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Parker: A Reed Security Romance

Page 9

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  I did my best to lean away from his body as I carried him out to my truck. Holy shit, the guy’s dick was sticking straight up at my face. I wanted to put him over my shoulder, but with his massive dick sticking out, I wasn’t really sure that I wanted that thing touching me, even if it was through clothes. And then there was the fact that he was bleeding from a wound in his side. Over the shoulder wasn’t exactly the most ideal way to carry a guy that had stitches in that location. But fuck, I really didn’t like seeing his dick right in my face.

  I sat there for a good five minutes as Blake tried to stick his dick back in his underwear, but it just wouldn’t go in there. It was like the guy was fully erect, which I didn’t understand since he was passed out. Maybe he had taken Viagra.

  “Get the door,” I said to Lindsey as she followed me outside.

  She pulled the back door open and I flung him in the back. There was no being gentle when a dick was sticking out.

  “Well, thanks for taking care of him,” Blake said, turning back to the house.

  “Oh no,” I said, grabbing onto her arm. “You’re coming with me.”

  “No, I’m not,” she insisted.

  “Look, you got him into this mess and you’re going to explain what the fuck happened here. There is no way in hell that I’m walking into work with this guy and his massive dick. How the fuck would I explain that?”

  “How would I explain it?” she asked incredulously. “I don’t know what’s wrong with him!”

  “But Hunter will need information and I can’t give him information on what the two of you were doing when he collapsed. Thank God for that,” he muttered.

  She tried to jerk out of my arms, but I wasn’t having it. I whipped out a pair of zip ties and yanked her arms behind her back, quickly tying them together.

  “What are you doing? Stop it! You can’t do this to me.”

  “Wanna bet?” I asked. I yanked her toward the truck, but she kicked out, taking me by surprise, and swept my legs out from under me. I fell backwards, hitting the ground hard. My eyes widened as she threw herself on top of me with her elbow pointed right at my stomach. I shifted at the last second, just barely getting my arms up to take the brunt of her fall. I rolled her to the side, but her leg swung up like a fucking ninja and smashed into my face. I felt blood gush from my nose just as her foot kicked at me a second time. I grabbed her foot and yanked her away from me, catching her other foot with my face as she swung it back at me.

  “Holy shit, woman! What the fuck?”

  Her legs did some twirly shit, and then she was on her feet, growling at me like a feral beast. Who the fuck was this woman?

  “I’m not going back there,” she growled.

  “Well, too fucking bad. You broke his cock and now you have to help him.”

  “If I go back there, Knight will kill me.”

  “You’re lucky I haven’t killed you yet,” I muttered.

  “Yeah, like you could kill me,” she scoffed.

  I crossed my arms over my chest and stared down the feral woman in front of me. “Seriously, why the fuck don’t you want to go back?”

  “Because I may have rammed my car into Knight’s wife’s car to escape the property,” she muttered.

  Jesus Fucking Christ. This woman had a death wish. “And he let you escape?”

  “Well, he was a little more concerned with his wife than me at the moment. It was just a little fender bender. She was fine.”

  I sighed, running my hand across my face. Obviously, the woman didn’t know that much about Knight. Or, maybe she did since she was so insistent on not going back.

  “Alright, I won’t let Knight near you, but you have to come back with me. The poor guy has a woody that won’t go down. Hunter will need to know things that I just can’t help with.”

  “And what happens when I help Hunter? Will you let me go?”

  “Sure,” I muttered, even though I had no intention of letting this woman go. She had just beaten the crap out of me. There had to be more to the story that I wasn’t aware of, and before I let her go, I was going to find out what it was.

  “That didn’t sound very convincing,” she said, refusing to move toward the truck.

  “Yeah, well, you just gave me a bloody nose. Sorry if I’m not as chipper as you’d like. Just get in the fucking truck.”

  She glared at me, but walked toward the truck and scooted inside. “Can you release my arms?”

  “Not until we get back to Reed Security. I can’t risk you running me off the road.”

  She snorted in laughter, “Yeah, because I would really need my arms for that.”

  I slammed her door and walked over to Lindsey, pulling her into my arms roughly. “Next time you’re hiding someone, make sure the woman is nothing like that,” I said, jerking my thumb back toward the truck.

  “What’s wrong, John?” she asked, her eyes twinkling, “Can’t handle a strong woman?”

  “Princess,” I growled. “When I get home, I’m gonna accidentally fuck you into the floor.”

  “Promises, promises,” she grinned before walking back into her bed and breakfast.

  I shook my head and got back into the truck. I was quiet the whole ride to Reed Security. This was fucking ridiculous. I didn’t know how I was going to keep her away from Knight. What the hell had she been thinking? And how was she wrapped up in Parker’s shit? Why was Parker even in town? I was out of town on a job for three days. How had I missed so much?

  I pulled through the gates and opened the door for Blake, then pulled the not-so-limp dick out of the back of my truck. I sighed as I headed for the elevator. This was going to be a fucking circus. I couldn’t get my hand scanned and do all the other security protocols with him in my arms. There was just no way to do it.

  “Alright, I’m gonna cut your-”

  She snapped her arms out behind her back and broke the zip ties, completely jumping ahead of what I was going to do. I stared at her in awe. This woman was kind of a badass. She smirked at me and motioned for me to hand Parker over. I set him down between the two of us and she slipped her arm under one of his arms to prop him up, while I did the same on the other side. I scanned my hand, my eyes, and punched in the code, then waited as the elevator ascended. The doors opened and there stood fucking Gabe. Fuck, it could have been any of the other guys, but no, it had to be the pervert of the group. His eyes dropped to Parker’s massive dick and then flicked up to meet my eyes.


  There was nothing to say. There was no explaining this. I knew that anything I said right now would only get me into trouble. “Help me get him to Hunter.”

  He took a step back. “I don’t think so.”

  “Really? I would think this would be right up your alley.”

  He snorted and shook his head. “Not really. I like watching fucking. I do not like being near another guy’s dick.”

  “Well, neither do I, but here I am. Grab his other arm.”

  He shook his head. “You’ve got the woman. I’m good.”

  “You’re a prick, you know that?” I said as I stepped out of the elevator.

  “I’m good with that. As long as I’m not walking next to the prick.”

  I rolled my eyes and headed for Hunter’s medic room. I was hoping to slip in unnoticed, but unfortunately, the medic room was close to the training center, and the chances of slipping in unannounced were highly unlikely. I rounded the corner and almost made it inside when Jackson and Chance walked through the doors of the training center.

  “Fuck,” I muttered under my breath. They saw me and stopped, their eyes flicking down to Parker’s crotch and then back up to me. Chance crossed his arms over his chest, one hand going up to cover his mouth, while Jackson raised an eyebrow at me.

  “Problems?” Jackson asked.

  “You know, I have a few extra beds,” Chance said unhelpfully. “You could always borrow one, but then you have to burn it.”

  “Do you see the woman on the othe
r side of Parker? Now, ask yourselves, who the fuck do you think has something to do with the big dick down below.”

  “I think the better question is how are you involved?” Chance asked.

  “I’m not involved. I went to see Lindsey and he was collapsed on the floor.”

  “What’s with all the blood?” Gabe asked. “You guys into knife play?” he asked Blake.

  “I didn’t do this,” she insisted. “He was already injured.”

  “By you,” I snorted.

  “Well, yeah, but that was before.”

  “What did you do before?” Chance asked.

  “I threw him through a window.”

  “And then he slept with you?” he asked incredulously.

  “It was hate fucking,” she seethed.

  “I know all about that,” I said under my breath. It was all falling into place now. I couldn’t blame her. When you wanted to fuck someone at the same time you wanted to strangle them, sometimes shit got out of control. My respect for the woman was growing by the minute.

  “And what happened to you?” Jackson asked, nodding at the blood dripping down my face.

  “She happened to me. All I did was try and bring her back here and she went all crouching tiger on my ass.”

  “Apparently she went crouching tiger on his hidden dragon,” Jackson snorted.

  “Dude, you let a woman do that to you?” Gabe asked.

  “I didn’t let her do it. She’s got skills. Maybe I’ll leave you alone with her for a few minutes and we’ll see how you come out of it.”

  Hunter stepped out of the medic room and froze, glancing around at the crowd and then his eyes dropped to Parker. “What the fuck?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” I grumbled as I shoved past him into the room. Blake and I laid Parker down on the bed as the rest of the guys shuffled into the room. Parker’s dick was standing straight up, and there wasn’t a single one of us that could look away.

  “Should we cover him up?” Blake asked.

  “Or you could just look away,” Hunter grumbled, pulling out his phone. “Yeah, I’m gonna need Kate down here…She’s fine, and she already told you that. Besides, I’ve got your little escape artist right here in the room with Parker…No, you’re not going to kill her,” he said drolly. “Just…get Kate here. We have a situation.”

  He hung up and stared down at Parker’s dick for a minute. “Have you ever seen this before?” I asked.

  “A dick that magically stands up on its own when the guy is passed out? Can’t say I have.”

  “Are you all just going to stand in here and stare at it?” Blake asked.

  “I can’t look away,” Jackson said. “It’s…”

  “Huge,” Chance finished. “It’s like a monster penis.”

  “Should we measure it?” Gabe asked.

  “For what reason?” I asked. God, sometimes these guys were too much.

  “Research,” Gabe said, as if I was the stupid one in the room. “Have you ever seen one that big? That could be a world record.”

  I snorted, “Yeah, I’m sure that’s just what Cap wants to be in the Book of World Records for. A guy in his facility that passed out with a huge erect penis.”

  “Still,” he shrugged. “I’m kind of curious.”

  “You’re not serious,” Blake said in shock as Gabe snatched a measuring tape out of a drawer.

  “Look, it’s not like I want to touch it or anything, but I really fucking want to know how big it is.”

  “I’m not sure I can let you do this,” I said, stepping in front of Parker.

  Gabe’s eyebrows shot up and he chuckled, “Ice, there’s a room full of dude’s staring at a guy’s dick, and you think measuring it is taking things too far?”

  He had a point, and I was kind of curious. Not that I wanted to keep staring at it or anything, but when you saw a dick that big, you couldn’t help but let curiosity take over. I stepped to the side and motioned for Gabe to continue.

  “You’re not really letting him do this, are you?” Blake asked.

  I shrugged. “I kind of want to know.”

  Gabe bent over and very carefully placed the measuring tape next to Parker’s very erect penis. “Holy shit,” he whispered.

  “Hey, Knight called and said that-”

  We all slowly turned to face Cap, who had just walked in the door. He was staring at Gabe, who had the measuring tape right by Parker’s dick, and then he looked at all of us. He didn’t even say anything. He just turned and walked out of the room.

  “So, how big is it?” Jackson asked.

  Chapter Eleven


  Knight came storming through the medic room door, his wife close on his heels. His eyes were narrowed in on me and he looked like he wanted to kill me. I stepped behind Ice, thinking that I would at least have a barrier, but then Ice stepped to the side and shoved me toward Knight.

  “Hey! You said that you wouldn’t let Knight have me!”

  “I did, but that doesn’t mean that you’re going to hide behind me.”

  “You hit my wife,” Knight growled.

  “I was trying to get away from you.”

  He grabbed me by the shirt and hauled me to him. It took everything in me not to fight back. I wasn’t someone that just hung back and let someone manhandle me, but I also knew that none of these guys would let Knight hurt me. And poking the bear would only get me in deeper trouble.

  “Don’t ever do anything that might put my wife in danger again. If you do, I will make sure that you don’t even have a chance to run. I’ll hunt you down and rip your fucking heart out while you’re still awake. Do I make myself clear?”

  I was pissed, but Knight was freaking scary and there was no way I was going to mouth off and make things worse for myself. No matter how much I wanted to.

  “Hudson, would you relax? Maybe if you weren’t threatening her, she wouldn’t have run,” his wife said, shoving him aside to get by Parker’s side. She lifted the sheet and bit her lip. “Um…how long has he been like this?”

  “Like what?” Knight growled.

  She lifted the sheet further and pointed to his cock standing straight up. Knight growled, but Kate just rolled her eyes. “I’m a doctor. Do you really think this is my first time seeing another man’s penis?”

  “I really hope you weren’t looking that closely at the others,” he snapped.

  “Okay, everyone else out. I need to talk with you,” she said, nodding at me. Everyone filtered out of the room and when the door shut, she started shooting off questions. “How long has he been like this?”

  “About an hour?”

  She raised her eyebrows in shock. “Was there anything strange that happened during sex?”

  “You mean, besides his wound opening up and him bleeding all over me?”

  “He shouldn’t have been having sex yet,” she said, continuing her exam. “And what happened when he passed out?”

  “We were having sex, he came, and then he just sort of toppled over. He was sweating a lot and he was breathing hard. Like, way harder than he should have been after sex.”

  “Hmm. Okay, that’s all I need from you for now. You can leave.”

  I nodded, grateful to be excused from the room, but paused before leaving. “I’m sorry about rear-ending you.”

  “Oh please, I would have done that too when I first met Hudson.”

  “And you married him?”

  “Well, love is weird like that,” she said, still examining Parker.

  “Is Parker going to be okay?”

  “He should be fine. I suspect that he has priapism. It’s a condition that doesn’t let blood leave the penis after an erection.”

  “What causes that?”

  “Many things. It could be medication, trauma-”

  “Trauma?” I had a sinking feeling in my gut. “What kind of trauma?”

  “To his penis,” she said, now examining his side wound.

  “Um…” I clear
ed my throat uncomfortably. “Like, a kick to the groin?”

  She lifted her head and grinned at me. “Yeah, that could cause it. Did you happen to kick him there?”

  I shrugged one shoulder slightly. “I might have.”

  She nodded and started pulling out stuff to stitch up his wound. “Well, case solved. Unless it happens again, I would guess that we found the culprit. You’ll have to keep an eye on him after sex and-”

  “Whoa, there’s not going to be any more sex. This was a one off.”

  She chuckled slightly. “Okay.”

  “I’m serious. It was just the one time. I mean, we were fighting before it happened. We don’t even like each other.”

  “Oh, I get it. There are a lot of guys around here that screw people they hate.”


  “And then they marry them,” she added with a grin.

  Frustrated, I grunted and stormed out of the room with her laughter trailing behind me. I wasn’t even close to marrying anyone, let alone a man that kept trying to take me down. Besides, his cock was way too big. If I let him fuck me again, I would probably start leaking organs out of my vagina from how wide he split me open. I didn’t care how good he was in bed, sex was not happening again.

  “Hey, where do you think you’re going?” Knight snarled as I stormed for the elevator.

  “I’m leaving.”

  “No, you’re not.” He snatched my arm and I yanked it back, stepping away like a caged lion.

  “Look, I did what I said I would do. I brought Parker here and told Kate what happened. That’s all I agreed to.”

  “You didn’t make that deal with me,” Knight smirked, coming toward me like a predator. Why was it that everyone at Reed Security wanted to fight me?

  A man and woman approached, both looking like members of Reed Security. The man had a predatory air to him, much like Knight, and the woman had the look of being calm and beautiful, but deep down I could see the fearlessness that ran through her. Great, more people to fight off.

  “I will kick your ass if you come any closer.”

  “Nice try, sweetie,” Knight smirked, prowling closer to me.

  “My money is on Knight,” the woman said.


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