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The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set)

Page 75

by Davis, SJ

  “Damn, Jas. I haven’t done that in a long time.” Sam pulls me up to lie beside her on the couch, wrapping her slim arms around my shoulders.

  “That was fun. I’ve never done that.” The giggle escapes my lips before I can stop it. She starts giggling. We fall off the floor in a naked pile of arms and legs, holding our bellies, as the laughter breaks free.

  “In all seriousness, could you give Marcus a call tonight?” Sam’s blue eyes, sparkle with mischief.

  “Oh hell, he’s going to flip. I’m not supposed to be doing any of this.” I wave my arms between the two of us. “Without his permission.”

  Sam bursts out laughing again. “ Let me handle this, as you put it. You just communicate with him.” She kisses me on the cheek, reaching for her clothes. “I got to head back to the club anyways. Call him Jas.”

  I walk her to the door, kissing her pouty pink lips. “All right, I will call him, after I have a shower.

  Chapter 8

  Sam storms through the club door, her body rigid. The scent of Jasmine tickles my nose. Sam stalks over to me. Smack!

  “What the hell was that for?” I grab my face, damn that stings.

  “How dare you treat Jasmine like that! She told you she didn’t want to be a slave. You sadistic son of a bitch, you lock her in the cages.” Her face flames red, her hands shake with anger. Damn she is really pissed.

  “Sam, I was just pushing her boundaries, she broke the rule.”

  “Damn it, Marcus, she is still learning, and you, you asshole throw her in a cage. A fucking cage.” Her rage boils over, she lunges at me, landing a solid punch across my face.

  I grab her arms subduing her frantic swings, as she rakes her fingernails across the back of my hand. The scent of Jasmine’s arousal assaults my senses. “So what have you been playing at today? I fucking smell her all over you.”

  Her body sags in my grip. “Marcus, I didn’t mean for it to happen. I just went to talk to her. She is so loving and so caring. It’s been so long since I cared about anyone. It just happened.”

  “Is that why you are so angry with me Sam?” I turn her to face me, ashamed by the pain I’ve caused the two most important women in my life.

  “Marcus, please don’t be angry with her. It’s my fault. Her heart is so fragile. She needs you to love her, not punish her.”

  I pull her into a hug, crushing her to my body. “ I’m not angry, Sam. I feel like a real ass right now. I’m going over there and make this right.”

  Sam grabs my arm as I turn to leave. “You can’t go now, she is going to call you to attempt the communication part she failed last night.”

  “All right. But if she doesn’t call soon, I’m leaving anyway.” The buzzing of my cell makes Sam smirk as she turns and walks away.

  “Hello.” I place the phone to my ear.

  “Marcus?” The hesitant voice of Jasmine pours from the speaker.

  “Yes, this is Marcus. Can I help you luv?”

  Her breath catches, the audible gasp heard through the phone. “Uh. Yeah, I wanted to talk to you, if you um.”

  “Jasmine slow down. What do you need?”

  She takes a deep breath and starts again. “ I would like you to come over to my house to talk.” Her voice comes out in a rush.

  “Okay, I will be there in fifteen minutes.” I shut the phone and grab the whiskey from Thomas. I need a drink first.

  I opt for dark blue denim jeans and a cotton t-shirt, I’m trying for approachable and not Dom. Sam’s right I pushed to hard. Jasmine is a soft heart and she needs more affection than I gave.

  I knock lightly on her front door; I hear her heart start to flutter in her chest. She opens the door, her eyes still rimmed red from crying, makes my hear sink. She motions me inside, never saying a word.

  “Jasmine, please talk to me.” I follow her to the couch. She motions for me to sit, taking the chair opposite me.

  “Marcus.” Her breath catches and her voice cracks. “I don’t know if I can be what you need.”

  My heart breaks with her sadness. This is my fault I caused all of this. I want to take her in my arms and tell her it will be all right, but the damage may be done. “Jasmine, I’m sorry. I rushed you. Pushed you to far. Can you forgive me?”

  She raises her head and stares through me with burning tear stained eyes. “Marcus, why me?”

  I take a deep breath, trying to find the words to tell her how I feel, without scaring her away. “Jasmine, you’re a beautiful woman, a natural submissive. Your heart calls to me, your softness, your kindness. I’ve done this all wrong, I love you.”

  The tears floating in her eyes streak down her face, her heart flutters in her chest. “Marcus, are you sure? What if I can’t be what you want?”

  I walk over to her, taking her soft body into my arms, kissing her gently on her tear-dampened cheek. “Jasmine, I’m sure, whatever you can be is what I need.”

  The small smile that graces her lips, sends a shiver of hope through my soul. She raises her ruby lips to mine, her tongue peaks out licking my lips.

  “Are you positive this is what you want?” Her voice waivers with uncertainty.

  “Yes.” I pick her up and carry her up the stairs to her bed, laying her on the soft down comforter. I lick and nibble my way across her jawline, sucking the pulse hammering in her neck. Her body arches to meet mine. Her breath comes in ragged little gasps; her hands slide under my t-shirt.

  Jasmine pushes my shirt over my head, running her hands along my chest. She raises her head, licking her way down my neck and flicks her tongue across my nipple. The groan that escapes from my lips, sneaks a smile across her face,

  “Make love to me Marcus, because you love me, not as Dominant and submissive, as lovers.” She wraps her legs around my waist grinding her body against my erection.

  I peel the shirt from her body, exposing her hardened nipples to my gaze. The rosy flush creeps along her chest and up to her cheeks. I slink down her body, trailing my hands along the curve of her hips, sliding her pants off her legs. Once she is completely naked, I remove my own pants. I sit on the end of the bed between her spread legs, lifting her foot to my mouth; I kiss the inside of her ankle.

  The goose bumps break out along her leg. She gazes at me with need and love in her eyes. I trail soft wet kisses to the juncture of her thighs. As I blow cool air across her heated core, she twines her hands in my hair. She arches her body, pulling my head to her center.

  I lick her slit, savoring the sweet flavor of my love. Her grip tightens on my hair pulling me hard against her. I suck her clit into my mouth and roll the bundle of nerves with my tongue. Her arousal leaks onto my chin. She grinds herself against me.

  “Don’t hold back Jasmine. Let me hear you. Let yourself go.”

  Her breathing becomes short and shallow. “ Oh God Marcus, please-” Her voice trails of in a ragged groan as her body drops over the edge into orgasm. Her legs tremble and shake, as she rides the waves of ecstasy.

  I move up her body, kissing my way across her face, to capture her lips, thrusting my tongue into her warm wet mouth. She sucks my tongue, biting at my lip. Her body arches as she rubs her wetness along my shaft. I inch into her tight slick channel, savoring the way it hugs my cock. Her body stretches to accommodate me.

  “Please, Marcus.” Her whimpers, driving me on.

  I pull of her warm wet haven and plunge in again. Her nails score down my back, as she raises her hips meeting me thrust for thrust. Her pussy sucks and clenches around my cock, bringing me to the brink of insanity.

  “Marcus, please, I need-.” Her head thrashes on the pillow, her body rigid and strung tight.

  I grab her hips plunging into her harder and faster. Her body quakes with need, she buries her head in my shoulder. As her orgasm over takes her she bites into my neck. Unable to control my self any longer, I slip my fangs into her neck, as my cock pumps my seed deep into her body. Her blood burst across my tongue, her body soars into another trembling wav
e of ecstasy. I slide my fangs from her neck licking the wounds closed as her body goes limp in my arms.

  “Jasmine?” I brush her sweat caked hair from her face.


  “I love you.”

  She never opens her eyes, half asleep in my arms, she murmurs. “Marcus, I love you too.

  Chapter 9

  The sunlight, streaming though the windows, awakens me from my perfect dream. My body sore, in the most pleasing of ways. The bed is empty where Marcus had been when I drifted off. The hand penned note on the stand, the only visual reminder of his visit.

  With a light heart, I shower and head to the shop for the morning rush. The birds seem louder, the air clearer, than ever before. I’m a walking cliché, basking in the loving after glow of Marcus.

  The shop is only a short walk from my home. Putting the key in the door, I start the morning checklist. Lotions are going to need to be made to restock this week. The dried herbs need refilled; I can take those out of storage at home. There are a few notes left for schedule changes on my desk and a few personalized orders I need to fill.

  I check the cash box and turn on the store lights at nine, unlocking the door to await the string of customers.

  The dinging bell over the door draws my attention to a cute little old lady, bent over walking with a cane. She smiles up at me.

  “Would you have anything for arthritis in here my dear?” She rubs her fingers together. The knobby joints swollen.

  “Yeah there are some teas over hear that might help you.” I take her hand leading her over to the far counter.

  I pick out three different flavors. “This is stinging nettle tea, it can help with pain and ease inflammation in the joints. Usual dose is three cups a day.” I hand her the packet of tea.

  “What are the others?” She puts the tea in her purse.

  “These are Devil’s Claw and this one is Ginger Root. Why don’t you take samples of all three of them home? You can come back if one of them helps.” I put the rest of the teas in her hand.

  She pats my arm, smiling. “You are such a nice girl.”

  The door dings again and two men walk in, behind them the a few more woman. The woman heads over to the beauty creams and lotions. The men just wonder about. That prickling sensation from the other night creeps up my spine, raising the hairs on my neck. I look around, but no one is watching me. I help the little old land walk to the door, holding it open for her.

  The woman are talking and sniffing the different lotions. I head over to see what kinds they want this week. I stroll past one of them men and he bumps into me.

  “Excuse me.” I turn towards him.

  “Oh, yes, excuse me miss.” He has a cruel smile. His beady eyes rake over my body, sending shivers skirting up my spine.

  I back away from him, going over to help the woman. The shift girl should be here soon. I occupy myself with the woman chatting about the different uses for each lotion and tonic.

  That prickling sensation won’t go away, glancing up, Mr. Beady Eyes is still staring at me. He isn’t even trying to not be obvious. The man with him taps him and the shoulder and nods. They both leave the shop and the breath I didn’t realize I was holding rushes out. That was creepy.

  The shop girl comes in around noon; she’s on a work-study program from school. I leave her to run the front of the shop and go back into the office to fill the Internet orders and make a list of supplies for the personal orders.

  We close the shop at five, the sun still shining on the treetops outside. I lock the door behind me, taking my lists and walking towards home. There aren’t many people out now, most have already headed inside for dinner this evening or out on the highway fighting rush hour traffic to get home. I don’t even own a car; my shop is within walking distance to home, even in the winter.

  The hair on the back of my neck stands on end and my stomach flutters with nervousness. The alley to my house shadowed in darkness. It’s never bothered me before walking home this way; those men must have really messed with my senses tonight. My footsteps echo off the buildings, ringing an alarming warning in my system, quickening my pace. A screeching cat leaps from behind the dumpster, squealing I leap against the building. I take a deep breath and assess my surroundings. I’m alone.

  I continue my short walk home, breathing deep, trying to calm my nerves. The front light to my house in on, highlighting a box on the porch. I skip up the steps; it’s a flower box. I pick it up and quickly get inside the house. There can only be one person to send me flowers.

  I lock the front door and put the box on the table. I open the red wine bottle to let it breath and tear the pretty red bow from the box. The most beautiful Madagascar Jasmine blooms I’ve ever seen in the box. I search for a card, expecting the familiar handwriting of Marcus. The card bears no signature, just and unknown scribble saying, See you soon.

  I toss the box into the trash and check to make sure the windows and doors are locked. This is crazy I’ve never in my life had anything like this happen. Why now? I wonder to myself if it has anything to do with Marcus or his club.

  The only thing strange that has happened in our little town is the unexplained animal attack across town. They found some homeless junky with his throat ripped out. Maybe it wasn’t an animal; maybe it’s a serial killer. I’m not a homeless junky though, so why would I be targeted. I grab the wine bottle off the counter and one glass, heading to the bathroom. I’m sinking into the hot bubbles and not worrying about this right now. It was just a creepy guy; I’m not stalker bait.

  Chapter 10

  I hover outside her window, just watching her lithe body, swaying to the music in her room. Her auburn hair swirls in seductive waves, as she twirls. Her robe half open reveals the gentle curves of her body. My cock hardens at the site of her pert dusky nipples. Her olive skin glistening in the moonlight.

  I land softly on her porch, wrapping my knuckles against the font door. Jasmine swing the door open, her eyes shine with desire.

  “Marcus.” She motions me insides, her heart fluttering.

  “How was work today?” I pull her into my lap on the couch.

  “It was okay. I missed you.” She nuzzles her lips into my neck.

  I run my fingers along her thigh, resting it on the curve of her hip. “Jasmine, my love, we need to talk a little more.”

  She sighs, her hot breath whooshing over my skin. “I know, I’ve been doing some more research so I can have a better idea of what I don’t like.”

  “Well then why don’t you tell me what you want out of submission?” I stroke the soft swell of her belly, trailing my hand up to thumb her nipple.

  “Marcus, I can’t think with you doing that.” She pushes my hand down to rest on her thigh and smiles. “Okay, now I definitely do not like the cages, I don’t like to feel abandoned and like property.”

  “I know Jasmine, I’m sorry about that. I knew how much the cages scared you.”

  “Marcus, it’s all right we are past that now. I don’t like the leash around my neck, it was so cold and detached from you.” Her voice cracks as tears form in her eyes.

  “My love, don’t cry. I never meant to hurt you.” I pull her head into my shoulder, stroking my hands along her spine.

  “The single tail whip, the sound it makes scares me.” She shudders in my arms.

  “What about anal or other people?”

  She stiffens in my lap, her heart rate ratchets up another notch. “I’ve never done anal, so I don’t know about that.”

  “What about other people Jasmine?” I can’t keep the smile out of my voice.

  She looks up at me, a blush creeping up her cheeks. “ You know about Sam?”

  “Yes, I know about Sam, did you enjoy it?”

  Her face flames a deep red and she bits her bottom lip. “ I did.” She diverts her gaze from my face.

  I grasp her chin tilting her face to look at me again. “Don’t be embarrassed with me Jasmine, not about anything.” I lean
in licking the seam of her lips, swallowing the moan that escapes her mouth.

  She wraps her legs around my waist, twisting her fingers into my hair. She thrusts her tongue in my mouth, the heat of her sex scorching my cock.

  I trail my hands down her back, sliding them under her robe to cup her ass. She groans against my mouth, licking her way across my jaw to nip at my neck.

  The scent of her arousal encompasses me, enveloping me in the intoxicating aroma of Jasmine. Her wetness seeping into my jeans. I push her down on the couch, hovering over her body. I trail my fingers lightly across her swollen sex, spreading the wetness around, bringing the glistening digit to my lips, savoring her juices.

  Her lust filled gaze watching my every move, leaning down I lick her slit. Her body jerks against my mouth. I wrap my arms around her hips pinning her in place. I nibble my way down her slit, raising her hips up, I tongue her puckered virgin hole. Her moan strokes my soul.

  “Mmmmm.” She thrusts her hips hard against my tongue.

  “Do you like that luv?”

  “Yes,” she breathes out on a ragged groan.

  Her pussy is leaking her juices out, coating her thighs, running down her crack. I coat my finger in her wetness, sliding it into her ass. I suck her clit into my mouth, biting down on it. She is riding my finger, thrusting herself up and down. I push a second finger into her, feeling her muscles relax and open.

  “Marcus, please,” she groans.

  I remove my fingers from her ass and free my raging hard on. I ram my cock into her dripping pussy. I slam into her again and again, using her hips to hold her to me. Her body draws tight. Her slick hot channel pulses around my cock, sucking my orgasm from me. I slam myself deep in her pussy, groaning out my own pleasure.

  I kiss her cheek, pulling her back into my lap. The sexual after glow on her skin, radiates like moonbeams through a darkened night skin. Her breathing in short shallow gasps, her hair dampened with sweat. She is never more beautiful.


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