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The Emperor's New Nightingale

Page 11

by Angela Castle

  Trall set her on her feet, but didn’t let her go. “You’re not a soldier and a battleground is no place for the Empress of Ario. I wasn’t always a tavern owner, Julie, I trained with my brothers in the Verkin army. I’ll make sure no harm comes to you.”

  “I don’t care about myself. We have to help Orin. There has to be a way to drive back the Shadow Lord, a way put the barrier back in place.”

  “Without the Krystal, I’m not sure it’s possible. All we can do now is fight and hopefully win.” With his hands on her, he forced her to keep walking down the corridor.

  “Your Majesty, your Majesty!” a voice yelled.

  Julie, thinking Orin was nearby, scanned the people running to and fro, trying to seek him out.

  “Wait, your Majesty!”

  “He means you, Julie.” Trall paused, turning to face an elderly man with short, white hair and a long, thin face, dressed in a purple robe.

  Breathless from running, he paused to draw in several deep breaths before bowing. “Your Majesty, I am Jitt and I’m a Song Krystal keeper. The secrets of the Krystal have been passed down to me for many generations. You are our only hope of fighting back the darkness.”

  “The Krystal is destroyed; how could she possibly be of any help now? You’re being foolish, old man,” Trall growled.

  “Damn it, Trall, be nice.”

  “This is where you’re wrong, Verkin. The Krystal is and has always been one part of a whole. You, your majesty, are the other half. The Krystal may lay in shattered fragments on the floor in the Great Hall, but you have the power to bring it back together.”

  “How?” Julie again tried unsuccessfully to tug herself from Trall’s grip.

  “The power of the Krystal lies within the pure heart of a true song. You mix it with true love and the perfect pitch. There is nothing more powerful and potent in the entire universe. You must return and sing.”

  “There’s a war going on in there. I won’t put the Empress in harm’s way.”

  “It's either here and now, or we will be overrun by the darkness. If they scatter the fragments of the Krystal before she can sing, we will all die.”

  If this were an ordinary human on Earth, Julie would have dismissed him for crazy, but since her arrival on Ario, she saw and done things to challenge everything she was ever taught. It was time to step up and accept who she is, a woman in love, willing to walk, run or ride into hell itself to save Orin, and it wasn’t just him, but a whole galaxy of people at risk. They were her people now.

  Julie straightened her spine and pushed the throbbing pain in her head back. No longer the shy, timid, little Julie of Earth, she is the Empress to Orin of Ario, ruler of the Four Galaxies of Harmony, and without her, Harmony would be shattered forever.

  “I believe him. Trall, we have to go back.”

  “I can’t allow —”

  She yanked herself from his arms and faced him. “I’m the Nightingale and Empress of Ario. If your orders are to protect me, then do so, but I am going back to the great hall to do what I was brought here to do.”

  “Oh, bless you, your Majesty!” Jitt bowed, reverently.

  Trall bowed his head. “As your Majesty wishes.” In a swift move, Trall jumped into the path of a running solider. The armed Ario man skidded to a halt, glaring at Trall as if the Verkin lost his mind.

  “I need weapons, if you please.”

  The Ario guard unhooked a sword and a dagger from his black belt, handing them both to Trall.

  “Thank you.” He turned back to her and also Jitt. “I hope you’re right about this, old man.” He looked at her. “Stay close to me.” He then drew in a deep breath. “I have a bad feeling about this, but hey, you only live once, and no way in seven hells do I want to live it in darkness run by a suck-up, Shadow Lord.”

  Julie hid her grin as Trall turned back the way they came. Together, they strode down the hall and straight in to the heart of the storm.

  * * * *

  Orin grunted, delivering a swift kick to the shadow soldier, a dark gray creature with humanoid features and dull, lifeless eyes. He didn’t even wait to see where it hit the ground, as he was already swinging around to battle two more minions racing up the steps.

  “For every one of them we kill,” puffed Drango, fighting at his back, “two more come through the rift.”

  Orin noticed this, as well. “We’ll have to pull back and re-group our forces.” Orin ducked, narrowly avoiding a swinging blade, spearing his own into the belly of the minion. “Surround the palace and concentrate our attack.” He yanked out the blade and thrust his elbow back into another minion, knocking him flat.

  “But if we can’t close that rift…” Drango yanked his laser cannon off his belt, disintegrating three more Shadow Minions, who were barreling towards them with a blood curdling, war cry.

  “We have to kill Ractor, and then his army will fall.”

  A flash of color in the corner of Orin’s eye made him turn his head. Julie came racing into the hall, Trall close by her side, brandishing his weapons.

  “Remind me to kill your brother when this is over,” Orin hissed through clenched teeth. He was going to skin the Verkin alive for directly disobeying his orders.

  Trall easily dispatched several minions who slipped past the mass of fighting guards. Julie ran towards the altar, dropping down behind it. What on Ario am I doing?

  * * * *

  The terrible sounds of swords clashing, the grunts and yells of the men fighting and the screams of the dying made it hard to focus.

  Clear your mind, block out everything else.

  Love, light, peace—this is what she tried to concentrate on.

  “Julie, hurry!” Trall’s voice sounded strained.

  Love, the way she felt in Orin’s arms, his warm, sexy smile. The way her heart thumped wildly when he told her he loved her. The warmth of her friends, how they stood by her side through thick and thin. She filled her heart with all those wonderful emotions and started to sing, straight from her heart.

  She glanced up, meeting Orin’s gaze ablaze with passion and fire. The song filled her head and love filled her heart, and she sang amidst all the chaos.

  Remember those walls I built, Well, baby they’re tumbling down…

  And they didn’t even put up a fight, they didn’t even make a sound.

  I found a way to let you in, but never really had a doubt

  Standing in the light of your halo, I got my angel now…

  She felt her body vibrate, but she didn’t stop, she kept singing, even as Trall fought to defend her from harm and Orin and Drango fought their way over to her. A glow surrounded her, reaching out to the scattered shards of the Song Krystal.

  It’s like I’ve been awakened, every rule I had you’re breakin’

  It’s the risk that I’m takin’, I ain’t never gonna shut you out.

  Everywhere I’m looking now, I’m surrounded by your embrace

  Baby, I can see your halo, you know you’re my saving grace…

  In a blinding flash of light, the Krystal suddenly melded back together, but still Julie sang.

  Banish the darkness, banish the darkness, drive them back! The thought ran through her mind over and over while the Krystal hovered in the air. The fighting came to stand-still and everyone turned to stare in astonishment at the spinning, glowing Krystal. Julie's voice was now the only sound echoing through the hall.

  “Kill her! Destroy the Krystal!” bellowed a cloaked figure, who came rushing at her.

  “Don’t stop, Julie! Sing, my love, sing!” Orin jumped into the path of the Shadow Lord, the ringing clash of metal on metal made her jump, but she kept her voice steady and strong, rising to her feet and reaching for the Krystal.

  You’re everything I need and more, it’s written all over your face

  Baby I can feel your halo, pray it won’t fade away…

  I can feel your halo, halo, halo… I can see your halo, halo, halo…

  The moment her fing
ers made contact with the smooth, heated surface, beams of light shot out in all directions, enveloping everyone in the hall.

  The screams of the Shadow Lords minions cut off as they burst apart, disintegrating into dust, their weapons clattering to the stone floor.

  “Nooo!” The Shadow Lord, the only one left standing, backed up hastily. Orin charged at him, but he turned and ran back towards the rift.

  “This isn’t over yet, Orin, mark my words! I will return and take what belongs to me!” He jumped into the darkness of the rift before it sealed shut.

  A roar of victory rose in the hall, elation and relief flooding Julie as she let her song fade. Orin turned towards her. The pride and love on his face made her heart leap. She couldn’t tear her gaze from his while he strode towards her, handing off his weapons to Drango as he passed.

  A smashing sound made her jump and swing her gaze to Jitt. The Krystal keeper threw the fake Krystal to the floor, shattering it. He stomped on the pieces, grinding them to dust, muttering how he should have known it was a fake, before turning to her.

  “Your Majesty,” he bowed reverently to her, his arms out stretched, “if I may.” She nodded placing the genuine Song Krystal back with its keeper.

  A light touch on her shoulder made her spin around. “My beautiful Julie, you’ve saved us all.” She drank in Orin’s form. There were several cuts on his arm and a bruise on his left cheek.

  “You’re hurt.” Her voice was breathless and she wanted so desperately to touch him, but uncertainty held her back. Was he still upset with her for rejecting him in the alley?

  “It is nothing. I need you more.” The depth of emotion in his eyes snapped her self-control and she flung herself into his arms.

  “Oh, Orin, I’m so sorry I ever doubted you.”

  His arms crushed her against him, his face deep in her hair breathing in her soft scent. “No, my love, none of this is your fault. We were both victims of deceit. My father told me to trust my heart and believe in my instincts. I did and they have not led me astray. I love you, Julie, my empress, my nightingale. You are mine, now and forever.”

  He pulled back his hand, brushing the hair from her face. “I think I’ve loved you from moment I met you in Trall’s tavern.”

  His smile widened. “And I you,” she said. He dipped his head and she eagerly accepted his kiss. Another cheer rose from the assembled guards and those still in the hall.

  “The Emperor and Empress of Ario!” someone yelled. They broke apart and heat flooded Julie’s face. Orin chuckled, holding her tight and kissing the top of her head.

  “I’m looking forward to spending time to make you flush like that, my love,” he whispered close to her ear, making her redden even more.

  She buried her face in his shoulder.

  “It has always been the balance of harmony, love and song which kept peace in our galaxy,” Jitt addressed them both.

  Julie raised her head. “Jitt knew if I sang the Krystal would reform.”

  “The true treasure is the nightingale, not just the Krystal,” said Jitt. “It’s her love which makes it shine, not just her song. Both Emperor and Empress are connected by their hearts and it’s the strongest of powers; without it, this Krystal...” He held up the Song Krystal. “ just another rock.”

  “Thank you, Jitt, you and Julie saved everyone. Your dedication and wisdom in what could have been the darkest of times will not go unrewarded.”

  Julie smiled her gratitude.

  Jitt inclined his head and walked off, guards quickly surrounding him to keep the Krystal safe.

  “Come now, my love.”

  Julie squeaked in surprise when Orin scooped her up in his arms, cradling her against his muscular chest.

  “Orin, put me down, you're hurt!”

  “Mere scratches, my love, but if it eases your mind, you can attend me in our chambers.” Her stomach fluttered at the heat in his eyes and the suggestiveness of his tone.

  She smiled, heat scoring her cheeks and she glanced up at him through her eyelashes. “As you wish, your Majesty.”


  Two months later…

  “Oh, god, I can’t breathe!” She stumbled, her head swimming. Behind her, the doors to their bed chamber closed. She struggled to draw air into her lungs, but was inhibited by the constriction pressing in on her chest.

  Orin sprang from his chair by the window, marching forward to her.

  “What is it? Has someone harmed you?”

  “My dress!” she gasped again. “Off, need it…now!”

  Within seconds, he was by her side, lifting her in his strong arms and carrying her to the bed before setting her down. He produced a sharp dagger, scowling down at her as he slipped the blade under the top of the fabric at the swell of her breasts.

  “Why didn’t you say something earlier? It’s clearly too tight.”

  The knife slid under the top of her garment and it parted. Julie sucked in a deep breath, her lungs no longer constricted.

  She heaved a sigh, but it turned into a shudder seeing the lust burning in Orin’s gaze as his eyes slid down her naked breasts.

  “The dress was a gift from Chancellor Promeious’s wife. I had no wish to offend her. Remember behind every great man…”

  “Ah, yes, but it is my decree that only I am allowed to leave you breathless.”

  Orin grinned, dipping his head to latch onto one of her nipples. She gasped, her hand threading through the softness of his hair, arching her back to give him, and demand more. Arousal flooded through her body. She could never get enough of her husband’s touch, his mouth, his cock sliding in and out of her body.

  “Oh, yes, Orin, only you.”

  “You have to stop trying to impress people, my love.” Orin raised his head, meeting her gaze head on. “You are Empress of the Four Galaxies of Harmony. Anyone who dares to look down on you for any reason will have to deal with me and the people of Ario, who adore every inch of you.”

  Warmth spread through her at Orin’s words. The tea party with the Chancellor’s wife was a strain, but being a public figure and keeping good relations with other planets within the galaxies was a part of her job as Empress. The woman gave her the dress, saying it would help slim down her figure, and she fell back into her old way of thinking, and tried to impress the taller, skinnier woman.

  “I was a fool to let her get to me and let my insecurities rule my thinking. No more uncomfortable dresses.”

  “And what else, my love?”

  “No more caring about what other people think. I am the Empress of Ario and the Four Galaxies of Harmony. No one’s opinion matters, but mine and yours.”

  Orin’s grin widened, pride shining in his eyes. Two months of marriage and, under her husband’s gentle guidance, helped to shape her into a stronger, more confident woman—an Empress who she and Orin could be proud of.

  However, she knew he would love her no matter what—he spent day and night proving how beautiful and loved she is.

  He latched on to her other breast, sucking the hardened nub, sending spikes of pleasure tinged with pain throughout her body.

  Oh, how she loved what he did to her. She became addicted to everything he did to her.

  She gasped when he suddenly shifted, gripped her tightly and rolled on the bed, so she straddled his muscular thighs. Her breasts danged like offerings to her Emperor.

  She knew better than to protest her weight atop him. She grinned with wicked intent and wiggled her ass against his erection bulging through his pants.

  “Hmm, my lord, is this for me?” She reached around and squeezed his hard length. He hissed.

  “Saucy wench, stay where you are, I was enjoying my reward for saving your life.” He tried to zero in on her breasts, licking his lips, but Julie pulled away, making him growl.

  “I should reward my hero properly.” Scooting down further on the bed, she slipped off and her knees hit the plush carpet around their bed, quickly taking care of the ties on his p
ants and freeing the current object of her focus. “Be still, my lord, and let your wench take care of you.”

  He half groaned and half chuckled, loving the little games they played when they got time alone.

  She slid her lips around his thick shaft; it felt like stainless steel covered in silk. More than that, his cock pulsed with the beat of his heart almost as if it had a heart of its own.

  It was impossible to span this beautiful cock with one hand while she caressed its pulsating length. She used her thumb to spread his copious pre-cum over his purpling glans, so she could caress the tip lasciviously back and forth.

  Her pussy clenched, knowing how good it feels to have him deep within her. She desperately wanted to impale herself onto it and take her pleasure, but she got just as much pleasure worshiping his body as he did hers.

  Pausing only to lap at the salty pre-cum, she leaned down and kissed the tip, and then slowly slurped her way along its head. She found it easier to get it inside her mouth by twisting her head to one side as she sucked hard. This bought a loud groan from Orin and would have done from her, too, if her mouth wasn’t so delightfully filled; so, he settled for a deep hum, which pleased him even more. His groans grew louder as she sucked and swirled at this wonderful cock.

  She felt Orin pull up her skirt and his fingertips draw tiny circles at the top of her thighs. Automatically, she parted her legs to allow his delicate, yet sure touch.

  “Oh, my beautiful Nightingale,” he groaned. Leaning forward, his fingers now tracing slowly up and down her pussy lips, skimming lightly across her clit, which now was swollen and begging for his touch.

  She let him know her growing need by sucking harder and humming a little louder. His chuckle was more a groan, but he got the message, and his caress grew stronger and bolder. Small, electric currents arched across between them, making her clit go into an orgasmic spasm. Her body shuddered under his skilled touch.

  So engrossed in her task, she hardly noticed Orin ripping the rest of her clothing off, leaving her naked and on her knees. Her skin buzzed and she barely had time to protest when his fingers slid through her hair and pulled her off his cock. He moved swiftly, scooping her up into his arms, turning her and, laying her on the bed, his head towards the dripping ‘V’ of her thighs.


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