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Adaptation Part Two

Page 6

by Unknown

  For that matter, it wasn't as if that wasn't already a fact of life on earth with the population explosion. There were just too many people now for the eco-system or the economy to comfortably support anyone! Colonization at least offered jobs and those were damned hard to get and even harder to keep!

  "Do you think you have time to put your affairs in order before the ship leaves?" she asked a little doubtfully.

  Sissy shrugged. "It isn't like I've got that much-or that they'll let anybody take a lot of stuff, for that matter. If I hump it, I think I can manage it."

  Kate smiled at her friend. "I didn't want to try to talk you in to it when I thought you might regret going, but I'm glad you decided to go. It'll be nice to have a friend when I get there. At least there'll be one familiar face!"

  Sissy grinned back at her, but Kate could see that she was still wavering on her decision and more uneasy at the prospect of becoming a colonist than thrilled about the idea. "Ditto-but maybe your hunks are going, too? Wouldn't that be cool?"

  Kate's smile was forced that time. "Oh, it would be super cool, but what are the odds?" Unless she could stack them in her favor.

  "Stranger things have happened," Sissy said lightly.

  Kate couldn't agree more-like discovering she'd had a wild night of sex with her three 'subjects'!

  "Hey! I think I see them! Isn't that the guys you picked up the other night?"

  Kate felt a cold sweat break out. "Where?"

  "Over there near the dance floor. They're looking this way."

  Kate stared at the men, hard, when she spied them. It was them! She knew it was, and a mixture of sheer terror and relief filled her. As she watched them plow through the crowd and straight toward her, she tried to banish the image of herself as a lamb tied to the stake as bait for hungry predators.

  She was stunned, to say the very least, when the men finally got close enough for her to see them well. "That isn't them. I don't recognize them."

  When the men finally paused beside the table she was sharing with Sissy, however, she discovered it actually was them-Ronan, Dax, and Jarek. They just weren't 'wearing' the same faces they'd been wearing the first-no make that the second-time she'd met them!

  Despite the fact that it seemed unlikely, to say the least, that another trio would single her out and that the three men were the same heights and builds as the Sirians, as far as she could see, a good bit of doubt lingered in her mind that they actually were the Sirians-until they started dancing.

  That was not only a dead giveaway, it was embarrassing as hell! She hadn't drunk nearly enough of her drink to prevent a painful blush from climbing all the way up to her hairline and all the way down to her toes.

  "Oh my god!" she muttered, wishing she could escape, struggling with the urge to leap to her feet and dash off or slide under the table and hide.

  She might have tried if they hadn't surrounded her, making escape impossible and she wasn't too paralyzed with discomfort to duck under the table.




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