The Early History of the Ancient Near East (9000-2000 BC)

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The Early History of the Ancient Near East (9000-2000 BC) Page 24

by Hans J Nissen

  Jacobsen, Th. The Sumerian Kinglist. Assyriological Studies, no. 11. Chicago, 1939.

  . Toward the Image of Tammuz. Cambridge, 1970.

  . Salinity and Irrigation Agriculture in Antiquity. Bibliotheca Mesopotamica, vol. 14. Malibu, 1982.

  Jacobsen, Th., and R. McC. Adams. Salt and Silt in Ancient Mesopotamian Agriculture. Science 128 (1958).

  Johnson, G. A. Aspects of Regional Analysis in Archaeology. Annual Reviews of Anthropology 6 (1977)

  Khalifa, Sheikha H. A., and M. Rice, eds. Bahrain through the Ages: The Archaeology. London, 1986.

  Kramer, S. N. History Begins at Sumer. New York, 1959.

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  Landsberger, B. Three Essays on the Sumerians. Trans. Maria de J. Ellis. Monographs on the Ancient Near East, vol 1, no. 2 Malibu, 1974.

  Larsen, C. E. The Mesopotamian Delta Region: A Reconsideration of Lees and Falcon. Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1978).

  Lees, G. M., and N. L. Falcon. The Geographical History of the Mesopotamian Plains. Geographical Journal 118 (1952).

  Levine, L., and T. C. Young, eds. Mountains and Lowlands: Essays in the Archaeology of Greater Mesopotamia. Bibliotheca Mesopotamica, vol.7. Malibu, 1977.

  Lieberman, S., ed. Sumerological Studies in Honor of Thorkild Jacobsen. Assyriological Studies, no. 20. Chicago, 1976.

  Mellaart, J. Earliest Civilizations of the Near East. London, 1965.

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  Muhly, J. D. Copper and Tin. New Haven, 1973.

  Müller-Karpe, H. Handbuch der Vorgeschichte. Vols. 1–3. Munich, 1966–1974.

  Nissen, H. J. Geographie. In S. Lieberman, ed. Sumerological Studies in Honor of Th. Jacobsen. Chicago, 1976.

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  . Autonomy and Nomadism in Western Asia. Orientalia 42 (1973).

  . Dimorphic Structure and Topology. Oriens Antiquus 15 (1976).

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  Van Dijk, J. J. A. Sumerische Religion. Handbuch der Religionsgeschichte, vol. 1. Göttingen, 1971.

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  Wirth, E. Agrargeographie des Irak. Hamburg, 1962.

  . Syrien: eine geographische Landeskunde. Darmstadt, 1971.

  Wittfogel, K. A. Oriental Despotism: A Comparative Study of Total Power. New Haven 1957.

  Wright, H. T. Recent Research on the Origin of the State. Annual Review of Anthropology 6 (1977).

  Young, T. C., P. E. L. Smith, and P. Mortensen, eds. The Hilly Flanks and Beyond: Essays on the Prehistory of Southwestern Asia, Presented to R. J. Braidwood. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization, no. 36. Chicago, 1984.

  Chapter Two

  Braidwood, R. J., et al. Prehistoric Investigations in Iraqi Kurdistan. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization, no. 31. Chicago, 1960.

  . Prehistoric Archaeology along the Zagros Flanks. Oriental Institute Publication 105. Chicago, 1983.

  Braidwood, R. J., H. Cambel, and W. Schirmer. Beginnings of Village-Farming Communities in Southeastern Turkey. Journal of Field Archaeology 8 (1981).

  Childe, V. G. New Light on the Most Ancient Near East. 4th ed. London, 1952.

  Flannery, K. V. The Ecology of Early Food Production in Mesopotamia. Science 147 (1967).

  . The Origins of the Village as a Settlement Type in Mesoamerica and the Near East. In P. Ucko et al., eds. Man, Settlement and Urbanism. London, 1972.

  . The Origins of Agriculture. Annual Review of Anthropology 2 (1973).

  Frey, W., and H. P. Uerpmann, eds. Beiträge zur Umweltgeschichte des Vorderen Orients. Beiheft zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, A8. Wiesbaden, 1981.

  Gebel, H. G. Das Akeramische Neolithikum Vorderasiens. Beiheft zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, B52. Wiesbaden, 1984.

  Harlan, J. R. A Wild Wheat Harvest in Turkey. Archaeology 20 (1967).

  Harris, D. R. Settling Down: An Evolutionary Model for the Transformation of Mobile Bands into Sedentary Communities. In J. Friedman and M. Rowlands, eds. The Evolution of Social Systems. London, 1977.

  Hole, F., K. V. Flannery, and J. A. Neely. Prehistory and Ecology of the Deh Luran Plain. Ann Arbor, 1969.

  Kenyon, K. Excavations at Jericho. Vols. 1–5. London, 1960–83.

  Kirkbride, D. Five Seasons at Beidha. Palestine Exploration Quarterly (1966).

  . Umm Dabaghiyah: Preliminary reports. Iraq 35 (1973) and 37 (1975).

  Mellaart, J. Catal Hüyük: A Neolithic Town in Anatolia. London, 1967.

  Mortensen, P. Patterns of Interaction between Seasonal Settlements and Early Villages in Mesopotamia. In T. C. Young et al., eds. The Hilly Flanks and Beyond. Chicago, 1983.

  Nissen, H. J., and A. Zagarell. Expedition to the Zagros Mountains 1975. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Symposium on Archaeology in Iran. Teheran, 1976.

  Oates, J. The Background and Development of Early Farming Communities in Mesopotamia and the Zagros. Proceedings of the Prehistorical Society (London) 39 (1973).

  Perrot, J. La préhistoire palestinienne. Supplément au dictionaire de la Bible. Vol. 8. Paris, 1968.

  Reed, C. A., ed. Origins of Agriculture. The Hague, 1977.

  Solecki, R. S. Shanidar: The First Flower People. New York, 1971

  Ucko, P. J., and G. W. Dimbleby, eds. The Domestication and Exploitation of Plants and Animals. London, 1969.

  Uerpmann, H.-P. Probleme der Neolithisierung des Mittelmeerraumes. Beiheft zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, B28. Wiesbaden, 1979.

  Vita-Finzi, C., and E. S. Higgs. Prehistoric Economy in the Mount Carmel Area of Palestine: Site Catchment Analysis. Proceedings of the Prehistorical Society (London) 36 (1970).

  Voigt, M. M. Hajji Firuz Tepe, Iran: The Neolithic Settlement. Philadelphia, 1983.

  Chapter Three

  Adams, R. McC. The Evolution of Urban Society. Chicago, 1966.

  Hall, H. R., and C. L. Woolley. Al Ubaid: Ur Excavations. Vol. 1. London, 1927.

  Hijara, I., et al. Arpachiyah. Iraq 42 (1980).

  Johnson, G. A. Local Exchange and Early State Development in Southwestern Iran. Ann Arbor, 1973.

  . Organizational St
ructure and Scalar Stress. In C. Renfrew et al., eds. Theory and Explanation in Archaeology. New York, 1982.

  Lloyd, S., and F. Safar. Tell Uqair. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 2 (1943).

  Mallowan, M. E. L. Excavations at Tall Arpachiyah. Iraq 2 (1935).

  Nissen, H. J. Political Organization and Settled Zone. In T. C. Young, P. E. L. Smith, and P. Mortensen, eds. The Hilly Flanks and Beyond. Chicago, 1983.

  Schmidt, H. Tell Halaf I: Die prähistorischen Funde. Berlin, 1943.

  Vertesalji, P. P. Babylonien zur Steinkupferzeit. Beiheft zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, B35. Wiesbaden, 1984.

  Weiss, H. Periodization, Population and Early State Formation in Khuzestan. In L. Levine and T. C. Young, eds. Mountains and Lowlands. Malibu, 1977.

  Woolley, C. L. The Early Periods: Ur Excavations. Vol. 4. London, 1956.

  Wright, H. T., and G. A. Johnson. Population, Exchange and Early State Formation in Southwestern Iran. American Anthropology 77 (1975).

  Zagarell, A. The Prehistory of the Northeast Bakhtiyari Mountains, Iran. Beiheft zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, B42. Wiesbaden, 1982.

  Chapter Four

  Amiet, P. La glyptique de l’acropole. Cahiers de la dél. archéol. franc. en Iran 1 (1971).

  Beale, T. W. Bevelled Rim Bowls and Their Implications for Change and Economic Organization in the Later Fourth Millennium B.C. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 37 (1978).

  Brandes, M. A. Siegelabrollungen aus den Archaischen Bauschichten in Uruk-Warka. Freiburger Altorient. Stud. 3. Wiesbaden, 1979.

  Delougaz, P. P., and H. J. Kantor. New Evidence for the Prehistoric and Protoliterate Culture Development in Khuzestan. Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of Iranian Art and Archaeology. Teheran, 1972.

  Esin, U. Die kulturellen Beziehungen zwischen Ostanatolien und Mesopotamien und Syrien. In H. J. Nissen and J. Renger, eds. Mesopotamien und seine Nachbarn. Berlin, 1982.

  Falkenstein A. Archaische Texte aus Uruk. Leipzig, 1936.

  Finkbeiner, U., and W. Röllig, eds. Jamdet Nasr: Period or Regional Style? Beiheft zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, B62. Wiesbaden, 1986.

  Gelb, I. J. The Ancient Mesopotamian Ration System. Journal of Near Eastern Studies. 24 (1965).

  Green, M. W., and H. J. Nissen. Zeichenliste der Archaischen Texte aus Uruk. Archaische Texte aus Uruk 2. Berlin, 1987.

  Heinrich, E. Kleinfunde aus den Archaischen Tempelschichten aus Uruk.Berlin, 1936.

  Johnson, G. A. Early State Organization in Southwestern Iran. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Symposium on Archaeological Research in Iran. Teheran, 1976.

  Le Breton, L. The Early Periods at Susa: Mesopotamian Relations. Iraq 19 (1957).

  Le Brun, A., and F. Vallat. L’origine de l’écriture a Suse. Cahiers de la dél. archéol. franc. en Iran 8 (1978).

  Nissen, H. J. Grabung in den Quadraten K/L XII in Uruk-Warka. Baghdader Mitteilungen 5 (1970).

  . The City Wall of Uruk. In. P. Ucko et al., eds. Man, Settlement and Urbanism. London, 1972.

  . Zur Frage der Arbeitsorganisation in Babylonien während der Späturuk-Zeit. Acta Antiqua Hung. 22 (1974).

  . The Emergence of Writing in the Near East. Interdisciplinary Science Review 10 (1985).

  . The Archaic Texts from Uruk. World Archaeology 17 (1986).

  . Mesopotamia before 5000 Years. Sussidi Didattici, vol. 1. Rome, 1987.

  Palmieri, A. Eastern Anatolia and Early Mesopotamian Urbanism: Remarks on Changing Relations. In M. Liverani, A. Palmieri, and R. Peroni, eds. Studi di Paletnologia in onore di S. M. Puglisi. Rome, 1985.

  Schmandt-Besserat, D. An Archaic Recording System and the origin of Writing. Malibu, 1977.

  Strommenger, E. The Chronological Division of the Archaic Levels of Uruk-Warka. American Journal of Archaeology 84 (1980): 479–87.

  . Habuba Kabira: Eine Stadt vor 5000 Jahren. Mainz, 1980.

  Sürenhagen, D. Untersuchungen zur Keramikproduktion innerhalb der späturuk-zeitlichen Siedlung Habuba Kabira. Berlin, 1977.

  Tobler, A. J. Excavations at Tepe Gawra II. Philadelphia, 1950.

  Weiss, H., and T. C. Young. The Merchants of Susa. Iran 13 (1975).

  Chapter Five

  Bauer, J. Altsumerische Wirtschaftstexte aus Lagasch. Studia Pohl, vol. 9. Rome, 1972.

  Biggs, R. D. Inscriptions from Tell Abu Salabikh. Oriental Institute Publication 99. Chicago, 1974.

  Cagni, L., ed. Il Bilinguismo a Ebla. Napoli, 1984.

  Cooper, J. S.: Reconstructing History from Ancient Inscriptions: The Umma-Lagash Border Conflict. Malibu, 1983.

  Delougaz, P. P. Plano-Convex Bricks and the Methods of their Employment. Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Civilization, no. 7. Chicago, 1933.

  Diakonoff, I. M. Structure of Society and State in Early Dynastic Sumer. Monographs on the Ancient Near East, vol. 1, no. 1. Malibu, 1974.

  Falkenstein, A. The Sumerian Temple City. Monographs on the Ancient Near East, vol. 1, no. 3. Malibu, 1974.

  Gelb, I. J. On the Alleged Temple and State Economies in Ancient Mesopotamia. Studi in onore di E. Volterra. Rome, 1969.

  . Thoughts about Ibla. Malibu, 1977.

  Goetze, A. Early Kings of Kish. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 15 (1965).

  Jacobsen, Th. Early Political Development in Mesopotamia. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 52 (1957).

  Jones, T. B., ed. The Sumerian Problem. New York, 1969.

  Kohl, P. L. The Balance of Trade in Southwestern Asia in the Mid-Third Millennium. Current Anthropology 19 (1978).

  Matthiae, P. An Empire Rediscovered. Trans. Christopher Holme. London, 1980.

  . I tesori di Ebla. Rome, 1985.

  Nissen, H. J. Zur Datierung des Königsfriedhofes von Ur. Bonn, 1966.

  Pettinato, G. The Archives of Ebla: An Empire Inscribed in Clay. Garden City, 1981.

  Steible, H. Die Altsumerischen Bau- und Weihinschriften. Freiburger Altorient. Stud. 5. Wiesbaden, 1982.

  Wolley, C. L. The Royal Cemetery: Ur Excavations, Vol. 2. London, 1939.

  Chapter Six

  Falkenstein, A. Die Inschriften Gudeas von Lagasch I: Einleitung. Rome, 1966.

  Gelb, I. J. Makan and Meluhha in Early Mesopotamian Sources. Révue d’Assyriologie 64 (1970).

  Hallo, W. W., and J. J. A. van Dijk. The Exaltation of Inanna. Yale Near Eastern Researches, vol. 3. New Haven, 1968.

  Kraus, F. R. Sumerer und Akkader: ein Problem der Altmesopotamischen Geschichte. Amsterdam, 1970.

  Wilcke, C. Drei Phasen des Niedergangs des Reiches von Ur III. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 60 (1970).

  Reports on the work in the two large sites, Uruk and Susa, appear in the following serials:

  Susa: Mémoires de la Délégation Archéologique en Iran, Paris. Cahiers de la Délégation Archéologique Française en Iran, Paris.

  Uruk: Vorläufige Berichte über die von dem Deutschen Archäologischen Institut aus Mitteln der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft unternommenen Ausgrabungen in Uruk-Warka, Berlin.

  Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft in Uruk-Warka, Berlin.


  A curse of Akkad, 174, 185, 186

  Abu Dhabi, 127

  Abu Salabikh, Tell, 138, 160

  Adab, city of, 131, 186

  Administration, reforms of, 193, 195

  Agglutinative language, 13

  Aggregate settlement area, 67

  Ajrab, Tell, 149

  Akkad, city of, 165, 168, 171, 185

  Akkadian language, 13, 162, 165

  Akkadians, 160, 175, 187

  Alaca Hüyük, 182, fig. 69

  Ali Kosh, Tepe, 32, 40, fig. 8

  An, god of heaven, 100–101

  Anatolia, 124, 126, 157, 168, 182, 184

  Animal husbandry, 24–25, 83

  Anshan, 114, 169

  Anu-Ziqqurrat. See Uruk

  Aratta, 107

  Arpachiyah, Tell, fig. 12

  Arslan Tepe, 124

  Aruda, Jebel, 122

  Asmar, Tell, 149, fig. 60
  Assur, 127, 163, 184

  Athens, 72, fig. 23

  Baba, goddess of Lagash, 147

  Babylonia, definition of, xi

  Baranamtara of Lagash, 147

  Barley, 6-row, 60

  Behbehan, plain of, 53, 113, fig. 15

  Beidha, 26, Fig. 7

  Bevel-rimmed bowls, 83–85, 90, 108, 110, 119, 123–124, fig. 33

  Bitumen, 82

  Bookkeeping, 85, 89

  Bouqras, 33

  Brak, Tell, 169, 183, 196

  Brick inscriptions, 190, fig. 75

  Brocade style. See Cylinder seals

  Bullae, sealed, 87, 108, 122

  Burials, 35, 151, 153, 182

  Campsites, 15, 18–19, 21

  Canals, 54, 96, 130, 194

  Canal systems, 54, 58–59, 73, 96, 130, 141, 142, 145, 157, 194

  Catal Hüyük, 33, 35–38, fig. 9

  Caves, 15–16

  Cayönü, 26

  Center, definition of, 10–11

  Central administration, 167

  Central functions, 100; definition of, 9

  Central place, 118; definition of, 10–11; central place theory, 132–134

  Central state of Akkad, 185

  Chemchemal, 27

  Chlorite, 116, 161; vessels, 115, fig. 47

  Chronology, absolute, 6; carbon 14, dating method of, 4, 55; periodization, 4, 7; pottery as tool for, 27, 29, 48, 69, 166–167; relative, 6–7; stone implements as tool for, 28; stratigraphy, 6; typology, 6

  City, definition of, 10–11; city god, 148, 175; concept of the city god, 142, 147, 173; role of the city god, 143; state, 94, 135, 147, 190; wall, 36, 71, 95, 122, 131

  Civil service, 167

  Clay cones, 96, 98

  Clay tablets, 108; numerical, 122

  Climate, 8, 24, 55, 95; changes in, 55, 56, 59, 67, 73; reconstruction of ancient, 55–56

  Colonies, 107

  Conflicts, 95; border (Umma and Girsu), 134–135, 143, 155; political, 168–170; power, 139–141; settlements, 32; social, 131; solving of, 36, 60, 135, 143; territorial, 157

  Control, means of economic, 74, 76, 79, 85, 87, 89, 109, 117

  Coordinators, role of, 48

  Counterinfluence, 126, 160–161

  Counters. See also Tokens

  Crafts, 43–44, 48, 83, 153–154

  Cult, organization of, 101–103; cult rooms, 35

  Cultivation of plants, beginning of, 21; process, 21–24


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