The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set)

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The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set) Page 32

by Davis, SJ

  "God issued a decree. If my soul and Lilith's could find each other within a lifetime, bind together in love, and hold that bond until our natural death, I could regain my immortality and status in Heaven. Lilith would become my immortal partner, her soul cleansed.

  "There were limits to God's generosity, however. As humans we would not recognize each other, or have any memory of ourselves. If one of us died, the other would regain their memory. If we were to meet, one of us would become enlightened once we were sexually engaged, and then chances were extremely high that we'd still fail. For if we ever consummate our carnal union, we are doomed to rule Hell, as king and queen of the damned.

  "Consummate? Wait, are you trying to tell me that if we became a couple, and you cum inside me, we both go directly to hell?" It was everything she could do not to laugh in his face.

  "Yes. That's exactly what I'm telling you, my sweet. You should have remembered who you are by now. It was a part of the arrangement. When the one who remembers educates the one who didn't, and the memories return. Either something has gone wrong, or you're resisting too well." Rick's brows came together, creasing his forehead as he stared into her eyes. "You must believe me, Darcy. Your life may be in danger."

  Looking into his eyes was treacherous. There was only captivity there. She finally got her knees to bend. He noticed.

  "I know you want to leave, but you have to hear me out. Please! I promise I'll let you go, unharmed, if you'll just listen.

  "You see, God allowed the rest of the angelic host to keep their sensuality, as long as they kept to their own kind. They had received the taint in innocence. You and I, alone, had knowingly defied him. In return for His gift, the remaining Watchers were tasked with keeping us from each other as long as possible."

  She flexed her fingers and Rick's eyes widened. He must have known he was losing his control over her. His started talking faster.

  "As for Cain, I did my duty too well. Not only did I break his soul, I corrupted it so much that he revelled in his new position. As Lucifer, he has absolute rule in the Netherworld. He's built an army of demons, and gained his own following among the human race. Lucifer is determined to wrest the mortal world from God, to make it part of his empire. The last thing Lucifer wants, is for us to meet and fail this trial. He wants to keep his rule, so he can continue his campaign.

  "We have both lived many lives. In every one, one of us has become famous, or infamous. We've given ourselves away to the Watchers and demonic spies, and drastic measures were taken to prevent us from meeting.

  "As Cleopatra, you were nearly as magnificent as Lilith. I was a simple slave in your household, a new body slave you had yet to use. You didn't commit suicide, as people believe. You were murdered. Charmion was your handmaiden, but she was also a witch, an agent of Lucifer, sent to watch you. She was your murderer. Charmion had seen me bathe you that day, and recognized the glow of my eyes, when I touched your body. The asp was her familiar."

  "I was Cleopatra?" She didn't bother to mask the incredulity. "Wasn't everyone Cleopatra in a past life? At least try to come up with something original." Darcy didn't know why she was taunting him. If Rick was as crazy as she thought, any promise of her safety was just as suspect as his fairy tales.

  "How about Catherine the Great? Ah, now that was an incarnation worthy of Lilith's soul. She was a true goddess of the carnal arts. Unfortunately, I'd run afoul of her pet, Grigory Ptomekin, in our youth, and he refused me her bed. I didn't realize that Ptomekin was one of Lucifer's Generals, until he'd been recalled for failing to find me. Ironic that I'd been in his sights all along. After his death, I tried to entice Catherine to taste my charms. I was an ambitious man in that life, and I knew she rewarded her playthings well, but her chamberlain was a Watcher. He arranged her "stroke" before I could secure my place."

  Darcy had control of her arms now. Her legs were co-operating. She thought about making a break for the door. Could she make it? She imagined running out into the streets, clad only in the bed sheet. How the hell was she going to explain that to the police? She didn't think she could run outside, in broad daylight, naked, without attracting some kind of official attention. If Darcy told them she'd been held hostage, with magic, by a man claiming to be a fallen angel, she was pretty sure she'd find herself in a straitjacket.

  "The most painful was Anne Boleyn. You seduced a King, dethroned a Queen and birthed an heir. You were devious in your affairs, but your sexual appetite still gave you away. As discreet as you were, nothing could save you from the betrayal of those closest to you, because one of them was Lucifer's right hand.

  "The first time I touched you, in any way, was as I helped you kneel beneath my sword. I can still remember how disoriented I was then. I lived that life as Jean Rombaud, the man who performed your beheading. Within a day of your death, I had orders to melt the sword I'd used. I threw myself into the cupola with the sword."

  There were tears running down his face. He really did believe this shit.

  "One more. If I haven't convinced you after this, you can leave, but know that you are in danger if you do. We've both lead rather simple lives this time, and neither of us is famous, but that doesn't mean neither of us has been discovered. Crystal and Tony are now suspect, in my thoughts."

  "You were Marilyn Monroe. The conspiracies are right in believing Marilyn's death was murder, but they were all wrong about the cause. I was an artist, one Morris Louis. I'd spoken to you just days before your death, about a painting you wanted to commission for your home. We were to meet on August 6th, 1962. Your maid, Eunice, met with me the day before, to finalize the appointment. I know, now, that she poisoned me. I died two days after she murdered you."

  Rick stared into her eyes, waiting for her response. He obviously wasn't expecting hysterical laughter.

  "That is the most farfetched fantasy I've ever heard. Good God, Rick, do you really expect me to believe you're some kind of tainted angel and I'm a master seductress? Until last night, I'd only been with one man, hardly the stuff of an infamous harlot!"

  His eyes flashed green fire, and then the anger turned to defeat.

  "You haven't always been just like Lilith, Darcy. Sometimes you live as Eve, and I am the great seducer. This time we've both escaped fame and infamy. I'd hoped it meant something significant.

  "I'll see you out, now. I gave my word and I'll keep it, but please, when you remember, promise me you'll call me. I'll do everything I can to protect you."

  "Right after I sign myself into the psychiatric hospital." She laughed, nodding.

  "This isn't even close to humorous, Darcy."

  His hand grazed her left arm, trailing fire to her shoulder. The marks on her body vanished as if they had never existed.

  In the space of a blink, the memories came, a tsunami of fact and emotion that pitched her into unconsciousness.

  Just before she tumbled into oblivion, she reached for him.

  An eager and talented tongue was working at her pussy. Darcy loved to wake this way.

  No, not Darcy, never again that cringing weakling! She was Lilith/Eve and she was a goddess, a queen. Lilieve, she named herself now, and she could feel the potency of it. Opening her eyes, she looked down her body to the top of a blonde head, above the mouth on her sex. To think, she'd thought this woman a goddess. Crystal was nothing, compared to the power of Lilieve. She was only ... she was ... a demon! Lilieve sensed it in the core of her soul. The creature tonguing her pussy was a minion of Lucifer.

  Her heart began to race, not with fear, but with excitement. She'd tasted the angelic, centuries ago. Now, she knew, she'd also enjoyed the demonic, and she'd revel in it again, before she flexed her full power and banished this bitch back to Hell.

  Crystal was a succubus, trained in the art of assassination through sexual pleasure. She was good, but the combined power of Lilieve and Grigori would defeat her. Grigori was standing in the doorway, several feet behind the succubus, watching protectively. He'd seen Lilieve's eye
s open, and saw the fire glow within. His own eyes asked a question, wordlessly. Lilieve winked and nodded, waving on hand over the back of the demon, in invitation.

  Her thoughts were as spoken word to him, she realized. Grigori moved forward to place his hands on Crystal's ass, and knead the flesh. He didn't bother to prime her, before he rammed the full length of his magnificent cock into her. Crystal screamed in pleasure and pain, a cry so unlike any they'd heard from her yet. He grabbed the succubus around the waist and rolled onto his back, pulling the demon off Lilieve, to straddle him, backward, with his cock buried to the base in her ass.

  Lilieve didn't give her time to think; she flipped around and thrust three fingers into the demon's box, bringing her tongue to bear down on the clit. Crystal cried out again as Grigori began to pump her ass, while Lilieve finger-fucked her pussy and nibbled, none too gently, at her clit. Crystal came in less than a minute, the orgasm so powerful, she lost control of herself completely, and revealed her true form. Grigori didn't even pause when Crystal's smooth skin reverted to rough, sickly yellow scales. They rippled and lifted with every continued thrust.

  As Rick, he must have fucked her a million times, but Crystal had never had Grigori, in all his angelic power. She couldn't have been prepared for what his cum would do to her unhallowed form. When his cum flowed into her, it burned through her body, like acid. She began to scream, a banshee wail, sure to rouse the entire neighbourhood. Lilieve leapt up to cover the open mouth with her own, literally inhaling the screams of the unravelling demon. She was turning the succubus' skills on it, sucking the soul out of its corporeal form, the same way it took its victims. When there was nothing left of the soul, the body turned to ash, and collapsed in a smoking pile on the bed.

  Grigori ran out of the room, returning moments later with a fire extinguisher. Lilieve had hopped off the bed, already. Two short blasts from the extinguisher were enough to render the ashes safe. With the extinguisher still in hand, and his cock still bobbing before him, they looked at each other and laughed.

  Grigori still wanted her, she knew, and she wanted him just as desperately.

  "I need to shower." She told him, her voice imperious. "Alone. I want to wash this demon taint from my body before we touch again." He pouted a little, but bowed his head in deference to her, and stood back from the door to allow her passage.

  When she was clean and dry, she returned to the bedroom and ordered him to follow her example. When she heard the shower start, she scrambled to collect her clothes.

  Lilieve had done some planning in the shower. Now that she knew who, and what, she was, she was going to enjoy it. She would not be bound to another creature so soon, without relishing freedom, and her power, to their limit. She was dressed and gone, long before Grigori was finished his cleansing.


  The man on top of her grunted and moaned like a sick gorilla, as he pounded his cock into her pussy with the same mind-numbing rhythm he'd been using since he climbed on top of her.

  She faked a moan as she discreetly checked her watch. Two fucking hours! He'd been pounding away at her for two full hours now, and still hadn't run out of steam, or got off. This was beyond ridiculous.

  With a grunt of her own, she rolled him over and scrambled down to take his prick in her mouth. He seemed to like it rough, so she didn't bother to shield her teeth. They scraped along his veiny shaft as she took him into her throat, and he gasped in shocked pleasure as her tongue darted out to tickle his balls, despite having his entire cock pressing against it. One more grunt and he came. She sat up, spit the load in his face, wiped her mouth and stood up.

  "Useless prick."

  He was too weak and disoriented to realize what she'd done. She laughed, a short barking sound, pulled her wrap-around dress closed, tied it in place and walked out. Fuck him anyway! I'm so sick of this namby-pamby bullshit.

  It had been fun at first. Not an hour after she'd walked out of Grigori's apartment, she'd caught a sexy blue-eyed hunk of man staring at her in from a coffee shop window. On a whim, she'd gone in, ordered a coffee for the rest of her walk home and winked at him on the way out. She even felt playful enough to flash a little thigh when she walked past his table. He'd followed her openly for four blocks before she turned around and held out a hand to him. They'd walked the rest of the way to the house without speaking.

  She was disappointed to see Tony wasn't home. He was probably off crying to his lawyer, or his mother. She didn't care which, the thought made her want to laugh at how pitiful he really was. She'd never really noticed before. No matter, the young stud she'd brought back with her was already licking his thick lips, and sporting a substantial bulge in his jeans, by the time she'd pushed him onto the sofa.

  He'd cum in her mouth once, and all over her tits the second time, before Tony walked in the door. He saw his wife on her knees, getting fucked doggie-style by a total stranger, and started yelling. It hadn't taken much of her regained power to stop him.

  "Shut up and fuck me." Lilieve said. He simply walked over, unzipped his pants, pulled out his already stiffening prick, and she started sucking. With his dick in her mouth and her stray fucking her from behind, she'd settled her short-term goals.

  She could do damn near anything, and still have her chance at immortality, if not in this life, in the next. She'd already wasted thirty years catering to everyone's whim but her own. She was going to make good use of the next decade, at least, to satisfy her own desires. Grigori, and immortality could just fucking wait. Lilieve felt invincible.

  She laughed, deep in her throat around the head of Tony's prick. He moaned and arched his back, fighting not to cum. Not yet. She had plans for that pulsing bit of manhood. She pulled away from the stray, let Tony's cock pop out of her mouth, and spun around so they could switch duties. Tony opened his mouth, as if to object.

  A little stretch of her compulsion, no more than the crook of a mental finger, and he was ramming his dick into her pussy like he'd die without it. She let him get his cock good and slick, before she flexed her power again and he pulled out, cried out, and plunged it in her ass. This body had never had anal before, and it hurt like hell. Such fabulous pain, though. Lilieve would have to practice the more subtle control of her power, later. Right now her pussy was lonely. Her stray dropped to his back like he'd been shot, shimmied down her body, and latched onto a nipple while he drove his prick up into her box. The poor thing was tiring, his heart beating fit to burst and panting like a dog, but she didn't care if he dropped dead beneath her, as long as his body kept fucking.

  Now if she only had one more cock to fill her mouth with...

  Like magic, the front door opened and their neighbour, Brandon, stepped around it, his mouth falling open at the grunting, sweating, multi-limbed beast before him. He licked his lips nervously. He was a good-looking man, mid-twenties, tall, slim, fit. If his cock was anything like the rest of him, it would be long, healthy a vigorous. Lilieve extended her abilities again.

  The head of his pulsing dick was pushing past her teeth before she'd blinked twice. With a little effort, she got all three synchronized, so the cock driving into her ass and pussy were in time, propelling her forward as Brandon thrust. Tony was already close to cumming, and her stray might have nothing left. That just wouldn't do at all!

  A mental pinch here, a tweak there, Lilieve was exulting in the control. She made sure all three of them came at once, filling her in every way. Sadly, she still hadn't had a good earth-shaking orgasm herself, but her stray's body could take no more. She felt a sudden massive draw on her power, and had to scramble to disconnect, physically and mentally, when his heart gave out. Shit! That could make walking away more difficult than she'd anticipated.

  She looked at her other two playthings. She'd have to be more careful, or she'd have three bodies to deal with. There must be a way to cover her tracks. Both of the remaining men were oblivious to the stray's predicament. Still under her influence, they stood waiting Lilieve's next
whim, eyes glazed with lust.

  She laughed to herself as she walked out the front door of her most recent conquest's apartment building and heard him bellow in anger from the open window. He just realized what she'd done. In another hour, he'd forget again. He'd remember nothing but having the best fuck he'd ever had in his life. His neighbours would remember, too. He might have some trouble reconciling that with his wife, though, when she regained consciousness. Lilieve laughed again. At least the wife had been good for an orgasm or two before she'd passed out.

  She'd had to think fast when her first conquest died on her living room floor. Once she'd had the boys cum for her a couple more times each, they'd blissfully gone to sleep. It hadn't been easy to get them into bed together, naked and head to toe. She'd wrestled the body into one of Tony's hanging suit-bags. As soon as it was dark enough, she'd bundled the body into the trunk, her suitcases into the back and left Portland, Maine behind.

  Lilieve's first stop was Springfield, Mass. She'd used four women, three men and two couples before she'd fine-tuned her skills, to her satisfaction. Leaving was a narrow escape. The last of the women wasn't a woman at all. She was a succubus, and Lucifer was still pretty pissed about Crystal's ignoble end. When the demoness clued in to who Lilieve was, all hell broke loose.

  She'd been over confident, drunk with her own power, and the energy she gained from fucking her playthings. She recognised the succubus when she touched it, and in her arrogance, she thought she could drain and dismiss it, just as she had Crystal, but she'd had Grigori to help her, then. This one wasn't as powerful, but still more than Lilieve could handle alone. In desperation, she'd had to resort to physical means to defeat it. Confined, as it was, to the limitations of its mortal shell, the forehead smash to the bridge of its nose blinded it long enough for Lilieve to escape.

  Since then she'd fucked her way across the country. She stuck to the major cities, taking her choice of playthings. Bridgeport, New York, Philly, Baltimore; they found her wherever she went. She never had to search. Women or men, sometimes both, it was especially entertaining to go home with the couples. She screwed them all, in every way she possibly could, but though she reached orgasm often enough, and her energy was replenished each time, she was never satisfied. In fact, the more she fucked, the less satisfied she became.


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