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The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set)

Page 19

by Davis, SJ

  So, when I had my accident, Hunter became obsessed with medicine and advancement of mental breakthroughs. He will be leaving in the spring for school, the best school in the country and his hope is to return with all of the answers needed to fix me, as I am broken…or so my Father says when he thinks I cannot hear him.

  Hunter leaned in and kissed me, I let him as often as he likes and would even take him to my bed if he would allow it, but he is old fashioned in that way although I know many who do not wait until they are married and with it being 3 years away. I do not think I can wait that long.

  “Hunter,” I whispered as he held me and I wrapped my arms around him, he was breathing harder so I know he wants the same as I do, but he always stops it before it even gets started, making me so frustrated.

  “Vanessa, I am sorry that it died,” he said as he pulled back and looked at my face. I grinned, as the thought of the butterfly dying was not the thought consuming my mind - it was his lips and the way he felt against me that held my attention mostly these days, and to some extent I have to thank my obsession with him, as it seems to help with the memory lapses when we are together.

  “I don’t want you to go,” I said as I looked at him and he smiled again.

  “You know I have too.”

  “No you don’t. You have money, I have money. We need no more.”

  “It is not about the money Vanessa, it is about you,” he whispered and I closed my eyes as he leaned in and gave me a kiss, so soft to my lips it could have been mistaken as a gently breeze. I grabbed at his jacket and held him to me almost with too much aggression and he made a noise as he broke the kiss and stepped back slightly. My chest rose and fell as I tried to control my want for him.

  “Vanessa, you have to settle down,” he said as he blinked and looked me over. I played with my hands slightly and tried to slip back into my calm demeanor that was expected but instead something would not allow me to this time. I stepped towards him and looked him over.

  “You leave in two weeks,” I said and he watched me as I started to undo the top of my dress.

  “Mmmm. Vanessa,” he said as he placed his hand to his mouth and watched me.

  “I need you,” I said to him and he tried to control his breathing. He glanced towards the stone barn and so did I. I ran to it and swung the door open. He followed me in, peeking behind him as he closed it and hoped no one had seen us enter. I ran down the dark stone hallway that led to an open room, filled with the gardening tools and a large wooden table that I still remembered playing under when we were children. I stopped in front of it with my back to him and slipped my dress from my shoulders and let it drop to the ground. I stood there hoping that he would not deny me, not this time, please.

  Then I felt him behind me. He touched my shoulders and turned me to him as he glanced down and shook his head at me.

  “You make it very hard to ignore you, I wish you would not torture me.”

  I looked up at him and moved my hands to expose my breasts and he sighed and tried to focus on my face.

  “I want you now Hunter, I cannot wait 3 more years, I cannot,” I said as convincing as I could.

  “What does that mean? That you will seek company elsewhere while I am away?”

  “No,” I said as I stepped up to him and had to look up into his eyes.

  “I want no one else in the world but you Hunter,” I said and he touched my hair and then quickly leaned down and picked up my dress. He covered me up and grinned at me.

  “Well good, that eases my mind,” he said and I shook my head at him.

  “Is it me?” I asked him and he stopped and looked at me as if I was truly insane.

  “Are you joking?”

  “I mean, why? Why will not have me? We are alone, you could have me right here, right now,” I said.

  “Nessa, you are not well,” he said and that hit me like a ton of bricks and left me so hurt and feeling so undesirable that I ran. It was the only thing I could do. I pulled my dress on as I stumbled and I jerked the door wide open to the blinding light of the sun. It was first time I could remember hating the way it felt on my skin, the sunlight showing me for everything that I am, a broken doll, a girl who cannot be taken, cannot be loved in that way because he feared that I did not know what I was doing, that he was taking advantage of me…


  I screamed out as I came, and then realized that she was not moving under me. I backed up to see blood everywhere and a pen stuck in the side of her neck, blood still slowly oozing onto the white desk. I jumped down and saw it all over the front of my gown. My hands shook as I pulled them up and smelled them. I licked and let that sweet flavor fill my senses and consume my brain, setting it on fire. Two men busted in the door and had me to the floor before I realized they had appeared. I laughed as they jerked me up and looked in horror at the mess I had left of the doctor on her desk. Legs spread and her shirt torn and blood everywhere, like an animal had ripped through flesh and devoured at will. They drug me out and I let my feet drag as the blood made my stomach calm and my mind rest…sweet, sweet rest after such a long time of unrest….

  I gritted my teeth on the leather strap as the electricity coursed through my body and I twitched in the tub of ice water. My eyes rolled and then I spit it out and laughed as the last bit of the electric current made me feel as if I was being fucked in the ass.

  “More…” I hissed out as spit strung from my lip and the sadistic fucks accommodated my request and slammed me with another jolt that made my body contort unnaturally and then I sank under the freezing water and hoped, I swear to you that I did, that they would fucking allow me to stay there, in the murky underbelly and without a single thought to torment me. I watched bubbles rise to the surface and closed my eyes accepting my sleep…long overdue and much needed.


  “There he is Vanessa!” Rachel said as she leaned on the platform and watched Hunter step down from the train and turn towards us. I had not seen him in just a few days past a year and he had not returned for Christmas although he sent a card to the “family”, not mentioning anything personal to me. I had grieved him when he left for school, those last two weeks before he departed had been very cold and distant. He seemed to just fade like a dream to me as he did not write, or come home for any holidays. It was then that I felt as if he had finally decided to leave me and find someone not damaged like myself. I mean can I blame him really? He is brilliant and so handsome, and any girl would be a fool not to… then she stepped down from the train and I watched as Hunter held her hand and she smiled at him, a smile I recognized, one I had given to him many a day when we spent time together and my love for him grew in ways I could not understand.

  He looked towards us and his eyes settled on me momentarily and then his attention was back to her as she placed her arm in his and they started to walk towards us. I looked down at my dress and wondered if I had put enough effort into looking nice. I mean next to her I felt homely and probably was. She had blonde hair, curled and pulled to one side under her hat, which looked expensive. Her dress was red, like her hat and the color looked amazing on her, matching her red lipstick. As they stopped a few feet from us, Rachel stepped towards Hunter. He kissed her hand as he was trained to do with nobility and then he looked at me. I did not lift mine. All of my attention was on her and how beautiful she was. Her eyes were as blue as the sky and her lashes long…

  “Vanessa,” Hunter said and I looked at him and waited, knowing my expression was less than enthusiastic.

  “This is Katia,” he said and I looked at him for a moment longer than needed and then looked at her.

  “That is a beautiful name, unusual,” I said to her and she grinned, and of course her teeth were nice and straight.

  “You can call me Kate if you like,” she said in an accent foreign to me.

  I looked to Hunter and he smiled at her.

  “Kate is attending school with me, can you believe it? She is the first woman to attend schoo
l to become a doctor and I have to thank Russian upbringing for her boldness,” he said and I sighed and raised an eyebrow.

  “That is interesting,” I said and Rachel looked to me detecting the sarcasm.

  “Well it is the 1900’s now, women can and will do anything,” Rachel said and Hunter smiled.

  “I would certainly hope so. Kate is a pioneer in this field and I am fortunate to be with her.”

  “With her?” I asked him and he looked at me.

  “At school,” he added and I relaxed a bit.

  “I have no idea if I would have lasted this long without Hunter and his enthusiasm for succeeding.”

  I raised an eyebrow to her and then looked at him.

  “You look as if you are not eating, do they not have food there?” I asked him.

  “Oh…I am a vegetarian now, something Kate introduced me to. I cannot tell you how great I feel without meat in my system,” he said.

  “No meat?” I said as I laughed at him. “Hunter, you could eat an entire pig if it was presented to you.”

  I continued to laugh but no one but Rachel joined me. Both Hunter and Kate looked a bit disgusted with the thought of him eating that.

  “I mean, you have always loved meat, all types Hunter.”

  “Well, not anymore and trust me, it may be something you consider, I think Kate may be a genius.”

  I looked at her as she smiled at him and it was then that I noticed her flawless appearance for the first time. I mean she looked as if someone had painted her into the setting, almost unreal.

  “So…why America?” I asked and she looked at me and grinned, as she tilted her head.

  “This is the land of milk and honey, of much opportunity,” she replied.

  “Very poetic,” I said as Hunter cleared his throat and looked to Rachel.

  “We will be along shortly, I want to take Kate to my estate first to greet family then we will be coming to dinner tonight,” he said and I narrowed my eyes yet again, wondering why anyone needed to be meeting her in the first place.

  “We are having meat,” I said as I turned and walked away, rudely leaving them all on the platform, but not caring a bit.

  “So that is Vanessa,” Kate said as Hunter tapped her hand on his arm.

  “She can be very forward.”

  “I see that,” Kate said as they started to follow me.


  I awoke to banging and wondered what the fuck now. I leaned up as my wrists were held in place and saw my favorite cocksucker in the institution banging on a tray with a metal plate.

  “Rude,” I muttered as my voice cracked and everything came into focus.

  “Me? You are the fucking vamp who likes to suck on shit.”

  “Trevor…shut the fuck up.”

  My favorite attendant pushed past him and leaned over me. Sam. He was an intern who I got occasionally but not nearly enough. The only man in this fucked up facility that looked at me like a real person and not a fucked up pile of dogshit. He flipped a small light on and held one of my lids open and made my eye dilate and then the other. He then touched my wrist and felt my heart beat, slow but steady and looked at his watch.

  “No one would ever know if you humped that bitch,” Trevor said. Sam laid my wrist down and stepped up to him, laying him out with one hard punch to the jaw. I grinned as Trevor hit the floor. Sam stood over him and shook his head.

  “You are a fucking dick, get out…now,” he said. With that Trevor stood up, shaking his head and rubbing his jaw.

  “It was a fucking joke.”

  “Sure it was you god damn pervert.”

  Trevor left and Sam turned back to me.

  “Well, that was unfortunate,” he said and I grinned at him.

  “Thanks,” I muttered and he walked up and looked me over.

  “I would assume you fucked up.”

  I nodded. “I killed the doc, I mean I fucked her, but I killed her.”

  “Well, that’s a pretty big fuck up.”

  “I know,” I said as I took a breath and he pulled up a chair and sat by my bed.

  “I mean if you needed dick…” he said and I laughed. Sam is gay, very gay, but you would never know it unless he told you. In fact I only found out because he was the first attendant I had done a cockgrab on and he stood there and shook his head at me as I tried to jack him off. We got along fine from then on. I swear to you, he is sometimes so cool I have to wonder if he is real or some oasis I fucking made up in here.

  “So…you are being shipped out of here.”

  “What?” I asked him and he nodded to me.

  “I saw the papers, you are going to a maximum facility for murderers and psycho bitches, great job on leveling up Vanessa.”

  I closed my eyes and wished it were not true. I mean I hate this place but at least I know what to fucking expect and Sam is here, I mean…if I had anything to like it is him.

  “That fucking sucks,” I said and Sam stood up and leaned over me.

  “You want a farewell party? I mean cocks and boobies and maybe an orgy?”

  I snorted as I laughed and watched his face.

  “I wish.”

  “I bet you do you dirty bitch,” he said and I watched as he pulled out his syringe and tapped it.

  “Could I just be awake for a while?” I said and he tilted his head at me.

  “I have to. I mean if I don’t it could be my job and even though this place is a shithole, it is money.”

  I nodded as he stuck it into my arm, deep into the vein and the bubbles of its toxic nature rumbled up my arm and fired up my brain, like a car being started…but not in this world…never in this one….



  I turned to see Hunter approaching me and grinned, I could not help it. I mean to be mad at him would be insane. I love him, I live to hope he loves me. He stepped up and popped out some flowers. My favorite, wild flowers from the garden and although I knew he probably snuck back there and picked them, they still made my heart flutter. I smelled them and then smiled up at him.

  “Well, thank you Hunter, they are beautiful.”

  He smiled and nodded to me as I walked to the table and placed them in the vase. He watched me as I then stepped over to the chair and sat down, being careful to not crush my dress, which was a special one I had been holding onto for when he returned. He stepped up and then took the chair across from mine and we had a moment of awkward silence and then we both opened our mouths and then closed them and laughter followed.

  “So…you look well,” he said. I watched his face as he studied mine.

  “You do too, although she is trying to kill you with cutting out the meat.”

  He grinned and leaned forward, interlocking his fingers and looked down at them.

  “I came early so that we could speak alone Vanessa. I have missed you.”

  I leaned up and stared at him. “I have missed you, terribly and I never got the chance to apologize for what happened in the barn…I did not mean to…”

  He held his hand up and I stopped which normally would not shut me up, but he had a peculiar look on his face.

  “Vanessa, I thought about that a lot and I will say it is my fault. I led you to that conclusion and surely I gave you impressions that made you lust and I am truly sorry for that.”

  “What?” I said and he took a deep breath.

  “Vanessa, we have known each other for a very long time and I do love you…” he said to me and I could not help but feel as if a “but” was on the horizon.

  “And?” I asked him and he looked down and then back up to me.

  “We are not to be married Vanessa,” he said and my heart stopped. I mean, just stopped beating in my chest, now whether that is a fact will never be known but the seriousness of how I felt it stop was completely true. I grabbed my chest and opened my mouth, determined to say something but there was nothing coming out…nothing at all. I stood up, trying to hold onto the arm of the chair, but I fell
and Hunter was there to catch me as I touched his face and fell to sleep…as if a prince would have to come along and kiss me to wake me.


  “You must me joking,” I heard a voice say and my head wobbled a bit. I was able to lift it and saw a man, dressed in a suit and waving his hands around as if he was angry.

  “She is not being transferred to a prison facility. It is not legal, it is not what her family wants and they have paid very well to have her kept here, right where she should be,” he said. The woman standing in front of him was tapping her pencil on her clipboard.

  “Mr. Lanely. Vanessa has been a resident here for 2 years and in that time she has sexually assaulted 9 attendants, myself, and now a doctor has been mortally wounded. I might add she had sex with her too! This is a court decision of which we will be pursuing with all intention to make a reality. She is simply not getting better and quite honestly should be put down like a rapid dog.”

  The man was scribbling down everything she said as the woman eyed him.

  “Rabid dog,” the man muttered and she rolled her eyes at him.

  “I do not care, write it all down, I am only saying what we all feel I am certain.”

  “Might I remind you that she is a human being with very serious mental problems.”

  “Not my concern for much longer. Now that I am head of the board I will not be allowing this type of thing to persist. I suggest you gather your forces and prepare to fight…and might I add, you should know you shall lose.”


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