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The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set)

Page 82

by Davis, SJ

  “That sounds like fun.” Sam hugs me tight against her. I can see the longing her on face.

  “What all did you bring in the cooler?”

  “AB and O positive.” Sam flips the lid pulling out the bags.

  I can’t stop the laughter that bubbles out. I fall back on the bed holding my stomach as I lose my control. Sam just smiles. Allya throws a pillow at her and things are normal once again. Regaining some form of composure. I sit up.

  “Sam can I ask you something?”

  “Yeah Jas, what’s up?” She opens one of the bags, sucking the contents out.

  “The night you saved me, did you get all the hunters?” I watch her face intently for clues, but she masks all her emotions.

  “No we didn’t, one of the redneck boys got away. Why do you ask? Has something happened?” Sam’s eyes bore into me, like she’s trying to read my soul.

  “Nothing happened, I was just wondering, you know, if we are safe or if they could still come after us.” I lie back on the bed and stare at the ceiling.

  “Marcus isn’t going to let anything happen to you, Jas.” Sam lies down beside me.

  “We won’t let anything happen to you either.” Allya lies on the other side of me.

  “Enough of this talk, what color are you planning for the wedding?” Sam rolls over propping her head up on her hand.

  “I was thinking black and gold. What kind of dresses do you guys want to wear? You can each pick your own style.”

  “I want to wear a sweet heart neckline with a full skirt, strapless.” Allya stands up, twirling around the room.

  “I want long sleeves, and a full skirt.” Sam opens another bag of blood. “What are you going to wear?”

  “I haven’t decided yet.”

  “Who is Marcus having in the wedding?” Allya stops her twirling to look at me.

  “I am pretty sure Anthony and Michael will be standing with him.” I look at both girls sensing the shock flood their systems. “Alright spill it. You first Allya.”

  “Nothing really, it’s not that I dislike Anthony personally or anything. Alpha wolves make me nervous.” She fidgets with her hands refusing to make eye contact.

  “Allya you’re a wolf, why do wolves make you nervous”

  “I don’t want to talk about it right now, please.” Allya’s eyes fill with tears.

  “Okay don’t cry, we don’t have to talk about it tonight, but can you manage to get through the ceremony beside him?”

  “I can do that, for you Jas.” She smiles.

  “Sam what about you, why do you not like Michael?”

  “It’s nothing against him, I just well damn it. He’s my soul mate Jas.” She covers her face with the pillow.

  “Sam! Why didn’t you tell me? Isn’t that a good thing?” I pull the pillow from her.

  “No it’s not a good thing. He stares at me in the club and his blood calls to me. I didn’t think I would ever find my soul mate. I don’t know if I’m ready for a mate.”

  “Sam if anyone deserves their soul mate it’s you.” I pull her into an embrace.

  “He’s a Dom, Jas.” Her voice waivers. “He’s also a shifter, what if I’m not his mate?”

  I understand her reluctance now, knowing some of her history. I don’t know Michael that well, but all the men I’ve met in Marcus’s circle would never hurt a woman.

  “Sam, I don’t think that will be a problem.” I push her back looking into her eyes. “Take the time at the wedding to get to know him. There will be a lot of people around so you can talk in the open, no pressure.”

  “Okay, I will try, but enough talk about us, Let’s plan your wedding.” Sam gives me a little smile and grabs the note pad. “Time to make a list of what you’re going to need.”

  We spend the rest of the night laughing and making lists. We have guests list, seating arrangements, and flowers. We are going to go dress shopping next weekend. The girls are wearing black dresses and I am wearing a gold one. Sam knows a hairdresser that will do home appointments so she is going to book her tomorrow. Since she can stay awake longer than I can at sunrise. Allya has volunteered to do all the shopping in town for decorations and lights, since she can go out in the daytime. Things are coming along nicely. My best friends and I are planning the perfect day with my eternal love.

  Chapter 27

  Today is my wedding day. Allya arrives shortly after Sam. We are in the upstairs bedroom getting dressed for the day.

  “The backyard looks amazing Jas.” Allya zips up the back of her dress.

  “Are you sure?” My voice waivers.

  “Jas, it’s going to be perfect.” Sam zips the back of my dress up, pulling my hair out of the way.

  “I couldn’t do this without you guys.” I wipe the tears from my eyes.

  “No crying, not yet, you’ll ruin your make-up.” Allya grabs a tissue blotting my eye.

  I take a deep breath, fanning my face, attempting to stop the flow of tears. My best friends are here to get me through today. I’m marring the man of my dreams, literally. The music floats into the window from the yard. The enchanting melody, soothing my fraying nerves.

  “It’s time to go.” Allya hands me my flowers and kisses my cheek.

  “Okay, see you girls at the altar.” I nod my head, taking the flowers from her.

  The rhythmic bridal march starts, after Allya and Sam exit the back door. My turn. I walk in time to the beat, eying my perfect mate amongst the twinkling lights. The lighting that adorns the back yard makes me feel like walking though the night sky Marcus waits at the end of the isle his eyes glowing a fiery amber. His smile warms my heart, and quickens my breath.

  I reach the end of the walkway, taking my place beside him in the front. Marcus takes my hand in his, peering at me from lowered lashes. His eyes blaze a trail of need through my body, igniting a burn of desire in my belly.

  The high priest drones on about the sanctity of our vows. The eternal love of soul mates and the promise to keep each other first always. I only hear about half of what he is saying, as I lose myself in the warmth of my love.

  He holds a slim gold band in his hand; my fingers tremble as he recites his vow to me.

  “Jasmine, this ring is eternal, no beginning and no ending. I promise to love you as eternal as this circle. For now until the end of all time.” Marcus slips the golden band on my trembling finger.

  “Marcus, my love for you has been eternal, even if I couldn’t remember before. You are the man of my dreams. The man who I will love eternally for now and until the end of time.” I slip the band onto his hand.

  “You may now kiss your bride.” The high priest turns to Marcus.

  Marcus pulls me flush against his body, slanting his mouth over mine. The gentle press of his lips against me dissolves my awareness of anything, but him. His tongue probes my lips seeking entrance. I open to him, tasting the unique flavors of my love. My body sways into him, as his strong arms wrap around me, surrounding me with his scent.

  Marcus breaks the kiss, pulling back away from me. The sounds of catcalls and hollers bring me back to the present. Heat flames my face, as I stare at my toes, hiding from the audience. He pulls me to stand beside him, rubbing his thumb across my knuckles. The comforting touch, soothing my embarrassment. Marcus leads me back down the walkway as the audience blows a sea of bubbles into our walkway.

  Anthony cleared the chairs out of the way, making room for the DJ to set up and the food to be placed out for the reception. The crowd gathers around Marcus and I waiting for the toss of the bouquet and apparently my garter I turn my back on the crowd of girls, peeking over my shoulder to wink at Sam and Allya. I throw the bundle of black lilies over my shoulder. The sound of wresting and giggling reach my ears. I turn smiling to look at a shocked faced Sam, holding the bundle of flowers. I run off the steps launching myself into her arms, hugging her tight. I pull back and look at her, she smiles, but tears threaten to fall from her eyes.

  “Jas, I’m scared.�
� Her voice quivers.

  “It will be all right hon.”

  Marcus pulls me back up the stairs to his side. He slips his hand under the hem of my dress, trailing his fingers over my skin. Goosebumps break out on my body, my legs tremble under his touch. He slides the garter down my leg, as woohoos come from the crowd. He turns his back to the men, flinging the ring of satin and lace over his shoulder. Michael catches it and winks at Marcus.

  The DJ strikes up a slow song. The soft melody flows through my body. Marcus takes my hand leading me into the center of the yard. He pulls me into his arms and we sway to the music. He looks into my eyes and the love I see there takes my breath away. I lay my head on his shoulder, trusting him to lead me safely in the dance. Our bodies meld into each other, a perfect fit of hard planes and soft curves.

  The music changes to something faster and we are surrounded by a sea of bodies. Marcus pulls me to the edge of the swarm of people all rubbing together in the center of the yard.

  “Come on love, let’s get you something to eat.”

  “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”

  He takes my hand leading me to the buffet tables set up across from the DJ booth. There is an array of finger foods to choose from. Steak tar-tar, smoked salmon crepes with dill sauce, and stuffed mushrooms. There are glasses of champagne stacked in a pyramid with the server pouring the bubbling gold liquid into the top glass, creating a fountain of alcohol into the rest of them. It’s the most romantic scene I’ve ever seen. I lean up on my toes, kissing Marcus on the cheek.

  “Thank you, for making this night so special.” The tears fall freely from my eyes.

  “Awe, my love, I would do anything for you.” He wipes the tears from my cheeks and pulls me into his arms. “Now my dear, eat something.”

  I fill a plate with a little of everything and carry a glass of champagne over to the garden bench. I nibble each item, savoring the delicate balance of flavors. The smoky salmon with the creamy dill sauce, by far my favorite item here tonight. The bubbles from the champagne tickle my nose.

  The crowd has paired off into intimate groups, chatting amongst themselves. People are smiling and laughing, having a generally good time. I spy Allya in the corner a frown on her pretty face. I follow her line of sight. She is boring holes in Anthony’s back. He turns and waves at her, offering a welcoming smile. She crosses her arms over her chest and stalks in the opposite direction of him.

  “Geez, she didn’t look to happy about that.”

  “Who are you talking about?” Marcus turns to face me.

  “Oh, I was people watching. Allya was glaring at Anthony, but when he turned to wave at her, well she looked pissed and stormed off.” I shrug my shoulders, not really understanding why she hates Alpha males so much.

  “To each their own, I guess. Maybe she will come around.” He wraps his arm around my shoulders pulling me against him.

  “Did you see who caught the flowers and garter?”

  “Yes I did.”

  “Did you throw the garter to Michael on purpose.” I sit up to look into his face.

  “Now Jasmine I can’t believe you would think I would do that.” He holds his hands to his heart, feigning hurt.

  “I take that as a yes.” I smack his arm as laughter bursts from his lips.

  “I had to help them out.” He pulls me into his arms, brushing his lips over mine. “Everyone should be this happy.”

  “I agree with that.”

  “I need to go and talk to Anthony will you miss me?” He smiles.

  “Always my love.”

  I watch him walk away, his suit cut to a perfect fit on his body. It highlights the broad shoulders, trim waist, and amazing ass. I think the champagne is getting to me. I don’t care this is my night. I walk over to the table, selecting another glass.

  Sam is in the corner of the walkway by the gate to leave. I head over that way, but halt my approach when I see Michael around the corner. Sam is shaking her head no, but Michael just smiles, rubbing his hands on her shoulders. Her body tenses, like she is about to run. He pulls her towards him and captures her lips in his. I turn to give them privacy and head back to my garden bench.

  Thomas is sitting on the bench across from me. His eyes, red and sore. He lost his best friend this week. He gets up and stumbles towards the table, taking an entire bottle of champagne from the server. He pops the cork and chugs directly from the bottle. He staggers back to his bench, with sadness etched into his face. My heart breaks for him. I wish I knew him better, to offer some comfort, but it was my ex that caused it. Guilt encompasses me freezing me to my spot. I have no words to soothe his pain.

  Jake strolls off of the dance floor sitting next to Thomas on the bench, taking the bottle from his hand. Thomas grabs for it, falling onto the ground. Jake picks him up and carries him out the gate. I hope he will be able to take care of him tonight.

  Marcus sits on the bench next to me. “Why the sad face, love?”

  “Thomas looked so sad tonight. I feel guilty for his loss.” I wrap my arms around myself in an attempt to quell the shivers in my soul.

  “Jasmine, what happened with Mia wasn’t your fault.” Marcus pulls me onto his lap, resting my head on his shoulder. “Thomas doesn’t blame you. Hell Mia almost killed you too.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” Shiver wrack my body, as memories of Mia sinking her teeth into my neck return.

  “Come dance with me love. Enjoy our night. I love you. Eternally.” He stands, lifting me up and carrying me to the dance area.

  “I love you too and I am eternally yours.”

  We dance and laugh the rest of the night. Marcus doesn’t give me a chance to stop and think about anyone, but him the rest of the night. He leads me inside as the sky starts to lighten. The impending sunrise, ending the party. The shifters agree to clean up. Marcus settles me in our bed tucking me into the soft warm covers.

  “Sleep well my love.” He kisses me softly.

  The call of sleep drags me under and for once I don’t dream about the amber-eyed man. I’ve no need to dream of him anymore, I shall have him in my waking hours, side by side. Two hearts, two kindred spirits. I was lost until he found me, the fates allowing us to return to one another, for eternity.


  It’s midnight at the club, Sam hasn’t talked to me since I kissed her at the wedding a month ago. I should never have kissed her, but she is the most beautiful creature I had ever laid eyes on. Her strength and her love of friends and family called to my inner wolf. She spends all her time brooding and sulking around the club. Her scenes with the fledgling vamps are getting more and more out of control. That is when she does play. Most of the time she just sits at the bar, downing shots and ignoring everyone around her. She isn’t playing tonight, just throwing back shot, one after another.

  I walk over to the bar, placing my hand on her shoulder. Her body tenses, the scent of adrenaline pouring off her in waves. “Sam, what seems to be bothering you? You haven’t been yourself lately.”

  She turns to me, her emerald eyes sparkling with unshed tears. “Can we go and talk somewhere else? Will you come up to the suite and talk to me. I really need a friend right now.”

  How can I say no to her? She is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, everything about her screams perfection. She wants me to be alone with her. My cock throbs against my zipper. I need to get my raging libido under control. The last thing Sam needs right now is a horny werewolf panting down her neck. She turned me down at the wedding.

  “Yes, let me find Anthony and let him know I’m going to break. I’ll meet you at the elevator.” I stand up and head throw the grinding bodies of leather, searching for him.

  We ride up the elevator in complete silence, the only noise is the clicking of her nails against one another. She fidgets, shifting her weight back and forth on her feet. The dinging bell announces our arrival. I follow her into the suite. She has replaced all of Marcus’s furniture. The couches are sleek black leath
er, with red and turquoise accent pillows. The coffee table is a solid piece of carved black stone. The whole room screams Sam. She leads me over to the sofa sitting down and patting the spot next to her.

  “Sam, what is going on? “ I put my hand on her leg, to comfort her.

  “Michael, I’m so unhappy, it takes everything I have not to walk into the sunrise and never come back. “The tears stream down her cheeks.

  “What makes you so sad, that you would end it all?” I turn her to face me.

  “I’m jealous of the love Marcus and Jasmine have. I’m happy for them, but I want that too. What’s wrong with me Michael? Why can’t I find what I need to be complete?” Her body shakes with sobs.

  “Sam, there is nothing wrong with you. You are perfect.” I pull her into my arms, hugging her tight.

  The scent of her overwhelms me. That undeniable shifter sensation floods my being. My wolf screaming in my head. MINE, MATE, CLAIM. This is already a bad situation and now this. Why didn’t I get this feeling at the wedding? I would have at least been prepared. I’m second in command of the pack and unmated, but Sam is in no shape for me to be staking claims.

  She brushes feather light kisses along my jawline, working her way to my mouth. She licks my lips seeking entrance. I open allowing her inside. Her taste floods my being, mint and chocolate. My cock aches for release. Her arms wrap around my neck as she twine her fingers in my hair, pulling me hard against her mouth.

  I push her away. “Sam I have to go.”

  The shock and hurt that crosses her face, break my heart. It burns an image in my brain that will haunt me forever. I run to the elevator, banging on the button. The wolf in me growls, urging me to go back and claim my mate. The doors slide open and I climb inside. The last thing I see as the doors close, is Sam rubbing her lips, her sad eyes watching me run away.

  How will I ever explain why I left? She needs a friend and my damn wolf decides now is the time to make it’s wants known. I want to go back up there and throw her to the ground, ravaging her body and claiming every inch of her as mine. I need to take this slow, she is hurting and I made it worse. This is fucked up beyond repair. Shit, I’m a Dom, vamps aren’t submissive, are they? Sam’s one hundred and fifty years old. I don’t even know if she will ever speak to me again. She has trust issues and I just abandoned her when she needed me. I need to find Marcus. We have to talk.


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