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The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set)

Page 71

by Davis, SJ

  A man flanks either side of her, one working her nipples over with a small spur like device, the other lightly flogging her spread pussy. She is begging to cum as they continue their torture of her. The sweat is glistening on her body. Her breasts rise and fall with each gasp of breath she takes. Her body trembles with the effects of the pleasure they are instilling on her. My focus is instantly drawn to the scene. The men are intensely focused on her pleasure. The outline of their erections strain against the front of their pants, the arousal they receive in bringing her to the edge of bliss evident. They find their own form of gratification in her pleading trembling body. This is an eye opener for me. There are men out there who find gratification in pleasing a woman.

  I need Marcus to take me somewhere to show me why he invited me here. I pull him down to me. “I think it’s time you show me the private rooms.”

  The expression that crosses his face is one of blatant desire, he’s been waiting for me to ask. He leads me to a door in the back opposite the one we came in. He produces a key and an elevator door slides open. Ushering me inside, the touch of his hand on the small of my back blazes fire across my nerves, he pushes the number third floor button.

  The butterflies are back. I’m holding his hand in a knuckle white grip. I lean into his solid frame, seeking to leach his strength into myself. No matter how nervous I am, he makes me feel safe. He smells of sandalwood and pine with a hint of leather from his clothes, I breathe him in. The scent calms my fraying nerves. He pulls me into his arms holding me close, saying nothing as we ride up on the elevator,

  As the door rings our arrival, before he allows the doors to open, he tilts my chin up till our eyes meet. “Pick a safe word.”

  Gasping, I know I need one, but hearing the request aloud startles me into realizing what I’m getting into. Still, I hear the word float from my lips. “Belladonna”.

  He ushers me into a large bedroom type room. In the far corner is a large four-poster Victorian style bed, attached to the posts are chains with padded cuffs. There’s a bench at the foot of the bed with a padded seat. On the wall are different types of paddles and whips. A single chair dominates the opposite corner, at the foot of it’s a large pillow. I assume for the submissive to sit there when in service. I’m new to this, having never really practiced any of it. A small dresser size stand, with four drawers, draws my eye, kicking my imagination into overdrive with racing thoughts of what is possibly contained in it. I read the consent form, marking my limits on what I’m willing to try and what I’m not right now. I know a little of what I’m getting into, but having never experienced half of what was on that paper is daunting.

  The butterflies have taken up a tango in my stomach. No matter how nervous I am there is excitement too. Finally, I can live out my fantasies’ see where this road leads, the mysteries it holds. All I have to do is step into this room, trusting this man to lead me into the dark and untold world he created in this club.

  Marcus leads me to the foot of the bed and watches me. I try not to fidget, but his stare makes me more nervous, as the minutes tick by. “What am I supposed to do? Kneel or something?” I look up into his mesmerizing gaze.

  “I need you to relax and just trust me.” He walks over to the dresser, pulling a black blindfold out of the top drawer.

  The site of the blindfold excites me. My breathing comes in ragged gasps, my heart hammers against my body. My arousal leaks from my slit, my wetness, I’m sure is visible dripping down my thighs. My clit pulsates a rhythm of lust. My nipples rub erotically on the corset I’m wearing further tightening the sensitive peaks. I take a deep breath and squeeze my legs together trying to quell the ache in my body. Nothing helps.

  He smiles, as he approaches, like he knows how turned on I am by the sight of the blindfold. He places the blindfold across my eyes.

  “Just listen to my voice, let your body feel the sensations, remember if you are scared or things are going too far you have a safe word. If you just need to slow down and take a minute say yellow and we will talk about what happened and what you are feeling.” His voice, a calming anchor, in the stormy sea of emotions flooding my mind.

  Then he’s gone. I no longer feel him standing in front of me. There are no sounds in the room, unable to center in on his location. My heart rate returns to normal, as I relax into the darkness of the blindfold. The brush of something soft whispers across my neck, raising goose bumps along my flesh. I try to anticipate the next touch, when something icy trails along my collarbone. A shiver skates down my spine, as a hot tongue follows the cold, a whimper breaks from my throat. The tongue continues its path down my collarbone to dip seductively in the cleavage the corset displays.

  My nipples, ache to be free my back arches, thrusting my breasts forward, seeking more contact. My clit throbs, begging for attention of it’s own. Marcus walks me backwards until my knees bump in the edge of the bed. Laying me down, he unlaces the corset, sliding it open to reveal me to him. I’m in Heaven’s arms when he takes my nipple into his mouth, grazing his teeth over the sensitive nub. Marcus raises my arms above my head I feel the cuffs lock into place around my wrists. It thrusts my breasts up like an offering to him. He continues to tongue my breasts, leaving a wet trail in the hollow between them. My pussy clenches with every nip of his teeth. He slides the satin skirt down my legs and pushes my knees apart. I try to close my legs, but he positions his body between them so I cannot. I feel the cuffs close around my ankles. A moment of panic, rushes into my system. My safe word is on my tongue. I jerk my hands, pulling violently against the restraints, trying to kick my legs, the cuff biting into my ankles.

  “Jasmine, relax.” Marcus’s velvet voice rouses me out of my panic. He rubs my arms and legs like a scared filly. “It’s okay do you need to use your safe word?”

  I hear the concern in his voice and immediately begin to relax. I shake my head no to answer him.

  “I need you to tell me out loud how you are feeling. Good communication is paramount for this working.” His calming tone, lulling me further into a relaxed state.

  “I, uh, I’m okay,” I finally stammer. It’s barely a whisper, I don’t even sound like myself. “I’ve never been restrained before. It was just a moment of uncertainty.”

  “Okay I am going to leave the blindfold on. I want you to concentrate on what you feel.” He soothes me with his deep serene voice and once again I feel safe.


  I can’t believe how turned on she is. Her arousal, wafting around me like a summer breeze. It’s taking all of my control to take this slow and not bury my cock to the hilt in her silken heat. I have to leave the blindfold on. My fangs are out and I can’t force them back. I don’t want to scare her already, wanting to introduce her to my sexual world, before the vampire one. She needs to know exactly what I want from her before she has to make a choice.

  I take the feather, running it over her legs. She shivers and a moan breaks from her lips. I have to taste her. Leaning over I run my lips over hers in the slightest of touches. She strains against the restraints, seeking more. Happy to oblige her I slant my mouth over hers and truly taste her for the first time. I explore her mouth with my tongue savoring the exquisite flavors of red wine mingled with a sweetness that is uniquely Jasmine.

  My need to great to ignore, I kiss my way down the curve of her neck, nipping the tops of her breast. I stop to graze my teeth across her nipple, taking the hardened bud in my teeth and biting. Her body arches as a moan breaks from her lips. Her breath ragged, the swell of her breasts rising and falling with each gasp. A rosy blush, flushing her olive colored skin. I lick my way down her body, centering myself between her spread legs. Her slit, glistening with arousal. I lean down licking her from the bottom of her slit all the way up around her clit. She strains against the bonds, trying to force her pussy onto my tongue. Her breath catches in her throat, her body trembles with need. I pull her clit between my teeth, rolling it around with my tongue. Her breath comes in short gasps, h
er body trembling with need. I pull back eliciting an unhappy groan from her lips. She furrows her brow, biting her lips, telling me she was on the edge of release.

  “Please.” The moan glides across her kiss swollen lips.

  I run my hands up her thighs framing her glistening pussy. My fangs ache now. I lean over her body, biting on her nipple, drawing a gasp from her red lips. Jasmine strains against the cuffs, grinding her slit against my stomach. I slide down her body pulling her clit into my mouth, as I thrust two fingers into her warm wet haven. She meets me thrust for thrust, her pussy clenching on my fingers. I suck her clit, as she rides towards release. As her orgasm starts, I slide my fangs into her thigh. Her blood bursting across my tongue, searing my senses, soul, it’s like finding on oasis in the desert. She is the only drink I want for the rest of eternity, pure and sweet. I pull my fangs out, licking the wounds closed as the tremors in her body subside.

  I remove the cuffs from her ankles, rubbing the reddened ring, pulling her against my chest. I remove the wrist cuff, kissing the tender skin. I brush the hair from her forehead, removing the blindfold, as I cradle her in my arms.

  “Marcus?” she whispers softly.

  “Yes, luv?” I answer as she turns in my arms to look at me.

  “I’ve never done that before.” The redness in her cheeks, highlighting the stark blue of her eyes.

  “There is a lot more we could have done, as you said yourself you are new to this, I didn’t want to frighten you and wanted to give you time to determine what you want to try and where your boundaries might be.” Her face gets even redder.

  “No, I didn’t mean the bondage part, I should have told you upfront, but I have never had an orgasm with a man before.” She refuses to meet my gaze. I’m sure if I weren’t a vampire I would not have heard her.

  “Never before, I think, that is something we are going to have to work on, that requires we spend more time together to figure out what you like and do not like.” I cup her chin in my hand, forcing her to meet my gaze. Would you like to have dinner tomorrow night? We can discuss some of things you may like to try and the things that scare you completely.”

  “That sounds reasonable, so you do want to see me again?” She smiles that coy smile again.

  I’m lost. I never want her to leave, but I must give her time.

  “I would love to see you again. Tomorrow night would be great if you can have a list started by then for us to go over.”

  “I can do that. What do you want me to wear tomorrow? This is the only thing I have that looks like what everyone else here wears.” She waves her hand to the edge of the bed where her clothes are strewn on the floor.

  I consider a moment, as much as I like her in the corset, I think casual dinner would make her more comfortable. “We can just have a casual dinner. It would be less pressure for you and give us more time to get to know one another.”

  Her smile, one of relief, lights up her beautiful face. “Yes that would be nice. What time do you want me to be ready?”

  “I’ll pick you up at eight.” I help her dress and walk her to her car. “Until, tomorrow.” I lean down, brushing a soft kiss across her lips, swallowing the sigh that escapes her mouth. I help her into the car watch her drive off into the night.

  Back in the club, I head over to the bar. Thomas is there cleaning up from the night.

  “Thomas, can you make sure everything is locked up? I am heading out.”

  “Yeah, I can get it. You going hunting?”

  The concern in his voice making me halt my steps back out the door. “I’m going hunting, yes, why?” I level my gaze on him.

  “Be careful that is all I’m saying, Mia still hasn’t been located. We don’t know how much this hunter cell knows about us and our location.” Thomas goes back to cleaning the bar, turning his back to me.

  “Damn it.” I head out into the night. Thomas and Mia were friends. She was the only person Thomas ever opened up to. I knew she hadn’t come back the other day, but I was too wrapped up in my own little world to pay much attention. I am definitely slacking in my duties.

  I don’t have to hunt to get blood; there is a supply available at the club. Being so close to my soul mate and unable to claim her has awakened the beast in me. I need the hunt, the chase, and the kill to sate it.

  My feet touch down silently in the wet rundown alleyway. The air, thick with hopelessness. The syringes scattered along with the decaying trash, assaults my sensitive nose. I stop to pause, straining my hearing for signs of life. There further back in the alley, an erratic heartbeat, coupled with the stench of fear.

  The man crouches in the corner of the shadowed alley, leaning against the worn down brick wall, counting his spoils. The smell of blood radiates from his hands, awaking the beast in me further. My fangs extend, I approach him, waiting until he spots me.

  His face morphs into one of rage, glaring up at me. The adrenaline that floods his system smells so sweet, saliva coats my mouth.

  “What they hell are you looking at buddy?” His voice full of false bravado.

  I grab the grubby little man by his shirt collar jerking him up to face me, sneering I let him see my fully extended fangs. “I’m looking at my dinner.”

  “W...wh... what are you?”

  I throw him to the ground, watching him scramble further into the darkness. He feet trying to catch purpose on the slippery wet pavement. Arms windmilling backwards, scooting uselessly into the shadowed corner.

  “I suggest you run, if you want a chance at survival.” The mocking laugh from my voice, bounces off the stone buildings around us.

  The man runs, past me and out into the damp street. The water splashing along his legs, his goods, lying in the corner forgotten like yesterday’s trash.

  I give him a ten count then stalk out of the alley after him. The scent of fear and adrenaline easily marking his path. His erratic beating heart, calling me like a dinner bell. I find him curled up behind a rusty dumpster, grabbing him, I love the helpless look that crosses his pasty face. I strike, not giving him time to realize his end is upon him. The first pulse of coppery tasting life slides across my tongue, the adrenaline in his system making it all the sweeter to my beast’s palate. His heartbeat falters and slows, with every deep pull I take. A whimper escapes his lips as I take one last deep drink, his body going limp in my grasp.

  With my hunger sated, I take the body to the woods to burn it, taking no chances of having some half-cocked vampire running around town. There are rules in place about the changing of humans. No kill shall be left to chance.

  My feeding done for the night, I find myself hovering in the darkness outside Jasmine’s house. She is stunning siting in the sheer robe, her hair pulled up exposing the sweet curve of her neck. Her brow furrowed in concentration, studying the computer screen in front of her. I peer into the window, scanning the screen in front of her; she is flitting around BDSM sites, attempting to make a list. Her fingers pausing on the mouse, to grab a pen and scribble notes. She chews the pen between her perfect pouty lips; my cock pulsates in my pants, while visions of my shaft thrusting across her lips, float through my mind.

  The pull of the sunrise drags me from my obsession. I drift back to my home, vivid images of ruby red lips wrapped around my cock shuffling through my brain. . I climb into bed, letting sleep drag me under. I must rest, to continue Jasmine’s instruction into total submission.

  Chapter 3

  Saturday morning, I’m refreshed and giddy about tonight. I don’t have to open the store today. One of the perks about owning it, I don’t work weekends. There are some things I need to finish before my date tonight. After pouring a cup of coffee, I stroll to the computer to finish my list from last night.

  The unfinished document flashes across my screen, the crumpled papers discarded across the desk in a dishevelled pile.

  I have spanking, wax play, nipple clamps, possible canes, floggers, and even more questions, than ideas, at this point. Does he want me t
o submit sexually or be a slave? I’m not sure I can be a slave; I don’t want to give up my whole life or identity. He doesn’t seem like the type of person that wants to control my whole life, but I could be wrong. I print out the list, adding a reminder at the bottom regarding questions, punishable offenses, and degrees of punishment. One final check of the list and I decide it’s as good as it’s going to get. I feel much better about discussing this in a more non-threatening setting over dinner though. Hopefully he feels the same about me as I do him. Last night was amazing; I’ve never felt such a connection to a man before. I felt so safe with him even while bound and helpless to his every desire. Thoughts about last night cause my nipples to scrape against the satin material of my nightgown. The erotic memories of his tongue laving the tightened buds flash through my mind. I need to get a grip on my sexuality if I’m going to make it through dinner. I don’t know what it is about him; he has my libido in an uproar. I’ve never been this easily aroused before. Now, it’s only a matter of thinking about Marcus and my pussy begs to be filled. I need a good, long, and cold shower if I’m going to get anything accomplished today.

  Its six o’clock, he won’t be here for two more hours and I can’t wait to see him. The shower this morning didn’t help and I’ve been more turned on today than ever in my life. I opt for a simple skirt tonight with a light sheer black blouse, no panty hose. I hope I can maintain some form of restraint on my wild libido, so my outfit lasts through dinner. Marcus hasn’t claimed me, hell he hasn’t even said he wants to keep me, but I don’t want to disappoint him. I’ve read enough to know I’m not to make myself cum without permission. I’m not even sure that would help calm me down at this point.

  Two more hours to go before he shows up. I need a distraction, pacing around the house isn’t working. My skin so ultra sensitive, my nerves tingle with ever scrape of the silken material from my blouse. I’m so excited I can barely contain myself. I look in the mirror taking my hair down and fluffing the curls, again. This being the third time I’ve changed the hairstyle. I decide to sit down and do the store schedule for the next week, to get my mind off of the coming night, opting for mundane distractions.


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