Page 15
He turns to my parents. "Get to the Emergency Bunks. NOW! Myla, follow me!"
There's no chance to say goodbye. I follow his quick steps as we return to the Port.
"I'm sorry, Rhiannon!"
"Save it for the Elders."
We step behind the curtain.
"Will Mylo be safe?"
"I hope," he pauses. "This is war, Myla."
"We love you!" my parents shout, a second before we disappear. And it's probably the last I'll ever hear from them as the grey clouds stir up in the sky, flowing towards the city.
My worst fears have begun.
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(40 Chapters)
(29 Chapters)
(In the making)
Turn the page and read the first chapter of LOSS.
I shield my eyes with my hand. The wind blasts into my face the moment we come out. My hair is dancing. The people of Doris run frantically in our direction. They knock each other to the ground and clog up the Teleports. This is the chaos of our worst nightmare.
Rhiannon is six feet away, fighting through the crowd and throwing backward glances at me to make sure I'm not left behind.
The journey to the Tower would be easier if they would only recognize me. They know about me, but no one really knows what I look like anymore.
We rush onto a grand bridge, hanging over a canopy of trees, against a rising hill. On the other side the ocean meets the sky where the grey clouds are rolling in. With every pounding heartbeat I take I know those aren't natural clouds.
I try not to stare. The crazed citizens are bustling around me, barely giving me way as I keep my eye on Rhiannon. But my peripheral vision can see it all: the daunting madness. The lurking enemy that has been waiting on me is finally on the horizon.
It's here. And it's happening.
As I turn away a woman carrying her kids rams into me, rushing her way to the Teleports. I fall on my side and a man steps on my hand. I want to yell and curse but I can't. I just hide my face as they leap over me. As soon as they diverge around I steal the chance to pick myself up but a dude with a face full of piercings comes my way. He grabs my shoulders to thrust me aside but barely makes it past me when a swift fist connects with his jaw. He flies to the ground and Rhiannon is standing right in front of me.
"Our ride is on the other side."
I clutch my shoulders, scanning around for the Autocop.
"Come on!"
I inhale deeply and orb up, keeping track behind Rhiannon. It seems to help with the crowd as we make our way through. They are forced to diverge around me like water.
As we approach the middle of the bridge we are ants on a terrifying and beautiful landscape. The green glows under a shower of golden rays as the sun sets behind the swirling grey clouds. The wind blows harder with each passing moment, bending the trees. It's so strong now I feel like I could lose my footing and fly up the hill.
The enormous buildings around the bridge are deserted. The only life inside is the red warning light and the electronic voices.
"We're almost there!" Rhiannon presses my hand, glancing back and assuring me with the care in his space black eyes. He swiftly turns back ahead and over his shoulder I can see the Autocop hovering in the air. The dust plumes around its propellers, steadying a landing on the other side.
Our ticket to the Tower!
The wind comes harder and the waves are swallowing the floating houses. The collective cracking of wood and furniture rips through the air. The waves meet the beach in a massive crash. It sounds like a waterfall. The shockwaves shoot right through my orb and climb up my spine.
And out of the grey they come.
The hovercrafts buzz into the sky. Hundreds and thousands. All at once they appear like a flock of metallic birds, shaped like frisbees attached to boomerangs. Some of them in the frontline begin to spin around, the way coins do when you toss them in the air.
His hand presses harder into mine but he's not directing his caring eyes at me. He's gazing out at them. He knows it too. The craze on the bridge transforms into madness and confusion. Everybody knows it.
"Let's go!"
With an unexpected jolt Rhiannon has me back on our tracks. He let's go of me and reaches in front, violently pushing away anyone in our path. I run right behind him as he streamlines my way. Some people collapse around him and I step on an old woman, her fragile arm snaps under my shoe. I hear the piercing scream of a child on the ground and catch a glimpse of his legs, twisted as he tries to crawl for his grandma. A boy my age with sandy hair bumps off my orb and flies across from me with sparks igniting off his skin.
I want to feel terrible. I deserve to. But there's no time for that. This is Capricorn's 2nd Law put into action.
In sequence with the other hovercrafts, the line behind begins to spin as well and golden lasers soar across the pink sky. Past the clouds and into the hills-
The explosion sends people off the railings. I am rocked off my feet.
My side bangs against the railings and I hold my weight down. The blast sends the earth spurting off the hill like fireworks, ejecting trees and branches into the air. The dirt and wood fly over the bridge, pattering over my Kronite like rain. So I look away, holding on tightly to the metal bars under my arms as a boy and his dog are launched over the railings. Their screams chorus together with the hundreds of other cries, plummeting down into the depths of the city.
In shock I find my arm stretched out, grasping at a failed attempt to save at least the boy.
I couldn't.
The wind blows through the aftermath of the blast, whistling in the spaces between my fingers.
Rhiannon appears out of the dust and takes my hand, "C'MON!"
He gets me going again. It's all happening so fast it feels like a dream. A bad dream. My sense of time is damped with hurt, panic and confusion.
"We're almost there!"
The way ahead is a bit more clear after the explosion on the hill rocked half the people off. I wonder how it's something to feel positive about. I guess in a moment like this, it doesn't matter who you are. Your life and the lives of those you love are the only ones you find worth saving.
"What happens in the Tower?"
It's the best I can say out here as the hovercrafts soar over the hill. The sight of them sends icy chills all over my nervous system.
"We're going to destroy the Oracle!"
The words hit me like a slap in the face. I've never liked the Oracle but I understand more than anything how important it is. Not just for me. But for whatever future this planet could ever conceive. My lips have parted and I don't know what to say.
I find myself slowing down with surprise and two lasers find their way into the high rise jutting beside the bridge. The blast seems to beat on my eardrums like a bomb in my ear, drilling the pain into my skull. Black smoke plumes, swallowing the turrets and as I cup my ears from the noise, I see the scariest thing.
A hovercraft breaks away from formation and flies down. It spins like a coin in random orientations before crashing straight through the building and zooming out, firing at the far mountains. The rubble and dust blast out the shattered windows, the glass glitters in the sun, engulfed in thick rolls of smoke and the debris begins to crash.
The screams echo everywhere and I zigzag through the panic. The Autocop rests on the other side of the bridge and Rhiannon is gl
ancing between its sliding door and me as the rubble hits the ground.
I barely hear him scream my name as the building falls apart, pieces of concrete, equipment and glass shards tumbling down and smashing on the bridge. Exploding on impact and attacking those of us left.
The blood drains out of Rhiannon's face as he watches me in the dance of death. With a quick glance up at the falling debris I think I can find my way to the end of the bridge and dodge the rubble but I soon realize this won't work out as easily as hopscotch. And as Rhiannon's face becomes paler we realize that Lebra or not, life and death is no fair game.
The rubble hits the ground in front of me. Behind me. Before I know it the high rise is falling over and I know I won't make it.
The horror on my trainer's face is the last thing I see as I wrap my arms around my body and whatever is left of the building comes down on me.
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About the Author
I dream to write stories that blow your hair backwards.
#dream #believe #grow #love
That’s just about it.