but she had so now they waited.

  “What?” she screeched, Tai winced and Raiden squeezed around her neck. Tai inhaled and then exhaled.

  “I said, I’m not going anywhere. I told Jordan that and he chose to stay in town to get a break from it all,” she repeated and he was surprised by her confidence.


  Her mom didn’t seem to be getting the concept of NOT LEAVING. Well, that was just tough because that is exactly how it would be she wasn’t leaving she wanted her life with Raiden with or without her mother’s approval. Raiden was right they had her dad’s blessing that was all they needed, but she wanted her mom’s approval, what daughter didn’t?

  “Tai, you need to give Jordan a chance. Baby, you and him could have a wonderful life together. I know you could if you give him a chance to make up from our mistakes.” Raiden winced and she felt her face fall. He must have noticed the change because he squeezed her neck again and shook his head telling her it was okay and she needed to press forward.

  “Mom, what part of I’m happy and Jordan is moving on with one of Raiden’s friends did you not get?” she snapped, she felt Raiden’s flirtatious smile at her confidence but she kept her eyes focused on the phone in her lap.

  “Honey, you only get one soul-mate. I don’t want you two to throw that away.” At that statement Tai smiled she had this because she knew without question who her soul-mate was and she was pretty sure she knew who Jordan’s soul-mate was and it wasn’t her.

  “Mom, I’m aware of this and it isn’t Jordan.” Simple and straight to the point.

  “Tai, you can’t be serious; your soul-mate is not some dark, probably evil vampire?” She gasped in horror and Tai looked up at Raiden once again, he looked like he expected this response. Well hell no, her mother wouldn’t talk about him like that.

  “Mom, my soul-mate is indeed a vampire, he’s a prince as well, but none of that stuff matters. You know what matters? How he treats me, and he treats me like a princess, and if you took the time to talk with him like dad has you’d see that.” She kept a steady voice because she didn’t want to say everything she was thinking. She already used harsh language once with her mother and it was something she didn’t want to do again. She respected her mother and, her anger which was justified she snapped and was disrespectful.

  Her mother took a breath, “He’s there with you, isn’t he?”

  “Yes, mom.” She locked eyes with Raiden and he held her stare. They grounded each other unsure of what was next.

  “Young man, you love my daughter?” she asked, not the first thing Tai expected, but a question she was grateful for.

  “Your daughter is my life,” Raiden answered, not taking his eyes from her. The depth of love in them made her catch a breath.

  “What about the fact that Tai is human?” Her mom sounded very concerned, but yet was trying to accept it.

  “I’m not changing Tai. I love her the way she is.” Tai smiled he was keeping answers simple but they spoke volumes. She hoped her mom got it.

  “Okay.” She sighed, “Tai I want to meet him one day, be careful though.” Oh thank goodness she accepted this even if it was hard for her, she accepted it.

  “Sure mom, soon. And I promise to be careful.” Her mom sighed again and the phone clicked. Although she wasn’t sure how soon because she wasn’t ready to extend the olive branch that far.

  “Thank you, playboy. I think your answers changed everything.” She leaned in to kiss him and he took her invitation.

  She shifted so she was straddling him wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. Kissing him with every ounce of love, passion, and desire she could. She felt him grow hard underneath her. Not breaking their kiss she was flipped till her back was flat against the bed. He grinded into her his hard bulge close to busting out of his jeans up against her clothed body. She was growing breathless she needed him now.

  He walked into the diner. Bethany had asked him to come talk with her about a few things that were on her mind. He nodded as he passed the table she was waiting on. “Be with you in a minute, Raiden, I get my break here soon,” she said as he sat down in his usual booth. When he agreed to this meeting he was nervous about what she wanted to talk with him about and then Jordan called and asked Tai if he could stop by to talk. Something was up with the two of them for sure. So both Raiden and Tai agreed to meetings that seemed like they should have been reversed.

  She brought him a soda and sat down across from him, “Thanks for coming, Raiden.”

  He nodded, “It’s no problem, but I feel like Tai should be here and I should be meeting with Jordan. What’s going on, Bethany?”

  “What the hell are you waiting for?” She had his full attention now. Great this was going to be a lecture.

  “I don’t want a lecture, Bethany.” She shook her head at him.

  “Raiden, the longer you wait the more doubt she has.” Shit, he hadn’t thought about that.

  “I don’t know. I haven’t found the right moment. I was thinking about doing it next week when her dad was in town. I was going to surprise her. She doesn’t know he’s coming.”

  “Raiden, I’ve talked Tai. She’s nervous, and dude, look I know you are too, but the longer you wait the more you risk destroying more than your own chance at happiness.”

  “I want Tai happy I don’t want to mess that that up,” he sighed.

  “I wasn’t only talking about Tai.” He stared at her. What did she mean then if she wasn’t just referring to Tai?

  “Raiden, you have blinders on. Jordan and I...we’re....well...we’re getting close but I’m not putting it all out there because if I do and something happens and we have to go through with the arrangement, it will break me.” Oh shit. Bethany was hurting and Raiden was risking her happiness because he was scared of Tai saying no still.

  “I’m sorry, Bethany I didn’t think of that. I just want to make sure she’s not going to say no,” he admitted.

  “Dude, wake up she’s not going anywhere. Raiden you did it, you got her over her fear. She’s ready to say y
es. Your stalling though, is making her question every little stupid fucking detail.” He covered his face with his hands and brought his elbows to the table. What was he doing?

  “Are you sure, Bethany, because I couldn’t take it if she said no?” She winked at him.

  “I’m sure, playboy.” She laughed as she stood, “I got to get back to work, but remember, Raiden, it’s about more than you, and even about more than you and Tai. Jordan and I are involved as well.” With that, he watched her return to work.

  She was right of course; he hadn’t been blind to the connection growing between her and Jordan. If he didn’t act soon then more hearts were at stake than just his and Tai’s and he had to take that into account. He wanted his proposal to be perfect though because the more romantic the better. It was what Tai deserved.

  “Oh you got rid of your ugly shadow.” Great the one voice he could’ve done without today.

  “Fuck off, Gloria,” he hissed.

  “Gladly, let’s go to the back room, it’s my break time anyways.” Full on bitch.

  “Listen good, Gloria. You and I were nothing but one stupid fucking night. And if you insult Tai like that again it will be the first time I physically hit a woman.” He shoved up out of the booth. “Leaving, Bethany” he shouted over the diner noise before storming out. He needed his dad’s advice.

  Because Bethany was right, but it didn’t help his nerves and still wasn’t sure what do. He wasn’t sure how to propose. His dad was the only one that could set him straight.


  Tai was a tiny bit confused as to why Bethany wanted to meet with Raiden and Jordan wanted to meet with her. She hoped it wasn’t because they both had decided to confess a hidden love. She didn’t think she could handle another woman admitting she loved Raiden especially one he had known for so long, and well she had already given Jordan her love once and she sure as shit wasn’t going through that again. Besides, she wanted Raiden, she was just worried he was having second thoughts about her. She knew time was running out and no one seemed to know what Raiden was waiting for and that made her extremely nervous.

  “Hey Tai.” Jordan walked out onto the back porch where Tai was waiting for him wondering what this was about.

  “Hi, Jordan, what’s going on?” she questioned as he took a seat.

  “Tai, I need you to do something for me.”

  “What do you need?” she questioned this seemed odd to her.

  “Propose to Raiden.”

  “Excuse me? Why?” She stared at him confused.

  “Because he’s stalling and I’m falling hard for Bethany. But she’s scared to put her heart out there in case she has to fulfill her obligations. I know she’s falling for me, please, Tai,” he begged.

  “I can’t do that, Jordan. I need him to do it. I need to know he’s sure. I’m sorry, Jordan.” She shrugged. She needed him to ask because she wanted to know that even human, she was enough for him. That even being a simple common girl, that she was enough for him. He was an extraordinary guy in so many ways and she wanted to be enough. She wanted to be the one to complete him. So she couldn’t propose because she didn’t want him to feel like she was pressuring him to make a choice she wanted the choice be his, and the answer would be yes without a doubt.

  “Tai, talk with him, something, anything. Something is holding him back. Find out what it is. Aren’t you curious?” he pressed.

  “Of course I am, Jordan. But I don’t want him to feel like I’m forcing him to do something he isn’t sure of.” He cocked his head to the side and his brow furrowed.

  “Tai, just talk with him for your sanity. Something is up; maybe he’s nervous it couldn’t hurt to talk to him. He loves you way beyond I ever thought one person was capable of love. But with Bethany, I’m beginning to understand. Come on, Tai, don’t wait because you have your own fears, you know damn well Raiden wants forever with you.” She shook her head and he turned to leave. He glanced back to her and sighed, “It’s not just your heart on the line, Tai.” And then he left.

  He was right both him and Bethany were now involved she did what she always did when she needed to think she went upstairs to where her journal was. A clear head would help and that was the only thing that cleared her head.


  He didn’t bother knocking in his dad’s study. He entered and took a seat across from him, before taking a long drawn out sigh.

  “Ok, spill it, son,” his dad demanded patiently.

  “I just had a talk with Bethany. She wants to know what I’m waiting for.” Raiden finally said after a pause.

  “I’ve been wondering the same thing, son. You asked me for your mother’s ring a month ago.” He felt his dad’s stare.

  “I’m nervous; I just want it to be perfect.” His dad scoffed.

  “You’ll never find that perfect moment but I promise you the moment you ask, the moment will become perfect.” He knew his dad was right.

  “Yeah, okay dad, was thinking next week at dinner the day her dad arrives.” His dad nodded and rubbed his chin.

  “Okay but no more time than that. Your time is up, Raiden.” He stood firm on that okay so next Friday when her dad arrived. It would be a now or never moment. “Is there anything else, son?” He shook his head and left.

  He needed to find Tai now, he needed to be close to her remind her she was his life. If she was doubting things like Bethany said he had to make sure she didn’t. He figured she was in the bedroom, because he had checked the porch before heading to his dad’s study. As he was getting ready to start up the stairs a knock came to the door. It was Gloria. Don’t answer it Raiden it’s a trap rang through his head.

  “Please, Raiden, answer the door, it’s about Kai.” At those words he froze. He didn’t know what this would be about, but the mere mention of Kai meant he had to find out.

  He wasn’t in a hurry to get the door, but finally opened it Gloria looked like her heart was breaking. “What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head and wiped a tear; he was lost so he grabbed her elbow and pulled her carefully into the house shutting the door behind her.

  “Gloria, what’s wrong?” He pressed again.

  Again she shook her head so he just waited figuring she just needed a minute. Which didn’t surprise him since Kai was somehow involved. After too long of a pause he chanced it again, “Gloria...” But he was silenced when she slammed her lips into his.

  He tried to get away but kept an extremely tight grip on the back of his head and he couldn’t get away without hurting her most likely, and despite his threat earlier he didn’t want to hurt her. He wasn’t like that. He struggled against her mouth trying to pull them apart. When his world stopped.

  “What the fuck!” No, no, no not Tai.

  Gloria broke the kiss and smirked, “Missed you last night, Raiden.” And then she helped herself out of his house. Good thing, too. And spun around in time to watch the tears flood Tai’s eyes.

  She raced up the stairs and he followed. Fucking Kai, he had gotten to Gloria and now she had helped him destroy things.

  His bedroom door was locked when he got there, “Come on, Tai, let me explain.” He was met with only silence.

  Damn it! He collapsed to the floor against the door and thought of how to proceed.


  To the world,

  Maybe Jordan is right, something is holding Raiden back. Maybe he was afraid that I would indeed say no because of the past. I had been wary at first to start a relationship. He had been amazing and convinced me so easily to trust him and I did instantly without question. Raiden always helped me when I needed to talk now it was time for her to do the same. If he was worried about proposing he needed to know there was nothing to worry about. I didn’t care how or where he asked. It didn’t need to be some major production; I just wanted him to ask so we can start our forever. I need to cut this entry short I have to go and be with him.


  As she neared the front of the house sh
e heard a strangely familiar voice. “Gloria...” She heard Raiden say before he quickly stopped whatever he was going to say as she rounded the corner to the entryway she found out why, him and Gloria lip locked. This couldn’t be happening. This was what had been wrong. He was missing his true playboy ways. No, this couldn’t be real. He wasn’t doing this to her. He was supposed to be her Prince Charming. She didn’t think she would be able to ever put her heart on the line if Raiden didn’t want her it would absolutely kill her.

  “What the fuck!” she hollered, which successfully broke them apart. Raiden didn’t turn around, which told Tai everything she needed to know. He had wanted the kiss with Gloria.

  “Missed you last night, Raiden.” Gloria seethed. Oh my God he had been having an affair. After everything she had been through with Jordan, she put her heart back out there so quickly for him, and now what had he done…. destroyed her. The tears fell from her eyes right as Raiden turned around and she bolted up the stairs.

  When she reached what she had once considered their room she locked the door, she couldn’t face him, she couldn’t find the strength to write, she couldn’t call her parents, she could do nothing but cry. This is exactly what she did. She fell to the floor and scooted herself up against the foot of the bed and bawled. From outside she heard Raiden knock follow by his plea, “Come on, Tai, let me explain.” She couldn’t respond so she just sobbed harder.

  She thought she heard his head bang against the door but she had no energy left.

  “Go away, Raiden,” she sobbed.

  “Not a chance, Tai, let me into our room.” She didn’t want to but she knew he wouldn’t go away. She pushed herself up and wiped the tears away quickly the last thing she wanted or needed was for him to see how he had broken her.

  “What?” she hissed.

  He didn’t speak he slammed his mouth to hers. She struggled at first, but her body was like a slave to his and soon melted into their kiss. Just as she was letting that feeling that only Raiden could achieve, he pulled back and muttered one simple word against her lips. “Kai.” She blinked at him and he lifted her off the ground sitting on the end of the bed he settled her on his lap.


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