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The Perfect Mate (Enduring Kiss)

Page 7

by Black, C. E.

  I was trying to bring him down, but even in his human form he was strong. I wasn't paying enough attention and suddenly he was slashing at me with a hunting knife gripped in his other hand. When the knife caught my shoulder, the razor-sharp pain buckled my leg. I instinctively dropped his wrist and backed away. He came at me again and I darted to the side.

  We circled each other, both of us looking for the best opportunity to strike. "Come on, bitch. Come and get it," He barked. I ignored him and concentrated on his movements. He darted to one side, but I anticipated the move and turned just in time to miss the knife thrusting at my side. I wasn't ready for his next move though. He turned lightening quick and kicked me in the side of my head. Black spots danced across my vision and my legs trembled.

  I was blinking trying to clear my head when a blow landed in my side throwing me across the room. A fierce roar reverberated throughout the room as my back slammed into one of the beams that held up the bungalow's roof. Pain exploded through my spine as I fell to the floor. I was panting hard in agony as I tried to get up. I lifted my head; black dots blurred my vision and pain shot through my skull. I slumped in defeat.

  I fought to stay conscious and pay attention to my surroundings. I needed to know if Paul was okay. He was circling the guy I was fighting with moments ago. The guy was slashing the knife at Paul, but he easily deflected his attacks. Paul's moves pushed the guy into the corner of the room. As soon as Paul had him where he wanted him, he flattened to the floor just missing another knife attack and rolled. It was so quick, I almost missed it. The role brought Paul right up against the guy's leg. Paul simultaneous stood up and bit down on his knee, yanking the guy's leg out from under him.

  The guy let out a grunt as he fell to the floor, his head thumping against the wood. Paul wasted no time. He leaped on top of him jaws snapping. There was screaming and a sickening crunch as he took care of the guy's other hand and his leg. I let out the breath I was holding. He wouldn't be getting up any time soon.

  After changing into his human form, Paul hurried to the bed ripping the sheets into strips. He tied the men's hands and feet making sure they were secure, even though I was pretty sure two of them were dead. Paul's naked body was covered in blood. I wasn't sure who's. I cried out in frustration. He needed me and I couldn't go to him.

  As soon as he finish he moved quickly to my side. Crouching down he ran he hands gently over my broken body, but even the softest touch caused extreme agony. Tremor's racked my body and with each quiver pain slashed through me. "Shh, sweetheart, you're going to be alright." Paul was trying to calm me and I realized the high pitched keening sound I heard was coming from me. I tried to stop it, but I hurt too much.

  Then my eyes focused on his chest and I cried out louder. He looked down following my gaze to the deep gash that spread across his chest. It started at his left shoulder ending at the top of his rib cage on his right side.

  "Look at me, Susan." I did and saw his eyes were damp and filled with pain and fear. I whimpered again and he shushed me. "It's going to be alright, baby. I'm going to make a phone call then we'll get you out of here. Okay?" I whimpered in response. I couldn't move a muscled, not even to give him a nod. He kissed my muzzle and ran to the dresser for his phone. That was the last thing I remembered before I lost consciousness.

  I woke feeling warmth wrapped around me. I blinked a couple times clearing my vision. Paul was lying beside me a sheet wrapped around both of us. I was still trembling with pain and a whimper escaped from my dry throat. Paul looked up exhaling a slight sigh of relief when he saw my eyes open. His knuckles stroked the fur around my muzzle. The gentle touch gave me comfort and I closed my eyes reveling in his touch.

  "Sweetheart?" I opened my eyes at Paul's soft voice. He was watching me with concern and I felt guilty for making him go through this. I was hurt, but so was he and he hadn't been able to help himself because he was taking care of me. I was weak and I hated feeling weak.

  "Sweetheart, now that you're awake, you have to change back to your human form. It will help heal you," He said in a gentle yet firm voice. He was right. The change would heal many of the less severe injuries and start the healing process on the worst of them.

  I closed my eyes and concentrated on my wolf's presence. She was in pain, begging me with her eyes to end her agony. We were one, yet separate, so she knew what had to be done. She bowed down receding into our shared soul. My body began the transformation, which was usually easy, not painful at all, but this time was torture. I cried out as my bones snapped and reformed. My skin stretched in some places; tightened in others. Finally I was left panting and shivering, naked on the hard wood floor.

  "Baby, that was good. You did good, sweetheart. Now, I'm going to look at your injuries. I'm so sorry if I hurt you, baby, but I have to see how bad they are."

  I nodded slightly and closed my eyes. I felt his fingers run over my scalp first and winced when he touched a tender spot. "You've got a nasty bump back here, but the cut stopped bleeding," He said and continued his examination. The knife wound on my shoulder was still deep and would need stitches. My ribs were bruised badly and my leg was broken but the change healed the break into a fracture.

  When Paul finished he laid back down beside me pulling the sheet back over our bodies. He kept his gaze firmly on mine as his hand stroked my hair tenderly. I could see that blood covered most of his body and I needed to ask about his injuries, but my throat was so dry from my cries. I swallowed painfully. "Paul?" I croaked.

  "Sshh, baby, I'm here. Rest now, Dane's sending help. They'll be here soon," Paul said trying to sooth me with his soft words. He didn't understand my concern.

  "Paul, your hurt," I said each word, feeling like sandpaper scraping against my throat.

  His eyes were filled with love as he leaned closer to kiss me lightly. "I'm fine, sweetheart." When I started to protest he stopped me with another kiss. "Susan, I'm really okay. See?" Paul leaned back so I could see his chest. The deep gash had stopped bleeding and was beginning to heal. I breathed out a sigh of relief.

  "You need to rest now. Close your eyes and try to get some sleep." He held me gently as I closed my heavy lidded eyes and fell asleep instantly.

  The next time I woke I was being lifted painfully from the floor. I cried out when a hand brushed my ribs as I was being carried. "Sorry, sweetheart, but we have to move you. Try to hold onto me." I wrapped my arms around Paul's neck. I didn't have the strength to hold on tight, but I tried. I heard him grunt as he shifted to get a better hold.

  "You should let one us help. Your injury isn't serious, but it isn't good for you to do too much. Let us help you carry her." I heard a deep accented male voice say.

  A growl rumbled inside Paul's chest against my ear. "No one touches her," He practically shouted.

  The other man sighed. "Okay, Paul, but the doctor will have to examine her." There was a moment's pause. Then I felt movement as Paul nodded. I tried to stay awake and listen to more of their conversation, but I was too exhausted and quickly fell back asleep.

  I was relieved to find myself lying in a soft warm bed when I woke next. I looked around the sparse room and recognized it immediately. It was Paul's bedroom at the mansion. The small room had the barest of necessities. A dresser with a mirror sat against one taupe wall across from the bed. There were a few framed photos of Paul's family sitting on top. I smiled when I saw he added a new one. A picture of the two of us sat in the center. It was taken outside on the terrace on the night of our mating ceremony. We were wrapped around each other, smiling for the camera. A lamp and a mystery paperback sat on one of the nightstand beside the bed where I was tucked tight in the dark brown comforter.

  My gaze fell on Paul sleeping in a chair beside me. He looked exhausted with his head tipped back and dark circles under his eyes. His wavy brown hair looked tousled from running his hands through it one too many times I was sure. His jean clad legs were stretch out in front of him and his arms crossed his chest. I looked at
the blue plaid shirt that was opened a few buttons. I could see white gauze covering his chest and felt my heart lurch at the thought of his injury. Any deeper and he would have died.

  "He hasn't left your side once," Someone said from the other side of the room. I turned my head to see Becky sitting in another chair by the window. I smiled weakly at her. "Hey," I squeaked through a dry throat. I tried swallowing, but it did no good.

  Becky walked over to the other nightstand and picked up a cup with a straw. "Here," She said putting the straw to my lips. I took a couple of sips of the water then pushed it away. My stomach felt queasy.

  "Thank you," I said a bit stronger and cleared my throat. "How long have I been out of it?"

  "You arrived here yesterday. They kept you in Tahiti for a couple of days, until you could be moved here. A doctor there gave you something to keep you resting until after you were transported. It was suppose to help with the pain. How are you feeling?" She asked with concern.

  I took stock of my body. I felt surprisingly better. I was a little sore but nothing too bad. The worst were my shoulder and ribs but even those felt like they were well into the healing process. I knew werewolves healed quickly, but I had never tested the theory on myself before. It was a relief to know I didn't have to go through months of pain.

  "I'm actually feeling pretty good." I lowered my brow. "My stomach's kind of queasy though."

  Becky nodded. "You haven't eaten in days. I'll go get you something." She reached over and took my hand. "I'm so glad you're okay," She said, tears gathering in her eyes.

  "Me too." I squeezed her hand. She stood up and left quietly.

  I closed my eyes for moment then turned to look back a Paul. His amber eyes were strained on my face. I gave him a small smile. "How are you?" I asked looking down at his chest.

  "I'm fine," He said gruffly and cleared his throat. "And you? I heard you tell Rebecca you were okay, but are you really?" He asked, worry etching his face.

  I nodded. "Yes, I feeling all right, but I'd feel much better if you were in this bed with me." I held out my arms. He didn't hesitate. He pulled the covers back and climbed in next to me, pulling me close.

  I rested my head gently against the bandages on his chest and breathed his woodsy scent into my lungs. I gave his injury a small kiss and felt him do the same against the top of head. "I love you," I whispered, stroking his back.

  I heard him clear his throat and sniff. "I love you too, sweetheart," He said huskily.

  We stayed laying together, savoring each other's warmth until Becky came back with my food. Paul helped me sit up so I could eat. When I was finished with the soup and crackers, I pushed the tray away. I had lots of questions and was eager to know the answers.

  "So, tell me what happened. Were they Gray's men?"

  Paul answered. "Yes, they were Gray's men. Do you remember what happened at the bungalow?"

  "Yes. Were they all killed?"

  "No, only two of them died. The other one we held for questioning. He spilled his guts pretty quickly. Gray's been tracking you for awhile. He was sneaky that's for sure. We didn't even know he had anyone in the area," Paul said angrily. He looked away from me, eyes narrowing at the wall. I place my hand over his where it was gripping the bedding.

  He looked back at me and his eyes softened. The corner of his mouth tipped up slightly and he turned his hand to lace his fingers through mine. I smiled back. "The guy we were holding confessed they were part of Gray's guard. They weren't part of your old pack." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I closed my eyes, thankful that I didn't know them. Even though they were trying to kill us, I still hurt to think anyone else from the pack had to die because of Gray. I knew the guy they were holding was dead. I didn't have to ask. That was how pack law worked.

  I looked over at Paul. "How did you know?"

  He smiled and gave my hand a squeeze. "How did I know that would be important to you? Simple, I know you. And I would want to know if it was members of my pack that tried to kill me."

  I nodded. "So did they find Gray?" I asked hopefully.

  Paul looked down at our hands intertwined. He began playing with my fingers and I started to worry. He finally looked back at me and I could see he was wary about telling me something. "Yes, we have Gray. He's being held in our prison downstairs." I nodded glad that they captured Gray but was still confused about Paul's wariness.

  "He's asking to see you." He sounded angry about that. I didn't know what Gray wanted, but I knew I needed to see him. I needed to confront him about the things he did to my family.

  "I want to see him," I said resolutely.

  Paul looked away for a moment his lips pursed into a thin line. "I figured you would." He sounded resigned. His gaze slipped to mine again and what I saw made me want to hold him. He was afraid and I understood, but this was something I had to do.

  "I have to see him Paul. I have to know why he hurt us so much; why he killed my family." He kissed me nibbling on my bottom lip. I licked the corner of his mouth until he opened for me. Our tongues met and caressed in a passionate dance. I heard the door click shut. Becky must have decided to give us some privacy. I'd thank her later. He pulled away then brushed his lips against mine once more. "Get some rest. We'll go see him when you wake." I nodded and leaned into him and he wrapped me in his arms. I felt at home there, my head resting against his chest, my arms wrapped around his waist and my body felt as ease. My mind continued to race though, with the knowledge that I would soon be in the presence of my worst enemy. I couldn't wait to face him, to let him see he couldn't defeat me.

  Paul rubbed comforting circles over my back as if he felt my agitation. I knew he could. I finally began to relax, breathing in his scent. The scent I now associated with home. Fatigue finally won out and I fell asleep.

  Chapter 9

  I knew I was dreaming. The room was lit by candlelight. The sheets were different than the cotton ones I fell asleep on. They were red silk and covered in white rose pedals. I picked up a handful of pedals and threw them up in the air. I watched in awe as they floated back down, more slowly than possible, and landed delicately across my naked body.

  Hands slid over my feet and up my ankles. I looked down at Paul as he continued to stroke up my calves, knees and stopping to caress my thighs. His gaze burned into mine, igniting the flames of desire that smoldered in my veins. My lips parted and my chest rose and fell rapidly as I waited for his hands to move higher.

  "I've missed you." His voice was husky with need. I opened my legs wide in invitation for him to take what he wanted. He groaned with a hint of growl and his amber eyes turn almost red with heat. His thumbs circled the flesh of my inner thighs moving higher with each stroke.

  "Look at what I'm doing," He demanded. I looked down moaning as his thumbs reached my red curls. His fingers parted my slit, finding my center wet with need. He dragged his moist thumb up, circling my clit. I cried out bucking my hips shamelessly as the orgasm racked my body.

  Paul removed his fingers and slid up my body. He entered me in one stroke and I spread my legs wider to take him all in. He stilled inside me and ran his hands over my soft belly up to cup my breasts. He rubbed his thumbs over the stiffened peaks. I arched pushing my breasts into his hands begging for more. Leaning down he flicked a hardened nipple with his tongue then bit down with a growl. The pain and pleasure mingled making me pump my hips against his.

  He rolled bringing me with him. I sat up bracing my hands on his bare chest. Paul gripped my hips as I began to rise and fall, slowly at first then speeding up as the pressure began to intensify. I threw back my head screaming out my pleasure and raking my nails over his chest. "Paul!" I yelled his name as I continued to pump and milk his cock.

  Paul used his grip on my hips to lift me up and slam me down harder making me shudder in ecstasy. I went limp and began to slump over him, but he held me tight pumping into me with vigor. With one last thrust he cried out my name and stilled. He wrapped his arms ar
ound me pulling me down and over so that we face each other on our sides.

  We kissed passionately and he began to move inside me again. I moaned into his mouth, moving with him when I heard something. I looked up at the sound of a gun being cocked. Gray was standing by the bed, his pistol aimed at Paul's head, an evil grin spreading across his face.

  I gasped, sitting up quickly, ready to fight. Paul looked over at Gray too. We both stared at the dark haired man. His crooked nose and yellowed teeth made me blink in surprise. That was not how I remembered him.

  I began to move over Paul putting myself between him and the gun. Paul stopped me with his hands on my shoulders. "No, sweetheart,it's okay."

  I looked at him, shocked. "It's okay? How can this be okay? He's got a gun pointed at you, Paul," I panicked.

  "Sweetheart, he's not real."

  "Huh?" I looked back at Gray. He was in the same position as last time I looked. Nothing had changed. I looked back at Paul confused.

  "We're dreaming Susan. He's only here because you put him here." I began to shake my head in denial, but stopped. Was Paul right, I wondered? This was a dream, but I didn't know why I'd want Gray here.

  "You probably had your upcoming meeting with him on your mind. It's alright, baby. Just wake up and he'll be gone."

  I lay back down and buried my face into Paul's shoulder, closing my eyes against the vision of Gray. It didn't take long before the dream dissolved.

  I gasped, sitting up in bed breathing hard. I glanced around the room, my heart pounding against my chest, looking for any sign of Gray. I didn't see him. I jumped at the feel of a hand sliding up my back. I turned and saw Paul lying beside me. He reached up and tugged on my shoulder until I lay back down. His strong arms closed around me as I snuggled against him.


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