The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set)

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The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set) Page 31

by Davis, SJ

  "Last night? Oh, I remember last night." She smiled back, slightly confused.

  "No, you sexy succubus, not last night. You don't remember who you are? Who we are?"

  Now she was really confused. Something was tugging at her memory, but it wouldn't come clear. The smell of apples was suddenly strong in the room.

  "You are Eve, and you are mine!" He was practically growling, and the next thing she knew, he was on her. He sank his teeth into her nipple, just as he thrust his rigid cock into her. She arched her back, and spread her knees, to take all of him at once, glorying in the pain, the heat, and the passion. He eased back, slowly, and then rammed back into her. The headboard hitting the wall was like a gunshot. His eyes glowed, emerald beacons, while he plunged again, and again. She thought she heard the headboard cracking, but low buzzing sound drowned it out. The air fairly crackled, like the precursor to a lightning strike. It was building within her and without. The coming orgasm would hurl her out of her body!

  And then, he just stopped.

  Like a bubble popping, reality returned. Rick leapt off the bed, and Darcy sat up in surprise. Tony stood in the doorway, half dressed, but shirtless. Crystal stood behind him, her silk robe hanging open to frame her flawless golden body. His face was dark red, his fists balled and raised, and he was screaming.

  "... son of a fucking bitch! I'll fucking kill you!" He glared at Darcy, "And you, you cock-sucking slut! Just couldn't wait to fuck him again, could you? We're finished Darcy. You can just stay here and fuck yourself to death. Don't come home!"

  Darcy couldn't see Rick's face, with his back to her, but no one could mistake the furious command in his voice.

  "Get out. You are no longer welcome here."

  Tony looked at Rick's face, and his eyes filled with terror. He stepped backward. His mouth opened and closed, but all that came from his lips was a strangled squeak.

  "Out. Now." Rick boomed. Tony fled. Crystal laughed, a little hysterically, a hint of fear in her usually impeccable composure.

  "I'm sorry, darling." Rick's voice had returned to normal, when he spoke to Crystal. "Not much of a birthday treat for you, was he?"

  She shrugged and smiled at Darcy. It was a genuine smile. "It was worth it, my love."

  "Ah ... about that," Rick took Crystals hand and kissed the back of it. "Darcy wasn't aware of the, uh, arrangements Tony made with us."

  Crystals bright, blue eyes flashed ice for a split-second, before her smile returned, this time laced with compassion. She glided to the side of the bed and ran a fingertip down Darcy's left upper arm.

  "I can't be sorry about last night, but I'm sorry you weren't consulted." She said, a purr in her tone. "You were wonderful, sweetie. Perhaps, now that you know ... ?" She left the question open.

  God, even the air she exhaled was infused with sex! Her proximity clouded Darcy's mind. She should be worrying about how to get home, and how to deal with Tony when she got there. All she could think of was the texture of Crystal's skin, the soft, wet folds and sweet taste of her pussy, and the mastery of her lips, tongue and hands. She felt Rick sit on the bed behind her and his hand settled on her right shoulder. It was so hot, it felt like it could burn her.

  "We haven't finished discussing what happened last night, yet, darling."

  "Is that what you were doing when Tony barged in?" Crystal remarked drily, but the ice was back in her eyes, her jaw flexed and her lips thinned.

  "That was my fault." Darcy rushed to Rick's defense. "Rick mentioned the 'arrangements' Tony made and I was angry. I wanted ... " She wasn't sure how to finish.

  "You wanted to strike back at him, and Rick ... well, Rick can be overwhelming." Crystal finished for her, but she was looking at Rick now, and the chill had vanished. "I should know better. I'm not immune to jealousy, but..."

  "Jealousy?" Darcy laughed aloud. "God, Crystal, look at you! You're a fucking goddess! What the hell do you have to be jealous of? Me?" She blurted it out without thinking. "I'm short, overweight, and unsophisticated. I'm the last person you should be worried about. Rick would have to be a complete idiot to screw up what you have for me!"

  "Do not underestimate your sensual appeal, Darcy dear." Crystal corrected her, with a knowing smile. "After all, I've wanted you for some time, and even now, Rick wants to be alone with you to 'discuss' ... things."

  With that, Crystal nodded at her boyfriend almost regally, rose in one sinuous movement, and glided to the door. Before she closed it, she paused to stare at the pair of them. She seemed to consider something for a moment before she spoke again.

  "I hope, when you've finished your discussion, you'll allow me one more gift, before you go." She didn't wait for a response.

  The door clicked when it closed.

  "It seems you've been released from your vows." Rick's voice was deep, smoky, and dangerous.


  It was all too surreal for Darcy. She still felt like she was drifting in an erotic haze. Rick's hand was still on her shoulder, radiating heat. As if he read her thoughts, his grip became a caress. He skimmed her flesh with his palm, and then trailed the tips of his fingers up the side of her neck and into the hair behind her ear. His lips brushed the base of her neck, where it met the shoulder, sending a tremor through her body.

  "Now, sweet, we really must talk about us." His voice resonated, deep and smoky once again. She leaned into his touch and tilted her head back to see him. He slid his hand through her hair, down the back of her neck and settled it between her shoulder blades. The other hand cupped her chin. Rick lowered his lips to hers in a kiss that was surprisingly gentle, and eased her back onto the mattress, without releasing her mouth.

  He brought his body around to lie beside her, bracing himself on one elbow so he could look down at her. The hand at her chin drifted over her skin, barely touching, while he traced lines and swirls over her skin. She could feel the tingle and heat of the touch, long after his fingertips had moved on, like he was leaving a trail on her flesh. It reminded her of a movie she'd seen, where a warlock drew sigilia on the body of a witch before they 'fornicated' to generate a spell. She would have laughed at the thought, if it hadn't felt so good.

  "Do you believe in God, Darcy?"

  "That's a pretty fucked up question to be asking right now, don't you think?"

  "I have a reason, bear with me. Do you believe in God."

  "I don't really believe in any religion, to be honest. I don't see any reason to kowtow to some unseen force that may or may not care about what I do with my life."

  "I didn't ask if you worship a God. I asked if you believe one exists."

  "I guess I'm just ambivalent. Why?"

  "Would you believe me if I said there is a greater being, and I've seen it?"

  Darcy sat up and stared at him. "Are you going to go all zealot on me, Rick?"

  "You really don't remember, do you?" His voice had deepened again. The smell of apples was filling the room again, and the cicada buzz returned. Darcy's pulse began to race. Her head suddenly felt like it was expanding and her skin was becoming too tight.

  "Remember what?" She couldn't keep fear-instigated frustration out of her voice.

  "Who you really are, sweetness, and who you've been. You are not just a woman, Darcy. You are the first woman." The smell was beginning to make her nauseous.

  "Are you trying to tell me I'm Eve?" She had to fight the impulse to laugh. "Like the Garden of Eden and shit? Are you on crack?"

  The laughter escaped, with a bit of hysteria. She wondered if Rick and Crystal were part of some weird cult.

  "Yes, I am telling you that you were Eve." He was deadly serious. "And Lilith. You were Lilith first."

  Her heart was beating fit to burst. This was all too unreal.

  "And I suppose you were Adam?"

  "No. Not Adam." His laugh was humourless.

  "You aren't making sense, Rick. I am not, and have never been, some mythical she-demon or biblical figure. You're insane!" Darcy want
ed to leap out of the bed and run, but she couldn't get her body to obey. Rick raised two fingertips to her lips. A tiny jolt of static preceded his touch.

  "I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out. I promise you can go when I'm finished, but you must let me tell you our story." In her mind, she screamed at her legs to move, but they wouldn't. Her arms may as well have been bound to her sides. She was immobilized, below the neck.

  Darcy looked down at her traitorous body. Nearly every inch of her torso was covered in red welts, swirls and lines that looked eerily familiar. She opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came.

  "I'm sorry." Rick said, but he didn't sound sorry at all. "I've had to bind you for now. I've searched too long for you, to let you walk away without knowing."

  She didn't really have a choice, as crazy as this was, she honestly couldn't move, or make a sound. He couldn't have drugged her this morning. She hadn't eaten or drunk anything since she woke. If she believed nothing else, he'd proven that magic, at least, was real. For some strange reason that made her less frightened

  "Religion has twisted much, over the centuries. Our story has been one of the most confused. Know that what I tell you is the truth.

  "I was one of the first created, a Watcher and His most trusted. It is that which made my betrayal so abhorrent. When He created man and woman, we were given task of their education and protection. You were glorious as Lilith, my sweet, but too sensual and wilful. Created to lie with Adam, but you wanted more than a simple man. You wouldn't let him touch you and God was angry. He threatened to cast you out, but you continued to defy Him, and so He sent me to convince you. I took human form, and brought you something you had yet to sample from the garden, an apple."

  The scent of apple intensified at the word, but it no longer made Darcy feel nauseous. Rather, she could nearly taste the tart, sweetness of the fruit. The flavor clarified her memory. She could see the lush garden, smell the scent of thousands of flowers, and hear the birdsong. To her left, a meadowlark sang. Somewhere above her, a cardinal trilled.

  "I intended to use it as a teaching tool. The analogy was to be that while the apple looked humble and plain, compared to the more exotic offerings in Eden, it held a special sweetness within. You were simply too headstrong to accept an analogy, or the word of His ambassador.

  "I could only convince you to bite the apple if I bit it myself, and then you argued that it must taste sweeter to me, as higher being. You wanted to taste the apple from my lips, to see if it was sweeter to me. I saw no harm in it, but I was unprepared for the consequences of that tiny act."

  As though he were the one under a compulsion, Rick leaned forward to kiss her, then. Even his kiss was full of power. The touch of his lips on hers sent a touch of electrical current through her body, and made her crave more. When the shock had passed, she could no longer see the garden as a memory. Instead, she was in the garden, and in the arms of a man who looked like no one she'd ever seen, but felt just like Rick.

  "We had not yet been told that angels weren't to touch humans. You'd been given gifts we were denied. One of those was physical pleasure. It was intended to facilitate His will that humans procreate ... and it spread like a virus. In the moment your lips touched mine, I discovered the thrill of sensual consciousness."

  Darcy felt his hands on Lilith, and his skin at her fingertips. They were both timid at first, barely making contact. Nerves jumping, muscles tensing, breath quickening, and the sound of a single heartbeat, every sensation coursed through Darcy.

  "So you see, it was Lilith who first bit the apple, not Eve. The apple was nothing more than a piece of fruit. It was not a magical vessel of knowledge and awareness; that vessel was you. Within your body was the awareness of sexuality, and you wielded it like a weapon, slaughtering my innocence with the touch of your flesh."

  The vision faded, and Darcy couldn't help but roll her eyes. This wasn't just insane, whatever cult had brainwashed this man, they'd twisted biblical history to do so. It would have been an amusing story, if she had the freedom to choose to hear it.

  "Oh, I know this isn't the way the story is told, but recorded history was some time in coming. Before that, these stories were passed down by word of mouth, told and retold, some parts forgotten, and others embellished. Just like a cosmic game of 'telephone', the final story is far from the original.

  "You see I was never the big, bad, cloven-hoofed demon. I began as an angel. Grigori was my given name, as Gregory is my middle name now. There was some confusion in modern translations of ancient texts. The Book of Enoch nearly had it right. My name was mistaken for a positional title, perhaps because I was the commander of the Watchers. It was as an angel I first came to you, pure and joyful in His light. Your touch was my ruin."

  The sound of cicadas swelled in the room, and he lifted a hand at her, palm first, as though trying to fend her off. The gesture was ironic, but not amusing to her in any way. What harm could she possible cause him, while immobilized? She began to wonder if she might have some hope of breaking free.

  "Once I'd tasted the pleasure of flesh, it was simple for you to convince me to continue. You wanted me to show you what He expected of you, how you were to lay with Adam, but your body already knew. It had been part of your creation. You were greedy and ambitious as Lilith. Why would you lie with a mere man, another mortal, when you could have an immortal for a lover? Why should you settle for the flawed flesh of Adam, when you could have the perfection of an angel?"

  She rolled her eyes at him again. Not too proud of himself, was he?

  "Oh, I know my flesh is far from perfection in this body. Believe me, though, when I tell you that all angels were created flawless. We were also created pure of physical desire. We shared joy and pleasure of the mind and soul, but not of the body. Until you taught me carnality. You infected me with lust, and we both lost our purity."

  Rick caressed her breasts, and Darcy hurtled back to the garden, straddling his hips, rubbing Lilith's pussy lips along the length of his shaft, the head of his cock rubbing against her clit. She was wet. His dick was hard and pulsing. She needed more, so much more, but didn't know how to get it. The frustration was maddening. Her body knew, though. As she ground more furiously against him, the head of his cock bobbed up and pressed into her. Without thinking, she impaled herself on him. The pain was intense ... and glorious. She threw her head back and cried out at the vastness of it. He bucked. She responded. They found a rhythm, and strove for culmination together.

  Rick's voice yanked her out of the memory. She was breathless, sweating and unfulfilled. The righteous anger returned.

  "Adam found us together, and complained to God. Lilith was unmade at Adam's whim, and a new partner created for him from his own flesh, but the soul of Lilith was used in that creation, and Adam named her Eve. I was taken back to the Watchers, to be denied the sensuality I'd learned, forever."

  Certifiable. This man was completely insane! He must have injected her with something while she slept. This was some kind of con. The kind a cheap hypnotist would try to pull off. She had to get out of here! Rick was absorbed in his story. It seemed to be his touch that held the power to compel her. If she could avoid it, she might figure a way out of this. She just had to get her body to obey.

  Even as she thought it, Rick placed a finger on her lips again. She felt as though a collar had been removed from her throat. A tentative attempt to clear her throat told Darcy she had her voice back. Before she could use it, he continued his crazy story.

  "Every angelic soul I touched, however, was stained by my hedonism. Soon angels were engaging in sexual gratification. God was furious. He cast me to earth, ordering me to live as one of His lowest creatures for one hundred years, a serpent. The bible depicts me as a snake, but I was not. An angelic soul is too vast to be contained in such a small vessel. I was a dragon.

  "Even in that form I lusted. When I met Eve in the garden, she was eating an apple. The scent of the fruit, the scent of her body, and the feel
of her soul, so familiar, raised rebellion in me again. I used my power to transform myself to a man, though I kept my dragon wings and tongue."

  Darcy focussed on her feet. If she could just will them to move!

  "It was my turn to ask for a taste of the apple. When I took the juice from Eve's lips, I told her I knew where there was sweeter juice on more lovely lips. As Eve you were more vain, my sweet. Of course, you wanted me to prove my words. The tongue of a dragon is much more versatile than that of a man.

  The various shades of green in my wings were the perfect camouflage in the garden. This time Adam would not catch me fucking his wife. I couldn't hide from the Watchers, though. I was cast out of Eden, this time, and forced to endure a much more difficult penance. God had decided to give the world to the the descendants of Adam and Eve. Some would deserve the gift, some would not. Those who earned the gift in their short, mortal lives would have their souls returned to his fold. Those who did not would return to mortality, until they earned their place in Heaven, or a place in Hell. My task was to prepare Hell for those souls that didn't conform."

  She knew she shouldn't interrupt. The longer his focus was away from her, the better, but this was just too absurd.

  "So you're Satan?"

  "Most believe I was put in control of Hell for eternity, but that isn't true. It was worse. I was given the first damned soul, to torture for one hundred years, and then place in command of those who followed.

  She couldn't help but wonder if he really believed this fantasy. Maybe he was just a really good actor. A moment later, she managed to wiggle her toes, and it didn't matter so much. She was going to get the hell out of here, as soon as she possibly could.

  "The first damned soul, was Cain, my own son, from my affair with Eve. His soul was damned by my defiance, Eve's, and the murder of Eve's son by Adam. He became Lucifer, not me. I was forced to mortality, and the same endless chain of lives as Lilith.

  She could move both feet now. Either her effort was paying off, or whatever he'd drugged her with was wearing off.


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