The Prince Charming Search

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The Prince Charming Search Page 13

by Amanda Kay

  “How was she able to pop the trunk?” Jordan smiled, he didn’t want him smiling. What that hell was there to smile at?

  “Kai didn’t think to tie her hands, she easily found the latch. And then she had to make a decision go wherever Kai was taking her or jump. She chose to jump.” Raiden nodded; okay that was what he needed to know. He needed to see her now. “Raiden, you should know one more thing. She told me or rather asked me.”

  He spun back around. What now? “What, Jordan?”

  “She asked me to take her home.” What did that mean? Didn’t Jordan tell her he was coming to take her home?

  “You told her I was coming, right?” Jordan nodded, he didn’t get it.

  “Home, Raiden,” he stressed and then it clicked. She asked Jordan to take her back to the States.

  “Why?” He felt his whole world begin to cave as he asked that.

  “She thinks Kai and his family would back off if you married Bethany since she’s a vampire.” Jordan’s eyes drifted downward he didn’t want this. He was falling fast for Bethany.


  She heard his footsteps as they neared Jordan’s car. He said nothing he picked her up off the back seat, making sure he was gentle. He didn’t speak to her and she wondered if Jordan had told him about her asking to go home. She was sure he shared that with him and now Raiden was mad at her. Understandably so. The silence was killing her though. “Thank you for coming to get me.”

  He looked at her and exhaled, confirming her thoughts about Jordan telling him she asked to leave. “Tai, I thought we had worked everything out. I thought you agreed to trust me for just one more week?” Yep, Jordan had definitely told him.

  “We did and I do...but....there are other things I need to consider now.” She stated staring out the window. Her body hurt too much to move and looking at him would kill her heart.

  “Tai, we can talk later, you’re hurt. Right now I need to take care of you.” She sighed that was the issue. He didn’t need to take care of her. He had a country, a society of vampires, half-breeds, and humans to deal with along with an ailing father not in a worse position then he was just a few days before.

  “You deserve more than me,” she whispered she wasn’t sure if he caught it but she had a feeling he probably had. After that they remained silent.

  He carried her to their...his room and set her gently on the bed. “I’m going to call a doctor.” He went to leave and she panicked.

  “No!” He turned and stared at her. “I’ll be okay, I’ll get checked out at home.” His eyes became heated and angry.

  “I thought this was your home now,” he stated he was trying to control his anger but he wouldn’t last long. She saw it in his eyes.

  “It will always be a home to me but it’s time I stop living in this fairy tale. It’s time I stop being selfish.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about, Tai?” He didn’t get it yet.

  How did she explain? How did she tell him he would always have her heart, but she knew she was doing what was best for him in the long run? Deep down though, she wanted him to fight, wanted him to prove he wanted her with no doubts, she needed him to propose.


  She had never been selfish, what did she mean by that? She also said she had to stop living in this fairy tale as if she wasn’t in reality anymore. ‘I think I might have found Prince Charming.’ She said those words only hours after meeting him. And now what? She didn’t think he was anymore? Had he done something to make her feel like that? Was this all a fairy tale for her from the beginning and now she didn’t want that? What the fuck was going on? She was being too vague.

  “Tai, you better start fucking talking!” He didn’t want to snap at her but she wasn’t giving him much of a choice.

  “You deserve to be with someone who can give you children who are full vampire.” He sighed he wanted to calm down but it wasn’t working.

  “Shit, Tai, I just want you. I want a life with you, a family with you. We fucking talked about this last night. You agreed to give me one more week,” he hissed.

  “Shit, Raiden, you don’t need another damn week! If you wanted to marry me the second you got the ring, you would have proposed. Admit it, you know something is wrong, that we aren’t meant be. All the forces are against us pulling us apart.” Those words snapped him back to reality.

  “Tai...sweetheart...” He began his voice evening out and lowering, but he didn’t get any more words out.

  “No, Raiden, it’s time to say goodbye, but I’ll love you always.” That was it. She was done; he didn’t know how to fight for her.

  “I’ll always love you, too. Here, it only belongs you.” He placed the box with his mom’s ring in it on her lap.

  She looked down at it and back to him the tears glistening in her eyes and he felt his own tears fill his eyes. He had to get out of there. “Goodbye, Tai.” And he left what he considered their bedroom.


  She stared at the ring box in her hand. ‘Oh Shit. What had she just done?’ He had a plan, that’s why he wanted her to wait one more week. She slowly opened the box and a small piece of paper fell out.

  My dearest Tai,

  I was only allowed to have this ring if I met my soul-mate. I have. This ring is yours it always was meant for you.

  Her tears fell faster and harder. Had she just made the biggest mistake in her life? Nothing was going to help this. She couldn’t undo it now. He had walked away. Jordan and Bethany were going to hate her.

  Bethany would now be forced to marry Raiden which would ultimately break her heart and Jordan’s and she didn’t want that. Yes, Jordan had hurt her but that was the past. She could see a different man now. A man madly in love. She couldn’t find the strength to write for the first time in months the one thing that cleared her head didn’t seem appealing.

  She knew she should be packing. Raiden would back soon to kick her out for sure. And if as on cue, a knock came to the door.

  “I’m packing, you won’t have to deal with me much longer, I’m just sorry I hurt you.” She said as she slowly got off the bed she was so sore. She really did need a doctor and not later now, but she had to leave now.

  “Raiden said you were leaving.” It was Lee. “Beautiful girl, what happened?”

  “I’m not good enough for him, your son, Lee, is an amazing guy, but he deserves so much more than me,” she cried.

  “What gave you that idea?” he asked he wasn’t giving in.

  “I’m just a simple human,” she whispered.

  “No child, you are his soul-mate.” He was firm on this.

  “I love him, Lee, I do. He gave me your wife’s ring today said it belonged to me no matter what, but he had it for a month. If he had no doubts in his head he would have proposed immediately. He knows there’s something wrong, something off. I made a suggestion last night and I believe Kai would back-off if Raiden married Bethany.” She wasn’t sure but she had already given Raiden up she couldn’t ask him to take her back now. She had ruined him she knew that. He wouldn’t be able to forgive her now. “It doesn’t matter now, Lee. He won’t forgive me after I broke his heart, and he shouldn’t have to.”

  “Beautiful girl, you can’t possibly believe that. You can still change your mind. I’m not saying goodbye yet.”

  He exited and she fell back onto the bed, “Damn it, Tai, that hurt.” She winced in pain.

  She put the ring on her left hand and stared at it. It wouldn’t have mattered how he proposed she would have said yes. She left the ring on while she packed. She couldn’t take it with her so she wanted to have it close to her for a while longer. Reminding her that she loved Raiden and that leaving here was her leaving her heart here.

  She thought about Lee’s words. Did she want to beg Raiden to forgive her insecurities, to forgive her stupidity? She did, of course. She didn’t think it was possible though, and definitely wouldn’t be fair to ask that of him now. She saw the look in Raiden’s eye and heard t
he tone of his voice as he said goodbye. It was a heartbreaking finality of what had been them.

  He had lost her. How had that happened? They talked last night and he thought everything was fine. This had to do with the kidnapping. Maybe Kai had something, he just didn’t know but he knew that he had to make a call that would only confirm the crushing pain in his heart.

  “Hello, Raiden, how’s my baby girl today? Everything set for my arrival? She doesn’t suspect anything right?”

  “Sir, she’s asked to go home.” He heard her father gasp.

  “What happened, Raiden?” he asked, his fatherly concern laced heavily through his voice.

  “I failed her, she was doubting my intentions to propose. I thought all was okay. I was waiting for a lot of reasons, some stupid others not. She knew about the time limit, but still I didn’t want her to feel pressure from me. And then we decided you were coming and I chose to wait because of that...” He heard him sigh and waited for his harsh words about how he shouldn’t have ever let Tai doubt.

  “Son, do you love her?” Wow, not the question Raiden was expecting.

  “Of course, sir, she’s my life.” There was silence that Raiden had to admit was pretty scary.

  “Don’t give up on her. Fight. Maybe that’s what she needs to see to clear every last doubt.” Raiden nodded even though he couldn’t see it. “Please just don’t let her walk away without a fight.” Raiden sighed he was unsure if it would matter. He hung up and stared into the open field he wanted their kids to play in.

  His phone rang again, ‘Bethany calling’. No doubt Jordan had told her the news. “Hi, Bethany,” he answered plainly.

  “Raiden, are you really going to just let her go?” He sighed.

  “I don’t want to. I’m trying to come up with a plan.” He heard her sigh.

  “You don’t need a plan, Raiden. Fuck, are you that dumb?!” she hissed. “You need to drop to one knee, take out your mother’s ring and propose.”

  “I gave her the ring,” he spit out, remembering how he had given it to her. How could he do it in that way? Maybe Tai was right. Was something missing?

  “And...” she pressed.

  “And that’s it, she was pushing me away. I gave her the ring and let her go,” he dragged out his sigh.

  “Jordan told me what happened, the kidnapping and all. You think Kai said something?”

  “He had to. We talked last night about her doubts after she caught Gloria kissing me...” Bethany interjected.

  “What the fuck, Raiden?” He sighed at her tone. Another woman he now had to explain this to.

  “She set me up. So Tai would think I was cheating. We talked and I told her I had a plan. I asked her to give me one more week, she agreed to trust me. And then today she told me I didn’t need another week. That my stalling meant something wasn’t right,” he paused, why had he waited? He decided a week after he got the ring he wanted to ask Tai’s dad for her hand and he said yes. But then two weeks went by. Raiden wanted the perfect moment that never seemed to come. Then he decided he wanted her dad there. He knew she wanted to see him, and it help create that perfect moment surprising her with the presence of both of their fathers. Then they couldn’t get him out to visit till next Friday so another few weeks went by. Tai’s dad told him not to wait but he knew he wanted to be there for the proposal they talked about it. Her dad noticed worry, maybe in Tai’s voice when they talked, so he again said not to wait, but he did anyways and now he had lost the love of his life.

  “Tai’s right, Raiden you should’ve proposed immediately.” Bethany broke his growing thoughts. More things to clutter his mind. Not what he needed. “Raiden fight,” she said firmly before hanging up.


  Her phone rang just as she zipped up the suitcase. ‘Dad calling.’ “Hi, dad.” Wiping more tears from his eyes.

  “Why are you coming home, baby girl?”

  “He deserves more than me?” Fresh tears falling.

  “Baby girl, he loves you, don’t do this to him, to you.”

  “It’s not that simple. I broke his heart. He said goodbye.” Why hadn’t she just hung out an extra week? Why couldn’t she give him that? The truth was something felt off about him waiting.

  “Tai, he called me the week after his dad turned over the ring and asked of your hand.” What? He had called her dad and asked if he could propose. “I said yes and asked him to make it special because you deserved that.” She pondered all her dad was saying and each moment he spoke, she felt worse and worse.

  “But....he didn’t propose.”

  “Two weeks after I told him he could propose I called him. I was concerned you hadn’t called me all giddy and overjoyed. He told me he hadn’t found that moment yet and he had been thinking about something.” She was almost afraid to ask what Raiden had been thinking about but she knew she had to know.

  “What had he been thinking about?” she gulped.

  “He thought it would mean more to you if I was there when he proposed. I’m coming in next Friday.” His words hit her like a ton of bricks. Raiden had asked her to give him one more week. He said he had a plan and today she threw all that in his face saying if he wanted to marry her he wouldn’t need another week.

  “You’re coming here?” Of course he was, that was what he had just said but she was still processing it.

  “It was supposed to be a surprise, baby girl,” he sighed.

  She began hyperventilating. Oh my God! What had she done? “I need to go, dad.” She quickly hung up, she needed to think.

  Did she want Raiden? Of course. But could he forgive all her doubts, she wasn’t sure about that. The tone in his voice had told her he was giving up. If she wanted to go he wasn’t going to force her to stay. He wouldn’t fight. She had her answer right there. If he truly wanted her, instead of just giving her the ring he would have proposed, showed her she was as special as he said she was to him but he didn’t. He gave her the ring told her it was hers and walked away. She turned and took in his room one last time. Her heart breaking as she wheeled her suitcase out of what had been home.

  She knew one thing, she had to return the ring despite what he said. She couldn’t keep it. If she left, it no longer belonged to her, she didn’t even need a second to think about where he was. She knew he would be on the back porch.


  He was still processing the events of the day. Kai kidnapping Tai. Her jumping from the trunk and in serious pain. Her leaving and him saying goodbye and letting her go. How could he have not fought? He fought last night and he thought all was good but then something changed. Kai probably thought he won and he had Raiden made a choice he wouldn’t ask Bethany to give up Jordan which meant Kai and his family won.

  His heart was breaking but he couldn’t break theirs. They would need to get away though, so Bethany wouldn’t suffer death.

  “Raiden,” she whispered behind him. He was scared to turn around but he did anyways.

  Her suitcase stood up behind her. This was it. She had come for the final goodbye, one he didn’t think he could handle, but he needed to hear what she had to say. There had to be nothing left between them.

  “Talk, Tai.” He folded his arms in front of him and watched her sigh.

  “I do love you. But you deserve better. I came here not expecting anything but an escape from my life at that moment. You gave me that and so much more and I can never thank you enough for that.” He stared at her when she paused. Deserved better, better than what? Better than her, were her insecurities buried so deep he never saw that she was afraid he would get tired of her? He felt like he had missed so many clear signs.

  He stepped closer to her, “But...” he prompted.

  “But nothing, Raiden, you’ll always have my heart. I know I hurt you I heard the tone in your voice when you said goodbye. And I won’t ask you to forgive my own stupid insecurities again, it wouldn’t be fair. Here.” She grabbed his hand and he felt that jolt of fire that he always felt when th
ey touched. He looked down at what she had given him. The ring. He sighed.

  “This is yours,” he said, locking his eyes with hers hoping he could find strength in her chocolate eyes. Ones that always helped ground him when he needed to think things through.

  “I can’t take it, you’re my soul-mate but I’m leaving, it isn’t fair to take something this precious. But the answer would’ve been yes. Goodbye, playboy,” she whispered and turned away and that’s when he found it. His fight. He reached for her hand before she was too far away. She winced a little as she turned around. Shit, he had forgotten briefly about her injuries.

  She finished her turn and he dropped to not one knee but both. “Tai, don’t leave. Marry me.” Her eyes widened and he saw her breath catch.

  “Raiden...” He shook his head.

  “No, Tai. Marry me. I can’t live without you, please don’t make me.” She stared down at him. Tears pouring from her eyes. “Tai, will you marry me?”

  “You still want me?” He stood taking her face gently in his hands reminding himself her face has bruises and scratches.

  “I’ll always want you, no matter what. We have a ton to talk about. Yes, you hurt me, and I want to know every single doubt you had and what caused them. I don’t want you to ever doubt me or us again, Tai. I need to fix that, but right now I need an answer. Will you marry me?”

  She nodded, “Yes, Raiden.” He kissed her lips and picked her up in his arms. He needed to get her to a doctor and he needed to get her unpacked, and they did need to talk but all of that seemed petty. All that mattered right then was that he was engaged, she had agreed to marry him. Everyone had been right, it didn’t matter if he created the perfect moment. No matter when he chose to propose it would be perfect and it was because she said yes.

  She didn’t know what had happened exactly but she was back in Raiden’s bed, her bed, their bed, a ring on her finger and he was lying next to her on his side stroking her arm. “I’m dreaming right?”


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