The Prince Charming Search

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The Prince Charming Search Page 12

by Amanda Kay

  “Tai, do you honestly think I would cheat on you?” he sounded as destroyed as her.

  “The kiss, what she said....” She took a breath, “I didn’t know what to think because I was hoping for the past month you’d propose.” He dropped his forehead against her shoulder.

  “I want to, Tai, just trust me, please, I promised I wouldn’t break your heart and I won’t.” She nodded, “When did I lose your trust.” That phrase crushed her because he hadn’t.

  “You haven’t, it’s just weird everyone asking if you’ve proposed, everyone is clueless as to why you haven’t taken that step. It’s left me a little confused and worried Raiden.” She told him the truth, everything that had been building over the last few weeks.

  “Tai, give me to the end of next week please. I have a plan. Trust me.” He kissed the corners of her mouth and she knew that he had indeed been setup by Gloria and ultimately Kai.

  “Okay, I can do that, playboy.” He smiled against her mouth before giving her one more kiss.

  “Raiden, don’t do something stupid,” she pleaded with him and an amused twinkle formed in his eye.

  “Am I going somewhere?” he questioned.

  “I hope not,” she fired back.

  “Tai, tonight you need me; I have placed doubt in your head. And while, yes, Gloria and Kai were behind today’s ambush, you wouldn’t have had reason to believe what you did if I hadn’t put doubt there. So when we go to sleep tonight there won’t be one single question in your head. How does that sound?” His fingers strummed down her back.

  She shoved him so he fell backwards on the bed and she straddled him. Leaning down she tasted the skin of his neck with her tongue all the way up to his ear, “Only if I get to be on top, playboy?” He laughed and held her close to him.

  Kai’s tactics were starting to scare her. What would he do next?

  He held onto her naked body tighter then he had ever held her. He didn’t want her doubting or afraid that he was just going to walk away. He wasn’t going to do that to her, to Bethany, to Jordan. As much as he wanted to hate the guy, he was trying to do right but Bethany so maybe she was indeed the one, like Tai seemed to think, and he was going to do right by himself. His happiness was what his dad wanted and what his mom would want him to have.

  A knock came to his door, no business tonight. Tonight needed to be about Tai. “Yes,” he called anyways because that responsible side, when it came to the society, always won out.

  The door squeaked open. “Don’t mean to bother you, sir, but your father needs you.” The desperate tone in the main housekeeper’s voice caused major alarm.

  Raiden nodded and looked to Tai. If something was happening with his dad, he wanted Tai by his side. He bent to her ear, “Tai, sweetheart, I need you.” Her eyes fluttered open and her look immediately morphed into concern.

  “Raiden, what’s wrong?” she whispered still waking up.

  “One of the housekeepers just came in said dad needed me, the tone in her voice worried me.” She nodded.

  “You want me to come with you?” she questioned, not waiting for the actual answer. He smiled at how much this woman was willing to do for him.

  “Thanks, Tai.” He whispered. She looked back to him as she dressed and nodded, she was tired and him wanting her to go was selfish but he needed her. “I know you’re tired, sweetheart, so this means a lot.” He reached for her hand which she took it when she was ready.

  “We’re family right?” She squeezed his hand and he nodded.

  He remembered how is mom took a turn for the worse sooner than expected. His dad had sent the entire staff home after the his mother’s condition improved somewhat, but the long term damage was done. As a result, they lost her about a year earlier than they expected. Soon after, his dad fell ill and Raiden didn’t want to go through that again and bury another parent so soon.

  As they reached his dad’s room she halted him, “Whatever you need, I’m here for you.” He gave her a weak smile as he opened the door.

  “How are you feeling, Lee?” Tai interjected, she had to do something because Raiden couldn’t speak or move. The vivid memories from the year prior hit him full force when his eyes locked on his dad.

  “We’ll get through it, beautiful girl.” His eyes left Tai and came to him. Raiden still couldn’t speak.

  “Tai, I need to go talk with the staff. Do mind umm....” Raiden paused to collect himself. A year ago his dad had done this. He stayed with his mom while sent the staff home.

  She turned him to face her and she kissed his cheek, “Go do what you have to do, I’ll stay with him.” He gave her a weak smile and then left his dad in her caring and capable hands.


  She smiled in Lee’s direction but her heart was breaking. She considered this man a second father and she hated this. She wondered if things would be different if Raiden got engaged to Bethany. Even if it was for public show, she wondered if Kai and his father would back off if they thought Raiden had plans to marry a full vampire like Bethany.

  “Lee, if you feel up to it I have some questions and a possible suggestion.” She didn’t really ask but if he said no it was acceptable.

  “Sure, beautiful girl. Go ahead” she sat down at the foot of his bed looking up towards to him.

  “Would Kai and his family back off if we made them think that Raiden was marrying Bethany?” He shook his head.

  “No, Tai, it wouldn’t matter, it isn’t about humans, half-breeds, and vampires. It is about our ideology and so much more.” Tai understood that.

  “Raiden said I wouldn’t need to change, but why?” she asked. Raiden hadn’t explained though, he just told her he didn’t want her to change.

  “Because we believe we are all equals, unlike some in the society.” She bit her lip and pondered that.

  “Can I get you anything, Lee?” He shook his head and closed his eyes, so Tai let him. She just sat there and made sure he was still breathing; made sure he didn’t dip lower, made sure that she didn’t need to go get Raiden.

  “Beautiful girl, I need to tell you something.” His eyes remained close his voice low and a little strained.

  “Okay, Lee.” She felt nervous all of sudden.

  “If I die before the beginning of the year, you and Raiden will only have three months from that date to get married.” Oh wow that was big. “Raiden wants you to have it all so I’m asking you to make some sacrifices on what would be your fairy tale wedding for the sake of time. Raiden won’t want you to do that.” She could do that because truth be told, as long as Raiden was at the end of the aisle waiting on her as she walked up it with her dad at her side, it was all she needed.

  “I can most definitely do that, Lee. I don’t need fancy, I just need him.” He smiled at her again and then she could see his breathing even out as he fell asleep.


  “Tai?” She turned in his direction. He was standing at the door dimly lit by hall light. She got up and walked towards him.

  “He’s asleep,” she whispered. Raiden nodded.

  “Thanks, sweetheart, for sitting with him.” She stared up at him, the love in her eyes very apparent.

  “Playboy, no need to thank me. He’s your dad and he’s become like a second father to me.” He wrapped his arm around her neck and pulled her tight against his side kissing the top of her head as he led them back to their room.

  “Sweetheart?” he finally questioned when they were laying back down and wrapped around each other.

  “Yeah, playboy,” she answered.

  “What he said about the time constraints on the wedding depending on what happens to him....” She interrupted.

  “Raiden, like I told him I don’t care about the size of the wedding. My dream wedding is walking out with my dad and locking eyes on you. I don’t need a fancy shindig. I need you and only that.” He nodded against the top of her and kissed her.

  She snuggled closer and murmured against his chest, “I love you, playboy, f

  He whispered, “Love you too, sweetheart, so much it hurts sometimes.”

  “Mmm...I know the feeling,” she whispered.

  He couldn’t believe this was happening now. He needed to get things prepared for Tai’s father’s visit and his proposal in front of both her dad and his. He hoped they could get his father through this. He wanted him there when he proposed. They got his mother through the worst of it when her illness was sped up, but they still lost her early he wasn’t ready for that yet.

  “Raiden, I was thinking about something, after your dad fell asleep.” He was curious now.

  “Oh, what were you thinking about?” he asked.

  “Well, it was obvious to me that the staff was sent home for security reasons.” He nodded, “What if we paid the staff enough to last them like six months or so. Time to find a job somewhere else. You won’t let me work, so I can keep the house up. It will be hard, but I can do it and we both cook.” His jaw worked against the top of her head as he pondered this.

  “Well, I guess it would be safer when we start our own family.” He felt her tense up. Oh shit. Did she not want kids? “Sweetheart, you want kids someday, right?” Shit, Raiden too much, earlier she was talking about why you hadn’t proposed.

  “Of course I want a family with you.” She relaxed in his arms and yawned, it reminded him that she had been asleep before the news of his dad.

  “Sleep, my sweet Tai; we have forever to discuss this.” She snuggled into him and his arms tightened their hold.

  With her in his arms he was able to relax enough to at least fall asleep. This was how life was supposed to be when one of them was hurting then they had each other to hold onto.

  She woke before Raiden for the first time ever, so she decided to take care of both him and his dad. She was standing in the kitchen taking extra care to double check every single piece of food she pulled out to use. She wasn’t putting anything past someone who was possibly an implant of Kai and his family. Nothing was to be assumed safe as she prepared breakfast. As she was about to crack the first egg when a knock came to the door. Since both Raiden and Lee were asleep she went to it. She didn’t feel uncomfortable answering the door. It was her home as well, wasn’t it?

  She was not expecting to see him at the door. Kai. “Lovely to see you again, Tai.” She felt the bile rise in her throat as he grabbed her. She went to scream but he silenced her with his finger. “I wouldn’t do that, sweetness.”

  She swallowed and nodded. She didn’t know what he was capable of but she knew enough to not want to chance it.

  “Good girl, when we get to our location you can show me what all the fuss is about. Raiden sure loves human women, especially you and I’m dying to find out what kind of fuck I’m missing,” he hissed at her and she struggled against him remaining silent.

  He tugged her outside, she couldn’t scream because his hand clamped onto her mouth. She tried to bite him but it only humored him. Before she knew it, she was being thrown into the trunk of his sleek black sports car.

  She fought against the trunk, as he sped down the road. Luckily Kai had decided her hands didn’t need to be tied. “Fucking, moron.” She muttered as she searched for the trunk latch.

  She found it and popped the trunk. Looking out into the street she saw building just zipping by. Kai was speeding so jumping was going to be bad, very bad. As she weighed her options she realized the only option was to hold her breath and brace herself for the jump.

  “Okay, Tai, you can do this. One...two...three.” She held her breath and jumped.

  She tried to angle herself so she would land closer to the sidewalk so she could hopefully get out of the road before any oncoming cars crashed into her. As she landed, she screamed out in pain. She struggled but she made it to the sidewalk. She lay on her back. Her eyes closed and she took deep breaths trying to calm her nerves and the pain. She heard footsteps and she froze. Had Kai figured out she had escaped? Was he back now to finish whatever it was he wanted to do when he decided to kidnap her?

  “Holy shit, Tai! What the hell was that?” Oh thank The Lord. It was Jordan.

  “Jordan....Kai...need...I need.” She paused her whole body ached which made it hard to concentrate on the words.

  “You need a doctor. I called Raiden the moment I saw you poke your head from the trunk.” She just nodded.

  “Let me at least get you off the sidewalk.” He bent down and picked her up and she winced.

  “Easy, Jordan,” she whispered in clear pain.

  “Damn it, Tai, Raiden is going to flip his shit. What the hell happened?”

  “I got up before Raiden, which is rare by the way, so I thought I’d make him and Lee breakfast. Someone knocked on the door, I answered it. It was Kai and before I knew it I was in the trunk. Lucky for me, Kai fails at kidnapping and didn’t tie my hands. Once I got the trunk open there was only one option.” He set her down as she finished speaking so she could lie across the back seat of his car while they waited for Raiden.

  Oh my God! Raiden didn’t need this now, not with his dad to worry about. How could she have been so stupid? She knew Kai was out there. Was a threat. She knew he would stop at nothing. Why had she answered the door? Now Raiden was going to have to worry about her injuries, his dad’s illness and the impending...the impending what? She had no idea.

  “Jordan, I need to go home,” she whispered.

  “Yes, Tai, Raiden’s coming to take you home.” She shook her head at him.

  “No, Jordan, I need to go home. I can’t do this.” She couldn’t be another burden on him. He was worried about things where she was concerned that he shouldn’t be.

  “Tai, no, this is fear talking. You don’t want to live without him.” He was right, but she didn’t have a choice.

  “Jordan, we have to go home, we have to let Raiden and Bethany get married. It’s the only option I see,” she pleaded.

  “Damn it, Tai, no! I asked you not to do this to me.” She sucked in a breath.

  “I’m sorry, Jordan, but we have to,” she begged.

  “No, fuck, Tai, I’m not leaving you. I don’t want to go? Fine go!” She sighed.

  “Jordan, if I leave Bethany isn’t on the market anymore. We have to leave together. I think it could help if he and Bethany get married since they’re both know.” He fiercely shook his head. “What are you going to do, Jordan, watch them get married? Pine for the woman you can’t ever have? Watch them build a family?” She tried to make him see what like would be like if he stayed.

  She had to go; Raiden didn’t deserve a human like her. One he had to take care of when there was more important shit going down. One who wasn’t even smart enough to not answer the fucking door when she knew there was someone out there to destroy them.

  Jordan walked away, leaving her to consider life without Raiden. She didn’t want to live without him. Jordan had been right about that. But she didn’t see another way. She needed Kai and his family to leave Raiden and his family alone. Raiden knew he was going to lose his dad, but she didn’t want him to lose him before they were both expecting to. They had only really lost his mom. She had to do this for him. No matter what he said last night. No matter how well he put her nerves at ease. She knew better. He was nervous and he was nervous for good reason, she was human, life with her not being a vampire would just make things harder for him and it was time for her to not be selfish and think about his future and not hers. She would suffer in a life without him, but it was worth it if helped ease his life.

  “Is she okay, Jordan?” His voice smooth, but desperately worried. She didn’t want to put him through this moment. This was her fault. If she had never come there he would have married Bethany. All would’ve been right in the world of vampires, half-breeds, and humans. Kai’s desperation had to be more about the fact that she was human. He would ease up if Raiden married a full vampire, wouldn’t he? Lee had told her that didn’t matter it was about ideology. She heard Jordan giving Rai
den the run down about what he saw and what she had explained, but she was trying to figure out how to run. How to give Raiden what she felt he needed? How to leave her heart in Aishan when she went back to the States?


  Tai wasn’t in bed when he woke up, that was unusual. He was normally always up before her. He went in search of her but nothing. The kitchen looked as if someone had been cooking. He began calling her cell phone and it started ringing on the kitchen counter. That was a relief, she wouldn’t have left without it.

  He walked through the bottom floor calling out her name. “Tai...Tai....sweetheart...” No answer. That was definitely strange. As he approached the entry he froze the front door was wide open. No, no, no what had happened to her?” His phone started ringing in his hand ‘Jordan calling’. What the hell?

  “Hello.” He clipped he needed to find Tai.

  “Ummm....I’m behind a car. Raiden and ummm...Tai just opened the trunk. I think she might...oh shit she just jumped.” Raiden’s whole world started spinning.

  “Jordan is she hurt?” he said as he raced for the car.

  “I can’t tell yet, man, but she did pull herself to the sidewalk.” Raiden sucked in a breath. This was Kai. He would kill him if she was hurt.

  “Take care of her, Jordan, I’m on my way.” He listened as Jordan told him their whereabouts and he sped in that direction. He had to get to his girl. She had to be okay.

  Jordan walked towards him when he arrived and threw open the door. “Is she okay, Jordan?”

  “Sore. I had to carry her to the car and the moment I lifted her she winced in pain.” Raiden put his face in his hands. “Did she tell you what happened?”

  Jordan nodded, “She said she got up before you and Lee for a change and wanted to make you all breakfast. She was getting things ready.” Raiden nodded, that explains all that was out in the kitchen. “Kai came to the door and kidnapped her.”


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