Spectra: A Paranormal Romance Novel

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Spectra: A Paranormal Romance Novel Page 14

by Ebony Olson

  Mathew carried me into emergency and to the front desk. “We need to see Dr. Raphangelis when he's free for a minute please?”

  “This is not a medical center, Father. You'll see who you see,” the nurse snapped.

  “No,” I whimpered and tried slipping away from Mathew's arms, managing one step before I collapsed and puked over the sterile floor.

  “Spectra, really?” Mathew picked me back up, no sympathy for the nurse who would have to clean it up. “This girl is terrified of hospitals and doctors. Dr. Raphangelis is the only medical practitioner she'll let near her. And when you tell him Spectra Michaels is in the waiting room for him, he'll come, because he knows what it means for her to be here.”

  Without waiting, he carried me over to a seat in the nearly empty waiting room and continued to hold me while I whimpered and cried in his arms. Several people came and went before us, making it obvious the nurse hadn't bothered to tell anyone we were here. Mathew put his hand to my forehead. “Do you want to vomit some more on her floor?”

  I just moaned at him. Mathew frowned and turned to the man next to him. “Excuse me. Could I borrow your mobile for a moment? The nurse at the desk is refusing to get this girl help, and I want to go over her head.”

  The man mumbled through the ice pack he was holding to his bloody nose. “Sure. That nurse is a proper bitch.”

  Mathew dialed. “Merc, it's Mathew. I know you check your voice mail. I've got Spectra in the waiting room with me. We've been waiting three hours, but the nurse won't tell you we are here. She's bad, Merc. Worse than normal.” He hung up and handed the man back his phone. “Thank you.”

  It took another fifteen minutes or so before I heard the doors fly open and hurried footsteps. “Spec.” Mercury put his hand to my forehead. “Shit! Follow me.” Mathew stood up carrying me.

  “Doctor, that woman isn't next on the list.” The nurse stood, outraged.

  Mercury turned to her, furious. “When a priest shows up asking for me from now on, you don't ignore them. Ever!” Mercury threw open the doors. I was lost to the flashing overhead lights. The smell of the hospital became stronger, and I clung to Mathew, sobbing. “In here.”

  Mathew tried to lay me down on the examination table, but despite the pain in my head, I clung to him, trying to prevent lying on that bed. “Spec, come on.” Mercury took hold of me, pulling me away from Mathew, but I held on for dear life. “Jesus, Spec!”

  “Mercury Raphangelis!” Mathew chastised.

  “Oh please! You're going to have a go that I take the Lord’s name in vain? Have you heard her when she comes?”

  “Yes, actually. Why do you think she's been doing penance for a week after you get time off?” Mathew stopped trying to lay me down. I relaxed.

  As soon as I did, Mathew dropped me and then pinned me to the table. I screamed. The sound aggravated my migraine, reverberating through my head, which already felt like someone had raked sharp claws through my brain. Mercury put his mouth to mine, trying to smother the sound or kiss me into silence, I wasn't sure. It wasn't going to work.

  “Let her up, Mathew.” Mercury replaced his mouth with his hand.

  Mathew stepped back, and I clambered off the table and into the corner of the room, holding my head and crying even harder.

  “Can you watch the door and make sure no one comes in? Stay on this side of it though.”

  “She'll be okay?” Mathew sounded panicked.

  “I'll take care of her, Mathew. Just don't let anyone through the door.” Mercury squatted down next to me. “Are you ready to let me help you yet, Spec?” He rubbed my back gently, then moving his hand to the opposite shoulder blade, he pulled me to him. He wrapped me in his arms, and that soothing nature of his settled over me.

  Mercury waited till my fear calmed to tilt my face to his. “Show me your eyes, Spec.” I shook my head, unable to stand the light in the room, even with my eyes closed. “Mathew, can you turn off the lights please?” A moment later, the brightness disappeared. His thumb caressed along my jaw. “Show me, Spec.”

  I opened my eyes slowly, blinking tears out of the way, and looked up into Mercury's lapis blue eyes. His pupils dilated. “Shit,” he murmured softly. He pressed his mouth to mine, and I closed my eyes to anything but his healing kiss. I felt a tugging sensation and tried to pull away. Mercury put his hand to the back of my head and held it firmly in place. The tugging turned to a pull and then to a draining sensation, like my brain was being sucked into my throat and then out of my mouth into his.

  I tried to pull away from the kiss, but Mercury held me in such a way that I was defenseless. I tried to scream, to get away as I felt like my mind was being dragged out of me through my mouth. It was suffocating, I couldn't inhale, but for some reason, I wasn't fading out of his hold. I clawed at Mercury, trying to get away, but despite me feeling his skin give way beneath my nails and his blood welling around them, he held me. I focused on that feeling, on Mercury's blood and flesh beneath my nails.

  It seemed to drag on forever, drag being the appropriate word. Eventually, when I'd started to convince myself I'd died and been dragged into hell, Mercury pulled away and released me. I fell into the corner gasping for breath. Mercury ran to the sink and vomited, repeatedly, for several minutes.

  By the time I was breathing enough to cry again, my migraine was gone. Mercury just broke my trust, and I didn't even know why. I knew he was trying to help me, but he took something from me, and that wasn't what he normally did. Normally he gave of himself.

  Mercury cleaned himself up, and when he squatted down in front of me, his eyes told me he hated what he just did to me. “I'm sorry Spec, but you're not handling your power. It's not your fault. Your father should have stuck around and trained you as you grew.”

  I shook my head. “A balance doesn't have power.”

  “They do, and you are of a higher order than most balances walking this world.”

  I stared open mouthed at Mercury. “You know who my father is?”

  Mercury dropped his eyes to the ground. “Every angel, or Angelis, no matter their rank, would be able to recognize your bloodline immediately. That's not the point right now.”

  “Who?” I blurted. “Who is he?”

  “What happened this weekend?” Mercury countered. “You've done something to protect someone, which required more of your power than usual. What happened?”

  I pushed back into the corner under Mercury's gaze. “What makes you think I was protecting someone?” Mercury tipped his head and raised a brow at me as if to say, ‘how long have we known each other?’ I sighed. “I protected a woman from a predator.”

  “How?” Mercury pressed. When I stared at the floor, Mercury sighed. “I know it was a changeling, Spectra. I could taste it. I also know your latest admirer was involved because I could taste his power running through you like a bad perfume.”

  Mathew turned to face us finally, confusion and worry on his face. “What new admirer?”

  “Not now, Mathew,” Mercury warned before turning his eyes back to mine. “I'm not angry you gave yourself to him, Spectra. I expected that to happen after I saw you together. But, I need to understand what you did this weekend that nearly made you convert.”

  “She what?” Mathew glared angrily.

  Mercury growled, frustrated, and stood to face Mathew. “You should have contacted me sooner. It was nearly too late. Next time, check her eyes and call me straightaway. I'll come to her.” Mercury looked back to me. He sighed and came to me, taking my face in his hands. “Whatever you did, don't ever do it again. Promise me.” I nodded. “Promise me, Spectra.”

  I opened my mouth, intending to make that promise, but I couldn't. “I'd do it again to save a life, Merc.”

  “Find another way to save someone. Now promise me.”

  I hesitated, but Mercury wasn't going to let this one drop. “I promise.”

  Mercury kissed me, passionate and emotional, but I fe
lt the tingle on my lips where he bound me to my word. I would never be able to save someone like that ever again.

  * * *

  Friday came as always. And I bounced down the steps into Ténèbres, slightly anxious about the excursion I'd planned for Bay. I wanted to talk to him and work out what it was he wanted now that he'd had his one night. I slid into a spot at the bar. Tommy smiled and placed my usual bottle of water in front of me. “How's the master forger tonight?”

  “Off duty.” I slid the money for the drink over the bar and broke the seal, handing the lid to Tommy.

  Tommy held up two silver tokens in front of me. “We are agreed on the cost?”

  “I'm hoping you'll be decent and give me a freebie so I can sort out what he's after.”

  Tommy laughed at me. “Oh Angel, we all know what he's after, and after last week, I'm pretty sure you're going to give it up. So, are we agreed?”

  I rolled my eyes and held out my hand. “Fine!” Tommy laughed and put the silver tokens in my hand along with a silver key.

  Cassie slid onto the stool next to me, her hair shock-pink this week. She slid her credit card across the bar to Tommy. “The usual please, Tommy.”

  “How are you doing, Cass?” I asked carefully. She was moody at the best of times. To say she wasn't quite within the realm of right would be an understatement.

  She looked at me with her bloodshot eyes. “What's it like to die?”

  “Cassie!” Tommy hissed in warning.

  “No really, I want to know. You died, right? You have that look about you, like it's not dying you fear, but living.” She threw back the shot Tommy poured her and put it out for another one.

  I swallowed and looked at my bottle of water. “Dying is easy. Living... living is hard work.”

  “I'm dying.”

  “I know,” I whispered. She looked at me. “It's in your eyes.”

  “It sucks you know. You died and walk around full of life. I'm living, but I may as well be dead already.” She threw back another shot. I picked up my water and took a long drink, knowing where this conversation was heading. “I want it to be over already.”

  “Suicide is a mortal sin.”

  Tommy watched from the end of the bar, eyes tight with worry as he served the crowd slowly filling the place.

  Cassie grasped my wrist with desperation. “Will I go to hell for the life I've led?”

  I sighed, patting her hand. She released it. “Get out of here. Go see a priest and ask for absolution. Do your penance and then clean your life up, Cass. Face death with dignity and clarity of thought. Not from the bottom of a bottle.”

  Cassie sucked in a deep breath. “What's it like on the other side?”

  And there it was, the question she really wanted to ask, what everyone always wanted to know when they were looking down the barrel of the gun. I closed my eyes, remembering because I recalled it clear as day even after all this time. I felt the smile light up my face even as the tears started to fall.

  “Home.” I sighed. “There's no other word for it. It's... home.” I lowered my head and wiped the tears away. I turned and faced her, taking her hand in mine. “You won't be alone, Cass. You'll think you are cause you won't ever see him, but if you feel for it...” I smiled at the tear that ran down her face and wiped it away with my thumb before squeezing her hand. “...he'll have your hand the entire time and walk with you to the afterlife.”

  I kissed her forehead as her tears started to flow, gave her hand one last squeeze, and slid out of my seat to face Bay who stood there, watching. I took his hand and walked his sad eyes out of the nightclub. Bay didn't question what he'd overheard, but I could see the sympathy in his eyes.

  I huddled into my jacket against the cold. The snow stopped falling on Wednesday, but the wind through the city was still like ice. Bay took my hand, and I felt the slightest tendril of heat leak into me. I smiled up at him as we walked the two blocks to our destination.

  Bay stopped outside the door to Reins de Tombées and raised his brows at me. “The Fallen's Loins. I've never heard of this place, and I know nearly every Nachtwelt haunt in this and several other cities.”

  I smirked. “Like Alexander, you keep your noses in high society. You're about to enter a whole other realm of Nachtwelt.” I looked over his outfit. The black slacks, black button down, and black ankle length military jacket was perfect for our destination tonight. I hesitated at the top of the stairs. “You should know, I tend to get stared at a little in here.”

  Bay considered me. “Because they know what you are?”

  “We are probably going to cause quite a stir. I've only ever been here with Mercury. This is his turf, but it's the only place in this city that I know we can talk without it getting back to Alexander.”

  Bay nodded, placed his hand in the center of my back, and led us down into the nightclub with an attached restaurant. It started at the bouncer. I slipped out of my jacket and handed it to the attendant. Bay glanced over my Gingham Gothic Lolita Dress appreciatively before removing his own coat. The bouncer leered like I was dessert, but he let us pass with barely a raised brow at Bay.

  As we passed through the tight press of male half-breeds and human female bodies on the main floor, the not-so-hushed whispers of exclamation started.

  “It's the Michaels girl.”

  “Oh my god she's a Michaels!”

  “She's not with Raphael's son, does that mean she's available?”

  “Holy shit! That's Bay Ryder. What the hell is she doing with him?”

  Bay put his mouth to my ear as we passed through. “You may have understated people's interest in you?”

  I kept my eyes straight ahead. We made our way to the stairs that led up to the dining room hanging over the dance floor, the window seats able to watch the bodies grinding against each other. Buchanan, the concierge, smiled. “Miss Michaels, how lovely to see you again. Mr. Ryder, welcome. As it's your first visit, I will explain that you have restricted access here, and no powers may be used of your blood or your condition.”

  “Neutral territory?” Bay queried. Buchanan nodded. “I understand.”

  The concierge pulled back the black rope and led us up the stairs. “Would you prefer a window seat or booth?”

  “Booth please,” I answered before Bay could. I didn't want us to be on display.

  The concierge led us to the back wall of the restaurant and handed us our menus before we slid into the curved leather upholstered seating. “Your waiter will be along with wine and tea shortly.” I placed the two silver tokens on the edge of the table. Buchanan smiled and collected them.

  “This place looks rather fancy,” Bay observed casually.

  I smirked. “It's got good food, all Asian though.” I tapped the chopsticks on the table.

  “What's with the tokens?”

  “You have to be a celestial yourself or a direct descendant to get a table here. Usually, I'm with Merc, so it's not an issue. You're the first sorcerer allowed access. They consider your line too distant to let your kind in. It's why Alexander and yourself are ignorant of this place. When I called for the booking and asked to bring you for a business meeting, Buchanan put a charge on the request. Tommy came through for me.”

  “Why do I feel like there is a catch to him helping us out?” Bay studied me before taking my hand, which I'd been flexing, in his and placed it on the seat between us so he wasn't openly holding my hand.

  I sighed. “I hate that your touch settles me. Your kind used to revolt me.”

  “Stop avoiding the question.” Bay gave me a stern look, catching on to what I was attempting.

  I blew out a breath. “He wants to watch us fuck.”


  “He's a watcher. I've found most of them to be sexual voyeurs.”

  “I meant that word on your tongue. I already knew Tommy wanted to watch us together.”

  “Fucking is what you wanted me for.”
br />   “I would like to think there is a little more to us, but either way, while I don't mind the use of the word, in general, I don't like hearing you say it. It doesn't seem right, considering I've seen you on your knees...” I raised a brow. “In prayer,” Bay finished pointedly.

  I smirked. “How would you refer to what we did last weekend?”

  “Sex...” Bay started but stopped as the waiter stopped in front of us, placing down a pot of Chinese tea and a bottle of red wine with raised brows.

  I smiled. “We are debating the use of the word fuck to represent sex. Would you care to weigh in?”

  “Banging,” the low-level Nephilim winked at me. “Or in your case, corrupting.”

  “High aspirations?” I raised a brow, unfazed. I'd been propositioned many times here.

  “We've all got to dream. What can I get for you?”

  “Chicken chow mein, soft noodles, no vegetables please.” I pushed my unopened menu back across the table.

  “Vegetable spring rolls as an entree and Singapore noodles for main please.” The waiter pressed corresponding buttons into his tablet and left with the menus. Bay poured us a glass each of the wine. “As I was saying, sex would be what last weekend was. I'm hoping going forward it could be more.”

  “More what?” I asked cautiously.

  “Well, we seem to be dating if you consider dinner before sex.”

  “I have a boyfriend.”

  “That you hide.”

  “Not at all. Everyone who wants to know about Merc does. Alexander is too self-absorbed to care who's in my bed.”

  “I believe you are very mistaken about that.” Bay gave me a gentle look.

  “The point is. We aren't dating. Merc is my boyfriend. Going forward, if we kept seeing each other, we would be fucking, and only when my boyfriend isn't around.”

  Bay opened his mouth but shut it promptly as a high order Nephilim slid into the booth beside me. “Hey there, Spectra.”

  I gripped Bay's hand hard and fought not to grimace. “Hi Lucas.”

  “So I hear you finally gave Raphangelis the flick. Ready to trade up?”

  I raised my eyes to the ceiling, praying for patience. “Wrong on two counts, Lucas. Going from an Angelis to a Nephilim is not considered trading up, and I'm still with Mercury.”


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