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The Perfect Mate (Enduring Kiss)

Page 2

by Black, C. E.

  I nodded and ran my hand through my wild red hair. After taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly I told him. “I’m from Vancouver, Washington.” I paused at the look of recognition on his Nathaniel’s face. Of course he would know of Vancouver, but was he friends with my enemy? It was unlikely because of the distance between our packs but not impossible.

  I relaxed when he said, “I don’t know the current Pack Master of that area, but I have heard of Gray. Not good things, I might add.” I nodded my head. I had never heard or thought any good things about Pack Master Gray.

  “When Gray took over a couple years ago things changed drastically in the pack. Our population decreased rapidly. Mostly the female population which has caused the birth rate to lower. If he keeps up his tirade, they'll be wiped out.”

  Nathaniel looked confused. “What do you mean? How is he responsible for the decreased population?”

  I licked my lips nervously. This was the crazy part and I hoped he believed me. “He has been forcing the females to bed him, even if they’re mated; especially if they’re mated. Most of the women refused and were killed.” I stopped and let that sink in. It was a heady story almost unbelievable. I wished it weren't true, but it was.

  “What about the female's mates? Did they not do anything?” Nathaniel asked.

  “Of course they did, at first. But they quickly found out that the punishments for disobeying Gray weren’t worth the fight. He tortured them and killed most and got the females in the end anyway. Some of the women decided to just do as he said, get it over with to save their families, but he didn’t stop at one time with them. Now he has them on a kind of schedule. Marriages are being torn apart and the women that are left are only shells of who they used to be.”

  “That’s...that’s sick,” Nathaniel whispered looking disgusted. He was looking down at his hands lost in thought as I studied his reaction. I was actually glad to see him look so pale. It meant he was a good guy. He looked up at me; his eyes held a suspicious shine to them.

  “Is that why you left?” He asked.

  “Again, yes and no. I definitely didn’t want to stay in the situation, but I left because of my parent’s murder. My father was the Pack Master before Gray. Gray had him and my mother killed so he could take over. There was no fair challenge, but no one was able to stop him. He killed any who opposed.” I sniffed but held my tears back. I missed my parents so much, but I refused to give in to grief. I’d rather have revenge, but so far that hadn’t been possible. One day, I thought. One day Gray would pay.

  “Your father was Abel Larson?” Nathaniel asked bringing my attention back to him.

  “Yes,” I said, a bit confused. My eyes widened at Nathaniel’s bright grin.

  “I knew your father. He was a great man." His smile faded. “I hadn’t spoken to him in years and was sad to hear of his death. You said his mate was also killed? “

  “Thank you. He was a great father and yes my mother Eden was killed also. I stayed around for the funeral and had a few loose ends to tie before I left. Gray enforced the rule for females almost immediately. I couldn’t stay and watch and there was nothing I could do. I was depressed from my parent’s death, feeling lost and I couldn’t do a thing for those women except tell them to run. But they didn’t listen. Of course most had families to take care of.

  "When the guard came to my home to collect me, I fought, and then ran. I changed my name to Riley and kept running. I’ve been gone for over a year but you're the first Pack Master I’ve told. I normally tried to stay out of werewolf territories, but finding a job became too hard. I’ve met with a couple of Pack Masters. They always made me leave town.”

  “Are they after you?”

  “I think so. I’ve noticed a few wolves snooping around some of the places I had been staying. As soon as I smelled them, I left quickly.”

  Nodding he said, “You have my pack’s protection while you’re in town. If something happens and you need to leave, let me know. I’m sure we can work something out to keep you safe.”

  “I appreciate that,” I said inclining my head in a slight bow. I was in awe really. To receive the pack’s protection was a very significant thing. It meant they trusted you and trust didn’t come easy in our world.

  “Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me what was happening in Vancouver.”

  “No, thank you. I could tell you would have let me stay, even without knowing everything. You’re a very kind man and I thank you for listening to me.”

  He inclined his head then looked away. He stared at nothing for moment, his expression devoid of emotion. Then he shook himself and turned back to me. “I’ve heard of Gray. I’ve heard about some of his cruel doings, but I’ve never heard of anything as horrible as what you just told me. The packs surrounding the Vancouver area have been thinking about taking action against him. I think what you just told me is proof enough that something must be done.”

  I nodded my agreement. I couldn’t believe it. Gray was being watch and would soon be taken out. The Vancouver pack deserved peace and soon they would have it. It meant I would be able to go home but I was beginning to realize I would probably never return. Too much had happen there. Everyone I loved most was gone; not only my parents, but my closest friends. I didn’t tell Nathaniel but my three best friends, Jennifer, Katie, and Laura were among those women who were killed for their disobedience. Their mates and children died along with them.

  I wipe a lone tear from my cheek and look up at Nathaniel. He was watching me carefully as if he expected me to break down at any moment. I almost snorted. Like that was going to happen.

  “I’m going to make some phone calls and get this information to the proper people. You are welcome here as long as you like. I can have a room ready for you within minutes.”

  “Oh, um, thank you but I’m not sure if that’s a good idea. I mean this house is for pack members.”

  “Yes it is. But it’s also for guests and you're a very special guest, Susan Larson.” He gave me a wry grin when he said my real name. "I also hope you'll consider joining our pack. If you stay in the area, you fall into our laws anyway. We'd be happy to have you."

  I inclined my head. "Thank you. When things settle down, I just might do that. I like the area." I said. I also liked Nathaniel. He would be a great Pack Master to have.

  “Your parent’s were wonderful people. I hadn’t spoken to them in too long, but I have always called them my friends.”

  “How did you meet them?” I asked curiously.

  “I met them at a banquet in Texas some fifty years ago," He said with a wistful smile spreading across his face, lighting up his clear blue eyes. “They were wonderful people with personalities that drew me to them. We kept in touch over the years and your father became a mentor for me. He helped me become the leader I am today and I’ll always be grateful.”

  “Wow, how old are you?” I asked

  He laughed full out with a twinkle in his eye. I couldn’t help but smile back. "You're a feisty one. I bet you get that from your father. He had a temper and your mother was sweet as pie." He chuckled and gave me a wink. "I think I’ll keep my age to myself thank you.”

  I shrugged. It wasn’t important. “Thank you again for the offer to stay here Nathaniel, but I would feel more comfortable finding my own place, if you don’t mind. I’m beginning to prefer having a place to myself.”

  “No problem, I understand. But if you should change your mind, the offer stands. Now, I know you’re looking for a job. Maybe I can help. The bank where we have our accounts is in need of a teller. Is that something you’d be able to handle?”

  “Yes,” I said excitedly. “Thank you so much.”

  “You're welcome. I’ll call them in the morning with your recommendation. Now I’ve got some work ahead of me.” He stood and I followed suit. “It was a pleasure meeting you Susan. Come by anytime and if you need anything let me know.”

  I thanked him again a started for the door. I stopped and
turned back to Nathaniel. “Oh um, should I wait for the big guy?”

  Nathaniel looked up and grinned. “The big guy?”

  “Um, yeah, the guy who brought me in here? I didn’t know his name so I’ve been calling him the big guy,” I said blushing with slight embarrassment.

  Laughing Nathaniel just shook his head. “Oh, he’d love that,” He murmured. “That was Paul Hagan. Paul’s my head security guy. He’ll be out there when you leave.”

  “Oh, okay. Thank you,” I said and left.

  Chapter 3

  He kissed my neck, swirling his tongue over my skin. I tilted my head back in a silent plea for more. I weaved my fingers through his tousled locks, moaning as he nibbled across my collar bone. My nipples tighten in anticipation. “Please,” I moaned. He answered by filling his hands with my breast rubbing his thumb over the tips then pinching them lightly between his fingers. I moaned again and arched pushing my breast closer, wanting his mouth on them. He complied bringing his hot mouth down and began to lap at my nipple. He sucked hard then used his teeth, scraping across the sensitive flesh. I cried out as the pain and pleasure combine, sending heated moisture to my core.

  I tried pulling him up so we could finish this, but as usual he stayed at my breast. I was aching with need; twisting and turning against the sweat soaked sheets. As his tongue swirled over my other nipple his hand slid down my belly. I lifted my hips pleading for him to continue. "Yes!" I called out. Just as his fingers found my curls a loud buzzing noise broke the dream apart and my dream man disappeared.

  I opened my eyes and groaned. Reaching over I turned off my alarm then lay back staring at the water stained ceiling. "I’ve got to paint that," I told myself, for maybe the hundredth time. And what was I going to do about these dreams? I woke almost every morning frustrated and grumpy because my dream man never finished the job. He always disappeared at the sound of my alarm clock. I tried setting the timer for later but it didn’t matter; if it wasn’t the alarm interrupting it was the sun streaming through the windows or the phone ringing.

  I know it was just a dream but I was still angry at him. I snorted out a small laugh. The big guy didn’t even know he starred in my nightly rendezvous. We hadn’t seen each other since my meeting with Nathaniel over three months ago. I’ve kept my distance but it hasn’t help. No, I hadn’t seen or talked to Paul, but I was still angry at him. It was his fault I was having these dream. If he hadn’t looked at me like I was a juicy steak and he was a starved wolf, HA! I wouldn’t be so frustrated right now. Oh, who was I kidding? I wanted him just as much and wasn’t that crazy? I’d never felt lust so strong.

  I had to laugh though. If I didn’t know better I’d think he was doing it on purpose after what happened after my meeting with the Pack Master. Paul had walked me back to my car without speaking. It drove me crazy that he wouldn’t even acknowledge my hello. So when I got in my car I looked up and said, “See ya, Paul," and blew him a kiss. I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head. I laughed the whole way home.

  Thinking of Paul made me realized I still hadn’t heard anything more about Vancouver. Nathaniel call the day after our meeting to tell me about the job he recommended and also to inform me that he had notified the packs surrounding the Vancouver area of what had been going on. He said they were getting ready to take action and get Gray out of there. I hadn’t heard from him since, but he said he would call with any news and I trusted him. So, I would wait.

  I got out of bed with another groan and headed for the coffee pot. Coffee came first then I’d get ready for work. After pouring a little half-n-half I added the coffee in my favorite wolf mug. Taking a sip I sighed. Nothing beat a good cup of coffee. I started to relax, but not completely. I was feeling quite restless lately and I knew why. It was more than just my frustrating dreams of Paul. It had been too long since my last run.

  We didn't have to let our wolves out during the full moon like most believed, but it was necessary to make the change regularly. If I didn't go for runs occasionally, my wolf and I went a little stir crazy. My wolf was ready to stretch her legs and I’d been too stubborn to go back to the mansion to let her out. I would definitely have to go in next couple of weeks. Nathaniel told me during his phone call that it was the only safe place to run around here, so there was no getting around it.

  After putting my mug in the sink to wash later, I went to take a shower. The shower was so small my elbows touched the walls when I washed my hair. It didn’t bother me that bad to have such a small apartment. It was all I could afford but I liked being able to say it was mine. I earned it all by myself.

  When my elbow hit the wall for third time, I thought how Paul wouldn’t be able to fit his big toe in here. If my five foot seven inch frame had trouble, I knew Paul's would. I bet his head would touch the ceiling, I thought, looking up. I shook that thought away. I shouldn’t be thinking about the big guy in my shower. That was dangerous, especially after last night’s dream.

  I finished quickly before my libido could come back into overdrive and dried off. I dressed in tan trousers with an emerald green silk cami. They wanted me to dresses conservatively, but conservative isn't really me, so I grabbed a bright scarf to throw around my shoulders after I put on my jacket. I tried styling my shoulder length hair but wound up putting it in its usual messy bun at the nape of my neck. I powdered my nose a little and added blush. I didn’t like wearing too much makeup. It was always a mess by the end of the day anyway. The same went for jewelry. It usually got snagged on something. I couldn’t afford to keep buying new clothes just because I got a snag. But I did put on some funky earrings.

  Before I left the apartment, I slipped on my matching tan jacket, scarf and my green high heels. The heels are kind of flashy but the customers couldn't see my feet at work. I grabbed my purse on the way out closing and locking the door behind me.

  The cold January day started just as any other. My job was simple. I deposited or cashed checks. It felt mundane at times, but I was thankful for the work and I got to meet a lot of people. I loved to chat and for the most part, people didn’t mind. Most of the werewolves used this bank as well as the staff of the Master. I haven’t met him yet but everyone say he’s the nicest vampire you could meet. I told myself I’d believe it when I saw it. I never met a nice vamp before.

  Jessica MacDonald came in that day. She was one of my favorite customers and was so sweet. She was a feeder for the Master. I heard feeders made good money and if he was as nice as they say, then I guess she got herself a pretty good job. I gave her my brightest smile. “Hi there, Jessica. How are you today?”

  “Good Susan, how about you?”

  “I’m doing okay. So, are you going shopping today?” I asked as I counted out the money she wanted. She only came in when she was going shopping and I only saw her every couple of weeks. I gave a mental shrug. Some people just hate to shop.

  “Yes, I need new tennis shoes today. Wore a hole in these,” she said pointing to her feet.

  “You should try the discount shoe store down the street. They're having a huge sale on all their boots. I think I’m going to go check it out when I get off.”

  “Thanks, I think I will. Talk to you later,” She said and hurried out. I really liked Jessica. Maybe I could convince her to go out shopping with me sometime.

  When I got off work that afternoon, I headed to the shoe store two blocks down that I was telling Jessica about. It had warmed up outside so I decided to walk. It was a beautiful day. The sky clear and the temperature set just right for a light jacket. That was the south for you.

  I felt the hair stand up on the back of my neck and stopped walking. I looked around, but didn’t see anything unusual. It was mid-afternoon and the sidewalks had quite a few people strolling about. The traffic was also heavy from the after work rush. Everything looked normal, but nothing felt right. Off and on for the past three months I’ve had the feeling of being watched. I assumed it was Nathaniel’s guards, but this didn’t feel the

  I decided to stop in the next shop I came to and started walking again. I would call the Pack Master. He would send someone to pick me up, but as I past an alley between buildings a hand snatched me around the corner. I started to scream, but a large hand covered my mouth. I struggled, kicking, scratching and even biting, but the guy just held tighter.

  “Shh, Susan, it’s me Paul.”

  Paul? I relaxed minutely. I didn’t know what he wanted, but Nathaniel trusted him to be head security. I guessed I could give him the benefit of the doubt. As I started to relax I noticed how close our bodies pressed against each other. His chest was tight against my back; his arm wrapped snug around my waist keeping me close. I could smell and taste the skin of his hand. He tasted wild and I almost moaned as my senses became overloaded.

  I shifted slightly as my body's needs became painful, but instead of easing some of the tension it only made it worse. My ass was pressed at just the right spot and when I move, his hard cock fit snug against me. I guessed he was in need just as much as I was.

  I turned my head to look at him. My breath caught at how close he was. So close our noses almost touched. He fixed me in his stare immediately. I couldn’t look away. A tingle went down my spine making me shiver. My nipples pebbled and warm liquid soaked my panties. My temperature must have shot up because I felt on fire. I wondered how he could make me feel this way, with only eye contact. I couldn’t imagine what would happen if he touched me where I wanted him most.

  He slowly slid his hand away from my mouth, but continued to trail his fingers down my neck. I licked my dry lips hoping he would keep touching me. He did. His fingers caressed down my collar bone and kept going until finally reaching my breast. His finger brushed my stiffened nipple, but kept going to the button on my jacket. Once he had my jacket unbuttoned, he slid his hand inside and moved back up to my breast. I whimpered and started to close my eyes, but he held me. I couldn’t look away. My knees felt weak and my pussy throbbed.


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