The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set)

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The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set) Page 118

by Davis, SJ

  “I know. There are less of those things though, which is a good sign.”

  “I am pretty sure you have nearly eradicated them all by now.” She said with a smile. “I see you got attacked… again. Vampires?”

  “And a zombie, the only one we saw this trip.”

  “I have a spare scrub top over there in the top drawer.”

  “Perfect.” I looked down at the poor girl. What a truly fucked up situation and all because some vampire wanted to bump us off by wiping out our food source. Come on hold on in there.

  Chapter 9

  I accompanied Shelly to the medical bay we had set up and once the other doctors on duty had gathered and began to give her a blood transfusion I left knowing she was in the best care. It was 5am and Red would have already headed to our room to sleep. I decided to go and see my mum.

  I’d never had an easy relationship with my mum. My Dad had left while she was pregnant, because she was pregnant and I’d always felt I was to blame for that. After I found Red a mellow side of me emerged and my mother and I had grown closer. When the invasion hit I’d headed straight for her and she had been amongst the first, initial wave of humans we saved. It had been nice telling her the truth about us and after the shock she had taken it quite well.

  The real surprise had come when we had started seeking out and rescuing humans. We found a lot of children whose parents had been murdered or had turned into zombies. My mum had stepped in and now she ran the orphanage wing in the mansion. It was astounding. She was now the mum I always dreamed of having but I honestly didn’t hold it against her. She’d had her own issues to deal with.

  I nipped to the kitchens where fresh bread was being baked and cakes and stuff and I grabbed a fresh coffee with milk and two sugars and then I headed back up to mums room.

  She was always up really early to start breakfasts for the kids, last count I think they had thirty aging from weeks old to early teens. I knocked softly and entered her bedroom. She was still asleep. I popped the coffee down on her nightstand then gently laid a hand on her head.

  “Hmm,” she said sleepily. “Do I smell fresh coffee?”

  “Sure do.” I replied.

  “What time is it?” She opened one eye.

  “Nearly six.”

  “Thanks honey. How did the rescuing go?”

  “Just one this time, a girl. She’s in bad shape, they were giving her a transfusion when I left.”

  “Poor lass, I’ll nip down later see how she is.” She sat up and grabbed the coffee, closing her eyes as she took a slurp.

  “Thanks mum. I’m gonna go head for bed. It’s experiment night tomorrow night!”

  “Ouch, you want me to come sit with you?”

  “You always ask and I always say no, no humans aloud.” I smiled.

  “I worry is all, okay I will see you tonight maybe honey, get some rest.”

  I kissed her on the head and made my way back to our own room.

  Experiment night was once a week. We were still trying to find the right balance to make a Santorian. Kilvire, an ancient crazy vampire who could read minds, had discovered from our enemy that they had discovered it was possible to make a Santorian, like you could make a vampire. If a Vampire was fed the exact right balance of Santorian blood they would turn. If they weren’t they turned into zombie like creatures. The blood from these things was highly infectious and if they bit a human, they turned into a zombie in mere seconds. This is why Britain was over run. When Kilvire had caught a glimpse of a Santorian being made he had thought they were massing an army of them. We’d been wrong. When the boats and crates had reached the shoreline of Britain Kilvire had been able to read the minds of the Vampires on them. He then knew the full extent of their plans. They wanted to wipe out our pack. Instead of simply going to war with us they planned to wipe out of food source and then attack while we were weak.

  So, to get back on subject… we were still trying to find the right balance of blood to make a Santorian. This meant me donating around four pints of blood and Ethan our other Santorian doing the same. So far we had used rogue vampires we had captured and we were yet to succeed.

  Giving blood wasn’t too bad there were hundreds and hundreds of vampires that could replenish me but we limited it to twice once a week so I could spend the rest of my nights helping with the rescuing and be at full strength if anyone were to attack us.

  No one knew what was coming, if it was coming and where it was coming from we just had to be on guard twenty four hours a day. If we could figure out the exact amount of blood needed we could really reinforce our chances of winning a war, if that was what was coming.

  Since leaving the massive cave complex, well hidden on the outskirts of Manchester we had to make do living in one huge stately home. The more prominent members of the pack had a room in the main house. It also housed the orphanage and the humans who were in charge of food prep and sorting the stuff we looted from towns. Some Vamps lived in a small church and other buildings on the grounds and the majority lived in nearby towns.

  I missed our underground complex at the mansion we had left and I shuddered to think of the damage that might have been done to the shoes I’d left behind at our mansion. The thought of a fucking zombie slobbering over my Jimmi Choos was enough to make my eyes blaze red… literally.

  Red and I now had a modest one room to call our own. We had a four poster bed, wardrobe and small two seater couch. Red was already sound asleep which was good and bad, bad because he was bloody cranky when he got woken up and two… well I was horny as hell.

  I showered, washing the blood from my body and lathering up good. I washed my hair, taking my time and then I selected a sheer black nighty and itty bitty thong. I combed my long brown hair back and pinned it up out of the way.

  Red was face down on the bed, his long gorgeous hair covering his face. I pulled the blanket at the bottom of the bed and slowly he was revealed to me. First a well defined upper back, tapping down to a thin waist. He’d been a farmer when he was human and every gorgeous inch of him was yummy muscle.

  I pulled the covers further back to reveal a pair of shapely buttocks.

  “Robin” Came a mutter muffled by a pillow. “You can’t be serious?”

  “Yuh huh… lookie.”

  He lazily brushed his hair from his face and opened one eye. Then he groaned.

  “Oh come on it’s been ages since we fucked.” I pouted.

  “It was yesterday.” He replied with a half-smile and I knew he was only playing. He was yet to turn me down.

  I crawled up the bottom of the bed and rolled him over. He was already standing to attention.

  “Ah ha! See.” I said pointing to it. “He wants me, even though you don’t.”

  He propped himself up on his elbows.

  “I do want you it’s just some of us need to sleep during the day, some of us are creatures of the night you know.”

  “Phft.” And with a wink I dipped my head and took him in my mouth.

  “Good God!” he said jerking slightly.

  I milked him at a steady pace and his fingers found their way to my hair, urging me deeper to which I obliged, well I didn’t need to actually breathe.

  After a few minutes he pulled me off and I knew if we went much longer everything would be over before it started.

  He guided me up and we kissed. Red and I spent a stupid amount of time in a normal day kissing and I never tired of it. I never wanted to lose the feeling that I had to have him. It was there all the time and when our skin touched, when we made love the feeling was so intense sometimes it was overwhelming. I scooted over and straddled him and then guided his lovely cock inside me. I can’t describe the feeling; it’s like a part of you coming home that’s been missing all your life. We held hands and I began to work on top, finding me a rhythm and feeling my release already so near. Red reached down with both hands and ground my ass cheeks making me throw my head back. He then began helping me lift on and off, our pace becomin
g more frenzied. I came screaming his name and fought every urge to collapse, carrying on till he too found his release.

  Now I was exhausted and content. I kissed him lightly and rolled off. I pulled the covers back up and snuggled down into the nook under his arm.

  “Can we sleep now?” He said planting a kiss on top of my head.

  “It’s such a chore to you is it?”

  Chapter 10


  Horaldo’s room was more like an open plan apartment that ‘a room’. He had led me to the west wing of the house and upstairs to a double set of doors. Inside a large fireplace dominated one side of the room and massive four poster bed faced it on the other wall. By the window sat a set of deep leather arm chairs and a coffee table and the other wall house a doorway to the bathroom and a large dark wood four door wardrobe. The room was huge.

  “Wow.” I managed.

  He went to the wardrobe, dug out a large brown paper carrier bag and handed it to me.

  I opened it to see a stack of new clothes with the tags on. I squealed and tipped the bag onto the bed.

  He’d brought two pairs of Apple Bottom jeans, several designer tops and two cashmere jumpers. There was even a trendy pair of boots and some stilettoes. He’d also popped in two large bags of coffee beans, he’d thought of everything.

  “You can trade the beans for other stuff.” He smiled.

  “I am surprised,” I said with a huge smile.

  “Oh, and why is that?”

  “You didn’t even try to sneak any raunchy stuff in there.”

  “Who’s to say I didn’t get some to save for another time?”

  “Did you?” I smiled and scrunched my eyes up slightly.

  “I swear!” He said holding his hands up. “I’m innocent.”

  I was ever so slightly disappointed.

  “I am going to go see Vincent before he turns in for the day, I won’t be long, there’s water in the taps, not hot but at least you can have a decent wash. There are also some soaps and toiletries, so help yourself. He kissed me lightly on the head and left.


  I went to the drawer after Horaldo left and found a red raunchy teddy. With a mischievous smile I slid into it and arranged myself on the bed. He came in shortly after carrying a food laden tray.

  “Ye Gods!” He muttered.

  “About the whole taking it slowly thing… I changed my mind, I want you fuck me Horaldo. I want to see the stars.”

  “I urm… wow.”

  I ran my hands provocatively up and down my stomach. Closing my eyes and biting my lip and dipped my hand between my legs.

  “Nila,” he whispered.

  “Are you going to help me?” I whispered.

  The food was laid aside and he was on the bed next to me faster than the human eye and his lips uncaptured mine. I let lose my inner sex kitten and my body inwardly leaned into his. His hand found my breast and kneaded firmly. I grasped his hand and led it down to wear I was throbbing so much for him. He undid the little popper buttons in the crotch of the teddy and I was free. His fingers gently caressed me before he parted me and inserted a single finger inside me. I groaned and broke away from his kiss.

  “Oh… wow.” I whispered.

  I could actually feel those sparks of desire building up and he had barely touched me. He smiled a wicked smile.

  “You are mine Nila.”

  He scooted down the bed, leaning down and he took me in his mouth. I thought my head was going to blow off the top of my shoulders. I felt myself nearing my peak and I wound my fingers in his hair and called out his name.


  I woke up sat up in bed covered in head to toe in sweat. Downstairs I was still throbbing from the intensity of the dream. Holy shit, what the fuck was that?

  I glanced over to see Horaldo led beside me wide awake with a big, huge smile on his face.

  “Was it a good dream?” He asked.

  “Maybe… why?”

  “You were talking and erm moaning… a lot.”

  I felt my face flush bright red and I groaned.

  “Oh my God.” I hid my face in my hands.

  He chuckled. “Nila, don’t be embarrassed, I have dreamt of you also.”

  “I could just die!”

  He sat up and pulled me in his arms.

  “It’s just the bond Nila, it will get easier, less intense.”

  “I feel like a total idiot. What time is it?”

  “Just after eight.”

  “Crap I need to go to the library. You should be asleep?”

  “I should… I was… you woke me up.” Another grin.

  “I am soooooo out of here.”

  I got up and pulled back on my own clothes feeling his gaze on me as I dressed.

  “Will you come see me?” I asked when I was clothed and had recovered my composure.

  “Try to keep me away my love.”

  I smiled, went over and kissed him softly; forward for me, and the first time I had initiated a kiss between us. I closed my eyes and realised my dream so easily had become a reality.

  I went to my motor home and changed into some of my new clothes. It felt good to wear decent fitting shoes. I transferred some of the coffee beans into a small bag; I popped the netbook under one arm and headed for the coffee shop. I was knackered and seriously needed a caffeine kick to get through the day.

  A tall slim man was serving. He had long black hair, which was tied back, and he was wearing a Volbeat T-shirt and skinny jeans. His face was strangely beautiful.

  “Morning.” I answered.

  “Hey, what can I get you?”

  I held up my bag of coffee.

  “What can I get with this?”

  He took it and felt the weight in his hands.

  “What were you looking for, food or provisions?”

  “I was looking for a morning caffeine kick.”

  He looked puzzled.

  “You get a coffee a day with your ration book.”

  “Proper stuff?”

  “Well no but… so you want to trade coffee beans for coffee?”

  “Ok when you put it like that it sounds dumb, but I like the proper stuff!”

  “I hear you there, you could do so much more with this. Don’t waste it on coffee. Get yourself some decent clothes or toiletries.”

  “I’m cool honest, what’ll you give me for it then?”

  “I have some bacon, could do you a bacon sandwich, coffee and a piece of cake?”

  “How about two bacon butties and two coffees, no cake?”

  “I can do that.”

  He disappeared in the back room and soon I could smell the distinctive aroma of smoky bacon drifting through the café. I was salivating. He returned five minutes later with two small bacon rolls and he placed them on the counter.

  “Oh man… that smells goooooooood!” I said.

  He laughed. “Has it been a while?”

  “Oh yes, three weeks of living off dried pasta, noodle and shit nuggets.” I saw him looking at me. “Not literally shit nuggets, these energy bars that looked like… never mind.”

  He turned his back and began making my coffees, which he put into two Styrofoam cups.

  He placed them on the counter too.

  “My advice would be to trade for something better than food.” He smiled.

  “I don’t really need anything else.” I smiled. “I sort of, well I’m…”

  He smiled and his face lit up.

  “Ahhhh I get it, you have fanged friends? Who is it?”


  “Wow, he is way up the chain, best buddies with the leader. I stand corrected, if you can get me a Volbeat CD I will supply you a weeks worth of coffee,” He winked.

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Seriously, you can make yourself pretty comfortable in the community. I have girlfriend who’s a vamp, she’s pretty low down in the chain, but she manages to get me stuff like bacon, eggs and chocolate.”r />
  “I didn’t want to have people hating on me for having more than everyone else.”

  “Don’t, how do you think this place is ticking over, coffee, chocolate and entertainment stuff being brought in and used as the new currency. Everyone does their bit but there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy a few luxuries. The Vamps take good care of us.”

  “Cool, well it was nice to meet you…”

  “Rain, my mum and Dad were hippies.” He laughed.

  I laughed. “Ok Rain, I’m Nila. I’ll stop by if I can get hold of that CD and I will definitely hold you to the coffee thing.”

  I grabbed my goodies and headed for the library.

  Malcolm was already hard at work; we now had a wooden desk as you came in the door and some shelves behind it to keep records and stuff.

  “Sorry I’m a bit late. I brought bacon butties and caffeine.”

  “Bacon… wow how did you manage to come by that.”

  “I traded some coffee beans for them.”

  “Where did you come by those?” He asked, full of curiosity.

  “Well, it sort of turns out that the vampire that rescued me is, well my soul mate. Most peculiar.”

  He was quiet for a few seconds.

  “Nila you don’t know what abilities they have, he could have brain washed you into believing that.”

  I laughed. “Malcolm it’s honestly not like that. I know my own mind, please don’t fret. You have your opinion on them I’m sure but I have mine too. Let’s not let it interfere with our friendship, eh?”

  He sighed. “I suppose but…”

  “If you find me slobbering and gibbering away to myself then please feel free to step in and save me.”

  I held out the bacon butty and after a moment hesitation he took it and the coffee too.

  “So what’s new?” I asked chowing down.

  Chapter 11


  “Subject is male, twenty four years old at time of change estimated to have been undead for thirty years. Kilvire is extracting a higher volume of Santorian blood…”


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