The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set)

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The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set) Page 117

by Davis, SJ

“No, but I’m sort of guessing what’s going on.”

  “Oh really, go on?”

  “That kiss, the one in the helicopter, it was intense. Great and smouldering and I haven’t been able to think about anything else all damn day, even when I was up to my neck in dusty books. I feel like an addict needing a fix. But that’s the whole deal, the vampire deal. I’ve seen it on TV, you guys can hypnotise your victims and then they are like putty in your hands. I don’t want you doing that to me anymore.” I said with all the strength I could muster.

  “Wow,” He took my hand and sparks flew up my arm. “Nila, for one I have not hypnotised you, ever even though I can yes. You like me just because you like me…”

  “Not true, even when I look at you it’s all I can do to stop…”

  He interrupted by stopping and kissing me on the mouth. I started to protest but… well I just couldn’t find the will power. I felt the same uncontrollable wave of lust smack me in the chest and I was hooked. I kissed him back like it was going to be my last. Our tongues nudged one another and I seriously contemplated ripping his clothes off there and then. When he eventually broke away I was heaving and out of breath like I’d run a marathon.

  “See! That’s not normal”

  “I know.” He agreed. “Okay lets go talk, I didn’t want to bombard you but there’s something I have to tell you.”

  “I do not like the sound of this.” I said sceptically.

  “It’s not bad, it’s the opposite really but… look come on let’s get you out of the cold.”

  He took my hand and led home. It seemed so familiar and natural us walking this way, like we’d been a couple forever.

  The air was crisp and fresh and apart from the a zombie crying out like a lone wolf in the distance it was a peaceful and serene moment. We made it back to my motorhome, I unlocked the door and offered him a seat at my tiny table. He looked like a giant in my small cramped space.

  I popped my cake in the mini fridge and took a seat next to him.

  “Soooooo… go on.”

  “You sure? It’s a heavy conversation.”

  I looked at him and it felt like every cell in my body was tuned into him. It was taking me all my will power not to jump on his bones.

  “I’m sure.” I said firmly.

  “Well, when a vampire falls in love it’s much different than human love. It’s not a choice and it’s not something you can stop. I knew right away, before I even tapped on your loft window. Drawing me in. I hardly had time to think but it was there all the same. I could feel you. When we got back at dawn I went and saw Vincent, he leads this pack, he recently found his soul mate and I wanted to confirm what I thought. He asked if I’d used my powers in any way in the helicopter when you fed me and I hadn’t so he told me the chances were good that you were mine.”


  “And I, you. I am yours.”

  “Jesus, you do know last month I was in a long term relationship? I killed that same boyfriend two days ago?”

  “I know,” he said slightly frustrated. “I wanted to give you space, to adjust to all this. I tossed and turned all day while I slept, I couldn’t think of anything else but getting to you.”

  “So that’s why I’ve thought of you all day”

  “Yes, like a craving?”

  “God yes.”

  His look changed to a more feral one and he leaned over the table. He paused for a second before kissing me. Long and deep. His tongue sought out mine. My heartbeat sped up tenfold and in response his hands wound in my hair. We became more frenzied and I was pressed against the side of the motor home.

  Horaldo stood up to adjust himself and banged his head on the cupboards over the table.


  I laughed.

  “These things were not built for burly vamps.” I laughed.

  “Shall we take it through to the bedroom?” He held his hand out.

  “Absolutely not,” I said firmly.

  “But… I don’t understand.”

  “I’m not the sort of girl that goes all the way on a first date… if that’s what this even is.”

  “But we are soul mates, destined to wander the earth together for an eternity.”

  He looked genuinely shocked by my rejection.

  “All the more reason to wait.”

  “What… that doesn’t even make sense!”

  “You are not used to women saying no?” I smiled at his total disbelief.

  “A woman has never turned down my bed.”

  “This one just did. Look Horaldo, just take it a step back… let’s get to know each other, ok. The rest will follow.”

  “But… when?”

  I laughed… hard.

  “Haven’t you ever courted a woman?”

  “Courted… do people actually use that world now?”

  “Right… you, go. I’m tired and I promised I would help out at the library tomorrow.”

  “You are serious?” It wasn’t a question he said it more to himself.

  “Yes!” I laughed. “Horaldo, I like you, far more than I want to but I need to get to know you before I fuck you.”

  “Can I at least…” He bent down and found my lips with his. Little jolts shot up my toes straight to my… well you know.

  The kiss deepened and we both began to get more heated. I broke away.

  “Mmm enough.” I breathed.

  “It is going to be a long day.” He kissed me on the forehead, breathing in my scent. “I bid you goodnight soul mate. Tomorrow the courtship begins.”

  Chapter 7

  That night I slept soundly, I didn’t waken until 8am the next morning. My dreams had been dominated by Horaldo. Dreams of making love, of being bitten and a whole load of stuff that made me waken with a blush to my cheeks. I had no idea how I was going to restrain myself around him. I mean should I cast aside the morals I’d upheld all my life. To be a ‘good girl’, never go past first base on the first date. Meet the parents and all that nonsense. Did morals even apply when it was your vampire soul mate in question? I felt stupid holding back when all I wanted to do was jump on his bones but I owed it to myself and a little out of respect for Kyle. I know we hadn’t ended on good terms but I had loved him.

  I had some coffee from my rations and one of my bread rolls. I took the cake I had left and set off for the library, resisting the urge to seek Horaldo out and jump on his bones.

  Malcolm looked as though he had already been working a number of hours when I entered.

  “Good morning Nila!” He greeted warmly. “Good news and bad news”.

  I laughed. “Okay, good news?”

  “They gave me a netbook, I have no idea how to work it.”

  “Great! Bad news?”

  He motioned for me to follow him through to the back room where stacked, pile upon pile were hundreds of more books.

  “Okay it’s more books… so good news because we are a library, but wow… It’s going to take some sorting. They gave us loads more flat pack shelves too. Well no time like the present!”

  I sighed at all the lovely books, smiling at some familiar titles I would love to get my hands on. “I’ll set up a system on the netbook. It’ll have to be a simple one, I’m not an expert and then I’ll register all the books we did yesterday.”

  “Shall I get these other shelves put up and fasten them to the wall?”

  “Yeah, I mean there’s no reason why we can’t lend out the ones we catalogue on the laptop. I’ll do a separate spread sheet for anyone that borrows books.”

  “I am very glad you are here Nila.”

  “AHHH!” I smiled wider, “I brought cake too!”

  We worked alongside each other forming a fast if not slightly strange friendship. The librarian in his tweed jacket and the mouthy barmaid in her cheap jogging pants. We discussed authors and books endlessly. I didn’t have a particular genre. I read a book and if the first chapter pulled me in I read on. I had read the lord of the rings trilogy and
several Terry Pratchet novels, all of which Malcolm had too so we had common ground.

  We ate lunch and carried on and by the time the sky was beginning to darken we had what looked like a very small library. Malcolm allowed me to take the netbook, as he had no idea how to work it. I just think he was eternally grateful of my help but in all honesty I was grateful for the distraction.

  I got home, washed and read for a little while. I didn’t have to wait long for the knock on my door.

  “Come in.”

  He swept in the room like a leaf in a summer breeze looking dashing as ever.

  Before saying hello or uttering a word he approached me, pulled me to my feet and kissed me so intensely I thought I would die on the spot with need.

  “I cannot stop, but I will be back later. I have to go out on search and rescue.”

  “Oh, of course.” I said slightly disappointed.

  “However, I thought I might make a little detour if the opportunity arises and perhaps get you some other clothes.”

  “Seriously? Yes please.”

  What do you like and what size?”

  “Jeans, casual, size 10. Anything but sweatpants.”

  “Agreed they are not the most sexual garment.”

  “Be careful Horaldo.” I said, suddenly washed with concern over him.

  “I always am my love.”

  I melted. He kissed me once more and with a look of longing left. I felt empty in his absence. I missed him but I could hardly complain that he was out recusing my fellow humans. I was literally aching and weighting up in my mind how long I should wait. I dated Kyle for just over a month before we officially slept together. I was getting myself hot just thinking about how good in bed Horaldo would be. I couldn’t believe I was even thinking about sex given the fact that Britain was overrun with darn zombies.

  I snoozed for a little while, I ate, I sat at the door listening to the odd, very distant screams of the undead. I messed about sorting some stuff out on the library program, anything really to pass the time until he returned.

  Shortly after one o'clock, he returned.

  “Hi,” I stood and gave him a warm embrace. God I had missed him! “Any survivors?”

  “Not on this run. We came across some rogue vamps we had to deal with but as for humans nothing.”

  “Rogue vampires?”

  “Vampires gone insane with thirst. We found a nest with a lot of bodies. They’d managed to kill quite a lot of humans we could have offered refuge to.”

  “And by ‘deal with’ I take it you mean… do I want to know?”

  “I wouldn’t ask.”

  “I missed you.” I said honestly.

  “And I you Nila.”

  “This is a whole load of mess isn’t it?”

  Horaldo sat at my table and banged his head on the cupboards.

  “This won’t do… Would you prefer to perhaps come to my room? I have a room in the main house?”

  “Yes, I would but…”

  “No pressure to do anything, I respect your old fashioned and somewhat frustrating morals and I have some gifts for you.”


  Chapter 8


  “Red! What the fuck are you doing?”

  I grunted as a zombie launched itself from a rooftop and landed on my back. I was knocked to the floor and the thing, (God the smell!) chomped into my neck.

  Dammit, I hated the undead. I grabbed a handful of filthy hair and pulled. A stretchy squelchy noise later and the zombie was headless. I’d fed well so the nasty wound healed shut quite quickly but still, it was a total pain in the ass.

  We travelled into Aberdeen to search for survivors every other night but each journey we made was becoming less fruitful. Our last two trips we hadn’t found anyone at all.


  “I’m coming God damn it Robin.”

  He’d ventured into shop on the high street to check some things off our list Vinnie had given us.

  Since the onslaught of zombies a month ago we’d done our best to save as many humans as we could. We’d done far better than we thought but now we had to upkeep them. Vampires are easy to look after they require blood and a hidey-hole from the sun. Humans needed food, proper shelter, entertainment and above all protection. Oh and toilet roll we could not get enough of the darn stuff. We ventured out night after night to search for survivors and then gather as many supplies as we could.

  Red appeared with three bin bags full of God knows what.

  “What happened?” He said when he looked at my shirt.

  “That!” I pointed to the body of the zombie. “Jumped off the fucking building and took a chunk out of me.”

  “Well at least we haven’t seen as many lately. I think I got everything we need. We can head back to the truck, unless there’s anywhere you want to stop off.”

  “No just a new shirt would be fine.”

  We started down the main street to where the helicopter landed and stopped off in a little shop that sold some designer wear. The front window was smashed and everything inside was pretty much stolen, ruined or already pillaged but the basement was always worth a shot.

  We were in luck the staff door was a keypad entry system and it looked pretty sturdy and untouched. Excellent! I lifted my foot up and in one swift kick booted the door in. God bless my Santorian strength. Next came the problem. There were two vampires waiting behind the door and they each had stakes. They both jumped me at the same time, one stake ended up in my side and the other right in my heart.

  “You have GOT to be kidding me.”

  As a Santorian, a stake through the heart wouldn’t kill me but it hurt… a lot. I loathed being staked. I mean there are hundreds of vampires that live centuries without getting staked and I had had the pleasure three times over the last few months.

  I heard Red laughing from the shop door and turned to give him a piece of my mind when one of the douche-bags, a woman vampire punched me in the face.

  Now I was mad!

  I removed the stake from my side and with all my strength stabbed her in the chest. The stake, my hand and my arm up to the elbow shot through her rib cage. While she was still twitching I shot my other arm out, grabbed the other vamp, a man by the hair and with a swift kick to his rib cage, detached his head.

  I then took advantage of the woman and chomped down on her neck, no point in wasting a meal.

  The vampire hadn’t eaten in a long time, there wasn’t much blood.

  Red had by now made his way over still wearing a smile on his face.

  “You know you lack of care for my welfare is astounding.”

  “Robin, I hardly think a few vampires and a zombie are worth worrying over. I’ve seen forty zombies jump you at once and I’ve seen you beat vampires to death with their own limbs.”

  “That was pretty awesome wasn’t it?” I smiled remembering a band of rogue vampires we’d found the week before.

  “I have long ago given up on worrying about your welfare my love, I think you might give Kilvire a run for his money.”

  He came and kissed my head softly distracting me from…

  “AHHHHHHHH.” He had gripped the stake and yanked it quickly from my chest. He looked at it in fascination and then dropped it to the floor.

  “Come on, we might as well check out what they have got.”

  The door opened to stairs leading down into the basement. We met a corridor, which had three doors leading off it. The first room had throws and pillows on the floor and looked like the Vamps had been sleeping there. The second held stock for the shop, yummy… I saw shoe boxes!

  “Okay let’s check out the last room and then double back here, take as much as we can.”

  “I don’t know why you insist on coming to these posh shops you get far more at the bigger ones.” He said absentmindedly.

  “You know, just because we were nearly wiped out does not mean that I’ll lower my standards. I nearly died when Horaldo cleared out Primark. Those poor
humans… it’s a fate worse than death.”

  We walked as we talked and made it to the last door. I motioned for Red to stand back just in case there were more vamps waiting to jump us.

  I swung the door open to find two humans led on the floor, still, unmoving. One, a man was dead but only just, he had a fresh bite mark on his neck still oozing blood. Red had dropped his bags and was leant by the second, a woman.

  “She is alive but barely.”

  “We need to get her to the chopper. I’ll carry her.”

  “I’ll be behind you, as fast as I can.”

  I went to the look at the woman and was shocked to see that it was a girl of about 14. She was so dirty and unkempt it was hard to tell anything. She didn’t wake as I lifted her and I could hear her heart sifting blood slowly round her system. She didn’t have long left at all. I gave Red a nod and as fast as I could made my way back up the stairs, through the shop and out onto the street. I broke into a run pleased that I could see the chopper at the far end of the main street.

  I was there in thirty seconds and Malachi was on hand with a human doctor right away.

  “Wow, she is in bad shape.” Malachi said lifting a stretcher down from the shelf.

  The doctor, a lovely woman called Shelly started to examine her as soon as I put her down.

  “We need an IV and fluids. She’s weak, she will need a transfusion. That’s if she makes it back.”

  Red leapt in behind us and Malachi went and started the engine.

  I went to the medical drawer and pulled out everything that shelly needed for an IV and then got some fluid from the store cabinet.

  She struggled to find a vein in the girl’s arm she was so dehydrated but eventually succeeded. We attached the fluid and I hooked the bag up to the ceiling.

  “I’ll go radio Vinnie let him know what we need.” Red said and went through to the front.

  Once we were airborne the doctor and I both put on headphones so we could talk above the noise.

  Shelly had been fresh out of medical school when we’d rescued her and in those three weeks had learnt more than in all her training.

  “Only one this time?” She said sadly as she cleaned up the bite marks on the girl’s arms.


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