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The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set)

Page 6

by Davis, SJ

  The sound of a tornado blew in my ears. I gasp. I closed my eyes. I saw my mother smiling, she waves and nods at me. I see myself as a toddler, learning to walk. My mother is clapping as I walk closer to her. Her eyes dart to a shadow behind me as she pulls an arrow from her pocket. She stabs the shadow. It is gone. Nothing remains. She hands me the arrow. I do the same. I stab at Winona but she is a mere shadow. The more I fight her, the less of her remains.

  My mother walks backwards, becoming smaller in the distance. She waves and shouts to me to go back so I do. I feel like I walk through a pane of shattering glass. I turn back and she is gone. The skin on my back no longer burns.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “I’m ready to finish my tattoo.”

  Mateo started to walk away as Layne pushed himself from the wall. I saw the shadowy bruises on my arms as he gathered both of my hands in his. He seemed so breakable. I pulled away gently to trace my fingertips over his shoulders and he moved closer.

  “Let’s go,” Mateo said.

  “We’ll both go,” Layne says. “After she gets inked, she’ll figure out what she wants to do from there.”

  We walked down to The Black Line in the night and watch a group of skaters across the street doing tail-slides on the curb. Peace washed over me. I am no longer chased by the past. There is nothing for me there. But the future is a different thing altogether.

  I let go of thought and words while a small white feather blew ahead of us. In the wind, I hear my mother. You have crossed the bridge. You have the words you need.

  Hunter’s Blood


  Parts 1-5

  By Rue Volley

  This eBook is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, duplicated, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  Text Copyright © 2012 Rue Volley

  All rights reserved

  Cover by Rue Volley for Vivid Designs

  Published by Hot Ink Press

  An Imprint of Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious and are products of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual events, or locales or persons, living or dead are entirely coincidental.

  Hunter’s Blood

  Part One


  Rue Volley

  “Perhaps if you turned slightly you could…oh god.” I wiped cum from my mouth with my fingers and stared down the two people in front of me.

  “I am so fucking sick of amateurs,” I said as I grabbed the man’s shirt and wiped my mouth off. He looked at me, still twitching with the last moments of his orgasm. I shook my head and stared the girl down as she lowered her ass and grabbed a cigarette from my nightstand.

  “Ahhh, fuck you, get out…both of you,” I said as she stopped and raised her eyebrows.

  “Bitch, I am serious, fucking get dressed or don’t, who fucking cares…just get the fuck out and lose my number for Christ sake.”

  “Seriously?” she asked and I cringed as her voice irritated my eardrums.

  “Leave, you fuck like dogs.”

  The man pulled his jeans on, along with his boots and she started to pull her dress over her head. I stood there and shook my head in disgust as I thought about all of the people who I could have been with at the club tonight, the hottie with shoulder length hair, hard jaw line and bulge in his pants begging to be sucked off in the dark corner of the club. The petite woman in the bathroom who lingered at her lips with an erect red lipstick when she watched me pass her by and pause in the mirror next to her. I could smell her cunt a mile away and could have fucked her all night if I wanted to, but no. I ended up with tweedledee and fucking tweedledumb. Excellent.

  I watched them walk to my stairs and the girl stopped and looked at me.

  “I had fun,” she said and I rolled my eyes.

  “Oh that is just great, glad you did now can you just do me a favor and get out?” I said and the man grabbed her hand and they walked down my stars. I leaned over my iron railing and watched them reach my door, the man looked up and I flipped him off and he left without saying a word and trust me it is best. I fucking hate having my time wasted, especially in the bedroom…what a shitty way to spend a Saturday night.

  I looked up at my ceiling and studied the large mural on it. It was a mass orgy of sorts I would guess…many bodies, intertwined and fucking, a left over “thank you” from an artist I had fucked into submission a year ago and I sighed as I closed my eyes and could still feel his fingers in my ass, jerking and non-compassionate. I need that, some fucking to wreck me from time to time, I would suggest it to anyone.

  I then decided to try to salvage this miserable night and go out, one last time this evening and see if anyone had anything to offer more than the ridiculous bitches I had just wasted a set of sheets on. I walked to my shower and stepped into it, it was large, enough room for at least 4 people to maneuver easily and I had had it installed for that purpose although I had not broken it in yet. I turned the hot water on and it steamed up immediately and I lifted the soft white sponge and let it linger on my thigh for a moment, I really considered getting myself off but decided to hold out knowing if I found someone, or better yet two…the orgasm would almost stop my heart now that I am on the verge of cumming anyway.

  Cumming, now that is something nice isn’t it? The moment when you cannot comprehend anything but the incredible feeling rocking your pussy and arching your back? Well that is a woman’s view, I would assume a mans is just as great, hard cock, twitching and a cry of ecstasy as eyes blur and head spins…thrusting and… Fuck me… I looked down and could see myself trembling as I almost climaxed at the thought of it.

  “I need to get laid,” I whispered as I let my head rest against the wall of my shower and ignored my want to place my fingers on my clit and just do it as I knew I wanted to.

  I stopped fantasizing and got out, wrapping the white towel around myself slowly and playing with my long black hair over my shoulder. I twisted it and the water ran down my collar bone and seeped into the towel and then I looked up into my wall size mirror and grinned as I opened the towel up and stared at my breasts, then my pussy and knew that all the pills had paid off, not to mention the privilege. You see I am royalty. I know it sounds fucked up with my language and want to be fucked, but I am, what kind you ask? Well, it’s a long story, or rather a long history…so let me just take you back to when it all started for me and then you may understand why and who I am…


  “Vanessa, it is not proper for you to take such large bites of your food my dear.”

  I looked up at my long time nanny and raised an eyebrow. I hate her most days. In fact I hate her 7 days out of the week, but maybe not Monday nights. Monday night is when Nanny Rachel leaves and sneaks out to the barn to visit Mr. Takes Care of the Garden and Whatnots. I have no idea what she does out there but I would guess it is not reading or playing a game. I have every intention to follow her sometime and check it out but most of the time I forget, I forget a lot of things… more than I should and even though I am of privilege in nature, being a Baron’s daughter, the many doctors who have visited me have not been able to figure out what is wrong with my memory or the fact that I sometimes sleep for days, but am found walking the grounds as if I am awake. I guess I should care but for some reason I do not. I only care about one thing… a boy. One who makes my heart race and my blood boil and for things to happen down below that confuse me. But regardless, his name is Hunter and he is beautiful from his head to his feet. He has jet-black hair, pale skin, slightly pinkish lips, round and inviting. His jaw is smooth, almost feminine but he maintains his masculinity somehow with his facial features and large eyes.
His eyes, oh my. His eyes are green, deep but speckled with lighter flakes of amber. I love them and perhaps him too, I am not certain, but I do know that he makes me feel unlike any other and for that I long to see him as often as possible. I lowered my spoon and grinned, allowing Nanny Rachel to have her way as always.

  “I am sorry,” I said and she stood up and picked up my bowl even though I was not done yet. I looked up at her and she shook her head at me.

  “You should probably stop eating so much too, if you ever think Hunter will bed you.”

  I blushed and looked down at my hands, feeling as if she had trumped me. I am familiar with what I think “bedding” is, I am 20, soon to be 21, but I have never had a boy touch me other than a hand holding that made me all sweaty with Hunter in the back garden. Nanny Rachel handed the bowl to our maid as she entered the room and then she reached out and touched my chin, turning my face up towards hers. She smiled as she studied my face.

  “You are lovely,” she said and this was how it was with her. She would make me uncomfortable and then follow it up with a compliment. Confusing and frustrating and I could only guess she was not loved very well as a child with her mean nature.

  “Vanessa,” she whispered and I looked at her and then noticed my Father enter the room. I stood up quickly and he nodded to me as he reached the end of the table and sat down staring at his plate for a moment and then he glanced at Rachel who grinned at him and looked back at me and raised her eyebrows. I opened my mouth, finding the right words.

  “Hello Father,” I said and he barely looked at me, quickly stabbing his fork into the meat on his plate and taking a manly bite, chewing with his mouth closed as always. “I wanted to ask if I could perhaps visit with Hunter this afternoon?” I asked him and he stopped chewing and twirled his fork into the air.

  “I would think that Hunter is soon to be asking for your hand,” he said and again I blushed as the thought of that overwhelmed me.

  “This he has not spoken of,” I said and Father placed his fork down on the table, the blood from his half cooked meat dripping slightly down his chin. He wiped it with his fingers and licked it slowly, closing his eyes and then opening them, all light blue and cold upon me.

  “Well, who else then? Who would have you and your insanity?” he asked and I sucked in my breath and realized just how much of a disappointment I must be. Not only had my Mother died when I was born but I was a girl with what seemed to be illness of the mental kind.

  Rachel stepped up to him and leaned over, whispering in his ear and I watched as he reached down and touched her leg, as it was slightly exposed through her dress.

  I held back nausea and she stood up and looked down at me.

  “Your Father thinks it would be prudent to make plans for your upcoming birthday celebration, of which he plans to announce your readiness to marry.”

  I stood up and knocked over my wine, watching it race across the table, deep and red like blood. The maid returned and started to clean it up and as she soaked up the red wine I felt as if she was cleaning up my spilled blood.

  “I always assumed Hunter would be…”

  “Well, it seems he is hesitating for some reason and I find it best we just place you on the market and let the chips fall where they may,” he said and with that he stood up, pushing his chair back quickly, making a terrible screeching noise in our large dining room. I narrowed my eyes and held onto the edge of the table as Rachel watched him go. He stopped at the door, looked back at the maid as she bent over the table and snapped his fingers at her. She dropped the cloth and followed him out, no doubt to return to his bed and be his toy for an hour or so.

  I stood there flush and dizzy from the thought of being offered up like meat to the royal blood around us and in neighboring villages. Rachel snapped me out of my stupor and placed her hand on mine. I looked up at her and shook my head.

  “I won’t be with anyone else but Hunter,” I whispered and she leaned in and grinned to close to my lips.

  “Then perhaps you should learn how to please a man.”

  I pulled my hand from hers and she stood up straight and watched me as I stepped out and straightened my dress.

  “I am sure I could,” I said to her feeling cocky for absolutely no reason.

  “Oh,” she said and I heard the deep chimes of the doorbell go off and knew it was Hunter coming to visit as he did every Monday afternoon. I walked quickly as Nanny Rachel watched me, I hesitated at the door and then decided to proceed. The butler opened the door up and there he stood, my Hunter, looking amazing as ever. Hunter is also of royal blood here in Farnham Royal village in Buckinghamshire, England. I have known him since I was a child and now that it has just turned 1901, I will be turning 21 soon, Hunter turned 21 three months ago and honestly it was then that I thought he would ask for my hand, but he had not. Maybe my Father is right, maybe he has reservations, I mean he would be due them since I seem odd, more so than anyone else here. I relaxed my hands and he stepped in, handing his hat to the butler and grinning at me. The butler left us and Hunter stepped towards me, took my hand and placed it to his mouth, letting his hair fall into his face slightly and then he looked up at me with those eyes. I felt the pink return to my cheeks and he noticed I am sure.

  “Vanessa, you look very pretty today,” he said as she held his arm out and I interlocked mine into his and walked with him towards the back of our house.

  “Thank you Hunter,” I said as he stopped and opened the doors to the garden up wide and I stepped though, letting the deep aroma of hundreds of flowers overtake my senses. Hunter watched me as he always does, as I walked out and let my fingertips run along the first high row of colorful flowers. Then I stopped and looked back at him. He grinned and walked up to me, stopping and staring into my eyes.

  “Vanessa, I have something to ask of you,” he said and I got fixed on his mouth as I so often do. I knew his lips were soft, I had felt them many times on my hand.

  He cleared his throat and I looked up into his eyes again.

  “I want you to tell me that you love me,” he said and I stepped back and stared at him.

  “You know I care for you Hunter,” I said.

  “Yes, I know but you have never said that you loved me,” he said.

  “Surely a word would not sway you when you know how I feel,” I said to him. He stepped back and grinned at me.

  “You are stubborn.”

  I laughed and plucked a rose, accidentally cutting into the side of my finger and almost dropping it, then pulling it up to my face. Hunter was on me quicker than I expected. He held my hand and watched the blood slowly roll on my finger and for a moment I thought I saw his eyes shift in color slightly but it was surely the light from the sun.

  “Vanessa!” Rachel called out and I looked at Hunter as he let my hand go and turned to see her coming at us both.

  “Yes?” I asked her and she stopped and her gaze lingered on Hunter for a moment longer than I liked.

  “Your Father wishes to have a word with Hunter.”

  “Oh,” I said as Hunter glanced at me and smiled.

  “You try to survive in the garden, I will return,” he said.

  I laughed, I had to. He was charming and beautiful and I could only hope, mine. I should just say the words, it was such a small thing for him to ask of me but “love” is such a strange word to me, I mean, I care for my Father, and I guess for Nanny Rachel, who was really only 15 years older than me, but Hunter, I mean if anything came close to “love” it was what I felt for him but I felt that he should say it first, not me and I am not being old fashioned…I am being cautious. I guess I have a guarded heart, My Father has never been overly affectionate and without ever having a Mother to make me feel secure, I guess I am not one to be dependent on someone. Although I am on Hunter, but he has to be the one to tell me first…has too.

  I looked up as Hunter returned and Rachel closed the doors to the house. I walked to the bench and sat down as he approached me. He stop
ped and then sat down without saying a word. I glanced at him and then he turned to me.

  “Vanessa, your Father has asked me to either ask for your hand or leave you alone,” he said and I narrowed my eyes at him and glanced at the house as I caught my Fathers shadow in his upstairs window.

  “How dare he do that, Hunter…”

  Hunter took my hand and grinned at me.

  “I care for you Vanessa,” he whispered to me.

  “Enough to say the words?” I asked him.

  He hesitated and it made my heart skip a beat as he stood up and held his hand out to me. I took it and stood up, too close to him and he took a slow breath as he glanced down at my breasts crammed into the top of my corset. I cleared my throat and tried to catch my breath as he touched my face and I turned my eyes to his.

  “Say it Vanessa, and I am yours,” he whispered into my ear. I closed my eyes as his mouth hovered at my ear and his breath felt warm and inviting. The humming began in my chest and then lowered to my stomach and yet again another quick burst of movement and it settled between my thighs as I felt his mouth at my neck, his lips ever so slightly grazing my skin. I opened my mouth and then he jumped back as Rachel’s voice broke through the intimacy with the sharpness of a knife.

  “Hunter, your Brother has come to retrieve you.”

  Hunter stood up straight and stared at me, letting his lips part slightly as a grin broke through his expression. My chest rose and fell, causing a slight tremor in my hands. I fiddled with them and then walked past him, needing to collect myself and so not willing to share my flustered moment with Rachel who would cheapen it with ugly words. He watched me and then settled his gaze on Rachel who smiled and raised an eyebrow. He took a breath and walked past her towards the house.


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