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by Dr. Xyz

  And speed it up, he did. Like a jackhammer tears through city streets, he thrust his steel-hardened penis into Eli’s uncooperative body repeatedly without remorse. The sound of flesh pounding against an unwilling body echoed throughout the metal-lined room. Torrential sweat poured over Sebastian’s curly hair and banana yellow skin. His beady eyes bulged out as his massive chest heaved rapidly. He was approaching climax. Riding Eli like a stallion, every muscle in Sebastian’s body tightened as he prepared for what he knew would be a fabulous orgasm.

  He cried out, “Papa coming soon! Papa coming real soon, Daddy! OOOOOh!” An electrical discharge of pleasure exploded throughout his pelvis. He released his load and ripped his dripping penis out of Eli, totally satisfied with the experience. A trail of blood-tinged stool and thick semen seeped out of Eli’s anus.

  “That shit was GOOD!”

  “What about us?” “This tail is mine!”

  “But you ain’t never been an ass man!” shrieked Lady P.

  “I am now, so just get your own. Come on, let’s drag him outta here. Don’t want nobody to find out about our little chalet here, now do we.” They carried Eli out and dropped his limp body beside the dumpster in the back of the prison yard.

  Eli’s moans were audible to no one but himself. He tried to move. His body would not obey his commands. Sebastian had escorted his soul to hell. He’d never be able to look at himself in the mirror without feeling the demon entering him. Tortured by a pain he never knew existed, he fainted…more from not wanting to be mentally present for the mentally degrading ordeal he had experienced, than from the actual physical discomfort. When Eli came to, guards had surrounded him, demanding he reveal his attackers. He refused. After a brief stay in the infirmary, authorities assigned him to an isolation cell. Honoring strict prison code, he still never revealed the identities of the vicious crew that had violated him.

  For three months after his release from isolation, Sebastian had his way with him on an almost daily basis. Eli never gave in easy. He fought each time and tried to escape. His battle only turned on the beast within Sebastian and intensified his sexual needs. Eli was no match for him and his crew.

  The rituals ended when they finally released the savage from jail. Sebastian returned to New York City to work as a bouncer at the Rusty Nail, a popular gay bar in Chelsea. Eli breathed a sigh of relief when Jerome and Lady P, who fortunately no longer had an interest in him sexually, informed him that their leader sent his love and regards.

  Finally free from that monster, Eli completely immersed his abused soul in the glory of what it felt like to walk through the yards, take a shower, or sit in the common area without having to look over his shoulders. But his joy was short-lived. A week after he got the news about Sebastian, his old friends “Bad Luck” and his evil twin “Fucked-up Luck” decided to pay him another visit.

  A guard pulled Eli out of his cell and escorted him down to the infirmary. Once there a nurse explained that on his first day at Riker’s someone made a terrible mistake. Several specimens were mislabeled. They had to repeat his test. As the nurse tried to coax blood out of his scarred veins, Eli’s mind raced backward to that first night. The vision of the beautiful young technician haunted him. He prayed she was as competent as she was lovely. But his prayers weren’t answered. More bad news came the following week. Repeat tests showed he had full-blown AIDS. He immediately started laughing when he heard the results. The irony of his predicament was not lost on him. One of the main reasons Sebastian had chosen him for his “girl” was that he was supposed to be AIDS free. Laughing uncontrollably, just to keep from crying, Eli knew that he’d been screwed not once, but twice.

  Four months later, he was sentenced to ten years with a possibility for parole in five. On the day he transferred to Attica State Prison, he packed his only belongings, a picture of his son, Tarik, and an old newspaper clipping with a picture of his wife, Ophelia. She was a student nurse holding a young infant who had survived a vicious attack by her birth mother. He and Ophelia had fallen in love with the beautiful brown baby girl with the big sparkling eyes.

  They applied to be her foster parents, hoping to adopt her one day. When they were finally accepted, Ophelia rushed home to share the good news with Eli only to arrive and find him so high from drugs he had almost killed their son, Tarik.

  Knowing that death from AIDS was waiting for him right around the corner, he had only one wish; to see his ex-wife, Ophelia, and their son, Tarik, one last time. He prayed that he could stay alive long enough. But five to ten years in prison was a long time and, with AIDS, the odds were definitely stacked up against him. All this to do and so little time; so very little time.


  Ooo-Wah-Shay-La-La…oh, Harrison, baby!” Nicola was so close to coming, she moaned out the chant she learned from her Tantric sex guide.


  He’s there. He’s on my spot. Good GOD ALMIGHTY HE’S THERE!

  Nicola’s body and soul enjoyed the complete rapture of all the sensual flavors that Harrison’s powerful tongue lathered over her most sensitive area.

  “Oh, baby…I’m gonna come. I’m gonna come. You at my spot. YOU AT MY SPOT!”

  It had been so long. Harrison hadn’t gone down on her in months.

  “Ooo-Wah-Shay-La-La…Ooo-Wah-Shay-La-La…OOO-WAH-SHAY-LA-LA!” Knowing what was coming next, she clenched her teeth and held her pelvis still, afraid he’d lose her spot. Her body tensed up tighter than a drum, waiting for the command from his tongue. Any second now, the dam would break and the flood gates of her inner moistness would release ALL her good stuff. Any second. ANY SECOND!

  And then, without any warning, he pulled his precious tongue off her clit, lifted his head up from between her legs, and said the worst thing she had ever heard.

  “Damn, baby. You take too long. I’ve been down there for hours. My jaw hurts. We’ll do this; we’ll do this some other time. There’s trouble in the office that I must address tonight.”

  Harrison raised his pudgy naked body off their California king-sized bed and fled to the bathroom. He slammed the door behind him. Nicola was in shock.

  NO HE DIDN’T! No he did not stop. Not when I was so close.

  “Harrison, baby, come back! Come back, baby!” she yelled out. But he didn’t respond.

  She could hear the sound of Harrison spitting and gargling his mouth out with the English herbal rinse he so adored. All hopes that he’d return back to bed and finish his business were destroyed when she heard the noise from the shower.

  Damn his British ass to hell, she thought. Frustrated in an exponential fashion, she didn’t know if she wanted to kill him now, or kill him later. How could he? And she had done the pole dance for him. Even let him have her from behind. It wasn’t something she was too crazy about, but it surely rocked his world. Everything or anything to please him. All she needed was a little more time; she was so close.

  Harrison came out the bathroom and dressed quickly. The silence in the room was thick as pea soup. Nicola was still on the bed naked. She stared at him with loathing, “I’m gonna get you sucka’!” eyes. Knowing he had disappointed her, he gave her a quick, dry peck on her forehead.

  “I’m sorry you didn’t come, love. We’ll do this again, soon; honest. Cheery-OH.”

  And he left her. He left her unfulfilled and horny as hell! Needing release in the worst way, she rummaged through her nightstand and took out her cute little pink electric buddy. She switched it on and let it do what Harrison didn’t have enough time for. She had her orgasm, but it was empty. She wanted him. She liked to hold him when she came. The pillow just wouldn’t do the trick.

  As the vibrations subsided, Nicola began to cry. What was wrong with her and Harrison? They’d been married more than five years and she could feel him slowly drifting away. And it scared her, for she still loved him as much now as she did in the beginning. In fact…she loved him more, if that was at all possib

  In the beginning, it was all good. It was the best.

  They first met over six years ago, at a McDonald’s on 125th Street in Harlem. Nicola was sitting alone, totally engrossed in a laboratory science magazine and a bag of fries when she was summoned back to earth by a crisp, proper, British-accented voice. “I hope you enjoyed your meal. Miss, I’m sorry to interrupt but I just wanted…”

  Nicola looked up at a pair of the warmest caramel-colored eyes she’d ever seen. They hypnotized her from the first moment she made contact.

  “I just wanted to introduce myself. I’m Harrison James, the new owner of this restaurant. I signed the papers today.”

  From that quaint meeting, they slowly began dating. Nicola was initially unclear about her warm reaction to Harrison. Men had approached her over the years that were far more attractive. In fact, at just five-foot-seven, with a reddish brown complexion and being slightly overweight, he was barely cute. But what he did have, and what these other “gorgeous” men would never have, was a kind, giving, and loving spirit that was more beautiful than merely being “handsome” could ever be.

  Harrison was a devout Catholic and very old-fashioned about the mating ritual. This suited Nicola very well. She enjoyed the slow, non-threatening pace of their relationship. It was two months before he attempted to kiss her, and petting didn’t enter the picture until six months after they met. Nicola was comfortable with Harrison leading their way into the intimate aspects of their relationship.

  She was in love with him from the very beginning. He was kind, industrious, and thoughtful. Born and raised in London, England, his mother, originally from Jamaica, relocated the family to New York City when Harrison was in high school. A brilliant student, he easily obtained a college scholarship to Columbia University.

  At the time they met, she was twenty and he was thirty-two years old. Thanks to investing a large payout from a lottery win into a McDonald’s restaurant eight years ago, he now had sixteen restaurants and several properties in New York and Florida to call his own. He was a millionaire who took great care of his mother. His two sisters and several other relatives were now in college, thanks to his financial support.

  Nicola loved his devotion to family and religion, and chose to convert to Catholicism. This pleased Harrison. When she had completed the process, he surprised her with a trip to Rome to visit the Vatican. He told her, every Catholic should go there once in their lives.

  Rome was a wonderful holiday for them. He proposed to her after they attended a prayer session led by the Pope. Nicola was beside her self with joy. She hugged him and accepted. That moment firmly erased all the pain and joylessness that had been her constant companion since she was born.

  After their Roman holiday, they flew to the beautiful Seychelles Islands in the Indian Ocean. They boarded the private yacht, Nicola’s Beauty. Under Harrison’s direction, the owner had temporarily changed the name. She squealed with delight when she saw the trouble he went to in order to please her. She was in heaven.

  The day after their arrival, under a bright sunny sky with the calmest ocean breezes, the captain married them. Harrison said they would repeat their vows in a proper Catholic ceremony in the States, but he’d always dreamt of marrying a beautiful woman on a luxurious yacht at sea.

  The crew completely pampered the newlyweds. When they weren’t waited on hand and foot, the two snorkeled in the crystal clear waters off the coast of the Seychelles, swam with the dolphins and ended every evening dancing under the black velvet sky. They had so much lobster, caviar, and champagne that they grew weary of it. When Harrison longed for a McDonald’s Big Mac, they both knew it was time to go home. It was a breathtaking month at sea. It was more than romantic. They were living in a beautiful dream.

  In the beginning months of their union, they enjoyed cuddling and talking long hours with each other. When they did have intercourse, Nicola found it hard to relax. Frigid, she was never comfortable. She preferred the generous back rubs Harrison administered and the long shared soaks in their Jacuzzi tub. If she could avoid sexual intercourse the rest of her life, Nicola would do it without any regrets.

  Harrison sensed her indifference and made improving the intimate aspects of their lives together a shared goal. He wanted his wife to experience full carnal pleasure and enrolled them both in a journey to discover true sexual intimacy. Nicola, always willing to please Harrison, agreed with his plan. They devoured illustrated sex manuals, hired a Tantric love guide, viewed sexually explicit tapes, and purchased a countless amount of sex toys. After a year of experiencing all the sexual positions from the Kama Sutra, studying Tantric sex and using all types of vibrators, dildos, oils, and sensual massages, Nicola became a fully sexually aware, multi-orgasmic woman. Harrison had successfully turned on his wife’s freak button.

  She installed a pole in their bedroom. An exotic dancer taught her how to use it. A quick learner, she soon performed for Harrison like a pro. He was never bored. Nor was she. In fact, Harrison slowly realized that he had created a monster. Nicola wanted sex all the time. And so did he. They were the perfect couple.


  After three years of marital bliss, Nicola wanted a child. Harrison agreed. Unfortunately, his sperm count was not cooperative. Disappointed, and more than a little upset about his infertility, Harrison channeled his energies into expanding his business into other cities. Nicola found herself alone more than she liked, as he was often on business trips out of town. She often complained and he promised to slow down, but he never did. If anything, the trips out of town increased.

  In the last eighteen months of their union, sex slowly disappeared from their marriage. Nicola, always eager, was frustrated and bitched constantly. Harrison accused her of being preoccupied with sex and believed that her obsession with it was bordering on abnormal.

  He explained that her passions were immature and unbecoming of a mature woman satisfied with a loving marriage. He convinced her that the frequency of sex naturally declines with “old married couples.” Despite the fact that she was still in her twenties and nowhere near elderly, Nicola, always eager to please her husband, agreed to slow down.

  In an attempt to tame the sexual wild beast Harrison found so unattractive, Nicola signed up for meditation seminars. She attended the classes religiously and devoured a library of metaphysical books, hoping the information would help re-channel “abnormal” sexual energy into positive spirituality. The books and classes did not help. If anything, Nicola was hornier than ever.

  Thinking she had too much free time on her hands, she decided to take more interest in their businesses. Harrison supported her efforts and found a good partner in his wife, yet he continued to leave her behind when he went on business trips. On the rare occasions that Nicola joined him, she often found herself alone in the hotel suite, waiting for him to return. More frustrated than ever, Nicola poured all her time into rehabbing three distressed Harlem properties the couple had recently purchased.

  So after all her work, Harrison was now accusing her of taking too long to respond sexually. She couldn’t win with him. Maybe he was right, though. Harrison usually was. She probably had oversuppressed her sexual drive with all those meditation exercises, and rehabbing buildings was no picnic. Even with a crew often who actually did the hands-on work, she often ended the day totally exhausted.

  A month after Harrison had abandoned her in the bedroom, Nicola’s brownstone refurbishing project ended. She tried to lure her husband away for a vacation, but all he said was, “You go on without me, lovey. You deserve a break.” Sensing her disappointment, he added, “I know what, I’ll send you to Monte Carlo. You love it there. You haven’t been in over two years.”

  He was right. She did love Monte Carlo. The luxurious hotels; the gambling; the beaches. But she loved Harrison more. Not at all happy with his decision, she reluctantly agreed to a monthlong stay at the five-star spa resort in the silver mining town of Taxco, Mexico. Maybe, she thought, it’l
l revitalize my tank. Once there, Nicola enrolled in their popular regimen of activities created especially to de-stress busy, wealthy women. After three weeks of daily massages, healthy gourmet meals, and long herbal soaks, she began to feel like a new woman. The only disturbing things at the spa were the buff young men on staff whose only job was to cater to the client’s every whim. Some were quite brazen in their attempts to tease her into serious sexual activity.

  Nicola ignored their advances. She was, after all, a one-man woman. Harrison was her one man. Besides, she could still hear him complaining about how long it took her to reach an orgasm. If my own husband doesn’t have patience for me, these fine young waiters won’t either, thought Nicola.

  A seminar at the spa given by Dr. Ana Perez, an Argentinean reconstruction gynecologist, changed her mind. Her talk, “The G-Spot…Everything you need to know but were afraid to ask,” was enlightening. She was especially interested in the intravaginal injection that promised to heighten a woman’s sexual response. She called it the “G-Shot.” After the talk, Nicola literally attacked the doctor. Dr. Perez agreed to perform the simple procedure at her clinic.

  “Hold still, señora…por favor…hold still…relax!” pleaded the doctor. With both legs resting in stirrups, Nicola squirmed and jumped every time the doctor tried to position the needle into her vagina. She hated injections and the G-shot was given in a spot that she just couldn’t fathom wouldn’t hurt. Though the doctor explained it was nothing…her mind told her it was something. Dr. Perez pleaded again, “I cannot do if you move!”

  “I’m so sorry, doctor, I hate needles; and in my VAGINA!!!”

  “I know. I put you to sleep. sí?”

  Pleased with her decision, Nicola looked at the doctor and smiled, “Sí!” When she woke up from the procedure, as the doctor had promised, she had a new pussy. One, she explained, that would respond effortlessly to even the slightest provocation. She joked, “You’ll need a little hombre in your pocket now because you will want amor all ’de time, señora!”


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