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The Emperor's New Nightingale

Page 6

by Angela Castle

  Julie narrowed her eyes in suspicion at them. “What?”

  Trall leaned back, folding his upper arms over his chest, while one of his arms gestured towards her.

  “Julie, it’s up to Rin to tell you who he is. All I can say is I’ve known him a very long time and he is as trustworthy as they come. I can assure you you’re safe with him. I wouldn’t have let him touch you otherwise.”

  It was comforting Trall was looking out for her, though at the same time annoying he thought he had the right to run her life. She sighed, her cup hovering a whisper from her lip.

  “So, you’re not going to tell me anything are you?”

  Trall smiled. “Drink Julie and keep your questions for Rin.”

  * * * *

  Orin parked his Zoomer KR and swung out of the saddle, striding around to the back of Trall’s tavern. He had a sleepless night making plans, talking to his officials about how he wanted to proceed with the Earthling women at Uric Weston’s estate. He left out the fact he found his nightingale, but soon he would reveal her, once he captured her heart and told her the truth.

  He recognized Trall and Julie’s voices. Even when she talked, she there was a musical air about her. His curious little Earthling was asking questions about him. True to his word, Trall remained evasive. He walked into view, seeing how she and Trall sat with one of his barmaids.

  “Beautiful morning,” he greeted the trio, but his gaze was on his woman, her dark hair pulled back, her eyes widening when she saw him. Her face flushed as her gaze ran over him, drinking him in. Oh yes, my sweet Earthling, look all you want. I’m all yours.

  “Beautiful morning, Rin. Taking my little song bird to see the sights? I trust you will take good care of her. I would like her back to sing tonight.”

  Trall raised a challenging eyebrow, knowing he couldn’t say anything in front of Julie, yet. Oh, Trall was enjoying this.

  “Of course, you know I take good care of what’s mine. I’ll have her back to sing.” And fuck her blind.

  Julie glanced between Orin and Trall. He loved her expressive eyes, displaying her bright curiosity.

  “Are you ready, Julie?”

  She set down her cup and rose to her feet. The soft, Ario dress accented all her lush curves and her graceful beauty. Soon, he would have her in the finest and softest threads in all the galaxy with his mother’s gems dripping from her ears and throat.

  “Guess I’ll see you later.” Julie smiled at the barmaid and Trall before walking towards Orin.

  He gave her an assessing look. Her cheeks flushed pink while his gaze dropped to the blue scarf draped around her neck, hiding her creamy skin and the cleavage of generous breasts. His mouth watered remembering how good her skin and breasts tasted.

  He shook his head. “No, no, this won’t do.” He closed the distance. His fingers curled into the scarf around her neck, tugging it off. Wide-eyed, she stepped back. He didn’t miss the subtle hitch in her breath.

  Orin leaned down. “Little song bird, I think I’ll explore that trail of thought later, but for now…” He swept the scarf over her mane of soft, dark hair and moved around her to wrap it securely before tying it off at the nape of her neck. “…this will have to do.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on the creamy skin at the base of her neck. He felt the tremor run through her.

  With great reluctance and a hell of a lot of will power, he forced himself to pull back. Desperately, he wanted to toss her over his shoulder, carry her back upstairs and bury his aching cock deep inside her. He would make her scream, over and over, as he fucked her hard and deep until neither of them could walk.

  This time together was for her—to win her trust, her love and loyalty. With a seductive smile he circled her. “Much better; where I’m taking you is very windy.”

  Her eyes sparkled in the Ario sun. “Oh, and where is this?”

  Orin held out his hand. “Trust me?”

  Even after last night’s intimacy, the wariness in her gaze told him she didn’t trust easily. A weightless thrill ran though him when she nodded, placing her small hand into his larger one. He closed his hand around her trembling fingers, smiling with the genuine warmth he felt. “You’re going to love this, my little, song bird.”

  He lead her through the garden and out to the street where his Zoomer flyer waited, hovering two feet above the ground.

  Drango argued with Orin until his blue face mottled white with indignant anger, refusing to let Orin fly around without the protection of Orin’s personal guards.

  Finally, Drango agreed to Orin’s compromise; his guards would follow at a discreet distance. Orin warned them not to interfere unless his life was under direct threat or he commanded them to.

  Her eyes skimmed over his Zoomer, delight lighting her face. “Wow, what is this? It kinda looks like a huge, wheel-less version of a Harley Hog from Earth.”

  Amused laughter rumbled from his chest. “Do these Harley Hogs fly?”

  “No, we don’t have any kind of anti-gravity craft; just airplanes. Your world is far more advanced than Earth.”

  He released her hand to pull out a wind jacket and slip it around her shoulders, and then wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her lighter frame easily. She gasped. Orin loved the way her eyes widened. The delight and wonder in her expression every time he demonstrated his superior strength.

  “I’m too heavy to lift.”

  He frowned at her weak protest; he didn’t like the way she always devalued herself. He gripped her chin between his thumb and forefinger, forcing her to look at him.

  “You are not heavy and if I hear one more negative comment about yourself, I’m going to turn you over my knee and redden your beautiful, creamy ass. Do you understand?”

  Her eyes grew wider and she shivered. Ahh, so she liked the idea of a spanking, his little Earthling? So sweet, so submissive and so different from the confident, take charge attitude of Ario women. It brought his every primitive, possessive instinct roaring to the surface. Mine, my Empress.

  She nodded, her expressive eyes betraying her self-doubt.

  “Not good enough, Julie.” He held her gaze until he got the response he wanted.

  “I understand. I’m sorry.”

  He placed a soft kiss on her lips, showing his approval. “Good girl. Now, I promised to show you m…the kingdom, so relax and enjoy.” He almost kicked himself for the slip, but she didn’t notice.

  The dreamy smile on her face hardened his cock to the point of pain. He was going to have a hard time keeping his hands off her.

  He pulled back, donned his own jacket and mounted the Zoomer. Julie pressed into his back and wrapped her arms around his waist. He glanced down at her pale hands, inches from his groin.

  Just a little lower sweetheart and you’ll understand the full force of my need.

  With a flip of a switch, the Zoomer hummed to life. He gripped the handlebars and the craft shot forward and up.

  Her squeal of pure delight sounded in his ear, making him grin. He pushed the Zoomer higher into the sky, dipping and swerving, making her shriek and laugh, and at the same time grip him tighter.

  “Oh, my god! This is so much fun!”

  “Hold tight, little song bird, this is just the beginning.”

  Chapter Eight

  An avalanche couldn’t have been more devastating than Rin’s efforts to romance her. Their morning flight took them over cities, rolling hills, fields blooming with crops and bright wildflowers. His voice filled the little earpiece when he pointed out a particular landmark of tall hills resembling stacks of pipe chimneys. He talked generally about Ario’s history and how the first Emperor, with the help of a special Krystal resonating with power, pushed back an evil darkness into another realm.

  He explained special, historical events which took place, or the myriad of strange wildlife roaming through a forest of thin, needle-like trees. It was clear from the pride in his voice how much he loved his home.

  “How is it you know so mu

  “It’s my home planet. I take pride in what is mine.”

  “You talk as if you own the place.”

  “All citizens of Ario own and take pride in their planet.”

  She spied beautiful crystal sunlight sparkling on water. Rin flew down and landed by the soft lapping waters of a lake. He dismounted and removed his gloves and helmet.

  “Let me help you with this.” He removed her helmet and jacket, tossing them over the driver’s seat before lifting her into his arms. Julie hooked her arms around his neck, her heart beating faster when he stared hungrily into her eyes.

  “I’ve waited all my life for you, Julie.” His voice dipped lower in a husky tone, sending erotic chills down her spine.

  She frowned, still not fully understanding his attraction to her.

  It was on the tip of her tongue to question why, but she refrained, remembering his threat to spank her if she said anything negative about herself.

  Where was all her new-found confidence? He saw her naked and didn’t run screaming, and he still looked at her as if she were an ice cream to a five-year-old on a hot day.

  He set her on her feet, but kept one arm firmly around her. He used the other to tip her head back. She expected a kiss, but instead he leaned in.

  “Are you hungry, my song bird?”

  She was starving for another taste of Rin.

  “Yes, very hungry.”

  “Good.” He pulled away, keeping her hand encased in his large one, tugging her along the shore of the lake, and then back towards a tall tree in the tall grass. There, laid out in the shade, was a large, thick blanket, pillows and several little baskets.

  He did all this! Her heart did a little jig of delight. “Oh, Rin, this is wonderful! You’re wonderful,” she blurted out.

  Her pulse quickened at the proud, sappy grin on his face. Despite his pushy forwardness, the man was a romantic at heart. “Thank you.” She went up on tippy toes to press a kiss to his lips, and then he was quick to grip the back of her head, taking over the kiss, dominating her mouth.

  Her knees weakened and she sagged against him becoming light-headed.

  He pulled back and they were both breathing hard. “As much as I want to toss you down and ravish you, sweet Julie, even I must show some restraint.” His grin was pure wicked intent.

  “I must feed you first. Come.” He tugged her down onto the blanket and she pulled off the scarf and waited for him to open the lids of the baskets, rifling through and pulling out food covered in some sort of damp, muslin cloth.

  The spicy scents hit her nose and her stomach reacted. So far, she loved all of the food she tasted on Ario. Her mouth watered in anticipation of the flavors he dished out onto a single, dark stone, triangle plate. Picking up the elegant three-pronged, gold fork, he speared some pink-colored fleshy thing, and held it out to her.


  She obeyed, letting him place the food into her mouth. The buttery chicken taste made her moan in delight.

  “Gulip fowl, a delicacy on Ario, fit for royalty.” He winked. Julie giggled.

  “Trall said you work at the palace, what is it that you do?”

  “Oh, I do all sorts of things around the palace. I kind of dip my hand into anything which is needed to be done.”

  He fed her another piece of Gulip. “Do you have anything to do with this nightingale competition?” His hand paused, hovering in the air.

  “Would you be offended if I said yes? We need to find a new empress, one who will make the Song Krystal shine and keep the balance in the universe.”

  “She sounds more important than this Emperor I’ve been hearing about. Does this poor woman have to marry him?”

  He lowered the fork and she saw his jaw tighten, anger flashing in his gaze. Did she said the wrong thing?

  He drew in a breath before letting it out in a gusty sigh.

  “I’ve lived in the palace all my life. When the Emperor finds his nightingale, they fall in love. He is her balance, and she becomes his whole life. Wouldn’t you want love and harmony, a life together forever?”

  Her inner romantic delighted in Rin’s words, but her inner skeptic won over. “Ever hear of the saying, if something is too good to be true then it usually is? Every couple, even ‘perfect’ ones have their problems.”

  He lifted the fork again and she opened to take another mouthful, feeling conscious of his critical gaze. “You’ve not lived an easy life, have you, little one?”

  She shrugged, shifted on the blanket, and picked up the plate. “Living on Earth was a struggle. I had an ill mother to care for and it left me in a lot of debt when she passed. I’ve had to work hard to pay those debts.”

  “And your new life on Ario? How do you find it so far?”

  She smiled. “I’m happier here than on Earth. I never could have imagined a planet so devoted to music. Sometimes, I think this is all a dream bubble, and any moment it will burst and I’ll wake up in my shabby apartment back on Earth.”

  He smiled, helping himself to one of the other dishes which looked a lot like potato salad. “Don’t you want something better than to wait on customers in a bar and sing for your frillip chips?”

  “No, I’m enjoying myself too much.” She rocked forward on her knees and flipped open another basket. She smiled, spotting the veer bottle, tugging it out along with the two, tall glasses. He never took his eyes off her as she poured the drinks before handing him a glass. “The way I see it, this place is a chance for a new life. I’m going to embrace everything it has to offer.”

  “And me, can I be a part of your new life?” He took the offered veer, taking a long drink before setting the glass aside.

  She swept her gaze over his muscular form, his handsome angular-cut jaw and met his blue gaze burning with fire and passion. He bulldozed his way into her new life, already turning it upside down.

  Still, a warning to be cautious nagged at the back of her mind.

  “You move very fast, and I’m attracted to you—I mean, what woman wouldn’t be? However, I’d like to get to know you better and see where things go.”

  He reached out and cupped the side of her face, the warmth of his hand soaking into her skin. “I see doubt in your eyes, but it pleases me you’re willing to give us a chance because I have no intention of letting you go after finding you.”

  “How can you be so sure if we step into a relationship it will work out? I know we have good sex but…”

  “Good sex? I’m almost offended,” he teased, his eyes alight with humor. He reached up, sliding his fingers around the back of her neck, adding gentle pressure to draw her closer.

  “Sex between true lovers can only ever get better. It can also deepen the bond between couples, but our connection goes beyond sex. I feel the strong bond between us already. Tell me you can’t feel something.”

  She did—and this was the problem.

  “Did you know your brow furrows when you think too much?” Amusement threaded his tone. He pressed his lips to her forehead. “You are mine now, Julie, do you understand?” His deeper, commanding tone returned and an erotic chill ran down her spine. She shuddered.

  Her mind warred with her body, not understanding why Rin’s bossiness turned her on so much.

  “Stop thinking, Julie, and remove your top. I want to see your beautiful breasts in the sunlight.”

  Her eyes widened at his demand while, at the same time, moisture flooded her sex, making it clench at the mere thought.

  Rin tipped her head back. She stared up into his intense, blue gaze. “Are you going to obey me?”

  “Someone might see.” She stumbled, realizing her voice was lower, huskier.

  Rin's smile was knowing and seductive, but his gaze never left hers.

  “There is no one around, even if someone did see us, they would see only a beautiful woman. Do you trust me, Julie? Do you want to please me?”

  She did trust him, and she did want to please him. She never did anything like this
before. Then again, she never believed she could end up living on an alien planet either. Here, before her was another chance to leap forward in her new life. She swallowed. What did she have to lose? He released her chin and he sat back and waited.

  With trembling fingers, she found the hem of her top. She closed her eyes, drew in a deep breath and peeled it up, lifting it over her head.

  The slight breeze from the lake tickled her naked skin and her breathing got a little faster. Her breasts swelled and her nipples hardened into tight points, begging for attention.


  She opened her eyes at Rin’s softly-spoken, reverent word. His gaze was on her breasts and he licked his lips. “Stay on your knees, little one.” He rose to his feet and circled around her. The heat of his body pressed into her from behind.

  “Thank you for your trust and your obedience.” His hands skimmed in to cup her breasts.

  “Surrender to me, Julie, give me everything I want. In return, I will give you boundless pleasure.” His fingers zeroed in on her nipples, squeezing and rolling them between thumb and forefinger, making her gasp. His lips slid along the side of her neck and she tilted her head to give him better access and a sign of her submission.

  He nipped at her skin. “Are you wet for me, little one?”

  She whimpered and he squeezed her nipples to the point of pain.

  “Not an answer. We make noise during pleasure, but when I ask you a question, I want a proper, verbal answer, understood?”

  He wanted to her to say it out loud. It was hard, bloody hard, but no one else on Ario was as suppressed as she felt. She drew in a shaky breath, knowing she needed to get past these inhibitions of hers and break free and Rin was just the man to help her.

  “Y… yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl. We’ll start again. Are you wet for me?”

  “Yes, Sir, I’m wet.”

  “Not so hard now. For that you get a reward. Legs apart.”

  She widened her legs and he slid one hand down under her skirt, through the damp curls of her mons and slipping through her wet folds. She gasped when his fingers easily found her clit and he rubbed the swollen bud in hard, firm circles. Her hips thrust forward into his hand, her body trembled, wanting and needing more. He stilled his hand and she groaned.


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